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Default-person Tanya Flores (Author)


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Model group Stanford-BBA-Spr10 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 4.1 • Viewed 228 times • Downloaded 17 times • Run 5 times
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globals [ 
  farmers-x    ;;x-coordinate for the top of the farmersmarket
  farmers-y    ;;y-coordinate for the top of the farmersmarket
  supermarket-x    ;;x-coordinate for the top of the supermarket
  supermarket-y    ;;y-coordinate for the top of the supermarket
breed [supermarkets supermarket]
breed [farmersmarkets farmersmarket]
breed [shoppers shopper]
breed [trucks truck]
breed [labors labor]
shoppers-own [
;;SETUP Procedure
;;This procedure sets up the world with all the characters and default variable values.
;;half of the population of shoppers starts at the top-left corner while the other half starts
;;at the bottom right corner. This is arbitrary, but helps control the characters and easier to see
;;them if they are not directly on top of one another. 

to setup
  set-default-shape shoppers "person service"
  set-default-shape supermarkets "building store"
  set-default-shape farmersmarkets "house ranch"
  set-default-shape trucks "truck"
  set-default-shape labors "person farmer"
  set percent-locavore  (locavore-propensity / 100)   ;;percent of the population that will be locavore at the end of the time period
  set number-trucks floor (population * .05)         ;;there is a new truck (shipment of food to the supermarket) for every 5% of the population non-locavore
  set overall-emission (number-trucks * 5845)        ;;every truck averages 5845 tons of CO2 emissions. because the world starts with everyone non-locavore this is default. 
  set number-laborers 1    ;;we will assume the farmer is running the show on his own
  set overall-economy 1    ;;because there are no new employees the economy is at 1
  create-shoppers (population / 2)
    [setxy -16 14
    set size 1.5
    set color 37
    set heading 135
    set health-risk .20   ;;The average american has a 20% risk of hypertension (high-blood pressure)
    set at-store? false
    set locavore? false
    set locavore? (who < population * .0125)     ;;On average only 1.25% of the population is locavore
    if locavore? [
      set color green]]
  create-shoppers (population / 2) 
    [setxy 16 -14
    set size 1.5
    set color 37
    set heading 315
    set health-risk .20    ;;The average american has a 20% risk of hypertension (high-blood pressure)
    set at-store? false
    set locavore? false
    set locavore? (who < population * .0125)     ;;On average only 1.25% of the population is locavore
    if locavore? [
      set color green]]
;;Helper function that creates some of the additional characters in the world. 

to create-world
  set farmers-x -12
  set farmers-y -8
  set supermarket-x 8
  set supermarket-y 10
  ask patches 
    [set  pcolor (green + 1)
    if (pxcor < farmers-y) and (pycor < farmers-x) 
      [set pcolor green]
    if (pxcor > supermarket-x) and (pycor > supermarket-y)
      [set pcolor blue]] 
  create-supermarkets 1 
    [setxy 13 13
    set color 4  
    set size 6]
  create-farmersmarkets 1 
    [setxy -13 -14
    set color 104
    set size 5] 
  create-trucks number-trucks
   [setxy 9 (floor ((random-float 1) * 4) + 12)    ;;random number between 8 and 16     ;;random number between 9 and 14
     set color white
     set size 2
     set heading 315]

;; GO Procedure
;;This is starts the moving behaviors and at every click calculates and stores information
;;about the individual shoppers as well as the entire community. The model is only intended to 
;;last 100 ticks. This is done so that the user gets a realistic idea of how a community could
;;benefit from locally grown foods within a given time period. 

to go
  if all? shoppers [locavore?]
  if ticks >= 100     
  ask shoppers 
  ask trucks
;This procedure moves the shoppers and relocates them to the road once they are done shopping. 

to start-moving
  if not can-move? 1 [right 180]
  if who >= random population [stop]   ;; delay some of the shoppers from heading out
  if at-store? 
    [ifelse random-float 100 < 50      ;;50% of the shoppers will return to the top-left corner of the world after shopping
      [setxy 16 -14                      
        set at-store? false ]
      [setxy -14 16                   ;;50% of the shoppers will start from the bottom-right corner of the world after shopping
        set at-store? false]]
  forward random 2

;;This procedure is similar to the start-moving, but it is for the trucks. They are confined to a small space near the 
;;grocery store and only move up and down. 

