BugHunt Mutations
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This is an evolution model that shows how mutation affects genetic code which in turn can effect structure & function in organisms.
Each segment is attached to a previous segment (or the body) in the bugs making a chain of segments. Each segment can have the following traits:
mutations in values must occur less than 10-20% of the time ....e..g. 5 % for shift, 2% for addition segments, but once a segment is already there, it is disadvantageous to loose it Ð makes compatibility harder for those who have it. Q Ð will 2% segment addition propagate into a population?
duplicate enteries (same angle and same size and same shape) are not built, angle must be different, or else physical interfance (by x degrees)
Starting with equal distribution of one segment in all the population helps seed.
What (if anything) will push for some additional complexity Ð Having one segment more is dominant over not coding for the segment (it is expressed in the presence of no conflicting information).
Any energy cost for all these segments (yes Ð at birth Ð 1 extra energy unit per segment) Ð could take this out Ð but a bit inconsistent considering mandible penalties
Can loose a trait only through genetic incompatibility Ð that causes a push toward dropping out traits, 0 and 8 trait Ð they can't interbreed, but
same odds of duplication and deletion - yes. duplication to new segment # duplication of existing segment # + angle --> but does not match any other segments.
But many who have the same trait causes a push toward keeping that trait.
go in the direction of the last link ? shape radius, turn angle go ? new shape radius, hatch the color shape you need.
next segment, repeat
All initial bug populations have diverse gene pools. These diverse gene pools provide a variety of different attributes that will provide different survival advantages in different environments.
These attributes include, speed of movement, vision distance, litter size, and mandible structures (for eating), color, sex, and mate-range (or the threshold of acceptable "similarly" colored bugs that a given bug will mate with).
As the individuals in a population interact across different ecosystems certain combinations of selective pressures will cause populations of bugs to become more selective about who their mates are. Over time this pressure can often lead to speciation, where an entire population of bugs no longer can interbreed with a related population of bugs. Other selective pressures will cause populations of bugs to become less selective about who their mates are. Over time this pressure can insure that a diverse gene pool is maintained in a population, where such diversity is advantageous to the population. Speciation does not occur as readily when such pressures dominate.
In general, diverse population are more desirable when the distribution of resources to survive (such as food and energy available to a species) is either nearly uniform accessible in all parts of the ecosystem(s), or when such distribution changes, it does so in a smooth spatial gradient, or with transition zones, where multiple types of resources can be found. In such cases, since multiple types of food sources are located in more than one region, it is more beneficial for a population to not speciate, and instead remain "generalist" resource consumers. It is also more beneficial for an individual in such an ecosystem to be less picky about mates, since diversity of genes is not penalized, and the odds of successfully finding a mate are also increased.
In general, speciation is more desirable, when the distribution of resources to survive (such as food and energy) is grouped in discrete and separated regions. In such cases, since one food source is located in one region and a different food source is located in a further away region, it is more beneficial for a population to speciate into two "specialist" populations, each uniquely adapted for being more efficient at resource consumption in their respective region (or niche). It is more beneficial for an individual in such an niche to be more picky about mates, since diversity of genes is penalized, and introduction of new genes is not desirable when the population is already specialized to an environment. As the mate-range of the species decreases, the penalty for finding a mate in homogenous population is far less, as the population has less variation in other attributes as well. Therefore most individuals in the population are genetically similar, and therefore acceptable mates, even for bugs using a very narrow range of acceptable traits for identification of such mates. In this manner, species self reinforce "pickyness" for mates, further driving the isolation of their population from related populations
SHOW-PLANTS? is the switch that provides visualization of the patch color in order to see what type of plant (by color) is growing there and how much vegetation from this type of plant is available as a food source (by saturation of the color). Since color of bugs shows an alternate attribute that is relevant to speciation, the user may wish to turn SHOW-PLANTS? to off after some period, to make it easier to study the color of the bugs.
BUG-LABELS is a chooser that allows the user to select what label the bugs will display. This is useful for studying the individual heritable traits for each bug while the simulation is running.
