Critter Designers
Do you have questions or comments about this model? Ask them here! (You'll first need to log in.)
This model simulates competition between many different species in a complex ecosystem. The outcome of the competition shows that when all individuals in a population are identical to each other, the competitive advantage of a species will continue to change compared to other species when the environmental conditions keep changing.
The model can be set so that the computer randomly adds new species into the ecosystem as well. Since different species outcompete each other at different times in a changing environment, this tends to result in the eventual disappearance of some species in the ecosystem over time.
Any attempt by a participant to create an "optimal design" for a species is doomed to eventual failure and extinction if the model is run long enough. This outcome suggests that the inclusion of evolutionary mechanisms (such as random mutations in offspring) might lead to some species that can survive longer in the ecosystem without going extinct than any species with a purposefully designed combination of unchanging traits.
Species. Participants use the HubNet client interface to interact with the model and design new types of critters to test in the ecosystem. A single critter can be designed and then released into the environment at a time. As this critter gains energy, it can reproduce offspring, which in turn can reproduce more offspring when they gain enough energy. Each new offspring will have identical trait variations as the original ancestor critter, as each offspring is reproduced asexually from a single parent. All the descendants from the first ancestor critter are defined as being part of the same species.
New critter species can be designed to follow different patterns of movement, have different speeds at which they move around the ecosystem, and have different energy levels required for giving birth to an offspring. Each new design you test can be either a herbivore or a carnivore. A single individual is what is released into the ecosystem by the participants when a participant tests a new critter design. Since your entire species of critters will have identical traits, the same shape and color of all the offspring of the critter design you test will also look the same.
When a participant releases an individual with a new critter design into the ecosystem, all of the critters of the previous species are instantly removed from the ecosystem.
Ecosystem. Activity leaders use the model interface to set up the ecosystem. The interface allows them to set the amount of grass that can grow and how fast it grows. These changes are attempting to represent the effects of variation of rainfall in time and space. The environmental conditions can be set to be fixed or varying in the ecosystem. When environmental conditions vary, the grass growth and speed values shift from time to time.
As new critters are added and/or as the environmental conditions change, the stability of the ecosystem changes. New selective pressures may emerge with each change, which in turn leads to different levels of competitive advantage for a given combinations of traits. Over time, a design that gave a competitive advantage in one environment is likely to have less of a competitive advantage in another environment.
Since individuals show no trait variation different from their ancestors, evolution does not occur in this model. When evolution does not occur, species designed to have a strong competitive edge for one set of environmental conditions are destined to go extinct when environmental changes are large enough or frequent enough. So, all species introduced into the ecosystem eventually go extinct as the environment keeps changing and new species are introduced.
In the real world, the traits of individuals in a species don't remain fixed. New traits that have never appeared before emerge in populations. This occurs because offspring can incur mutations that give them different traits from their ancestors. Though mutations are random, they introduce new trait variations into a population. In a way, mutation serves like a "random design changer". As many minor random design changes emerge in a population from mutations, some are bound to result in individuals that have a greater competitive advantage than the ancestors. This permits species to keep "unintentionally" experimenting with alternate design plans as the environment changes. Some such species continue to evolve over time, so that offspring can appear and behave very differently than their original ancestors. In the real world then, while some species may go extinct, others continue to evolve to accumulate beneficial trait variations as the environment keeps changing.
Activity Leader
In the HubNet Control Center, press SETUP and GO once all clients have connected to the model. Once the model is running place a check mark next to both "Mirror 2D view on clients" and "Mirror plots on clients (experimental)". Note: these options should always be unchecked before you press SETUP. If you don't follow this order for checking these options after pressing SETUP an error will occur in the experimental plotting code.
Model sliders and switches: GRASS-GROWTH controls how fast the grass grows back on each patch.
MAX-GRASS sets the % of patches that grow grass. 50% would allow only half the patches to grow grass.
ENVIRONMENT-CHANGES? when turned to "off" keeps MAX-GRASS and GRASS-GROWTH levels set to whatever values the user left them at in the interface. When turned to "on", those levels will shift occasionally to random values picked by the computer.
MINIMUM-RANDOM-SPECIES adjusts the number of random species the computer adds. When one of the species goes extinct, another randomly generated species replaces it. When set to 0, only species that client participants add will be in the ecosystem.
# ENVIRONMENTAL-CHANGES keeps track of the number of automatic (computer selected) shifts in the MAX-GRASS and GRASS-GROWTH levels occurred.
PLACEMENTS-PER-CLIENT sets the maximum number of critter designs each client can release and test in the ecosystem.