to trucks-moving
  ifelse ycor > 14 and ycor > 16
      [forward random 2]
      [right 180
        forward random 2]
;;This procedure checks if the shopper is currently at a store (based on its location in the world
;;If it at a store the procedure will stop; if it is not at the store this is where the shopper will decide
;;based on his lifestyle choice whether to go to the farmer's market or to the supermarket

to stop-for-food
  let sx  floor ((random-float 1) * 8) + 9    ;;random number between 8 and 16 - possible x-cors for the supermarket
  let sy  floor ((random-float 1) * 6) + 11   ;;random number between 10 and 16 - possible y-cors for the supermarket 
  let fx  floor ((random-float -1) * 8) - 8   ;;random number between -8 and -16 - possible x-cors for the farmer's market
  let fy  floor ((random-float -1) * 4) - 12   ;;random number between -12 and -16 - possible y-cors for the farmer's market
    ifelse at-store? 
    [ifelse locavore?                   
      [if random-float 100 < 10       ;;10% of the locavores will go to the farmers market at every click 
        [setxy fx fy
        set at-store? true]]
      [if random-float 100 < 2         ;;2% of the non-locavores will go to the supermarket at every click
        [setxy  sx sy
          set at-store? true]]]

;;Currently only 1.25% of the population are locavores. It is estimated that this number is growing
;;at about 2% per year. For the sake of this model, every 100 tick marks will represent one year. Based
;;on the locavore-propensity the user sets, we can see increase the number of localvores linearly over
;;that one year.  

to choose-lifestyle
  let x count shoppers with [locavore?]
  if x < percent-locavore * population   
    [if remainder ticks 10 = 0 
      [if random-float 100 < (percent-locavore * population / 10) and not at-store? 
        [set locavore? true
        set locavore-length locavore-length + 1]]
        if locavore?
        [set color green]]

;;Health risks are associated with consumption of processed foods. Appel (1997) clinical-trial 
;;results showed that adopting a diet consisting of locally-grown foods  reduces the risk of high blood 
;;pressure reduces by 55%. In America, the average risk of high blood pressure
;;is 20%. For locavores the risk of high blood pressure is estimated at 10%. For this project we have initated
;;the shoppers individual health risk at 20%. Shoppers who continue eat non-local foods will continue to 
;;increase their health-risk at a modest 2% increase (consistent with American Heart Association estimates for
;;average Americans)

to calculate-health-risk
  if health-risk >= 1 [stop]
  ifelse locavore? 
   [set health-risk health-risk * .55]  
   [set health-risk health-risk * 1.02]

to total-health-risk
    set  overall-health-risk mean [health-risk] of shoppers
;;The US States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that on average for every 1 mile of 
;;distance traveled to supply food products to grocery stores about 1.18 tons of combined carbon 
;;monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur dioxide are emmitted into the environment. Locally-foods
;;create 0 emmissions through transport as the foods are grown locally. The average distance travelled
;;to stock a supermarket produce section is estimated to be 5845 miles. For every 5% of the population
;;that eats locally, one truck shipment will no longer be delivered to the competing supermarket.

to calculate-environment-impact
  let x count shoppers with [locavore?]
  let y floor ((x / population) / .05 )
  if y = overall-emission-counter [stop] 
  set overall-emission (overall-emission - ((y - overall-emission-counter) * 5845) )
  set overall-emission-counter y
  if (number-trucks + y != population * .05)
    [if who = random number-trucks [die]
      set number-trucks number-trucks - 1 ]

;;One measure of economic growth is the increase in the employees only as the sale of the products 
;;they produce generates new fresh dollars for the local region. In farmer's markets, all the sale money that
;;is gained goes directly to fresh dollars because the employees and the owners live and buy from that same community
;;as opposed to shippers, transporters, etc. where the money will be used in a different community. 
;;For this model we will assume that for each 10 new people that eat locally-grown foods, 1 new employee will be 
;;hired by the farm. Economic growth will be based on total number of new employees * a multplier. I have chosen a health
;;economic growth multiplier

to calculate-economy
   let x count shoppers with [locavore?]
   let y floor (x / 10)
   if y = number-laborers [stop]
   set overall-economy  floor( 1.2 * (overall-economy + y - number-laborers))
   set number-laborers y
   create-labors (y - number-laborers)
    [setxy -9 (floor ((random-float -1) * 4) - 12)    ;;random number between 8 and 16     ;;random number between 9 and 14
     set color green + 3
     set size 2]


to update-plot-healthrisk
  set-current-plot "Health-Risk"
  set-current-plot-pen "health"
  plot overall-health-risk

to update-plot-environment
  set-current-plot "Environmental Impact"
  set-current-plot-pen "environment"
  plot overall-emission

to update-plot-economy
  set-current-plot "Economy Impact"
  set-current-plot-pen "economy"
  plot overall-economy
;to update-plot-locavore
;  set-current-plot "Locavores"
;  set-current-plot-pen "locavores"
;  plot count shoppers with [locavore?]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by Tanya Flores.

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