POPULATE-1?, POPULATE-2?, POPULATE-3?, POPULATE-4?, POPULATE-5?, POPULATE-6? are switches used to indicate which regions of the WORLD & VIEW will be initially populated with the bugs set by INITIAL-BUGS and by the birds set by INITIAL-BIRDS sliders.
The six regions are designated as follows:
- - - -
- 1 - 2 - 3 -
- - - -
- - - -
- 4 - 5 - 6 -
- - - -
The BRIDGE-12, BRIDGE-23, BRIDGE-14, BRIDGE-25, BRIDGE-36, BRIDGE-45, and BRIDGE-56 switches are used to open geographic boundaries between each of the regions. BRIDGE-12 for example, when set to on, will open part or all of the bounary between region 1 and 2. If BRIDGE-SIZE is set to "large", the entire boundary will be open (no wall in between) and if it is set to "small", only a small gate in the boundary will be open.
The ECOSYSTEM chooser is used at SETUP to configure different plant distributions in each region.
The EVENT CUE chooser is used to auto-cue events (such as opening and closing geographic boundaries) or applying labels, at certain times in the simulation. This is useful for when you want to run a movie and have events occur automatically during the movie run. When EVENT CUE is set to "none" the user can cange the BRIDGE switches and BUG-LABELS chooser. When it is set to a different value, such interface actions may be overrided by automatically cued events.
The IDENTIFY SPECIES button builds a network of bugs that could potentially interbreed with each other. Often you will see that such a network links only the bugs of a certain color, in a certain region, and with a specific gene pool. When this network is not linked to other populations, those other populations can't interbreed with it.
Speciation often emerges when
1) geographic isolation of population, in combination with genetic drift, leads to two populations who eventually no longer interbreed, due to gradual divegence of the characteristics that influence their breeding behavior (color and mate-range).
2) a small population emegrates far away from its parent population, and in combination with the limited gene pool (called a bottle neck effect) and genetic drift or slight environmental pressures (slightly different resource distribution), leads to two populations who eventually no longer interbreed due to different genetic characteristics that influence their breeding behavior (color and mate-range).
3) two distinct niches exist in close proximity to each other, each of which can better be exploited with a limited/specialized set of traits/structures in the gene pool. Sexual selection then will reinforce speciation, to prevent "gene pool" intermixing of genes, which would only lead to a decrease in chances for survival. An example of such a scenario is where region 1 has only plant A, region 2 has plant C, and region 3 has plant B.
Speciation does not readily emerge (nor remain in place) when distinct sub-populations emerge from 1, 2, or 3, but intermediate transition "ecosystems" of mixed niches are placed between both sub-populations. Such a transition zone adds a strong selective pressure for intermediate behaviors in individuals that would serve as a "gene bridge" between both sub-populations, while also allowing such indivduals to survive in the transition zone, due to influx of desirable traits, increased mating opportunities, and ability to survive sub-optimally in the regions just outside of the transition ecosystem. An example of such a scenario is where region 1 has only plant A, region 2 has plant A and B, and region 3 has plant B.
All BEAGLE Evolution models. In particular: Bug Hunt Speeds, Bug Hunt Camouflage, Wolf Sheep Predation, and GENE DRIFT T INTERACT
To refer to this model in academic publications, please use: Novak, M.s and Wilensky, U. (2007). NetLogo Bug Hunt Coevolution model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/BugHuntCoevolution. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
In other publications, please use: Copyright 2007 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/BugHuntCoevolution for terms of use.
