Final Argyle Model

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1 collaborator

Default-person Taiyo Sogawa (Author)


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Child of model pho model v 4
Model group EECS 372-Spring 2011 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 4.1.3 • Viewed 193 times • Downloaded 20 times • Run 3 times
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breed[patrons patron]
breed[vacancy-lights vacancy-light]
breed[trains train]

patrons-own[t-radius hunger searching eating returning bypassing R0x R0y R1x R1y R1p]   ; R0x and R0y are the disliked restaurant coords, R1x and R1y are the liked restaurant coords
                                                                                        ; R1p is the loyalty rating (or preference) of the liked restaurant
patches-own[capacity taste patronage restaurant? orig-x orig-y]                         ; orig-x and orig-y refer to the original coordinates of the restaurant
globals[rush-countdown fiscal-term-count taste-patronage-corr dist-patronage-corr dist-taste-corr]

to setup
  ifelse two-dimensional?

;;==================================================SETUP 1D MODE=================================================================

to setup-1D       ;; setup the environment
  set rush-countdown 1000
  set fiscal-term-count 1
  ask patches[
    set pcolor white
    set orig-x pxcor
    set orig-y pycor
    set restaurant? 0
    if(pxcor = -7)[set pcolor 17]
    if((pxcor > -7) and (abs(pycor) = 2))[                       ;; setup restaurants  1-D for this first model
      set restaurant? 1
      set pcolor lime
      set patronage 0
      set taste random 100
      set capacity  (random capacity-variation) + (average-capacity - (capacity-variation / 2))
      if(capacity < 1)[set capacity 1]
      sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
    if((pxcor > -7) and (abs(pycor) > 2))[set pcolor brown]    
    if((pxcor = -7) and (abs(pycor) < 2))[set pcolor blue]         ;; setup home base for turtles to live between meals
       if((pxcor = -7) and (pycor = 0))[
        sprout-trains 1[
          set shape "train passenger car"
          set color gray + 3
          set size 2
          set heading 0
  create-patrons number-patrons[

;==============================================================TO SETUP-2D===========================================================

to setup-2D       ;; setup the environment
  set rush-countdown 1000
  set fiscal-term-count 5000
  set fiscal-term-count 1
  ask patches[
    set orig-x pxcor
      set orig-y pycor
    set pcolor white
    set restaurant? 0
    if(pxcor = -7)[set pcolor 17]
    if((pxcor = -7) and (pycor = 0))[
        sprout-trains 1[
          set shape "train passenger car"
          set color gray + 3
          set size 2
          set heading 0
    if((pxcor > -6) and ((pxcor mod (7 - N-S-street-density)) != 0) and ((pycor mod (7 - E-W-street-density))!= 0))[                       ;; setup restaurants  1-D for this first model
     if((abs(pxcor) > 1) and (abs(pycor) > 1))[
     ifelse(random 100 < restaurant-density)[
      set restaurant? 1
      set pcolor lime
      set patronage 0
      set taste random 100
      set capacity (random capacity-variation) + (average-capacity - (capacity-variation / 2))
      if(capacity < 1)[set capacity 1] ;make sure each restaurant has at least capacity of 1
      sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
       set pcolor brown
     ifelse(random 100 < restaurant-density)[
      set restaurant? 1
      set pcolor lime
      set patronage 0
      set taste random 100
      set capacity (random capacity-variation) + (average-capacity - (capacity-variation / 2))
      if(capacity < 1)[set capacity 1] ;make sure each restaurant has at least capacity of 1
      sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
       set pcolor brown
    if((pxcor = -7) and (abs(pycor) < 2))[set pcolor blue]         ;; setup home base for turtles to live between meals
  ask patches with [restaurant? = 1][
    if ((count neighbors4 with [pcolor = white]) = 0)[         ;; if they have no street access, don't make them a restaurant
      set pcolor brown
      set restaurant? 0
      ask turtles-here[die]
  create-patrons number-patrons[

