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The Evolving Life Histories model that explores how traits related to the life-cycle of animals evolve under different conditions.
The evolving agents in this model are rats. Rats can eat, grow, mature, reproduce, and die by starvation or as hawk prey. Depending on the environmental conditions, rats will evolve to have different life history variables.
The evolving variables that belong to each rat are:
-AGE-OF-MATURITY: the age at which the juvenile (yellow) stage ends, growth stops, and reproduction begins. After AGE-OF-MATURITY, the rats are adults and turn white.
-FECUNDITY: the number of juvenile rats created each time an adult rat reproduces.
-ENERGY-T0-REPRODUCE: the minimum ammount of energy needed to reproduce.
-TIME-TO-REPRODUCE: the time that must elapse before an adult rat can reproduce again. When it passes, a rat turns orange and looks for another adult rat nearby to mate with.
When a rat finds a mate, it produces juveniles with new variable values. These four variables are set by a normal distribution around the mean of the two parental values. This allows the variables to "mutate", which is necessary for evolutionary change.
Rats are also given a certain ammount of energy at birth, proportional to the mother's ENERGY-TO-REPRODUCE / FECUNDITY. They are also given a BODY-SIZE, proportional to the ammount of energy they have.
As a juveile rat grow, its BODY-SIZE increases by 0.42*BODY-SIZE^.75 each tick.
The ENERGY value of a rat is controlled by the available food and the metabolic rate. The amount of energy a rat can eat each tick scales to body-size at 10*BODY-SIZE^0.67. For adults, the metabolic rate scales to body-size at 6*BODY-SIZE^0.67. In juveniles, who have extra energy costs for growth, metabolic rate scales to 6*BODY-SIZE^0.72. A rat can only gain ENERGY if the patch they are standing on is green; if they eat the patch, the patch turns brown and will not turn green again until REGROWTH-TIME. The rats lose ENERGY every single tick.
At reproduction, a rat also loses ENERGY-TO-REPRODUCE. If ENERGY < 0, the rat dies.
Hawk populations never change unless changed by the user. Hawks will eat one rat if there is a rat below them.
You can adjust the initial number of rats and hawks on the left.
Adjust the initial values for evolving variables with the sliders on the left. If you want to make it so the rats all have the same value throughout the run, turn the coresponding PEG-
If you want to make the hawks eat only adults or only juveniles, adjust the EAT-ONLY-ADUTLS? and EAT-ONLY-JUVENILES? switches on the left. If both are off, the hawks will eat all rats.
Adjust the REGROWTH-TIME of the patches with the slider on the left.
The graphs on the left show the moving averages (for the last 100 ticks) of the evolvable variables and body size.
If you introduce a sudden change in environmental variables (NUMBER-OF-HAWKS or REGROWTH-TIME), the population will often grow quickly, or drop rapidly followed by a rapid regrowth period. Watch the variables when this happens. How do they change?
Peg one of the variables at high or low values and let the others evolve. See how changing the pegged variable causes changes in the other variables. Which variables seem more important?
Increase the number of hawks slowly over time. Do you see any trends in the evolvable variables?
Right now, all rats give birth and can mate with any other adult rat. Try adding males into the model. Add in sexual dimorphism. What changes about the model?
Rats move around the view randomly, and cannot seek out food if they are starving. What happens if you give them the ability to head towards green patches preferentially?
Natural populations often experience cyclical changes in climate and predation. Do these changes affect life history traits in any way?
Drift and population size can significantly effect how populations evolve. Try putting the evolvability of the variables (the size of the standard deviation) on a slider, or adjusting the number of patches to support larger populatoins. How does the evolution of these life history traits change?
Model created by Vince FitzPatrick for EECS 372: DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTING MODELS WITH MULTI-AGENT LANGUAGES. Special thanks to Uri Wilensky, Forrest Stonedahl, Aleata Hubbard and Winston Chang.