Comments and Questions
breed [bugs bug] breed [bug-segments bug-segment] breed [bug-segment-makers bug-segment-maker] breed [trackers tracker] breed [selectors selector] patches-own [resprout-countdown leaves plant-type can-be-a-wall? region] links-own [species] bugs-own [ speed ;; gene for speed vision ;; gene for vision distance red-gene ;; gene for strength of expressing red pigment (0-100) blue-gene ;; gene for strength of expressing blue pigment (0-100) green-gene ;; gene for strength of expressing green pigment (0-100) segment-DNA segment-tRNA energy age other-genetic-difference linked? last-segment-color efficiency-A efficiency-B efficiency-C efficiency-D which-descendant-am-I ] bug-segments-own [ segment-DNA segment-tRNA parent-bug-id ] bug-segment-makers-own [ segment-DNA segment-tRNA parent-bug-id ] globals [ bridge-12 bridge-23 ecosystem bridge-size total-caught ;; keeps track of total number of bugs caught histogram-interval-size ;; the value of the interval size for each bar of the histogram max-vision ;; upper limit for the maximum vision allowable for birds or bugs max-speed ;; upper limit for the maximum speed allowable for birds or bugs max-leaves ;; upper limit for consumable food in a patch (set to 100 by default) leaf-regrowth-rate ;; number of new leaves each time step that regrow on a patch of plants bug-mate-energy-threshold ;; amount of energy the female must have (min. to be able to mate) bug-base-metabolism ;; the energy lost by the bug every tick to maintain its base metabolism bird-base-metabolism ;; the energy lost by the bird every tick to maintain its base metabolism bug-mating-energy-cost ;; the energy lost in mating, by both male and female descendants ;; the number of descendents wall-color bug-last-selected ;; agent currently selected bug-selected-countdown ;; countdown timer for selected bug to no longer be displayed %-segment-separation ;; visualization parameter for segment overlap min-segment-size max-segment-size max-init-body-segments min-init-body-segments id-for-segments ;; parent-id bug-body segment-handedness ;; -1 or 1 bug-labels-old-state ;; state variable for keeping track if the bug-lables chooser has been changed and therefore should new labels be assigned to the bugs speed-factor ;; scalar used to adjust the speed of the all the bugs to make the catching of bugs appropriately difficult for different speed computers plant-A-color ;; color of plant A plant-B-color ;; color of plant B plant-C-color ;; color of plant C plant-D-color ;; color of plant D bridge-length small-bridge-color ;; color of the portion of the wall (itself a region # > 100) that are the small bridges between plant regions large-bridge-color ;; color of the portion of the wall (itself a region # > 100) that are the small bridges between plant regions min-bug-mate-age ;; the youngest age a bug can begin mating at max-bug-age ;; the oldest a bug can live mouse-down-last? bug-mandible-loss-mutation-% ;; chance of inheriting a mutation that causes loss of an allele for expressing a mandible structure show-segment-old-state mouse-event ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca set ecosystem "4" set bridge-12 false set bridge-23 false set bridge-size "small" set bug-last-selected nobody set bug-selected-countdown 0 set %-segment-separation 90 set max-segment-size 1.2 set min-segment-size 0.8 set max-init-body-segments 3 set min-init-body-segments 3 set id-for-segments -1 set bug-body nobody set show-segment-old-state false set total-caught 0 set histogram-interval-size 1 set max-leaves 100 set leaf-regrowth-rate 1 set bug-mate-energy-threshold 50 set max-bug-age 500 set speed-factor 0.05 set bridge-length 15 set descendants 0 set min-bug-mate-age 20 set bug-base-metabolism 1 set bug-labels-old-state "none" set plant-A-color red + 4.9 set plant-B-color yellow + 4.9 set plant-C-color lime + 4.9 set plant-D-color violet + 4.9 set small-bridge-color gray - 2 set large-bridge-color black set wall-color black set mouse-down-last? false setup-plants setup-bugs check-bridges setup-tracker-and-selector do-plots visualize-labels ask bugs [build-full-segment-bug] visualize-segments display end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Patches and Environment Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup-plants ask patches [ set pcolor white] ;; white background setup-regions if ecosystem = "1" [setup-ecosystem-1] if ecosystem = "2" [setup-ecosystem-2] if ecosystem = "3" [setup-ecosystem-3] if ecosystem = "4" [setup-ecosystem-4] ask patches [visualize-plants] end to setup-regions let region-1 patches with [pxcor < 0 and pxcor > min-pxcor and pycor < max-pycor - 1 and pycor > min-pycor + 1] let region-2 patches with [pxcor > 1 and pxcor < max-pxcor and pycor < max-pycor - 1 and pycor > 1 ] let region-3 patches with [pxcor > 1 and pxcor < max-pxcor and pycor > min-pycor + 1 and pycor < 0 ] ;; the walls between the regions are themselves regions. So, for example, region-12 is the wall between region 1 and region 2 let region-12 patches with [pxcor >= 0 and pxcor <= 1 and pycor < (max-pycor - 5) and pycor >= max-pycor - 8 ] let region-23 patches with [pxcor >= max-pxcor - 10 and pxcor <= max-pxcor - 8 and pycor <= 1 and pycor >= 0 ] ask patches [set region 0 ] ask region-12 [ set region 12 ] ask region-23 [set region 23 ] ask region-1 [set region 1] ask region-2 [set region 2] ask region-3 [set region 3] end ;; These ecosystems settings are attempts to setup interesting combinations of the four plant types in each region. Setting ;; the ecosystem chooser to 1,2, or 3 will employ one of these settings in SETUP to setup-ecosystem-1 ask patches with [region = 2 ] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 20 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 20 and distribution < 40 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 40 and distribution < 60 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 60 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 1] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 40 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 40 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 3] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 40 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 40 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 0] [set pcolor black] end to setup-ecosystem-2 ask patches with [region = 1] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 20 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 20 and distribution < 40 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 40 and distribution < 60 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 60 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 2 or region = 3] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 0] [set pcolor black] end to setup-ecosystem-3 ask patches with [region = 1] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 30 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 30 and distribution < 60 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 60 and distribution < 90 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 2] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 30 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 30 and distribution < 60 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 60 and distribution < 90 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 3] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 30 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 30 and distribution < 60 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] if distribution >= 60 and distribution < 90 [set plant-type "D" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 0] [set pcolor black] end to setup-ecosystem-4 ask patches with [region = 1] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "B" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 2] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "C" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 3] [ let distribution random 100 if distribution >= 0 and distribution < 80 [set plant-type "A" set resprout-countdown 0 set leaves random 100] ] ask patches with [region = 0] [set pcolor black] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Bug Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup-tracker-and-selector create-trackers 1 [set shape "target" set size 8 set color red setxy 0 0 inspect self] create-selectors 1 [ set shape "empty" set color gray - 3 set size 1.5 set heading 315 hide-turtle ] end to setup-bugs let available-patches nobody ;; determine which regions will be populated with the bugs by checking the populate-1?, populate-2? etc... switches set available-patches patches with [region = 1] create-bugs initial-bugs [ set descendants descendants + 1 set which-descendant-am-I descendants set shape "bug" let target-patch one-of available-patches setxy [pxcor] of target-patch [pycor] of target-patch set label-color 0 set energy random 200 set age random max-bug-age assign-color-genes if initial-bugs-segments = "all random" [ setup-initial-random-segments ] ] if initial-bugs-segments = "identical vari-segments" [ ask bugs [ set segment-DNA [] set segment-tRNA [] repeat 3 [setup-initial-identical-vari-segments] ] ] if initial-bugs-segments = "identical mono-segments" [ setup-initial-identical-mono-segments ] end to assign-color-genes ;; turtle procedure ifelse initial-bugs-segments = "identical mono-segments" or initial-bugs-segments = "identical vari-segments" [ set red-gene (50) set blue-gene (50) set green-gene (50) ] [ set red-gene (random 100) set blue-gene (random 100) set green-gene (random 100) ] set-phenotype-color end to build-full-segment-bug ;; this procedure builds the body segments on newly hatched offspring ;;ask bugs with [new?] [ set bug-body self set id-for-segments who let handedness-power 1 let these-two-segments-attach-to segments-attach-to ifelse segments-attach-to = "3 sides" [set these-two-segments-attach-to "side-1"] [set these-two-segments-attach-to segments-attach-to] hatch 2 [ set segment-handedness -1 ^ handedness-power set handedness-power handedness-power + 1 orient-segment-body-attachment segment-handedness these-two-segments-attach-to ] if segments-attach-to = "3 sides" [ set these-two-segments-attach-to "side-2" hatch 2 [ set segment-handedness -1 ^ handedness-power set handedness-power handedness-power + 1 orient-segment-body-attachment segment-handedness these-two-segments-attach-to ] ] if segments-attach-to = "3 sides" [ set these-two-segments-attach-to "side-3" hatch 2 [ set segment-handedness -1 ^ handedness-power set handedness-power handedness-power + 1 orient-segment-body-attachment segment-handedness these-two-segments-attach-to ] ] if length segment-DNA > 0 [ analyze-last-segment-color item (length segment-DNA - 1 ) segment-DNA] end to orient-segment-body-attachment [this-segment-handedness these-two-segments-attach-to] set segment-tRNA segment-DNA set breed bug-segment-makers set label "" if these-two-segments-attach-to ="back" [right 170 * this-segment-handedness] if these-two-segments-attach-to ="side" [right 90 * this-segment-handedness] if these-two-segments-attach-to ="front" [right 10 * this-segment-handedness] if these-two-segments-attach-to ="side-1" [right 130 * this-segment-handedness] if these-two-segments-attach-to ="side-2" [right 90 * this-segment-handedness] if these-two-segments-attach-to ="side-3" [right 50 * this-segment-handedness] let this-segment-radius (size / 4) bk this-segment-radius ;;* (%-segment-separation / 100) if length segment-DNA > 0 [ repeat length segment-DNA [ add-one-segment set segment-tRNA remove-item 0 segment-tRNA] ] die end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Runtime Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go move-bugs if selection-mechanism = "ecosystem interactions" [ age-bugs ask bugs [without-interruption [check-for-reproduction]] bugs-eat-plants grow-plants ] if selection-mechanism = "keep randomly selecting" [every 0.5 [auto-select]] do-plots move-selectors move-trackers check-caught ask patches [visualize-plants] check-bridges visualize-segments tick visualize-labels end to check-bridges ask patches with [region = 0 ] [set pcolor black] ask patches with [region = 12] [ ifelse bridge-12 [ set pcolor white] [set pcolor small-bridge-color] ] ask patches with [region = 23] [ ifelse bridge-23 [ set pcolor white] [set pcolor small-bridge-color] ] end to move-bugs ask bugs [ let dist (3 * speed-factor) let color-self color let pcolor-of-patch-ahead [pcolor] of patch-ahead dist fd dist ifelse pcolor-of-patch-ahead = black or pcolor-of-patch-ahead = large-bridge-color or pcolor-of-patch-ahead = small-bridge-color [ bk dist rt 50 ] [ fd dist ] bug-wiggle ] end to bugs-eat-plants let energy-gain 8 ask bugs [if plant-type != nobody and leaves >= 10 [ ;;;and mandible-plant-match? [ set leaves leaves - 10 set energy energy + energy-gain ;; if mandible-plant-match? and use-extra-food-end-segment-match? [ ;; show word "gain: " (2 * extra-efficiency-from-plant-match) ;; set energy energy + 2 * extra-efficiency-from-plant-match ;; ] ] if energy < 0 [bug-death ] ] end to bug-death let this-parent-bug-id who ask bug-segments with [this-parent-bug-id = parent-bug-id] [die] die end to remove-half-of-bugs ask n-of (floor count bugs / 2) bugs [ bug-death ] end to bug-wiggle let new-direction-chance random 100 right (random-float 40) left (random-float 40) if new-direction-chance < 2 [right 90] if new-direction-chance > 97 [left 90] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Reproduction and Growth Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to reset-all-efficiencies set efficiency-A 0 set efficiency-B 0 set efficiency-C 0 set efficiency-D 0 if shade-of? plant-A-color last-segment-color [ ;; show (word "shade of ; " plant-A-color " " last-segment-color) set efficiency-A 1 - 1 * abs (plant-A-color - last-segment-color) / 10 ;; show word "A: " efficiency-A ] if shade-of? plant-B-color