;==============================================================TO GO==================================================================

to go
  ask patrons[
    if(random 100000 < patron-turnover) [die]
  ask vacancy-lights[
  ask patches[
  ask vacancy-lights[
    set label [patronage] of patch-here
  ask trains[


to check-location      ;; check if this is somewhere the turtle wants to eat
  if([restaurant?] of patch-here = 1)[
    ifelse(random 200 < hunger)       ;; the hungrier the turtle is, the more likely it is to enter a restaurant        
    [enter-restaurant]      ;; if the turtles are on a restaurant and like it, they will stop searching. Otherwise, turn around                  
  if([pcolor] of patch-here = brown)[keep-searching]

to check-eating
  if(eating = 1)[
    set searching 0
    set hunger (hunger - 5)   ;; while eating, the turtle becomes less hungry
    if(hunger <= 0)[
      set eating 0     ;; no longer hungry
      set returning 1
    ] ;; when the turtle is no longer hungry, it will return home

to check-hunger
  if((hunger > 100) and ([pcolor] of patch-here = blue))[ 
    ifelse((random 200 < R1p ) and (R1y != 0))       ;; choose if the turtle is going to search, or go straight to it's favorite restaurant
      [set bypassing 1]
      [set searching 1]
  set hunger (hunger + 1)    ;; every tick the turtle gets more hungry

to check-returning
  if(returning = 1)[
    facexy -7 0
    fd .2
    if([pcolor] of patch-here = blue)[set returning 0]

to check-searching
  if(searching = 1)[
  set heading (heading + (random t-radius) - (random t-radius))     ;; have the turtles wiggle, then move forward
  if(xcor < -6)[set heading 90]                         ;; if turtle is out of bounds, send them in the right direction
  fd .1

to check-bypass
  if(bypassing = 1)[
    let t-R1x R1x
    let t-R1y R1y
    let x-go [pxcor] of (patches with [(orig-x = t-R1x) and (orig-y = t-R1y)])         ;; go to the favorite restaurant, even if it has changed location
    let y-go [pycor] of (patches with [(orig-x = t-R1x) and (orig-y = t-R1y)])
    facexy (one-of x-go) (one-of y-go)
    fd .1
    if(([orig-x] of patch-here = R1x) and ([orig-y] of patch-here = R1y))[enter-restaurant]

to enter-restaurant
  if(([orig-x] of patch-here = R0x) and ([orig-y] of patch-here = R0y))[
    keep-searching];; if this is a restaurant the turtle dislikes, keep searching
  ifelse((count patrons-here) > ([capacity] of patch-here))   ;; make sure the restaurant hasn't reached capacity. If it has, we continue searching
  set bypassing 0 ;; no longer in bypass mode
  set searching 0  ;; no longer in search mode
  set eating 1   ;; we found the restaurant, we're happy!  
  ask patch-here[
    set patronage patronage + 1
    if(pcolor > 60)[
      set pcolor (pcolor - 1) ;; readjust patch color
      if(pcolor < 60)[set pcolor 60]  ;; make sure readjustment doesn't overshoot
    ] ;; have the restaurant remember that they had another customer
  ifelse((R1x = [orig-x] of patch-here) and (R1y = [orig-y] of patch-here))
    set R1p (R1p + 20)
    if(R1p > 190)[set R1p 190]  ;; make sure the preference factor doesn't go over 90
   [if((random 100 < ([taste] of patch-here)) and ([taste] of patch-here >= 60))[
        set R1x ([orig-x] of patch-here)   ;; have the turtle remember this restaurant if they liked it
        set R1y ([orig-y] of patch-here)
        set R1p ([taste] of patch-here)
      if(([taste] of patch-here) < 30)[
        set R0x ([orig-x] of patch-here)   ;; have the turtle remember this restaurant if they disliked it
        set R0y ([orig-y] of patch-here)

