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Comments and Questions
globals [cyan-particles yellow-particles show-dark? tick-delta ] breed [ perfume-particles perfume-particle ] breed [ air-particles air-particle ] turtles-own [ darkparticle? last-collision speed mass ] to setup clear-all create-air-particles 400 ask air-particles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color cyan set size .33 ] set-default-shape turtles "circle" create-perfume-particles 100 set-default-shape perfume-particles "circle" ask perfume-particles [ set color yellow set size .43 setxy -13 -13 forward 1 lt 60 forward 1 ] make-box end to make-box ask patches[ ;; if patches are between (-10,-10) to (-10,-16)... if ( pxcor = -10 and pycor <= -10 and pycor >= -16 ) [set pcolor red] ;; ... draws left edge in red ;; if patches are between (-16,-10) to (-16,-16)... if ( pxcor = -16 and pycor <= -10 and pycor >= -16 ) [set pcolor red] ;; ... draws right edge in red ;; if patches are between (-10,-10) to (-16,-10)... if ( pycor = -10 and pxcor >= -16 and pxcor <= -10 ) [set pcolor red] ;; ... draws bottom edge in red ;; if patches are between (-10,-16) to (-16,-16)... if ( pycor = -16 and pxcor >= -16 and pxcor <= -10 ) [set pcolor red] ;; ... draws upper edge in red ] end to go ; if bounce? [ ask turtles [ bounce ] ] ;; all particles bounce ask turtles [ move ] ;; all particles move ; if collide? ; [ ; ask particles ; [ ; check-for-particlecollision ; ] ; tick-advance tick-delta ; ;; we need to check this down here as well, because if there are no ; ;; particles left, trying to set the new tick-delta will cause an error... ; set tick-delta 1 / (ceiling max [speed] of turtles) ; display end ;to bounce ;; partidarkparticle?darkparticle?cle procedure ; ;; if we're not about to hit a wall (yellow patch), or if we're already on a ; ;; wall, we don't need to do any further checks ; if pcolor = red or [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy != red [ stop ] ; ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1 ; let new-px round (xcor + dx) ; let new-py round (ycor + dy) ; ;; if hitting left or right wall, reflect heading around x axis ; if (abs new-px = box-x) ; [ set heading (- heading) ] ; ;; if hitting top or bottom wall, reflect heading around y axis ; if (abs new-py = box-y) ; [ set heading (180 - heading) ] ;end to move ;; particle procedure let next-patch patch-ahead (speed * tick-delta) ;; die if we're about to wrap... if ((pxcor != 0 and ([pxcor] of next-patch) = (- pxcor)) or (pycor != 0 and ([pycor] of next-patch) = (- pycor))) [ set darkparticle? true ifelse show-dark? [set shape "dark" set color red][set shape "nothing" set color green]] if next-patch != patch-here [ set last-collision nobody ] jump (speed * tick-delta) end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by sigal samon.
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sigal samon
מה לא בסדר בפרוצדורת go?
העתקתי אתפרוצדורתהgo מCC אך היא לא פועלתלמרות שהמודללא מציין מה לא בסדר.שרונה האם תוכלי לבדוק את הפרוצדורה?
Posted almost 14 years ago
sigal samon
מה לא בסדר בפרוצדורת go?
העתקתי אתפרוצדורתהgo מCC אך היא לא פועלתלמרות שהמודללא מציין מה לא בסדר.שרונה האם תוכלי לבדוק את הפרוצדורה?
Posted almost 14 years ago