Find a Partner

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1 collaborator

Default-person Stina Krist (Author)


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Model group LS426-2012 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0RC7 • Viewed 450 times • Downloaded 20 times • Run 0 times
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globals [

turtles-own [
  picky ;allowable distance between your average scores
  ability ;how smart you are
  popularity ;how cool you are
  no-match? ;if you have a partner or not...true = no partner, false = partner


to setup
  let yrepeat 2
  let xrepeat 2
  let yoffset 6
  let xoffset -10
  repeat rows [
    repeat columns [ create-turtles 1 [ ;;one of Nathan's suggestions was to put them into 'desk' formation, it made it easier to have them pick a turtle
    set shape "person"
    set ycor (yrepeat + yoffset)
    set xcor (xrepeat + xoffset)
    set xrepeat (xrepeat + 2)
    set picky 0
    set ability random 10
    set popularity random 10
    set no-match? true
    set color scale-color 40 (ability + 1) 0 10];sets the color of the turtles according to ability level. 
    ;The first number is the color that is shaded
    set yrepeat (yrepeat - 2)
    set xrepeat 2
  ;set p-increase .1
  set scope 2

to go
  if all? turtles [no-match? = false]
  ask turtles [ 
    set picky (picky + p-increase) 
  ask turtles [
    if no-match? ;ifelse no-match?
    [find-partner] ;true - search for partners
    ;[set shape "face happy"] ;false - have a partner, change shape is just so we can see it for now
set scope (scope + 2) ;look further out for a partner

to find-partner
  let close-turtle one-of other turtles with [distance myself <= scope and no-match? = true] ;pick one that's close and doesn't already have a partner
  let your-score (([ability] of close-turtle + [popularity] of close-turtle) / 2)
  let my-score ((ability + popularity) / 2)
  if abs (your-score - my-score) <= picky ;this should be the same for both, right?  they should each have the same pickyness, and the abs difference between their mean scores should be the same?
  [set no-match? false ;I have a partner
    set buddy close-turtle ;sets who the turtle's partner is
    ask close-turtle [ ;you have a partner
      set no-match? false
      set buddy myself] ;sets who the matched turtle's partner is
  ifelse no-match? = false and [no-match?] of close-turtle = false ;if we are both ok with matching
  [partner] ;then we become partners and do something TBD
  [set no-match? true ask close-turtle [set no-match? true] ] ;if not, we both go back to being partnerless

to partner
  ;set color black this is a place holder - still need to figure out what we want them to do. half of them turn black and their partner becomes a smiley face in the go procedure
  ;;maybe they could draw a line to their partner?  what would be a useful thing to see?
;move-to buddy
;fd 1
set shape "face happy"
create-link-with buddy
ask link-with buddy 
  [set av-ability (([ability] of end1 + [ability] of end2) / 2)
    set av-pop (([popularity] of end1 + [popularity] of end2) / 2)
    set dif-ability abs (([ability] of end1 - [ability] of end2) / 2)
    set dif-pop abs (([popularity] of end1 - [popularity] of end2) / 2)
    set color scale-color 111 (dif-ability + 1) 7 0
      ] ;links with greater difference in ability are darker colors
;sets background color according to average ability + popularity
set pcolor scale-color 90 ((ability + [ability] of buddy + 1) / 2) 0 10 ;lighter blue means higher average ability
ask buddy [
  set pcolor scale-color 20 ((popularity + [popularity] of buddy + 1) / 2) 0 10 ;lighter orange means higher average popularity
  set shape "face happy"

to-report number-paired
  report count turtles with [no-match? = false]
  ;histogram-from links [dif-ability]
  ;histogram-from links [dif-popularity] 

;;do we want to add any sliders?

There is only one version of this model, created about 13 years ago by Stina Krist.

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