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Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)


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In this activity students can explore functions. Each student controls one point in the function. The activity supports several different kinds of exploration, with open ended possibilities for learning.

Students can try to make their points match an equation or description supplied by a teacher or student, or they can try to find an equation that best fits where their points are. The class should be encouraged to find unique or interesting equations that fit the criteria, to enforce the ideas of equivalence and simplification.


When students log in they are assigned a character in the coordinate system. Students control the character, which is merely a point placed in the coordinate system. The teacher can send instructions to students.

Teachers can challenge students to follow a rule like, "move until your y value equals your x value". Students can explore the space, pushing the boundaries of this rule, the point (1,1) works, but so does (-1,-1) and (-0.5, -0.5).

Then students can explore alternate ways to phrase the rule, the function y = x defines this space, but so does y = 3 * x - 2 * x.

Teachers can test students' functions, by graphing them over the class' set of points. You can use any valid NetLogo code to define the function in terms of y = f(x). You can also define inequalities in terms of x. See the How To Use It section for examples.


To run the activity press the GO button. To start the activity over with the same group of students stop the GO button by pressing it again, press the SETUP button, and press GO again. To run the activity with a new group of students press the RESET button in the Control Center.

Buttons: SETUP - clears the grid, if you have moved the x-maximum and minimum sliders the grid will automatically resize and redraw. GO - starts the activity so students can move their characters around the grid. ENTER-EQUATION - prompts you to enter an equation to graph in the form y = f(x), where any valid NetLogo code can be used in the function defining y, for example: "y = x" or "y = 2 * pi * sin x". You can also define inequalities in terms of x for example: "y >= 3 * x + 1". You can use any math operations supported by NetLogo and you should use correct NetLogo syntax. So instead of 2x you should enter 2 * x. CLEAR-LAST-EQUATION - removes the last equation graphed from the list and erases it from the grid

Sliders: Y-MAXIMUM, Y-MINIMUM, X-MAXIMUM, X-MINIMUM - define the bounds of the grid the students work in. Note that this is different than the size of the world, this allows you to use different size spaces without the world growing too large. You could also increase the size of the world to get a higher resolution.

Monitors: MOUSE POSITION - reports the position of the mouse in the grid.

Switches: GRID? - toggles the grid lines on and off REVEAL-LEGEND? - toggles the legend of equations in the lower right hand corner

Students' Equations: Students can send equations to the teacher, they appear in the STUDENT-EQUATION monitor. The teacher can browse through them using the "<" and ">" buttons. GRAPH-STUDENT-EQUATION - graphs the equation displayed in the STUDENT-EQUATION monitor EDIT-STUDENT-EQUATION - allows the teacher to change the student equation, either to correct the syntax or to give feedback to the student. The edits are sent to the student.

Linear Regression: If LINEAR-REGRESSION? is on all other equations will be erased and a line will be interpreted, using the students as points. The SLOPE, Y-INTERCEPT, and COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION are calculated and displayed in the corresponding monitors.

Send a Rule: The teacher can also send a rule for students to follow by clicking the SET-RULE button and entering the "verbal" rule. The current rule is displayed in the RULE monitor.

Client Interface: Buttons: Move your character around the grid by pressing the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT buttons which move you STEP-SIZE in the specified direction. CHANGE APPEARANCE - changes the way the characters looks in the view

Monitors: RULE - the rule set by the teacher. YOU ARE A: - a word description of your character LOCATED AT: - your coordinates in the grid

Input Boxes: MY-EQUATION - enter your equation to turn into the teacher here


Turn the LINEAR-REGRESSION? switch to on, to see the linear regression of your set of points.

The legend can be turned on and off in the bottom right hand corner of the interface.

The bounds of the grid are controlled by the corresponding sliders. (They are distinct from the maximum and minimum world coordinates; the grid coordinate system does not depend on the patch grid coordinates.)


Ask the students to follow a verbal rule like "make your y coordinate match your x coordinate". Then ask students to come up with an equation that fits the rule. Graph the different equations. Ask students to stretch the bounds of any given equation to come up with unique solutions.

Adjust the range sliders so the center of the world is not in the center of the view and graph the same equations.


