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globals [ temp-c-price temp-c-seller-rating temp-c-shipping total-sellers count-A count-B count-C count-D count-E count-F count-G count-H count-I count-J ] breed [sellers seller] breed [buyers buyer] sellers-own [ inventory cost ; product cost profit-rate ; profit rate of the product price ; price of the product sales-volume ; cout of sold products revenue ; revenue age ; how many days the seller has been active in the market profit ; profit rating ; feedback ratings from buyers, +1 = positive, -1 = negative, 0 = neutral utility star-level ; proportional to the feedback rating alive? ] buyers-own [ rating ; feedback rating from sellers, +1 = positive, -1 = negative, 0 = neutral c-price ; price coefficient in utility function c-seller-rating ; seller-rating coefficient utility function c-shipping ; shipping coefficient utility function ] ;********************INITIALIZE******************** to setup clear-all ;; create existing sellers set-default-shape sellers "computer server" create-sellers existing-sellers [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color blue set age random 10000 set rating random 10000 ;set size 1 + rating * 0.01 ;; initialize set sales-volume 0 set revenue 0 set profit 0 set inventory random 1000 set cost 20 set profit-rate random 20 set alive? true ] ;; create existing buyers set-default-shape buyers "computer workstation" create-buyers number-of-buyers [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set c-price random 100 / (100 * 20) set c-seller-rating random 100 / (100 * 1000) set c-shipping random 100 / (100 * 25) ] ; update-variables ;do-plots end ;;********************RUN******************** to go ;; sellers not doing well leave the market ;; new sellers enter the market create-sellers new-sellers [ set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set age 0 set rating 0 set sales-volume 0 set revenue 0 set profit 0 set inventory random 1000 set cost 20 set profit-rate random 20 set alive? true ] ;; sellers adjust their price ask sellers [ adjust-price ] ask n-of demand buyers [ ask sellers [ set utility -10000 ] surf-online make-a-choice ; give-feedback ] update-variables ;do-plots end to adjust-price set price cost * (profit-rate / 100 + 1) end ;; buyers surf online and randomly pick 4 sellers to surf-online set temp-c-price c-price set temp-c-seller-rating c-seller-rating set temp-c-shipping c-shipping ; show count sellers ask n-of choice-set-size sellers with [alive?] [ set utility ( temp-c-price * price + temp-c-seller-rating * rating + temp-c-shipping * (distance myself) + (random 100 / 100)) ] end to make-a-choice ask one-of sellers with-max [utility] [ set sales-volume (sales-volume + 1) set revenue (revenue + price) set profit (profit + cost * profit-rate) ;show sales-volume set inventory (inventory - 1) set size size + 0.01 ;show inventory ;; give seller feedback rating ifelse random 100 < 98 [ set rating (rating + 1) ; buyer satisfied with seller ] [ if random 50 < 100 [ set rating (rating - 1) ; buyer not stisfied with seller ] ] ] end to update-variables ask sellers [ ifelse rating <= 250 [ set star-level "A" ] [ ifelse rating <= 500 [ set star-level "B" ] [ ifelse rating <= 1000 [ set star-level "C" ] [ ifelse rating <= 2000 [ set star-level "D" ] [ ifelse rating <= 5000 [ set star-level "E" ] [ ifelse rating <= 5000 [ set star-level "F" ] [ ifelse rating <= 5000 [ set star-level "G" ] [ ifelse rating < 10000 [ set star-level "H" ] [ ifelse rating < 20000 [ set star-level "I" ] [ set star-level "J" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ask sellers with [age > 100] [ if revenue < 100 [ set alive? false set color yellow ] ] set total-sellers count sellers with [alive?] ;show total-sellers set count-A count sellers with [star-level = "A" and alive?] set count-B count sellers with [star-level = "B" and alive?] set count-C count sellers with [star-level = "C" and alive?] set count-D count sellers with [star-level = "D" and alive?] set count-E count sellers with [star-level = "E" and alive?] set count-F count sellers with [star-level = "F" and alive?] set count-G count sellers with [star-level = "G" and alive?] set count-H count sellers with [star-level = "H" and alive?] set count-I count sellers with [star-level = "I" and alive?] set count-J count sellers with [star-level = "J" and alive?] end ;to do-plots ; set-current-plot "sellers rating" ; set-current-plot-pen "1" ; plot count-A ; ;show A-sales-volume ; set-current-plot-pen "2" ; plot count-B ; ;show B-sales-volume ; set-current-plot-pen "3" ; plot count-C ; set-current-plot-pen "4" ; plot count-D ; set-current-plot-pen "5" ; plot count-E ; set-current-plot-pen "6" ; plot count-F ; set-current-plot-pen "7" ; plot count-G ; set-current-plot-pen "8" ; plot count-H ; set-current-plot-pen "9" ; plot count-I ; set-current-plot-pen "10" ; plot count-J ;end
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