last-segment-color [ ;; show (word "shade of ; " plant-B-color " " last-segment-color) set efficiency-B 1 - 1 * abs (plant-B-color - last-segment-color) / 10 ;; show word "B: "efficiency-B ] if shade-of? plant-C-color last-segment-color [ ;; show (word "shade of ; " plant-C-color " " last-segment-color) set efficiency-C 1 - 1 * abs (plant-C-color - last-segment-color) / 10 ;; show word "C: "efficiency-C ] if shade-of? plant-D-color last-segment-color [ ;; show (word "shade of ; " plant-D-color " " last-segment-color) set efficiency-D 1 - 1 * abs (plant-D-color - last-segment-color) / 10 ;; show word "D: "efficiency-D ] end ;; reproduce one identical offspring from one ;; of the bugs remaining in the population to check-for-reproduction if energy > 100 [ ; set energy energy / 2 reproduce-one-bug ] end to reproduce-one-bug hatch 1 [ set descendants descendants + 1 set which-descendant-am-I descendants set age 0 alter-genetics-offspring-bug set label-color black set heading (random-float 360) set linked? false if show-segments? [without-interruption [build-full-segment-bug]] reset-all-efficiencies ] end to grow-plants ask patches [ set resprout-countdown resprout-countdown - 1 if resprout-countdown <= 0 [ ;; growing set leaves leaves + leaf-regrowth-rate ] if leaves <= 0 [set resprout-countdown 30] if leaves >= max-leaves [ set leaves max-leaves] ] end to age-bugs ask bugs [ set energy energy - 5 set age age + 1 if age > max-bug-age [ bug-death ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Plotting procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to do-plots set-current-plot "Segments of Bugs" histogram [ length segment-DNA ] of bugs end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Mouse inspection and seleciton Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to move-trackers if mouse-down? and selection-mechanism = "user moves the inspector view" [ let snap-shot-mouse-xcor (mouse-xcor) let snap-shot-mouse-ycor (mouse-ycor) ask one-of trackers [setxy snap-shot-mouse-xcor snap-shot-mouse-ycor] ] end to move-selectors ask selectors [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ;; only show the predator if the mouse pointer is ;; actually inside the view set hidden? not mouse-inside? or (selection-mechanism != "user selects which bug to remove" and selection-mechanism != "user selects which bug has offspring") if selection-mechanism = "user selects which bug to remove" [ set shape "x" set color gray - 3 ] if selection-mechanism = "user selects which bug has offspring" [ set shape "star" set color yellow - 1 ] ] end to check-caught if not mouse-down? or not mouse-inside? [ set mouse-event "" stop ] let prey [bugs in-radius (size / 2)] of one-of selectors let bug-to-die nobody let bug-to-reproduce nobody ;; no prey here? oh well if not any? prey [ stop ] ;; eat only one of the bugs at the mouse location if mouse-event != "selected" [ask one-of prey [ if selection-mechanism = "user selects which bug to remove" [ set bug-to-die self set bug-to-reproduce one-of bugs with [self != bug-to-die] set mouse-event "selected" if bug-to-die != nobody [ ask bug-to-die [bug-death]] ] if selection-mechanism = "user selects which bug has offspring" [ set bug-to-reproduce self set bug-to-die one-of bugs with [self != bug-to-reproduce] set mouse-event "selected" ask bug-to-reproduce [ reproduce-one-bug] ] ] ;; replace the eaten bug with a random offspring from the remaining population ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Runtime Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to auto-select let bug-to-die nobody let bug-to-reproduce nobody set bug-to-reproduce one-of bugs set mouse-event "selected" ;; replace the eaten bug with a random offspring from the remaining population ask bug-to-reproduce [show 1 reproduce-one-bug] set bug-to-die one-of bugs ask bug-to-die [bug-death] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Segment related procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to analyze-last-segment-color [mRNA] set last-segment-color approximate-rgb (item 0 color + item 0 (item 3 mRNA)) ( item 1 color + item 1 (item 3 mRNA)) ( item 2 color + item 2 (item 3 mRNA)) end to add-one-segment let bug-segment-maker self let bug-segment nobody let mRNA item 0 segment-tRNA ;;mRNA is the next triplet from the tRNA if length mRNA > 0 [ let this-segment-radius (size / 2) fd this-segment-radius * (%-segment-separation / 100) ;; move foward half of size of old segment ;;run word "set color approximate-rgb item 0 color item 1 color item 2 color + " item 0 mRNA ;;the third NetLogo instruction for the segment color set size item 0 mRNA ;;the first NetLogo instruction for the segment