Red Light Green Light
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Comments and Questions
extensions [gogo] breed [turtle-lights turtle-light] globals [ max-flex ;; maximum input value from flex min-flex ;; minimum max-out ;; maximum output value to motor min-out ;; minimum serial-port light-ticker red-light-on? ticking? caught? time-keeper threshold ] ;; ;; All of these procedures set up junk ;; to setup ca set-constants if gogo? [ setup-gogo ] setup-nogogo create-turtle-lights 1 [ set color green set shape "circle" ] end to set-constants set max-flex 400 set min-flex 230 set max-out 7 set min-out 0 set light-ticker 0 set ticking? False turn-off-red-light set caught? False set threshold 3 set-time-keeper end to setup-gogo set serial-port user-one-of "select a port" gogo:ports gogo:open serial-port end to setup-nogogo crt 1 ask turtle 0 [set heading 0 fd 1 rt 90 set color white] end ;; ;; go is the main looping procedure ;; to go every 0.03 [ ask turtle 0 [ fd get-p1-power ] if gogo? [ gogo ] lights catch-reaction-time update-plot ] end ;; ;; REACTION TIME ;; to catch-reaction-time if not caught? and red-light-on? [ if get-p1-power < threshold [ set caught? True print "off!" set-current-plot "Reaction Speed" set-current-plot-pen "default" plot light-ticker set-current-plot-pen "time-keeper" plot time-keeper ] ] if caught? and red-light-on? and get-p1-power > threshold [ print "u smell" ] end ;; ;; LIGHTS ;; to lights set light-ticker light-ticker + 1 ;;print light-ticker ifelse red-light-on? [ if light-ticker > time-keeper [ if not caught? [ set-current-plot "Reaction Speed" set-current-plot-pen "default" plot light-ticker set-current-plot-pen "time-keeper" plot time-keeper ] turn-off-red-light set-time-keeper print "no more red light" ] ] [ if light-ticker > time-keeper [ turn-on-red-light set-time-keeper print "red light oooon!!" ] ] end to turn-on-red-light set red-light-on? True set caught? False set light-ticker 0 ask turtle-lights [set color red] if gogo? [gogo:talk-to-output-ports["d"] gogo:output-port-on] end to turn-off-red-light set red-light-on? False set light-ticker 0 ask turtle-lights [set color green] ;if gogo? [gogo:talk-to-output-ports["d"] gogo:output-port-off] end to set-time-keeper set time-keeper (random 30) + 10 end ;; ;; get-pXXX-power return the input ;; scaled to the proper motor power levels ;; to-report get-p1-power let power 0 ifelse gogo? [set power round scale-to-out gogo:sensor 1] [set power round scale-to-out p1-nogogo-in] ifelse power > 8 [ report 7 ] [ ifelse power < 0 [ report 0 ] [ report power ]] end ;; ;; Procedure that scales the input value ;; to the range of the output values ;; to-report scale-to-out[n] report ((n - min-flex) * max-out / (max-flex - min-flex)) end ;; ;; graphing of speeeeeds ;; to update-plot set-current-plot "Speeds" set-current-plot-pen "p1-pen" plot get-p1-power end ;; ;; These procedures deal with gogoboard stuff ;; mostly just short-cuts to make less typing ;; to gogo set-p1-motor get-p1-power end to kill-motors p1-motor gogo:output-port-off end to set-p1-motor [power] p1-motor ifelse power > threshold [ gogo:output-port-on ] [ gogo:output-port-off ] end to p1-motor gogo:talk-to-output-ports["a"] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 14 years ago by Rodolphe Courtier.
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