Bifocal Model: Circuits
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extensions [gogo] globals [ raw-inner-width raw-inner-height raw-outer-width raw-outer-height raw-parallel-width raw-parallel-height new-px new-py speed leftE rightE topE bottomE TotalR r1 r2 Resistance1 Resistence2 serial-port BatteryVoltage ] breed [ electrons electron ] to gogo-ping carefully [ if not gogo:ping [ user-message "Unable to ping GoGo Board." ] ] [ user-message error-message ] end to setup set serial-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports gogo:open serial-port repeat 5 [ if not gogo:ping [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ] gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ] ca set speed 0.5 setup-battery if Parallel [ setup-parallel-bulbs set-default-shape electrons "circle" set raw-parallel-width 70 set raw-parallel-height 30 set raw-outer-width 80 set raw-outer-height 80 make-outside-box make-parallel-boxes set-default-shape electrons "circle" ] if not Parallel [ setup-series-bulbs set-default-shape electrons "circle" set raw-inner-width 70 set raw-inner-height 70 set raw-outer-width 80 set raw-outer-height 80 make-outside-box make-inside-box set-default-shape electrons "circle" ] end to setup-battery crt 1 [set color red set shape "i beam" set size 20 set speed 0 setxy 0 -75] end to setup-parallel-bulbs crt 1 [set color yellow set shape "ufo top" set size 25 set label "Lightbulb 2" set speed 0 setxy 0 75] crt 1 [set color yellow set shape "ufo top" set size 25 set label "Lightbulb 1" set speed 0 setxy 0 5] crt 1 [set color green set shape "crate" set size 25 set label "Resistance 1" set speed 0 setxy -40 5] crt 1 [set color green set shape "crate" set size 25 set label "Resistance 2" set speed 0 setxy -40 75] end to setup-series-bulbs crt 1 [set color yellow set shape "ufo top" set size 25 set label "Lightbulb 1" set speed 0 setxy -75 0] crt 1 [set color yellow set shape "ufo top" set size 25 set label "Lightbulb 2" set speed 0 setxy 75 0] crt 1 [set color green set shape "crate" set size 25 set label "Resistance 1" set speed 0 setxy -40 75] crt 1 [set color green set shape "crate" set size 25 set label "Resistance 2" set speed 0 setxy 40 75] end to make-outside-box ask patches with [((abs pxcor = raw-outer-width) and (abs pycor <= raw-outer-height)) or ((abs pycor = raw-outer-height) and (abs pxcor <= raw-outer-width))] [ set pcolor blue ] end to make-inside-box ask patches with [((abs pxcor = raw-inner-width) and (abs pycor <= raw-inner-height)) or ((abs pycor = raw-inner-height) and (abs pxcor <= raw-inner-width))] [ set pcolor blue ] end to make-parallel-boxes ask patches with [((abs pxcor = raw-parallel-width) and (pycor <= raw-parallel-height + 40)) and ((abs pxcor = raw-parallel-width) and (pycor >= (-(raw-parallel-height) + 40))) or ((pycor = raw-parallel-height + 40) and (abs pxcor <= raw-parallel-width)) or ((pycor = (-(raw-parallel-height) + 40)) and (abs pxcor <= raw-parallel-width))] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [((abs pxcor = raw-parallel-width) and (pycor <= raw-parallel-height - 30)) and ((abs pxcor = raw-parallel-width) and (pycor >= (-(raw-parallel-height) - 40))) or ((pycor = raw-parallel-height - 30) and (abs pxcor <= raw-parallel-width)) or ((pycor = (-(raw-parallel-height) - 40)) and (abs pxcor <= raw-parallel-width))] [set pcolor blue] end to make-electrons if Parallel [ ;; let leftE1 BatteryVoltage / 5 * (100 - TotalR) let leftE2 BatteryVoltage / 5 * (100 - Resistence2) let middleE BatteryVoltage / 5 * (100 - Resistance1) let rightE2 leftE2 set topE leftE2 set bottomE (leftE2 + middleE) let leftE1 bottomE let rightE1 leftE1 ;; set TotalR ((Resistance1 * Resistence2) / (Resistance1 + Resistence2)) create-electrons topE [ random-position-top-wire set color green ] create-electrons bottomE [ random-position-bottom-wire set color yellow ] create-electrons middleE [ random-position-middle-wire set color green ] create-electrons leftE1 [ random-position-leftE1-wire set color yellow ] create-electrons leftE2 [ random-position-leftE2-wire set color green ] create-electrons rightE1 [ random-position-rightE1-wire set color yellow ] create-electrons rightE2 [ random-position-rightE2-wire set color green ] ] if not Parallel [ set TotalR (Resistance1 + Resistence2) set leftE BatteryVoltage / 5 * (200 - TotalR) set rightE BatteryVoltage / 5 * (200 - TotalR) set topE BatteryVoltage / 5 * (200 - TotalR) set bottomE BatteryVoltage / 5 * (200 - TotalR) create-electrons leftE [ random-position-left-wire set color green ] create-electrons rightE [ random-position-right-wire set color green ] create-electrons topE [ random-position-top-wire set color green ] create-electrons bottomE [ random-position-bottom-wire set color green ] ] end to random-position-left-wire if (((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (raw-outer-width - 2)) < raw-inner-width) [ setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float 8) ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (2 * raw-outer-height - 2)) ] end to random-position-leftE1-wire if (((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (raw-outer-width - 2)) < raw-inner-width) [ setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float 8) ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (raw-outer-height - 2)) ] end to random-position-leftE2-wire if (((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (raw-outer-width - 2)) < raw-inner-width) [ setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float 8) random-float (raw-outer-height - 2) ;; ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (raw-outer-height - 2)) ] end to random-position-right-wire setxy (71 + random-float 8) ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (2 * raw-outer-height - 2)) end to random-position-rightE1-wire setxy (71 + random-float 8) ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (raw-outer-height - 2)) end to random-position-rightE2-wire setxy (71 + random-float 8) ;; ((1 - raw-outer-height) + random-float (raw-outer-height - 2)) random-float (raw-outer-height - 2) end to random-position-top-wire setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (2 * raw-outer-width - 2)) (71 + random-float 8) end to random-position-bottom-wire setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (2 * raw-outer-width - 2)) (- 71 - random-float 8) end to random-position-middle-wire setxy ((1 - raw-outer-width) + random-float (2 * raw-outer-width - 2)) (1 + random-float 8) end to go convert-resistance set BatteryVoltage ((gogo:sensor 5) / 40) if gogo:sensor 5 < 50 [ set BatteryVoltage 0.5 ] ask electrons [ die] make-electrons ;;calculate-speed ask electrons [ bounce ] if Parallel [ if (Resistance1 >= 0) and (Resistance1 >= 19) [set r1 45 ] if (Resistance1 >= 20) and (Resistance1 >= 39) [set r1 46 ] if (Resistance1 >= 40) and (Resistance1 >= 59) [set r1 47 ] if (Resistance1 >= 60) and (Resistance1 >= 79) [set r1 48 ] if (Resistance1 >= 80) and (Resistance1 >= 100) [set r1 49 ] if (Resistence2 >= 0) and (Resistence2 >= 19) [set r2 45 ] if (Resistence2 >= 20) and (Resistence2 >= 39) [set r2 46 ] if (Resistence2 >= 40) and (Resistence2 >= 59) [set r2 47 ] if (Resistence2 >= 60) and (Resistence2 >= 79) [set r2 48 ] if (Resistence2 >= 80) and (Resistence2 >= 100) [set r2 49 ] ask turtles [ if bulb1? [ set color r1 ] if bulb2? [ set color r2 ] ] ] ;; ask electrons [ move ] end to convert-resistance set Resistance1 (100 - ((gogo:sensor 1) - 23) / 10) set Resistence2 (100 - ((gogo:sensor 6) - 23) / 10) end to-report bulb1? report who = 1 end to-report bulb2? report who = 2 end to calculate-speed set speed ((100 - Resistance1) / 500) end to bounce if ((abs xcor < 80) and (abs xcor > 70)) ;; left or right [ ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1 let new-patch patch-ahead 1 set new-px [pxcor] of new-patch set new-py [pycor] of new-patch ; if we're not about to hit a wall (yellow patch) or piston (orange patch) ; we don't need to do any further checks ; check: hitting left or right wall? if (abs new-px = 70) or (abs new-px = 80) ; if so, reflect heading around x axis [ ;; if the particle is hitting a vertical wall, only the horizontal component of the speed ;; vector can change. The change in velocity for this component is 2 * the speed of the particle, ;; due to the reversing of direction of travel from the collision with the wall set heading (- heading) ] ; check: hitting top or bottom wall? (Should never hit top, but this would handle it.) if (abs new-py = 80) [ ;; if the particle is hitting a horizontal wall, only the vertical component of the speed ;; vector can change. The change in velocity for this component is 2 * the speed of the particle, ;; due to the reversing of direction of travel from the collision with the wall set heading (180 - heading) ] fd speed ] if (abs xcor < 70) ;; top or bottom or middle wire [ ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1 let new-patch patch-ahead 1 set new-px [pxcor] of new-patch set new-py [pycor] of new-patch ; if we're not about to hit a wall (yellow patch) or piston (orange patch) ; we don't need to do any further checks ; check: hitting left or right wall? if (abs new-px = 69) ; if so, reflect heading around x axis [ ;; if the particle is hitting a vertical wall, only the horizontal component of the speed ;; vector can change. The change in velocity for this component is 2 * the speed of the particle, ;; due to the reversing of direction of travel from the collision with the wall set heading (- heading) ] ; check: hitting top or bottom wall? (Should never hit top, but this would handle it.) if (abs new-py = 70) or (abs new-py = 80) [ ;; if the particle is hitting a horizontal wall, only the vertical component of the speed ;; vector can change. The change in velocity for this component is 2 * the speed of the particle, ;; due to the reversing of direction of travel from the collision with the wall set heading (180 - heading) ] if (abs new-py = 0) or (abs new-py = 10) [ ;; if the particle is hitting a horizontal wall, only the vertical component of the speed ;; vector can change. The change in velocity for this component is 2 * the speed of the particle, ;; due to the reversing of direction of travel from the collision with the wall set heading (180 - heading) ] fd speed ] end to move ;; particle procedure jump 1 end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 15 years ago by Nicole Hallinen.
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