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Comments and Questions
turtles-own [ income ;; monthly income goal-size ;; how much money a turtle would like to accumulate goal-time ;; how long a turtle has to accumulate the money reputation ;; an informal credit-rating attainability ;; how difficult a turtle's goal is to attain ] patches-own [ club? ;; is there a savings group here? club-type ;; if group, what type monthly-contribution ;; how much individuals put in monthly members ;; how many members are in the group money ;; how much money is in the pot desired-members ;; how many members the group can hold ] to setup ca create-turtles population set-default-shape turtles "person" ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set income random-normal mean-income 10 set goal-size random-normal mean-goal-size 10 set goal-time random-normal mean-goal-time 1 set reputation 0 ] ask patches [ set club? false set club-type "" set monthly-contribution "" set members 0 set money 0 ] end to go create-club maybe-join ;; if a club has been created and then abandoned, update variables to reflect this ask patches with [club? = true] [ if count turtles-here = 0 [ set pcolor black set club? false set club-type "" set monthly-contribution "" set members 0 set money 0 ]] end ;; turtle selects type of club based on his goal attainabilty to create-club ask one-of turtles [ calculate-attainability ifelse attainability < rosca-threshold [ create-saving-up] [ ifelse attainability < asca-threshold [ create-rosca] [ create-asca] ]] end ;; determine what percentage of income would have to be saved each month to reach goal to calculate-attainability set attainability goal-size / (income * goal-time) end to create-saving-up ;; turle procedure ask patch-here [ set club? true set club-type "saving-up" set pcolor yellow ;; set monthly contribution such that expected payout in goal-time months = goal-size set monthly-contribution [goal-size] of one-of turtles-here / ([goal-time] of one-of turtles-here * (1 - risk)) set desired-members [goal-time] of one-of turtles-here ] end to create-rosca ;; turle procedure ask patch-here [ set club? true set club-type "rosca" set pcolor green ;; set monthly contribution such that expected payout in goal-time months = goal-size set monthly-contribution [goal-size] of one-of turtles-here / ([goal-time] of one-of turtles-here * (1 - risk)) set desired-members [goal-time] of one-of turtles-here ] end to create-asca ;; turle procedure ask patch-here [ set club? true set club-type "asca" set pcolor blue ;; set monthly contribution such that expected payout in goal-time months = goal-size set monthly-contribution [goal-size] of one-of turtles-here / ([goal-time] of one-of turtles-here * (1 - risk) * (1 + interest)) set desired-members [goal-time] of one-of turtles-here ] end to maybe-join ask patches [ set members count turtles-here] ;; update members variable ifelse any? patches with [(club? = true) and (members < desired-members)] [ let open-club one-of patches with [(club? = true) and (members < desired-members)] ;; assign an open club ask one-of turtles [ if (([desired-members] of open-club) * ([monthly-contribution] of open-club) * (1 - risk) >= goal-size) and ([desired-members] of open-club >= goal-time) [ setxy [pxcor] of open-club [pycor] of open-club ]]] ;; turtles decide whether they'd like to join the open club- is the payoff high enough and the time frame quick enough? [stop] ;; if all clubs are closed, stop end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by Sarah Reibstein.
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