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breed [bugs bug] bugs-own [ birthday hue ] globals [adult-age total-caught] breed [predators predator] to setup clear-all set adult-age 2 ;; take 2 seconds to grow to full size set-default-shape bugs "moth" set-default-shape predators "bird" change-environment make-initial-bugs make-predator reset-ticks end to go reset-timer grow-bugs eat-bugs reproduce-bugs ;; update the view 20 times a second every 0.05 [ display ] ;; keep the tick counter in sync with how many seconds have passed. ;; we don't only want to count the time that passes while the GO ;; button is actually down, so that's why we do RESET-TIMER above, ;; so we can measure how time has actually been spent in GO. tick-advance timer ;; plotting takes time, so only plot 10 times a second every 0.1 [ update-plots ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to make-initial-bugs create-bugs carrying-capacity [ set size bug-size set birthday (- adult-age) ;; start at full size set hue random 130 ask n-of 1 bugs [set hue 16] set color hue setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end ;; creates the turtle that will follow the mouse pointer around and ;; represent the predator that the user is controlling to make-predator create-predators 1 [ set color yellow set size 2 hide-turtle set heading 310 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Runtime Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to grow-bugs ask bugs [ ;; show genotypes ;; grow the newly hatched offspring until they reach their ADULT-AGE, ;; at which point they should be the full BUG-SIZE let age ticks - birthday ifelse age < adult-age [ set size bug-size * age / adult-age ] [ set size bug-size ] ] end to eat-bugs ;; show the hawk shape under the mouse-pointer ask predators [ set hidden? not mouse-inside? setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ] if mouse-inside? and mouse-down? [ ;; prey holds an agentset of the bugs that the mouse is close to touching. ;; "close to touching" is considered to be within a circle that is equal in size to the size ;; of the bug. The shape of the bug may not take up the whole circle, but it takes up most of it. let prey bugs with [distance one-of predators < (size / 2)] if any? prey [ set total-caught (total-caught + count prey) ;; increment the number of bugs caught in this interval ask prey [ die ] ] ] end to reproduce-bugs ;; if the number of bugs in under the carrying capacity, bugs can generate offspring ;; otherwise no new bugs are to replace ones that are eaten if not any? bugs [ make-initial-bugs ] if count bugs < carrying-capacity - 5 [ ask one-of bugs [ make-one-offspring ] ] end ;; ask every bug to make one offspring (no carrying-capacity limitations are placed on this) to make-generation ask bugs [ make-one-offspring ] end to make-one-offspring ;; turtle procedure ;; three possible random mutations can occur, one in each frequency of gene expression ;; the max-mutation-step determines the maximum amount the gene frequency can drift up ;; or down in this offspring hatch 1 [ set size 0 if mutations = 0 [ set hue hue] if mutations = 1 [set hue hue + 1] if mutations = 2 [set hue hue + 2] if mutations = 3 [ set hue hue + 3 ] if mutations = 4 [ set hue hue + 4] if mutations = 5 [set hue hue + 5] set color hue set birthday ticks wander ] end to wander ;; turtle procedure, makes bugs wander around randomly rt random 360 fd random-float (9) end ;; imposes a threshold limit on gene-frequency. ;; without this genes could drift into negative values or very large values ;; (any value above 100%) to change-environment if environment = "poppyfield" [ import-drawing "poppyfield.jpg"] if environment = "sea" [ import-drawing "corals.jpg"] if environment = "jungle" [import-drawing "jungle.jpg"] end ;; a visualization technique to find bugs if you are convinced they are not there anymore ;; it allows flashing without actually changing and recalculating the color attribute of the bugs to flash-bugs ;; we use ASK-CONCURRENT here instead of ASK because when ;; the bugs WAIT, we want them all to wait together, not each ;; wait one at a time. ask-concurrent bugs [ let old-color color repeat 3 [ set color black display wait 0.1 set color white display wait 0.1 ] set color old-color ] display end
There is only one version of this model, created about 13 years ago by Pratim Sengupta.
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