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Model was written in NetLogo 3D Preview 4
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BORG CUBE! No really, it's a maze generator and traverser, in three dimensions.
Using the observer and sexyz and set-gaze-xyz, it is possible to create moving camera effects. In this model, the camera is flown about the model space, giving the illusion that the cube is rotating.
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globals [ old-slice ] to setup ca crt 1 [ set color yellow maze-3d die ] end to maze-3d let location patch-here let choices open-routes-3d while [ any? choices ] [ let choice one-of choices let ddx ([pxcor] of choice - xcor) / 2 let ddy ([pycor] of choice - ycor) / 2 let ddz ([pzcor] of choice - zcor) / 2 jump-to-dd ddx ddy ddz set pcolor color jump-to-dd ddx ddy ddz set pcolor color maze-3d set choices open-routes-3d ] setxyz [pxcor] of location [pycor] of location [pzcor] of location end to go if spin-zoom? [ spin-pov ] if traverse? [ traverse-3d ] end to traverse-3d let choice nobody if not any? turtles [ crt 1 [ set size 2 setxyz 0 0 0 set shape "circle" ] ] if shade-of? yellow [pcolor] of patch 0 0 0 or shade-of? red [pcolor] of patch 0 0 0 [ ask patches with [ pcolor != black ] [ set pcolor (green - 5) ] ] ask turtles [ set pcolor pink set choice nobody let choices neighbors6 with [ shade-of? pcolor green and no-wrap 1] if not any? choices [ set pcolor magenta set choices neighbors6 with [ shade-of? pcolor pink and no-wrap 1] ] if not any? choices [ set pcolor red set choices neighbors6 with [ shade-of? pcolor magenta and no-wrap 1] ] if any? choices [ set choice one-of choices setxyz ([pxcor] of choice) ([pycor] of choice) ([pzcor] of choice) ] if choice = nobody [ set traverse? false die ] ] end to-report open-routes-3d report patches at-points [ [ 2 0 0 ] [ 0 2 0 ] [ 0 0 2 ] [ -2 0 0 ] [ 0 -2 0 ] [ 0 0 -2 ] ] with [ pcolor = black and no-wrap 2 ] end to-report no-wrap [ gap ] report ( abs pxcor <= max-pxcor - gap and abs pycor <= max-pycor - gap and abs pzcor <= max-pzcor - gap ) end to jump-to-dd [ ddx ddy ddz ] setxyz (xcor + ddx) (ycor + ddy) (zcor + ddz) face patch 0 0 0 end to spin-pov ;; rotates the gaze setxyz (world-width / zoom-level * sin (360 / 60 * rpm * timer) * cos vantage) (world-height / zoom-level * cos (360 / 60 * rpm * timer) * cos vantage) (world-depth / zoom-level * sin vantage ) face patch 0 0 0 end
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