to check-capacity
  ifelse((count patrons-here) >= [capacity] of patch-here)
  [set color red]         ;; if a restaurant's capacity has been reached, signal by turning red
  [set color white]

to keep-searching
  set searching 1
  set bypassing 0
  set heading (heading + 180 + random 80 - random 80)
  fd .5

to check-rush
  if(rush-countdown = 75)[
    ask patrons[
      if(random 2 < 1)[
        set hunger 0
        set searching 0
        set bypassing 0
        set returning 1

  if(rush-countdown = 0)[

    ask patrons[if([pcolor] of patch-here = blue)[set hunger 100]] ;;have each turtle release every 1000 ticks
    set rush-countdown 1000
    create-patrons (.01 * patron-turnover * number-patrons)[
  set rush-countdown (rush-countdown - 1)

to update-patronage  ;; have the restaurants display their normalized patronage
  if((restaurant? = 1) and (pcolor < 69))[set pcolor (pcolor + .01)]

to update-charts  ;; let's plot some stuff!
  set-current-plot "Distance vs. Taste"
  set-plot-pen-mode 2
   ask patches with [restaurant? = 1][
    let my-x-dist (distancexy -7 pycor)
    let my-y-dist (distancexy pxcor 0)

   plotxy (my-x-dist + my-y-dist) taste
  set-current-plot "Patronage Distribution"   
  set-histogram-num-bars 10
  set-plot-pen-mode 1
  histogram ([70 - pcolor] of (patches with [restaurant? = 1]))
  set-current-plot "Taste vs. Patronage"
  set-plot-pen-mode 2
  ask patches with [restaurant? = 1][
    plotxy taste (100 * patronage / fiscal-term-count)
  set-current-plot "Distance vs. Patronage"
  set-plot-pen-mode 2
  ask patches with [restaurant? = 1][
    let my-x-dist (distancexy -7 pycor)
    let my-y-dist (distancexy pxcor 0)
   plotxy (my-x-dist + my-y-dist) (100 * patronage / fiscal-term-count)
   let tlist sum [taste] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]                        ;; calculate some correlation coefficients!
   let plist sum [patronage] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let dlist sum [distance patch -7 0] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let N count patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let tlist2 sum [taste ^ 2] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let plist2 sum [patronage ^ 2] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let dlist2 sum [(distance patch -7 0) ^ 2] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let tplist sum [taste * patronage] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let tdlist sum [taste * (distance patch -7 0)] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   let dplist sum [(distance patch -7 0) * patronage] of patches with [restaurant? = 1]
   if((N * (tlist2 - 1)) * (N * (plist2 - 1)) > 0)[
   set taste-patronage-corr ( ((N * tplist) - (tlist * plist)) / sqrt((N * (tlist2 - 1)) * (N * (plist2 - 1))))
   if((N * (dlist2 - 1)) * (N * (plist2 - 1)) > 0)[
   set dist-patronage-corr ( ((N * dplist) - (dlist * plist)) / sqrt((N * (dlist2 - 1)) * (N * (plist2 - 1))))
     if((N * (dlist2 - 1)) * (N * (tlist2 - 1)) > 0)[
   set dist-taste-corr ( ((N * tdlist) - (dlist * tlist)) / sqrt( (N * (dlist2 - 1)) * (N * (tlist2 - 1)) ))

to move
  fd .015
  if(ycor > 7.499999)[ set ycor -7.5]

to initialize-patrons
   setxy -7 0                  ;; have the turtles start out at their home base
    set shape "pirate"   
    set size ((random 4) + 1) / 2    ]
    [set shape "person"]
    set heading 90
    set hunger random 100
    set R0x 0
    set R0y 0
    set R1x 0
    set R1y 0
    set t-radius 20 + random 30

to check-fiscal
  set fiscal-term-count (fiscal-term-count + 1)
  if (fiscal-term-count = fiscal-period-length)[
    set fiscal-term-count 1