size run word (word "right " segment-handedness ) (word " * " item 1 mRNA) ;;the first NetLogo instruction for the segment size set this-segment-radius (size / 2) fd this-segment-radius * (%-segment-separation / 100) hatch 1 [ set bug-segment self set breed bug-segments set shape word "segment-" item 2 mRNA ;;the first NetLogo instruction for the segment size set color approximate-rgb (item 0 color + item 0 (item 3 mRNA)) ( item 1 color + item 1 (item 3 mRNA)) ( item 2 color + item 2 (item 3 mRNA)) set parent-bug-id id-for-segments set hidden? false create-link-from bug-body [ tie hide-link] ] ] end to apply-segment-mutations if (random-float 100 < deletion-mutation) [delete-gene-segment] ;;chance-drift-mutation if (random-float 100 < duplication-mutation) [duplicate-gene-segment] ;;chance-drift-mutation if (random-float 100 < insertion-mutation) [insert-a-new-gene-segment] ;;chance-drift-mutation ;; if (r = 1 and random-float 100 < chance-segment-mutation) [delete-gene-segment] ;;chance-insertion-mutation ;; if (r = 2 and random-float 100 < chance-segment-mutation) [duplicate-gene-segment] ;;chance-duplication-mutation end to setup-initial-random-segments set segment-DNA [] set segment-tRNA [] repeat (min-init-body-segments + random (max-init-body-segments - min-init-body-segments)) [ ;;; add build instructions to DNA string ] set segment-tRNA segment-DNA end to setup-initial-identical-mono-segments let triplet [] let first-gene .4 ;;random-segment-size let second-gene 10 ;;random-segment-turn let third-gene 1 ;;random-segment-shape let forth-gene random-segment-color-shift ask bugs [ set segment-DNA [] set segment-tRNA [] set triplet [] set triplet lput (first-gene) triplet ;; size set triplet lput (second-gene) triplet ;; turn set triplet lput (third-gene) triplet ;; color set triplet lput (forth-gene) triplet ;; shape ;; show triplet repeat 3 [ set segment-DNA lput triplet segment-DNA ] ] end to setup-initial-identical-vari-segments let triplet [] set triplet a-new-DNA-segment set segment-DNA lput triplet segment-DNA end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Bug Mutation Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to alter-genetics-offspring-bug apply-segment-mutations set-phenotype-color end to-report a-new-DNA-segment let triplet [] set triplet lput (random-segment-size) triplet ;; size set triplet lput (random-segment-turn) triplet ;; turn set triplet lput (random-segment-shape) triplet ;; color set triplet lput (random-segment-color-shift) triplet ;; shape report triplet end to insert-a-new-gene-segment let number-original-items (length segment-DNA) ;; number of segments coded for in the DNA if number-original-items > 0 [ let target-item (random number-original-items) ;; choose a target location in the list let segment-DNA-first-set sublist segment-DNA 0 (target-item) ;; break out the first set of DNA (up to but not including the target location) let segment-DNA-last-set sublist segment-DNA (target-item + 1) (number-original-items) ;; break out the last set of DNA (past and not including target location) let segment-DNA-target-set lput a-new-DNA-segment [] set segment-DNA (sentence segment-DNA-first-set segment-DNA-target-set segment-DNA-last-set) ;; string the first set, inserted set, and last set back together ] end to duplicate-gene-segment let number-original-items (length segment-DNA) ;; number of segments coded for in the DNA let target-item (random number-original-items) ;; choose a target location in the list if number-original-items > 0 and number-original-items < 6 [ let segment-DNA-first-set sublist segment-DNA 0 (target-item + 1) ;; break out the first set of DNA (up to and including the target location) let segment-DNA-target-set item (target-item) segment-DNA ;; make a copy of the target segment let segment-DNA-last-set sublist segment-DNA (target-item + 1) (number-original-items) ;; break out the last set of DNA (past and not including target location) set segment-DNA-first-set lput segment-DNA-target-set segment-DNA-first-set ;; put the copied segment at the end of the first set set segment-DNA sentence segment-DNA-first-set segment-DNA-last-set ;; string the first set and last set back together ] end to delete-gene-segment let number-original-items (length segment-DNA) let target-item (random number-original-items) if (length segment-DNA > 0) [set segment-DNA remove-item (target-item) segment-DNA ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Visualization Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to visualize-segments if not show-segments? ;;;show-segment-old-state != [ ask bug-segments [die ]] ;;die]] if show-segments? and show-segment-old-state = false [ ask bugs [build-full-segment-bug] ask bug-segments [set hidden? false] ] ifelse show-segments? [set show-segment-old-state true] [set show-segment-old-state false] end to visualize-plants if resprout-countdown <= 0 [ if plant-type = "A" [set pcolor plant-A-color - 4 * leaves / 100] if plant-type = "B" [set pcolor plant-B-color - 4 * leaves / 100] if plant-type = "C" [set pcolor plant-C-color - 4 * leaves / 100] if plant-type = "D" [set pcolor plant-D-color - 4 * leaves / 100] ] if not show-plants? [ set pcolor white if region > 10 [set pcolor black] ] end ;; convert the genetic representation of gene frequency ;; into a phenotype (i.e., a color, using an RGB list ;; instead of a standard NetLogo color) to set-phenotype-color ;; turtle procedure ;; RGB lists are expected to be in the 0-255 range, ;; so we must convert from the 0-100 range in the genotype set color (list ((red-gene / 100) * 255) ((green-gene / 100) * 255) ((blue-gene / 100) * 255)) end to visualize-labels ask bugs [ if bug-labels = "none" [set label ""] if bug-labels = "descendant #" [set label which-descendant-am-I] if bug-labels = "energy" [set label floor energy] if bug-labels = "age" [set label age] if bug-labels = "# segments" [set label length segment-DNA] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Reporters ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report random-segment-size let min-size 0.2 let max-size 0.6 let increment 0.1 report precision (min-size + increment * floor (random-float (max-size - min-size) / increment )) 2 end to-report random-segment-turn let min-turn -90 let max-turn 90 let increment 10 let angle (min-turn + increment * floor (random-float (max-turn - min-turn) / increment )) report angle end to-report random-segment-color-shift let r-val (random-float 100) let g-val (random-float 100) let b-val (random-float 100) let rgb-list [] set rgb-list lput r-val rgb-list set rgb-list lput g-val rgb-list set rgb-list lput b-val rgb-list report rgb-list end to-report random-segment-shape let gene-value "" let gene-seed random 4 let new-gene-seed word gene-value gene-seed report gene-seed end to-report inherited-genes [mothers-alleles fathers-alleles] let mother-loci (random 2) let father-loci (random 2) let mother-allele " " let father-allele " " if random-float 100 > bug-mandible-loss-mutation-% [set mother-allele (item mother-loci mothers-alleles)] if random-float 100 > bug-mandible-loss-mutation-% [set father-allele (item father-loci fathers-alleles)] report (word mother-allele father-allele) end to-report mandible-plant-match? let match? false if plant-type = "A" and (shade-of? plant-A-color last-segment-color) [set match? true] if plant-type = "B" and (shade-of? plant-B-color last-segment-color) [set match? true] if plant-type = "C" and (shade-of? plant-C-color last-segment-color) [set match? true] if plant-type = "D" and (shade-of? plant-D-color last-segment-color) [set match? true] report match? end to-report extra-efficiency-from-plant-match let eff 0 if plant-type = "A" and (shade-of? plant-A-color last-segment-color) [set eff efficiency-A] if plant-type = "B" and (shade-of? plant-B-color last-segment-color) [set eff efficiency-B] if plant-type = "C" and (shade-of? plant-C-color last-segment-color) [set eff efficiency-C] if plant-type = "D" and (shade-of? plant-D-color last-segment-color) [set eff efficiency-D] report eff end ;; use EVERY to limit the overall speed of the model ;;;;;;;;;;; ; *** NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice *** ; ; Copyright 2007 by Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. ; ; Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, ; provided that both of the following requirements are followed: ; a) this copyright notice is included. ; b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission ; from Uri Wilensky. ; Contact Uri Wilensky for appropriate licenses for redistribution for ; profit. ; ; To refer to this model in academic publications, please use: ; Novak, M.s and Wilensky, U. (2007). NetLogo Bug Hunt Coevolution model. ; http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/BugHuntCoevolution. ; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, ; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. ; ; In other publications, please use: ; Copyright 2007 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. ; See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/BugHuntCoevolution ; for terms of use. ; ; *** End of NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice ***
There is only one version of this model, created almost 15 years ago by Uri Wilensky.
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