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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0beta4
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breed [predators predator] breed [bugs bug] bugs-own [bigness] to setup ca create-bugs 30 ask bugs [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading 0 set color white set size 1 set shape Type-of-organism] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white] [set color red] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white][set color blue] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white] [set color green] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white] [set color violet] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white] [set color yellow] ask n-of 5 bugs with [color = white] [set color brown] set-size create-predators 1 [ set shape "bird" set color yellow set size 3 set heading 315 ] reset-ticks end to set-size ask bugs [set bigness random 10] ask bugs [set size bigness] end to reproduce ask bugs [ if random 100 > 25 [ hatch 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading 0 ifelse random 10 > 5 [set size size + .5 ] [set size size - .5]]]] end to move-predator ask predators [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor set hidden? not mouse-inside? ] end to go tick check-caught move-predator ask bugs [if size <= .05[die]] if count bugs < 10 [user-message (word "There are " count bugs " bugs. Hit Halt and Reproduce before continuing")] end to check-caught if not mouse-down? or not mouse-inside? [ stop ] let prey [bugs in-radius (size / 3 )] of one-of predators ;; no prey here? oh well if not any? prey [ stop ] ;; eat only one of the bugs at the mouse location ask one-of prey [ die ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 13 years ago by Pratim Sengupta.
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