ask patches[                           ; switch restaurants
  ifelse(abs(pycor) != max-pycor)[ 
    if((([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1)) = white) or (([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1)) = white)) [move-left]
    ifelse(pycor > 0)
    [if(([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1)) = white)[move-left]]
    [if(([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1)) = white)[move-left]]
  ifelse(abs(pxcor) != max-pxcor)[
    if((([pcolor] of patch (pxcor + 1) pycor) = white) or (([pcolor] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor) = white))[
    ifelse(pycor > 0)

    ifelse(pycor > 0)
    [if((([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1)) = white))[move-down]]
    [if((([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1)) = white))[move-up]]
      set patronage 0

ask patches[  
 if(pcolor = brown)[ ask vacancy-lights-here[die]] ;; if no longer a restaurant, have the light die

to move-left
  if((patch (pxcor - 1) pycor != nobody) and ([pcolor] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor != white) and (pxcor > -6))[
      if(([patronage] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor) < patronage - (fiscal-period-length / 100))[
        let t-capacity ([capacity] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        let t-taste ([taste] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        let t-restaurant? ([restaurant?] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        let t-orig-x ([orig-x] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        let t-orig-y ([orig-y] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        let t-pcolor ([pcolor] of patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)
        ask (patch (pxcor - 1) pycor)[
          set capacity ([capacity] of myself)
          set taste ([taste] of myself)
          set restaurant? ([restaurant?] of myself)
          set orig-x ([orig-x] of myself)
          set orig-y ([orig-y] of myself)
          set pcolor ([pcolor] of myself)
          sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
          set capacity t-capacity
          set taste t-taste
          set restaurant? t-restaurant?
          set orig-x t-orig-x
          set orig-y t-orig-y
          set pcolor t-pcolor

to move-down
  if((patch pxcor (pycor - 1) != nobody) and ([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1) != white))[
      if(([patronage] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1)) < patronage - (fiscal-period-length / 100))[
        let t-capacity ([capacity] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        let t-taste ([taste] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        let t-restaurant? ([restaurant?] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        let t-orig-x ([orig-x] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        let t-orig-y ([orig-y] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        let t-pcolor ([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor - 1))
        ask(patch pxcor (pycor - 1))[
          set capacity ([capacity] of myself)
          set taste ([taste] of myself)
          set restaurant? ([restaurant?] of myself)
          set orig-x ([orig-x] of myself)
          set orig-y ([orig-y] of myself)
          set pcolor ([pcolor] of myself)
          sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
          set capacity t-capacity
          set taste t-taste
          set restaurant? t-restaurant?
          set orig-x t-orig-x
          set orig-y t-orig-y
          set pcolor t-pcolor

to move-up
   if((patch pxcor (pycor + 1) != nobody) and ([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1) != white))[
      if(([patronage] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1)) < patronage - (fiscal-period-length / 100))[
        let t-capacity ([capacity] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        let t-taste ([taste] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        let t-restaurant? ([restaurant?] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        let t-orig-x ([orig-x] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        let t-orig-y ([orig-y] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        let t-pcolor ([pcolor] of patch pxcor (pycor + 1))
        ask(patch pxcor (pycor + 1))[
          set capacity ([capacity] of myself)
          set taste ([taste] of myself)
          set restaurant? ([restaurant?] of myself)
          set orig-x ([orig-x] of myself)
          set orig-y ([orig-y] of myself)
          set pcolor ([pcolor] of myself)
          sprout-vacancy-lights 1[
        set shape "square"      ;; this will act as the restaurant's vacancy light!
        set color white
        set size .8
        set label-color black
          set capacity t-capacity
          set taste t-taste
          set restaurant? t-restaurant?
          set orig-x t-orig-x
          set orig-y t-orig-y
          set pcolor t-pcolor

There is only one version of this model, created almost 14 years ago by Taiyo Sogawa.

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Parent: pho model v 4

This model does not have any descendants.

Graph of models related to 'Final Argyle Model'