Students' equations are not checked for syntax errors until the teacher attempts to graph them. Change the code for handling student equations so that it automatically lets students know if what they have submitted does not compile.


This model uses the runresult primitive to approximate the y value for each x value, thus, functions can use any valid NetLogo code in the function defining y.


If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:

  • Wilensky, U. and Stroup, W. (1999). NetLogo HubNet Function model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
  • Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.


Copyright 1999 Uri Wilensky and Walter Stroup.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at

This activity and associated models and materials were created as part of the projects: PARTICIPATORY SIMULATIONS: NETWORK-BASED DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS LEARNING IN CLASSROOMS and/or INTEGRATED SIMULATION AND MODELING ENVIRONMENT. The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (REPP & ROLE programs) -- grant numbers REC #9814682 and REC-0126227.

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Click to Run Model

  margin                ;; constant width of border around the world
  width                 ;; width of the grid
  height                ;; height of the grid
  patches-per-grid-x    ;; the number of patches per grid units in the x-direction
  patches-per-grid-y    ;; the number of patches per grid units in the y-direction
  grids-per-patch-x     ;; number of grid units per patch in the x-direction
  grids-per-patch-y     ;; number of grid units per patch in the y-direction

  grid                  ;; agentset of all the patches that make up the grid area (all patches - border patches)
  x                     ;; the current x variable set when evaluating the equation so it can be used by runresult
  x-axis                ;; x-axis in patch coordinates
  y-axis                ;; y-axis in patch coordinates

  rule                  ;; the text of a verbal rule, given by the teacher
  student-index         ;; the index of which item in the equation-list is visible to the teacher
  graphed-equation-list ;; list of equations currently visible in the graph
                        ;; each item consists of a list, first item is equation string
                        ;; the second is the color it is graphed in.

  all-shapes            ;; a list of the combinations of turtle shapes and colors
  available-shapes      ;; to prevent reusing shapes

  old-legend?           ;; old values so we know if we need to toggle

  lin-reg-eq            ;; a string of the linear regression equation
  r-square              ;; r^2, from linear regression
  slope                 ;; slope of linear regression
  y-intercept           ;; y-intercept of linear regression

  border?            ;; whether or not the patch is located in the border of the graph

breed [students student]
  user-id            ;; unique id, input by student when they log in, to identify each point turtle
  my-x               ;; the x value of the student's position on the graph
  my-y               ;; the y value of the student's position on the graph
  shape-combo        ;; the string describing the shape and color of the student's turtle
  step-size          ;; the amount by which each student's turtle moves in a direction
  my-equation        ;; the last equation turned in by the student

;; Setup ;;

to startup
  set margin 10
  set rule ""
  set graphed-equation-list []
  set student-index -1
  set old-grid? grid?
  set old-legend? reveal-legend?
  set y-intercept ""
  set slope ""
  set r-square ""
  set color-names [ "red" "orange" "yellow" "brown" "green" "blue" "pink" "purple" ]
  set all-colors [ red orange yellow brown green blue pink violet ]
  set all-shapes [ "heart" "star" "circle" "diamond" "square" "rhombus" "triangle" "heart" ]

to setup
  set available-shapes all-shapes
  ask students
     set my-x random-grid-coord-x
     set my-y random-grid-coord-y

;; Runtime Procedures ;;

to go
  every 0.1
    if any? turtles
      ask students [ send-info-to-clients ]
    ;; keep the display in sync with the
    ;; switches
    if old-grid? != grid?
      ifelse grid?
      [ cd ]
      set old-grid? grid?
    if old-legend? != reveal-legend?
      ask grid [ set plabel "" ]
      if reveal-legend?
        [ draw-legend ]
      set old-legend? reveal-legend?

