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Bundling turtles is a simulation that allows for students to explore why it's best to huddle up when you're code. The simulation also has sensor based components that can work with a GoGo Board. The model was designed to approach this problem from a altogether non-scientifically rigorous perspective. It does not contain any mathematical equations. Instead it provides a space for students to learn about heat transfer outside of the formulaic work that they see in school.
The simulation allows the user to adjust the number of people, size of the room, level of activity, the presence of a fire, the amount of heat generated by the fire, and the amount of heat radiated by each individual. It also has build in features for doing automatic people clustering. The user can adjust these different sliders to get a better understanding of how certain aspects of heat radiation and absorption work. Additionally, there is a bifocal modeling component that leverages a temperature probe. Using this probe students can get a group of their friends and try to create a computer model that matches their behavior.
Press the gogo-setup button, select the appropriate port.
Adjust the parameters as you please and then press go.
One thing to notice is that all of the parameters have different impacts on how warm people feel.
Try making a change to a single slider while holding everything else constant to see how the different parameters affecting the model. You may also like to set up something in behaviorspace that allows you to easily watch what's taking place.
1. Adding a more accurate unit comparison for temperature and time. These would help in the bifocal modeling aspect and allow you to go more in depth on the numerical differences that may occur in the real world but are omitted from the simulation.
2. Add a fan to the room so that it can start to cool off if things get to hot. This would be quite easy to also add to the gogo board.
This section could point out any especially interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model makes use of, particularly in the Procedures tab. It might also point out places where workarounds were needed because of missing features.
This section could give the names of models in the NetLogo Models Library or elsewhere which are of related interest.
This section could contain a reference to the model's URL on the web if it has one, as well as any other necessary credits or references.
Comments and Questions
extensions [gogo] breed [persons person] breed [heats hot] patches-own [ pheat border outside] persons-own [ heat ] heats-own [life] globals [ serial-port max_heat raw_height raw_width xlist ylist sum_heat room_heat room_size gogo_in_use] to setup-gogo set serial-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports gogo:open serial-port repeat 5 [ if not gogo:ping [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ] gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ] set gogo_in_use true end to setup clear-all set room_size (room-width * room-width) set xlist [] set ylist [] set sum_heat 0 set room_heat 0 create-campfire-people create-fire set raw_height (room-width / 2) set raw_width (room-width / 2) set gogo_in_use false draw-box initiate-people ;;show-heat end to add-people create-persons 1[ set shape "person" set size 2 set color brown set-random-direction set heat human-heat forward distance_from_center ] set people (count persons) end to go if (use-light-sensor) [set fire (gogo:sensor 1 > light-threshold)] find-people add-fire-heat ifelse activity[ move-people radiate-heat absorb-heat] [add-heat radiate-heat absorb-heat] do-sums if (sum_heat < auto-cluster-threshold) [ if (auto-cluster) [cluster-people] ] if room_heat < 0 [set fire true] do-plot end to cluster-people ask persons[ facexy 0 0 forward 1 ] end to create-campfire-people create-persons people[ set shape "person" set size 2 set color brown facexy xcor max-pycor set heat human-heat ] end to create-fire if fire[ ask patch 0 0 [ set pheat 100 set pcolor 15 ]] end to draw-box ;;creating a bounding box based on the size of input ask patches[ if ((abs pxcor = raw_width and abs pycor <= raw_height) or (abs pycor = raw_height and abs pxcor <= raw_width)) [set pcolor white set border true] ] end to initiate-people let angle (360 / people) let cpeople 0 ask turtles[ rt ( angle * cpeople ) forward distance_from_center set cpeople (cpeople + 1) ] end to find-people ;;used to keep track of different turtle locations in the form of two lists ask persons[ set xlist lput xcor xlist set ylist lput ycor ylist ] end to add-fire-heat ifelse fire [ create-heats fire_heat [ set shape "dot" set size 1 set life 4 set xcor 0 set ycor 0 set color blue ] ] [ if gogo_in_use[carefully [ create-heats (1028 - gogo:sensor 1) [ set shape "dot" set size 1 set life 4 set xcor ((random room-width) + (0 - raw_width)) set ycor ((random room-width) + (0 - raw_height)) set color blue ] ] [] ] ] end to add-heat ;; add up the heat of each person and see how long it takes for the temperature in the room to change let iter 0 repeat people [ create-heats heat_rad[ set shape "dot" set size 1 set life 3 set xcor (item iter xlist ) set ycor (item iter ylist) set color blue ] set iter (iter + 1) ] end to radiate-heat ask heats [ if (color != orange and color != white) [set-random-direction] check-border if (color = white) [set life (life - 1)] if (life = 0) [die] if color = orange [set color white] if color = blue [ set color orange] ] ask persons [set heat (heat - (heat_rad))] ;; have each turtle emit some heat to the room end to absorb-heat ask persons [ let hcount 0 ask patch-here [ask heats-here [ if color = blue[set hcount (hcount + 1)] if color = orange [ set hcount (hcount + 0.9)] if color = white [set hcount (hcount + 0.75)] die ]] ifelse activity[set heat (heat + hcount + (activity_level * room_heat))] [ set heat (heat + hcount + room_heat)] ] ifelse activity[set room_heat ((room_heat * room_size) - (count persons * room_heat * activity_level))] [set room_heat ((room_heat * room_size) - (count persons * room_size))] ;;have turtles absorb heat if the current patch has more heat than they do? end to set-random-direction facexy ((random 32) + -16) ((random 32) + -16) end to check-border let checkcolor false ask patch-ahead 1[set checkcolor (pcolor = white)] ifelse checkcolor = false [forward 1] [set-random-direction] end to move-people repeat activity_level [ add-heat ask persons [ if activity[set-random-direction check-border] absorb-heat ] find-people ] end to do-sums set sum_heat 0 set room_heat 0 set room_heat (room_heat * room_size) ask persons[ set sum_heat (sum_heat + heat) ] ask heats[ ifelse color = orange [set room_heat (room_heat + 1)] [set room_heat (room_heat + 0.5)] ] set sum_heat (sum_heat / people) set room_heat (room_heat / room_size) end to do-plot set-current-plot "people-heat" plot sum_heat set-current-plot "room-heat" plot room_heat set-current-plot "actual_heat" plot gogo:sensor 8 end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 15 years ago by Marcelo Worsley.
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