CA1D Benchmark
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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1pre9
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globals [ row ;; current row old-rule ;; previous rule rules-shown? ;; flag to check if rules have been displayed gone? ;; flag to check if go has already been pressed result ] patches-own [on?] to startup ;; initially, nothing has been displayed set rules-shown? false set gone? false set old-rule rule end to benchmark random-seed 4378 setup-random reset-timer repeat 10 * world-height [ go ] set result timer end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Setup Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup-general ;; setup general working environment cp ct set row max-pycor ;; reset current row refresh-rules set gone? false set rules-shown? false ;; rules are no longer shown since the screen has been cleared end to single-cell setup-general ask patches with [pycor = row] [set on? false set pcolor background] ;; initialize top row ask patch 0 row [ set pcolor foreground set on? true ] end to setup-random setup-general ask patches with [pycor = row] ;; randomly place cells across the top of the screen [ set on? ((random 100) < density) color-patch ] end to setup-continue let on?-list [] if not gone? ;; make sure go has already been called [ stop ] set on?-list map [[on?] of ?] sort patches with [pycor = row] ;; copy cell states from the ;; current row to a list setup-general ask patches with [ pycor = row ] [ set on? item (pxcor + max-pxcor) on?-list ;; copy states from list to top row color-patch ] set gone? true end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; GO Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if (rules-shown?) ;; don't do unless we are properly set up [ stop ] if (row = min-pycor) ;; if we reach the end, continue from the top or stop [ ifelse auto-continue? [ display setup-continue ] [ stop ] ] ask patches with [ pycor = row ] ;; apply rule [ do-rule ] set row (row - 1) ask patches with [ pycor = row ] ;; color in changed cells [ color-patch ] set gone? true tick end to do-rule ;; patch procedure let left-on? [on?] of patch-at -1 0 ;; set to true if the patch to the left is on let right-on? [on?] of patch-at 1 0 ;; set to true if the patch to the right is on ;; each of these lines checks the local area and (possibly) ;; sets the lower cell according to the corresponding switch let new-value (iii and left-on? and on? and right-on?) or (iio and left-on? and on? and (not right-on?)) or (ioi and left-on? and (not on?) and right-on?) or (ioo and left-on? and (not on?) and (not right-on?)) or (oii and (not left-on?) and on? and right-on?) or (oio and (not left-on?) and on? and (not right-on?)) or (ooi and (not left-on?) and (not on?) and right-on?) or (ooo and (not left-on?) and (not on?) and (not right-on?)) ask patch-at 0 -1 [ set on? new-value ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Utility Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to color-patch ;;patch procedure ifelse on? [ set pcolor foreground ] [ set pcolor background ] end to-report bindigit [number power-of-two] ifelse (power-of-two = 0) [ report floor number mod 2 ] [ report bindigit (floor number / 2) (power-of-two - 1) ] end to refresh-rules ;; update either switches or slider depending on which has been changed last ifelse (rule = old-rule) [ if (rule != calculate-rule) [ set rule calculate-rule ] ] [ extrapolate-switches ] set old-rule rule end to extrapolate-switches ;; set the switches based on the slider set ooo ((bindigit rule 0) = 1) set ooi ((bindigit rule 1) = 1) set oio ((bindigit rule 2) = 1) set oii ((bindigit rule 3) = 1) set ioo ((bindigit rule 4) = 1) set ioi ((bindigit rule 5) = 1) set iio ((bindigit rule 6) = 1) set iii ((bindigit rule 7) = 1) end to-report calculate-rule ;; set the slider based on the switches let rresult 0 if ooo [ set rresult rresult + 1 ] if ooi [ set rresult rresult + 2 ] if oio [ set rresult rresult + 4 ] if oii [ set rresult rresult + 8 ] if ioo [ set rresult rresult + 16 ] if ioi [ set rresult rresult + 32 ] if iio [ set rresult rresult + 64 ] if iii [ set rresult rresult + 128 ] report rresult end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SHOW-RULES RELATED PROCEDURES ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to show-rules ;; preview cell state transitions setup-general let rules list-rules ask patches with [pycor > max-pycor - 5] [ set pcolor gray ] ;; create 8 turtles evenly spaced across the screen ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor and ((pxcor + 1) mod (floor (world-width / 8))) = 0 ] [ sprout 1 [ set heading 270 fd 18 ;;16px offset + 2px print-block (item 0 (item who rules)) ;; right cell fd 2 print-block (item 1 (item who rules)) ;; center cell fd 2 print-block (item 2 (item who rules)) ;; left cell bk 2 set heading 180 fd 2 set heading 90 print-block (item 3 (item who rules)) ;; next cell state die ] ] set rules-shown? true end ;; turtle procedure to print-block [ state ] ;; draw a 2x2 block of with a color determined by the state ifelse state [ set color foreground ] [ set color background ] set heading 90 repeat 4 [ set pcolor color rt 90 fd 1 ] end to-report list-rules ;; return a list of state-transition 4-tuples corresponding to the switches let rules [] set rules (lput (lput ooo [false false false]) rules) set rules (lput (lput ooi [false false true ]) rules) set rules (lput (lput oio [false true false]) rules) set rules (lput (lput oii [false true true ]) rules) set rules (lput (lput ioo [true false false]) rules) set rules (lput (lput ioi [true false true ]) rules) set rules (lput (lput iio [true true false]) rules) set rules (lput (lput iii [true true true ]) rules) report rules end
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