;; Student Equation Procedures

to graph-student-equation
  let s current-student true
  if s = nobody
  [ stop ]
  let graphed-colors map [ item 1 ? ] graphed-equation-list
  if member? [color] of s graphed-colors
    set graphed-equation-list remove-item (position [color] of s graphed-colors) graphed-equation-list
    ask grid [ set pcolor black ]
    foreach graphed-equation-list [ graph-equation item 0 ? false item 1 ? ]
  graph-equation [my-equation] of s true [color] of s

;; change the equation submitted by a student

to edit-student-equation
  let student current-student false
  if student = nobody
  [ stop ]

  let eq user-input [my-equation] of student

  ask student [ set my-equation eq ]

;; return the student in index, position of the sorted list
;; of the student agentset

to-report current-student [ errors? ]
  if not any? students with [ my-equation != "" ]
    if errors?
    [ user-message "There are no student equations to graph." ]
    report nobody
  if student-index < 0
    if errors?
    [ user-message "Please select a student equation using the < and > buttons."  ]
    report nobody

 report item student-index sort students with [ my-equation != "" ]

to-report current-student-name
  let s current-student false
  ifelse s = nobody
  [ report s ]
  [ report [user-id] of s ]

to-report current-student-equation
  let s current-student false
  ifelse s = nobody
  [ report "" ]
  [ report [my-equation] of s ]

;; advance to the next student equation

to right-direction
  ifelse (student-index + 1 >= count students with [ my-equation != "" ] )
    [ set student-index 0 ]
    [ set student-index student-index + 1 ]

;; go back to the previous student equation

to left-direction
  ifelse student-index = 0
    [ set student-index (count students with [ my-equation != "" ] - 1) ]
    [ set student-index student-index - 1 ]

;; Graph Equations Procedures

to enter-equation
  let phrase ""
  set phrase user-input "Enter equation in terms of y = f(x)"
  graph-equation phrase true white

;; report the operator used in a submitted equation
;; used when we do the graphing

to-report operator [phrase]
  if member? ">=" phrase
  [ report ">=" ]
  if member? "<=" phrase
  [ report "<=" ]
  if member? ">" phrase
  [ report ">" ]
  if member? "<" phrase
  [ report "<" ]
  report "="

;; strip off the y=, y< etc so we can estimate
;; the equation without using runresult on every
;; patch

to-report phrase-without-operator [phrase op]
  set phrase remove (word "y " op) phrase
  set phrase remove (word "y" op) phrase
  set phrase remove (word op " y") phrase
  set phrase remove (word op "y") phrase
  report phrase

to graph-equation [full-phrase add-to-list? current-color ]
  ;; if the equation has "y =" in some permutation strip it off
  ;; be flexible about it's presence, position, and spacing.
  let op operator full-phrase
  let phrase phrase-without-operator full-phrase op
  let my-message ""
  let success? false

  ;; estimate the equation at every value of x
  ;; going across the grid.
  let delta-x grids-per-patch-x
  set x x-minimum
  ;; if we're not close enough in the y direction from the last
  ;; point in the function draw we need to detect this and make
  ;; the lines appear to be connected.
  let last-py 0
  let last-defined? false

  while [ x <= x-maximum ]
    ;; we do this in carefully for two reasons
    ;; first, there may be a syntax error in the equation.
    ;; second, there might be some points for which the
    ;; equation is undefined.
      ;; estimate y at this value of x
      let y runresult phrase
      let py round patch-y y

      ;; if we're inside the grid ask the patch with the nearest x and y coords to set pcolor
      ;; to the color of this equation.
      ifelse y <= y-maximum and y >= y-minimum ;; if we're outside the viewable world don't plot anything
        if member? op "=" ;; plot the actual function
          ask patch round patch-x x py ;; color the patch that is closest to the correct y-value
          [                            ;; note that we have to convert from grid coords to patch coords
            set pcolor current-color
            ;; if the y values are too far apart the line will appear broken
            ;; so fill in between.  though if the last y value was not
            ;; not defined, (outside the range or mathematically undefined
            ;; don't connect the points.
            if abs (last-py - py) > 1 and last-defined?
              sprout 1
                ifelse last-py < py
                [ set heading 180 ]
                [ set heading 0 ]
                repeat abs ( last-py - py ) - 1
                  fd 1
                  set pcolor current-color
        set last-defined? true
      [ set last-defined? false ]

