Color Uniqueness Tester

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Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 3.1pre1 • Viewed 256 times • Downloaded 25 times • Run 0 times
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This model was used to generate the color chart in the NetLogo User Manual.

Note the trick of establishing an alternate coordinate system and then calculating with that instead of with pxcor and pycor, to make the math simpler.

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globals [table]

patches-own [ x y ]  ;; alternate coordinate system
                     ;; (not the same as pxcor and pycor)

to setup
  ;; make the background white and set up an alternate
  ;; coordinate system
  ask patches
    [ set pcolor white
      set x pxcor + max-pxcor - 5
      set y max-pycor - pycor - 1 ]
  ;; draw all the colors 0 to 139
  ask patches with [(x >= 0) and (x <= 9) and
                    (y >= 0) and (y <= 13)]
    [ set pcolor y * 10 + x
      set plabel int pcolor ]
  ;; draw the rightmost column of whites
  ask patches with [(x = 10) and (y >= 0) and (y <= 13)]
    [ set pcolor y * 10 + 9.9999 ]
  ;; draw the rightmost column of patch labels
  ask patches with [(x = 11) and (y >= 0) and (y <= 13)]
    [ set plabel word precision (y * 10 + 9.9999) 4 "  "]
  ;; draw the color key on the left
  ask patches with [(x = -2) and (y >= 0)]
      if y = int (blue / 10)      [ set plabel "blue" ]
      if y = int (brown / 10)     [ set plabel "brown" ]
      if y = int (cyan / 10)      [ set plabel "cyan" ]
      if y = int (gray / 10)      [ set plabel "gray" ]
      if y = int (green / 10)     [ set plabel "green" ]
      if y = int (lime / 10)      [ set plabel "lime" ]
      if y = int (magenta / 10)   [ set plabel "magenta" ]
      if y = int (orange / 10)    [ set plabel "orange" ]
      if y = int (pink / 10)      [ set plabel "pink" ]
      if y = int (red / 10)       [ set plabel "red" ]
      if y = int (sky / 10)       [ set plabel "sky" ]
      if y = int (turquoise / 10) [ set plabel "turquoise" ]
      if y = int (violet / 10)    [ set plabel "violet" ]
      if y = int (yellow / 10)    [ set plabel "yellow" ]
      set plabel (word plabel " = " (y * 10 + 5) " ")
  ;; add black and white in the top row
  ask patches with [y = -1]
    [ if x = 0
        [ set plabel "black = 0" ]
      if x = 11
        [ set plabel "white = 9.999  " ] ]
  ;; all make the patch labels visible against background
  ask patches
    [ ifelse pcolor mod 10 >= 4
        [ set plabel-color black ]
        [ set plabel-color white ] ]

to go
  set table n-values 1400 [extract-rgb (? / 10)]
  let index 0
  foreach table
    [ if position ? sublist table (index + 1) (length table) != false
        [ output-print index / 10
          output-print bytes extract-rgb (index / 10)
          let match (1 + index + position ? sublist table (index + 1) (length table)) / 10
          output-print match
          output-print bytes extract-rgb match ]
      set index index + 1 ]

to-report bytes [rgblist]
  report map [round (? * 255)] rgblist

to whites
  foreach n-values 14 [? * 10 + 9.9]
    [ output-print (word ? " " bytes extract-rgb ?) ]

to blacks
  foreach n-values 14 [? * 10]
    [ output-print (word ? " " bytes extract-rgb ?) ]

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Updated from NetLogo 4.1 Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago Color Uniqueness Tester Download this version
Uri Wilensky almost 15 years ago Color Uniqueness Tester Download this version

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