Comments and Questions
breed [rats rat] breed [hawks hawk] rats-own [energy age-of-maturity age body-size fecundity energy-to-reproduce time-to-reproduce number-of-litters energy-loss-per-tick energy-gain-from-food time-since-last-birth max-energy offspring-age-of-maturity offspring-time-to-reproduce offspring-fecundity offspring-energy-to-reproduce] patches-own [pcounter grass] globals [ mean-bodysize-list mean-fecundity-list mean-ageofmaturity-list mean-energytoreproduce-list mean-timetoreproduce-list] to setup clear-all set-default-shape rats "mouse side" set-default-shape hawks "hawk" create-rats number-of-rats [ set color yellow setxy random-xcor random-ycor set-values-initial ] create-hawks number-of-hawks [ set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ask patches [set pcolor green set pcounter random regrowth-time] set mean-bodysize-list [] set mean-fecundity-list [] set mean-ageofmaturity-list [] set mean-energytoreproduce-list [] set mean-timetoreproduce-list [] end to set-values-initial set age-of-maturity initial-age-of-maturity set fecundity initial-fecundity set time-to-reproduce initial-time-to-reproduce set energy-to-reproduce initial-energy-to-reproduce set age random age-of-maturity set body-size 1 set size (body-size ^ .334) ;;body-size is representative of weight, while "size" is closer to length. They scale with a .334 power set number-of-litters 0 set energy 10.35 * body-size ^ 0.92 ;;integral of energy-gain - energy-loss from 0 to body-size end ;-------------------- to go mature ;grow ask rats [ eat ;then eat (gain E) move-rats ;then move (lose E) set age age + 1] reproduce ;then reproduce (maybe) check-hawks ask hawks [ move-hawks eat-rats] ask patches [ set pcounter pcounter + 1] ask patches with [ (pcolor = brown) and ( pcounter > regrowth-time)] [ set pcolor green] if not any? rats [stop] ask links [die] tick update-means update-plots end ;---------------------- ; rat procedures to eat set energy-gain-from-food (10 * ((body-size)) ^ .67) if [pcolor] of patch-here = green [ set energy energy + energy-gain-from-food ask patch-here [set pcolor brown set pcounter 0]] end to move-rats ask rats with [color = yellow] [set energy-loss-per-tick (6 * ((body-size)) ^ .72)] rt random 45 lt random 45 fd body-size ^ .24 ;;after Calder 1983 set energy energy - energy-loss-per-tick ask rats with [energy < 0] [die] ;;this is where, if energy < 0, rats die end to mature ask rats with [color = yellow] [ set body-size body-size + .42 * (body-size) ^ .75 ;;Hill and Haruto set size (body-size ^ .334) if age > age-of-maturity [ set color white set energy-loss-per-tick (6 * ((body-size)) ^ .67) set time-since-last-birth time-to-reproduce set number-of-litters 0 set max-energy 10.35 * body-size ^ 0.92]] ;;integral of dE/dW from 0 to size of rat end to reproduce ask rats with [color = white ] [set time-since-last-birth time-since-last-birth + 1] ask rats with [ (color = white) and (time-since-last-birth > time-to-reproduce) ][ set color 26] ask rats with [color = 26][ if energy > max-energy [set energy max-energy] ifelse energy-to-reproduce > energy [ set energy 0 set time-since-last-birth 0 set color white] [if any? other rats with [color != yellow] in-radius size [ create-link-to one-of other rats with [color != yellow] in-radius size set offspring-age-of-maturity ([age-of-maturity] of self + first [age-of-maturity] of out-link-neighbors) / 2 set offspring-time-to-reproduce ([time-to-reproduce] of self + first [time-to-reproduce] of out-link-neighbors) / 2 set offspring-fecundity ([fecundity] of self + first [fecundity] of out-link-neighbors) / 2 set offspring-energy-to-reproduce ([energy-to-reproduce] of self + first [energy-to-reproduce] of out-link-neighbors) / 2 set time-since-last-birth 0 set number-of-litters number-of-litters + 1 hatch fecundity [ set color yellow set-values-offspring set heading random 360 fd 1 ] set color white set energy energy - energy-to-reproduce ]]] end to set-values-offspring set age 0 set energy (energy-to-reproduce / (fecundity) ) ;;parental investment, where we estimate that Emet covers the Emet of offspring too set body-size 0.08 * energy ^ 1.09 set age-of-maturity random-normal offspring-age-of-maturity 2 set energy-to-reproduce random-normal offspring-energy-to-reproduce 2 set time-to-reproduce random-normal offspring-time-to-reproduce 2 set fecundity random-normal offspring-fecundity 1 if peg-aom? [set age-of-maturity initial-age-of-maturity] if peg-fec? [set fecundity initial-fecundity] if peg-ttr? [set time-to-reproduce initial-time-to-reproduce] if peg-etr? [set energy-to-reproduce initial-energy-to-reproduce] set size (body-size ^ .334) end ;-------------------------- ; hawk procedures to move-hawks rt random 45 lt random 45 fd 1 end to eat-rats ifelse eat-only-adults? [ set eat-only-kids? false if any? rats-here with [color != yellow] [ ask one-of rats-here with [color != yellow] [die]]] [ ifelse eat-only-kids? [ if any? rats-here with [color = yellow] [ ask one-of rats-here with [color = yellow] [die]]] [if any? rats-here [ ask one-of rats-here [die]] ]] end to check-hawks ;;adjusts hawk number mid-run if count hawks != number-of-hawks [ ifelse count hawks > number-of-hawks [ ask n-of (count hawks - number-of-hawks) hawks [die]] [create-hawks (number-of-hawks - count hawks) [ set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2]]] end ;--------------------------------- ;grass procedures to regrow set pcounter pcounter + 1 ask patches with [ pcounter > regrowth-time] [ set pcolor green] end ;----------------------------- ;other procedures to update-plots if any? rats with [color != yellow] [ set-current-plot "body-size" plot mean mean-bodysize-list set-current-plot "energy-to-reproduce" plot mean mean-energytoreproduce-list set-current-plot "fecundity" plot mean mean-fecundity-list set-current-plot "age-of-maturity" plot mean mean-ageofmaturity-list set-current-plot "time-to-reproduce" plot mean mean-timetoreproduce-list ] set-current-plot "population" set-current-plot-pen "total" plot count rats set-current-plot-pen "adult" plot count rats with [color != yellow] set-current-plot-pen "juvenile" plot count rats with [color = yellow] end to update-means if any? rats with [color != yellow ] [ set mean-bodysize-list lput (mean [body-size] of rats with [color != yellow]) mean-bodysize-list if (length mean-bodysize-list > 100) [set mean-bodysize-list but-first mean-bodysize-list] set mean-fecundity-list lput (mean [fecundity] of rats with [color != yellow]) mean-fecundity-list if (length mean-fecundity-list > 100) [set mean-fecundity-list but-first mean-fecundity-list] set mean-ageofmaturity-list lput (mean [age-of-maturity] of rats with [color != yellow]) mean-ageofmaturity-list if (length mean-ageofmaturity-list > 100) [set mean-ageofmaturity-list but-first mean-ageofmaturity-list] set mean-energytoreproduce-list lput (mean [energy-to-reproduce] of rats with [color != yellow]) mean-energytoreproduce-list if (length mean-energytoreproduce-list > 100) [set mean-energytoreproduce-list but-first mean-energytoreproduce-list] set mean-timetoreproduce-list lput (mean [time-to-reproduce] of rats with [color != yellow]) mean-timetoreproduce-list if (length mean-timetoreproduce-list > 100) [set mean-timetoreproduce-list but-first mean-timetoreproduce-list] ] end
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