Fire (Big) Benchmark
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Model was written in NetLogo 4.0pre8
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$Id: Fire (Big) Benchmark.nlogo 37529 2008-01-03 20:38:02Z craig $
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globals [ initial-trees burned-trees result ] patches-own [ fire counts ] to benchmark random-seed 362 reset-timer setup repeat 35 [ go ] set result timer end to benchmark-__fire random-seed 362 reset-timer setup repeat 35 [ __fire ] set result timer end to setup ca ask patches [ set fire 0 if pxcor > 1 + min-pxcor [if (random 100) < density [set pcolor green]] if pxcor = 1 + min-pycor [set pcolor red set fire 1] ] set initial-trees count patches with [pcolor = green] set burned-trees 0 end to go if (count patches with [burning?]) = 0 [ stop ] ask patches [ if pcolor = green [ set counts (sum [fire] of neighbors4) ] ] ask patches [ ifelse pcolor = green [ if counts > 0 [set fire 1 set pcolor red set burned-trees burned-trees + 1 ]] [ if burning? [ set pcolor pcolor - 0.3] ] ] tick end to-report burning? ;; patch procedure report (pcolor > (red - 4)) and (pcolor < (red + 1)) end to-report percent-burned ifelse initial-trees > 0 [ report (burned-trees / initial-trees) * 100 ] [ report 0 ] end
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