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Default-person Kay Ramey (Author)


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Model group LS426-2012 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by group members (LS426-2012)
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0RC7 • Viewed 369 times • Downloaded 27 times • Run 0 times
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patches-own [water]
globals [people-constant water-constant]

to setup

  crt population
    set color orange
    set size 2
    set shape "person"
    ; distribute randomly, making sure none of them are in the water
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    while [water = true] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
  set people-constant 0.0
  let counter 1
  while [counter <= population]
    set people-constant (people-constant + (1.0 / counter))
    set counter (counter + 1)
  ; we don't want to count ourselves
  set people-constant (people-constant - 1)


;; draw a fixed terrain

to draw-terrain
  ask patches
    set pcolor 72  ; green
    set water false
  ; ocean along the top
  ask patches with [pycor > 70]
    set pcolor blue
    set water true
  ; ocean along the bottom
  ask patches with [pycor < 3]
    set pcolor blue
    set water true
  ; lake on the left
  ask patches with [distancexy 25 30 < 13]
    set pcolor blue
    set water true
  ; another lake on the right
  ask patches with [distancexy 70 45 < 10]
    set pcolor blue
    set water true
  ; river going down from the second lake  
  ask patches with [pxcor > 67 and pxcor < 73 and pycor < 45]
    set pcolor blue
    set water true

to go
  ask turtles

    ;; the default probability of staying at the current
    ;; patch derives from laziness
    let p ((laziness / 100.0) + (get-happiness-adjustment xcor ycor))

    let r (random-float 1)
    ifelse (r > p)
    ] [
      set r (random 100)
      if (impulsiveness > r) [ move-randomly ]

;; calculate the people index, which we model to have decreasing
;; marginal utility. we go with a harmonic sum as a rough
;; approximation, i.e. the nth neighbor adds value 1/n

to-report get-people-index [x y]

  let people-index 0.0
  let people-count 0

  ask turtles with [(distancexy x y) < sphere-of-activity]
    set people-count (people-count + 1)
    set people-index people-index + (1.0 / people-count)
  ;; we counted ourselves in the above, so take it back out
  set people-index (people-index - 1)
  ;; normalize the people-index against the maximum possible value
  ;; that occurs when everyone is all in the same place. after
  ;; this, people-index will be a number between 0 and 1.
  set people-index (people-index / people-constant)
  report people-index

;; calculate the water index, which we model to have a sharply
;; decreasing marginal utility. we go with the nth neighboring
;; water patch adding value 1/n^2

to-report get-water-index [x y]
  let water-index 0.0
  let water-count 0
  ask patches with [(distancexy x y) < sphere-of-activity]
    if (water = true)
      set water-count (water-count + 1)
      set water-index water-index + (1.0 / (water-count * water-count))
  ;; normalize the water-index against the maximum possible value
  ;; after this, water-index will be a number between 0 and 1
  set water-index (water-index / 1.65)

  report water-index  

;; reports the probability adjustment of staying, as influenced
;; by being close to water and people.

to-report get-happiness-adjustment [x y]
  let people-index (get-people-index x y)
  let water-index (get-water-index x y)
  ;; we define leeway to be the amount of influence either proximity
  ;; to water or proximity to people can have, and we give these
  ;; equal parts of the remaining probability. for example,
  ;; if the default probability of staying is 40%, then we allow
  ;; each of these two factors to increase the probability by up to 
  ;; 30%, so that if both of them were to be maxed out, and the person
  ;; had 100% affinity to both, then the probability
  ;; of staying would be 100%.
  let leeway ((100.0 - laziness) / 200.0)

  report (people-index * (affinity-to-people / 100.0) * leeway) + (water-index * (affinity-to-water / 100.0) * leeway)  

;; checks the up/down/left/right squares and moves to the
;; one that makes you the happiest

to move-intelligently
  let x xcor
  let y ycor
  ; adjustments in the four directions
  let adj1 -1
  let adj2 -1
  let adj3 -1
  let adj4 -1
  ;; up, idx = 1
  set ycor (y + 1)
  if (water = false) [ set adj1 (get-happiness-adjustment xcor ycor) ]
  ;; down, idx = 2
  set ycor (y - 1)
  if (water = false) [ set adj2 (get-happiness-adjustment xcor ycor) ]
  ;; left, idx = 3
  set ycor y
  set xcor (x - 1)
  if (water = false) [ set adj3 (get-happiness-adjustment xcor ycor) ]
  ;; left, idx = 4
  set xcor (x + 1)
  if (water = false) [ set adj4 (get-happiness-adjustment xcor ycor) ]

  ;; figure out what the max adjustment is, and how many
  ;; of the four directions tie for max
  let max-adj adj1
  let max-count 1
  if (adj2 = adj1) [ set max-count (max-count + 1) ]
  if (adj2 > adj1) [ set max-adj adj2 set max-count 1 ]
  if (adj3 = adj2) [ set max-count (max-count + 1) ]
  if (adj3 > adj2) [ set max-adj adj3 set max-count 1 ]
  if (adj4 = adj3) [ set max-count (max-count + 1) ]
  if (adj4 > adj3) [ set max-adj adj4 set max-count 1 ]
  ;; now, randomly choose one of the directions that tie for
  ;; the max adjustment
  let max-idx (random max-count)
  if (adj1 = max-adj)
    if (max-idx = 0) [ set xcor x set ycor (y + 1) stop ]
    set max-idx (max-idx - 1)
  if (adj2 = max-adj)
    if (max-idx = 0) [ set xcor x set ycor (y - 1) stop ]
    set max-idx (max-idx - 1)
  if (adj3 = max-adj)
    if (max-idx = 0) [ set xcor (x - 1) set ycor y stop ]
    set max-idx (max-idx - 1)
  if (adj4 = max-adj)
    if (max-idx = 0) [ set xcor (x + 1) set ycor y stop ]
    set max-idx (max-idx - 1)

to move-randomly
  let legal-move false
  let r 0
  while [legal-move = false]
    set r (random 360)
    rt r fd 1
    ifelse (water = true)
      set legal-move false
      bk 1 lt r
    ] [
      set legal-move true

There is only one version of this model, created about 13 years ago by Kay Ramey.

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