      ;; keep the y inside the grid
      let new-y  min list y-maximum (max (list y-minimum y))
      ;; if the operator has an inequality portion
      ;; fill in the rest of the column in the appropriate
      ;; direction.
      ifelse member? ">" op
        ask patch (round patch-x x) (round patch-y new-y)
        [ fill-inequality 0 current-color ]
        if member? "<" op
          ask patch (round patch-x x) (round patch-y new-y)
           [ fill-inequality 180 current-color ]
      set last-py py
      set success? true
      ;; this is a bit tricky because we don't know why it failed
      ;; could be a compiler error could be just undefined at this point.
      ;; keep track of the message and mark that this point was not
      ;; defined so we don't try to connect to it if the next point is.
      set my-message error-message
      set last-defined? false
    set x x + delta-x

  ;; if at least one point was plotted successfully there was
  ;; not a compiler error and add the equation to the list.
  ifelse success?
    ;; manage the graphed equation information
    ;; keep the legend up to date.
    if add-to-list?
      ;; each item in the graphed-equation-list is a list, first item is the
      ;; equation phrase and the second is the color it is displayed in.
      set graphed-equation-list lput (list (word "y " op phrase) current-color) graphed-equation-list
      if reveal-legend?
        [ draw-legend ]
    ;; if no points were plotted show the user the message so
    ;; s/he can fix the problem.
    user-message my-message

;; given a direction and a color
;; fill in the rest of the column

to fill-inequality [h c] ;; patch procedure
  sprout 1
    set heading h
      fd 1
      if border?
       [ die ]
      set pcolor c

;; clear the equations and the legend

to clear-equations
  ask patches [set plabel "" ]
  set graphed-equation-list []
  set old-linear-regression? false

;; clear only the last equation drawn

to clear-last-equation
  if (length graphed-equation-list > 0)
    set graphed-equation-list butlast graphed-equation-list
    ask grid [ set pcolor black ]
    foreach graphed-equation-list [ graph-equation item 0 ? false item 1 ? ]

  if reveal-legend?
    ask grid [ set plabel "" ]

;; set the rule to the value that the user enters in an input dialog

to set-rule
  set rule user-input "Enter the Verbal Rule:"

;; send a list of the position of every student's turtle, to every student

to send-points-to-students
  let point-list ""
  ask students
    let point-place (word "(" precision my-x 1 "," precision my-y 1 ")")
    set point-list (word point-list point-place " ")
  set point-list substring point-list 0 (length point-list - 1)
  ask students
  [ hubnet-send user-id "points" (point-list) ]

;; Linear Regression Procedures

to linear-regression
  ;; you need to have at least two points to make a line
  if (count students > 1)

  ;; initialize the variables
  let num-turtles count students
  let xcors [ xcor * grids-per-patch-x ] of students
  let ycors [ ycor * grids-per-patch-y ] of students
  let sum-x sum xcors
  let sum-y sum ycors
  let ave-x sum-x / num-turtles
  let ave-y sum-y / num-turtles
  let sum-xy sum [ xcor * grids-per-patch-x * ycor * grids-per-patch-y ] of students
  let sum-x-square sum [ xcor * grids-per-patch-x * xcor * grids-per-patch-x ] of students
  let sum-y-square sum [ ycor * grids-per-patch-y * ycor * grids-per-patch-y ] of students

  ;; compute and store the denominator for the slope and y-intercept so we don't have to do it twice
  let denominator ( sum-x-square - num-turtles * ( ave-x ^ 2 ) )

  ;; if the denominator = 0 or the min of xcors = the max of xcors, the turtles are in a vertical line
  ;; thus, the line of regression will be undefined and have a r^2 value of 1.0
  ifelse ( denominator = 0 ) or ( min xcors = max xcors )
    set slope "Undefined"
    set y-intercept "Undefined"
    ;; since all the turtles are in a line r^2 must be 1
    set r-square 1
    ;; set all the patches in the column to be on the line
    ask grid with [ pxcor = [pxcor] of one-of turtles ]
      [ set pcolor red ]
    ;; otherwise, we have some other type of line.  so find the y-intercept and slope of the line

    set y-intercept ( ( ave-y * sum-x-square ) - ( ave-x * sum-xy ) ) / denominator
    set slope ( sum-xy - num-turtles * ave-x * ave-y ) / denominator

