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This NetLogo project aims to emulate blizzard conditions. It has several functions that can be altered by the user _wind, temperature, and amount of precipitation.
The precipitation begins at the top of the simulation, and moves from top to bottom. Depending on the other factors such as temperature of the precipitation and wind, different behaviors emerge.
First, use the controls to setup wind, amount of precipitation, and temperature.
Next, click setup. The simulation window changes to represent the sky and ground.
Click the go button and observe what happens!
If you would like to change any of the controls, press go to stop the simulations, adjust the controls, click setup, and then press go.
Which controls dictate which aspects of the model? Does anything special happen to the simulations as the temperature increases?
Set the temperature to just above freezing. Snowflakes are no longer solid, they are raindrops. What happens to the raindrops at the bottom of the simulations is different than what happens to the snowflakes.
An interesting idea to extend this model would be to have the snow and rain mix at an optimal temperature.
Another idea would be to add a _elt_feature in which after a certain number of ticks the snow melts, freezes, and then it rains.
A third idea would be to incorporate ground temperature as a control and explore how that effects snowflake collection on the ground.
The sky and ground are patches while the snowflakes and raindrops are turtles. When a snowflake hits the ground, it changes into a _ead-snowflake_and collects on the ground.
Evaporation is caused when water is exposed to air and the liquid molecules turn into water vapor, which rises up and forms clouds. Also, this model relates to fire model in models library. The precipitation process decreases the chance of a fire spread through a forest.
Comments and Questions
breed [snowflakes snowflake] breed [dead-snowflakes dead-snowflake] breed [raindrops raindrop] snowflakes-own[ location ] raindrops-own[ location ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape snowflakes "circle" set-default-shape raindrops "circle" ask patches [ set pcolor blue - 3 ] ask patches with [pycor < min-pycor + 3] [ set pcolor brown] do-plot end to go wind if temperature > 32 [rain] if temperature <= 32 [storm land ] tick do-plot end to wind ask snowflakes [ ifelse random 2 = 1 [ rt 10 * wind-speed ] [ lt 10 * wind-speed ] ] ask raindrops [ ifelse random 2 = 1 [ rt 10 * wind-speed ] [ lt 10 * wind-speed ] ] end to storm create-snowflakes snow-intensity [ setxy random-xcor max-pycor set heading 180 fd 0.5 - random-float 1.0 set size .25 set color white set location "falling" ] ask snowflakes [ fd random-float 2] end to rain create-raindrops rain-intensity [ setxy random-xcor max-pycor set heading 180 fd 0.5 - random-float 1.0 set size .25 set color [84 84 84] set location "falling" ] ask raindrops [ fd random-float 2] end to land ask snowflakes with [ ycor <= -13.5] [ set breed dead-snowflakes ] end to do-plot set-current-plot "weather" set-current-plot-pen "temperature" plot temperature set-current-plot-pen "wind" plot wind-speed set-current-plot-pen "rain" plot rain-intensity set-current-plot-pen "snow" plot snow-intensity end
There is only one version of this model, created about 14 years ago by Ying Chen.
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