amalmodel 10
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Comments and Questions
globals [hours minutes seconds] ; used to keep track of the time to setup ca clear-output set hours 0 set minutes 0 set seconds 0 crt 60 ask turtles [ ;; creates the 60 tick marks highlighting the hours with different shapes set heading 6 * who set color blue if (who mod 5 = 0) [ set color red set size 2 set shape "circle" ] fd 15 ] ;; Set the second hand - will be referred to later as turtle 60 crt 1 [ set heading 0 set color blue set size 16 set shape "arrow" ] ;; Set the minute hand - will be referred to later as turtle 61 crt 1 [ set heading 0 set color red set size 12 set shape "arrow" ] ;; Set the hour hand - will be referred to later as turtle 62 crt 1 [ set heading 0 set color yellow set size 8 set shape "arrow" ] reset-timer ; this command is needed to use the timer command later end to set_clock ;; This function simply positions the hands according to sliders on the interface screen ask turtle 60 [ set heading second * 6 set seconds second ] ask turtle 61 [ set heading (minute * 6 + second / 10) set minutes minute ] ask turtle 62 [ set heading (hour * 30 + minute / 2 + second / 120) set hours hour ] end to go let val 0 set val round timer ; at the beginning of each second will set the variable val ; to be equal to the time value. Then it will enter the while loop ; and highlight the turtle the second hand is pointing toward. ; after a second has passed the value of timer is different than ; the value of 'val' and will exit the while loop, reset the display ; and update the position of the hands, the monitors, and then repeat while [ val = round timer ] [ ask turtle (seconds mod 60) [ ifelse (who mod 5 = 0) ; a simple block of code to highlight the turtle [ ; the second hand is pointing toward set size 3 set color yellow ] [ set size 2 set color yellow ] ] ] ask turtle (seconds mod 60) [ ifelse (who mod 5 = 0) [ set color red set size 2 ] [ set color blue set size 1 ] ] ;; Updates the hands and the monitors each second ask turtle 60 [ set heading heading + 6 ;; each tick moves the seconds hand 6 degrees set seconds (seconds + 1) mod 60 ;; and one second and reset after 60 if (seconds mod 60 = 0) [set minutes (minutes + 1) mod 60] ;; at 60 seconds, incriment the minutes if (seconds mod 60 = 0 and minutes mod 60 = 0) [set hours (hours + 1) mod 24] ;; at 60 minutes, incriment the hours ] ask turtle 61 [ set heading heading + .1 ;; update the heading of the minute hand each second ] ask turtle 62 [ set heading heading + (.1 / 12) ;; update the heading of the hours hand each second ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by amal zaher.
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