    ;; compute the value of r^2
    ifelse ( ( sum-y-square - num-turtles * ( ave-y ^ 2 ) ) = 0 ) or ( min ycors = max ycors )
    [ set r-square 1 ]
      set r-square ( ( sum-xy - num-turtles * ave-x * ave-y ) ^ 2 ) /
        ( ( sum-x-square - num-turtles * ( ave-x ^ 2 ) ) * ( sum-y-square - num-turtles * ( ave-y ^ 2 ) ) )
    set r-square precision r-square 3

    ;; set the equation to the appropriate string
    set lin-reg-eq (word (precision slope 3) " * x + " (precision y-intercept 3))

    graph-equation lin-reg-eq false red

;; Grid Procedures

to setup-grid
  cp cd
  set old-grid? grid?

  set width x-maximum - x-minimum
  set height y-maximum - y-minimum

  set grids-per-patch-x width / (world-width - (2 * margin))
  set grids-per-patch-y height / (world-height - (2 * margin))
  set patches-per-grid-x  (world-width - (2 * margin)) / width
  set patches-per-grid-y  (world-height - (2 * margin)) / height

  ;; set up border patches
  ask patches
    ifelse (pxcor < min-pxcor + margin or pxcor > max-pxcor - margin or
        pycor < min-pycor + margin or pycor > max-pycor - margin)
      set pcolor 2
      set border? true
      set pcolor black
      set border? false
    set plabel ""
    set plabel-color white

  set grid patches with [ not border? ]

  ;; label x and y , minimums and maximums
  ask patches with [ pxcor = min-pxcor + margin + 3 and pycor = min-pycor + margin - 4 ]
    [ set plabel x-minimum ]
  ask patches with [ pxcor = max-pxcor - margin and pycor = min-pycor + margin - 4 ]
    [ set plabel x-maximum ]
  ask patches with [ pxcor = min-pxcor + (margin - 2) and pycor = min-pycor + margin ]
    [ set plabel y-minimum ]
  ask patches with [ pxcor = min-pxcor + (margin - 2) and pycor = max-pycor - margin ]
    [ set plabel y-maximum ]

  ;; show x and y axes
  set x-axis round ( abs y-minimum * patches-per-grid-x + min-pycor + margin - 0.5 )
  set y-axis round( abs x-minimum * patches-per-grid-y + min-pxcor + margin - 0.5 )

  ;; if range is from
  ;; if range is from -20 to 20 do every 10
  ;; from -10 to 10 do every 1
  ;; from -1 to 1 do every .1

  if grid?[ draw-grid ]


to draw-axes
  ask patch round 0 x-axis [ draw-grid-line blue 90 (world-width - margin * 2) ]
  ask patch round y-axis 0 [ draw-grid-line blue 0 (world-height - margin * 2) ]

to draw-grid
    ;; do vertical lines on grid
    let patch-x-inc patches-per-grid-x

    ifelse width > 20
    [ set patch-x-inc (10 * patch-x-inc) ][
    if width <= 2
    [ set patch-x-inc (0.1 * patch-x-inc) ] ]

    ask grid with [ pycor = 0 and (pxcor - round x-axis) mod round patch-x-inc = 0 ]
      [ draw-grid-line 3 0 (world-height - margin * 2 ) ]

    ;; do horizontal lines on grid
    let patch-y-inc patches-per-grid-y

    ifelse height > 20
    [ set patch-y-inc (10 * patch-y-inc) ][
    if height <= 2
    [ set patch-y-inc (0.1 * patch-y-inc ) ] ]

    ask grid with [ pxcor = 0 and (pycor - round y-axis) mod round patch-y-inc = 0 ]
      [ draw-grid-line 3 90 (world-width - margin * 2) ]

to draw-grid-line [ c h s ] ;; patch procedure
  sprout 1 [
    set shape "line"
    set color c
    set heading h
    set size s

to-report patch-x [ the-x ]
  report the-x * patches-per-grid-x + y-axis

to-report patch-y [ the-y ]
  report the-y * patches-per-grid-y + x-axis

to-report random-grid-coord-x
  ifelse width > 10
  ;if the width is greater than 10, place students at whole numbers
  [ report random width + x-minimum ]
  ;if the range between 10 and 0, place students whole or half numbers
  [ report (random (width * 2)) / 2 + x-minimum ]

to-report random-grid-coord-y
  ifelse height > 10
  ;if the width is greater than 10, place students at whole numbers
  [ report random height + y-minimum ]
  ;if the range between 10 and 0, place students whole or half numbers
  [ report (random (height * 2)) / 2 + y-minimum ]

;; report the coordinates of the mouse, with respect to the range and scale of the graph
;; rather than the patch coordinate system

to-report mouse-coords
  report (word "(" ( precision ((mouse-xcor - y-axis) * grids-per-patch-x) 1)
         "," ( precision ((mouse-ycor - x-axis) * grids-per-patch-y ) 1 ) ")")

to draw-legend
  let x-coord max-pxcor - (margin * 2)
  let y-coord min-pycor + margin + 4
  let i 0
  foreach graphed-equation-list
      ask patch x-coord y-coord
        set plabel item 0 ?
        set plabel-color item 1 ?
      set y-coord y-coord + 5
      set i i + 1
  set old-legend? reveal-legend?

;; HubNet Procedures ;;

to listen-clients
  let at-least-one-message? false

  while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ]
    set at-least-one-message? true
    ifelse hubnet-enter-message?
    [ create-new-student ]
      ifelse hubnet-exit-message?
      [ remove-student ]
      [ execute-command hubnet-message-tag ]

  if linear-regression? and (at-least-one-message? or not old-linear-regression?)
    [ linear-regression ]
  set old-linear-regression? linear-regression?

;; update the client monitors

to send-info-to-clients ;; turtle procedure
  hubnet-send user-id "Located at:" (word "(" precision (my-x) 2 "," precision (my-y) 2 ")")
  hubnet-send user-id "You are a:" (shape-combo)
  hubnet-send user-id "rule" (rule)

to create-new-student
  create-students 1

to remove-student
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    set available-shapes sentence available-shapes shape-combo ;; make sure to return the shape to available

to execute-move [new-heading]
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    set heading new-heading
    let dist 0
    ifelse heading mod 180 = 0
      set dist step-size * patches-per-grid-y
      set dist step-size * patches-per-grid-x
    if can-move? dist and not [border?] of patch-ahead dist
    [ fd dist ]

    set my-x xcor * grids-per-patch-x
    set my-y ycor * grids-per-patch-y

    hubnet-send user-id "Located at:" (word "(" precision my-x 2 "," precision my-y 2 ")")

to execute-command [command]
  ifelse command = "Step-Size"
    ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
      [ set step-size hubnet-message ]
  ifelse command = "up"
  [ execute-move 0 ][
  ifelse command = "down"
  [ execute-move 180 ][
  ifelse command = "right"
  [ execute-move 90 ][
  ifelse command = "left"
  [ execute-move 270 ][
  ifelse command = "Change Appearance"
  [ ask students with [ user-id = hubnet-message-source ]
      [ change-shape ] ][
  if command = "my-equation"
    let eq hubnet-message
    ask students with [ user-id = hubnet-message-source ] [ set my-equation eq ] ]
  ] ] ] ] ] ]

to setup-student-vars  ;; turtle procedure
  set user-id hubnet-message-source

  set my-x random-grid-coord-x
  set my-y random-grid-coord-y

  ;translate my-x and my-y into patches
  setxy patch-x my-x
        patch-y my-y


  face one-of neighbors4
  set step-size 1
  set size 9
  set my-equation ""

to change-shape ;; turtle procedure
  set shape one-of all-shapes
  set color one-of all-colors
  set shape-combo (word (color-name color) " " shape)
  hubnet-send user-id "You are a:" shape-combo

to-report color-name [c]
  report item (position c all-colors) color-names

; Copyright 1999 Uri Wilensky and Walter Stroup.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There are 7 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Uri Wilensky almost 12 years ago Updated to NetLogo 5.0.4 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 12 years ago Updated version tag Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 12 years ago Updated to version from NetLogo 5.0.3 distribution Download this version
Uri Wilensky about 13 years ago Updated to NetLogo 5.0 Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago Function Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago Function Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Function.png preview Preview for 'Function' almost 12 years ago, by Uri Wilensky Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.