# ALIVE-SPECIES is a histogram of the number of current species that are alive by % of time that they are alive for the simulation. For short model runs, there may be some species that are alive for 100% of the time the simulation ran. For long model runs it becomes progressively less likely that any species will be alive for 100% of the time of the model run. The histogram will cluster to the left the longer the model runs.
# EXTINCT-SPECIES is a histogram of the number of species that died by % of time that they are alive for the simulation. The longer the model runs, the smaller the percent of time that the extinct species were alive for. Species that came into existence at the start of the model run and went extinct just before the model run ended will appear clustered toward the right side of the histogram. Species that came into existence at any point in the model run and then went extinct shortly after will tend to cluster toward the left side of the histogram.
HubNet Participant
Open up a HubNet client on your machine and type your user name, select this activity and press ENTER.
Client sliders, input boxes, and buttons: CHANGE SHAPE randomly changes the shape of the critters you are going to release. The newly assigned shape will show up in the YOUR CRITTER SHAPE monitor.
BEHAVIOR-DNA allows you to input a string of characters that describe the pattern of steps that the critters move in (F = forward, L = left, R = right, * = random).
SPEED controls how fast the critters move. Faster moving critters use up energy more quickly.
BIRTHING-LEVEL controls the energy level each individual must reach before reproducing as well as how much energy is split between the parent and the offspring when this occurs.
CARNIVORE? controls whether the species eats other critters (set the value to "On") or the species eats grass (set the value to "Off").
PLACE NEW SPECIES this button releases one new individual that has the trait variations specified by YOUR CRITTER SHAPE, BEHAVIOR-DNA, SPEED, BIRTHING-LEVEL, and CARNIVORE?. When a new species is placed, that client's old species is automatically removed from the ecosystem.
Client Switches: GRAY-OUT-OTHERS? controls whether to display the colors of all the species for the client (set the value to "On") or keep the color of client's species visible and turning all other species gray (set the value to "Off").
FOLLOW-A-CRITTER? controls whether the client's view remains looking at the entire ecosystem (set the value to "Off") or attaches to a single randomly selected critter (set the value of "On").
SHOW-ENERGY? displays the energy level for each individual critter of your species when set to "On".
Client Monitors: YOUR CURRENT SPECIES LONGEVITY reports how long the current species has existed (elapsed time) in the ecosystem.
YOUR MAX. SPECIES LONGEVITY reports the longest existence for any species you have tested in this ecosystem for this model run.
YOUR CURRENT SPECIES SIZE reports how many individuals are in the current species.
SPECIES LONGEVITY LEADER reports which participant has the record for the longest lasting species.
Common to Both Participant Leader and Client Views
POPULATION graphs all the population percentages for each species on the same axis (percent of living creatures vs. time). Population percentages are a calculation of what number of individuals in the ecosystem belong to this species / total individuals in all species in the ecosystem * 100. So a level of 50% for one species graph would mean that half of the individuals from all species in the ecosystem are of that one species.
LONGEVITY RECORD reports the record for the longest lasting species (elapsed time) in this model run.
TIME reports how much time has elapsed in this model run.
ALIVE SPECIES reports how many species are currently in this ecosystem.
EXTINCT SPECIES reports how many species have died out completely in this ecosystem.
No matter how successful a critter design is at one instant in the ecosystem, its level of success will soon change as the ecosystem starts changing. Eventually, if the new species are continually being "tested out" in the environment enough times, one of them will end up outcompeting the current "native species".
The important evolutionary outcome here is that if species can't evolve, they are doomed to extinction if they must go head to head with alternate "designs" in a changing environment. Also, people who test multiple designs within the environment are more likely to strike upon a relatively successful design (at least in the short term), than those who stick with only one design.
And the most intentional design by a participant will still eventually get outcompeted and driven to extinction by many random designs thrown into the competition over a long period of time by the computer.
Use the model with an entire class to serve as an introduction to the topic of the mechanisms of evolution. If a student develops a successful design (that lasts for an entire simulation run or until the end of the lesson), keep the model running overnight with a large value set for MINIMUM-RANDOM-SPECIES and with the ENVIRONMENT-CHANGE? switch set to "On".
One or more computer generated species could be given the ability to generate mutations that cause minor changes in the traits of the offspring. Longevity experiments could be conducted to compare the success of computer generated, evolving species to the success of purposefully designed "fixed trait" species created by participants.
The population graph updates to have a continually rolling x-axis. This means that when a new maximum x-value is reached, that x-value becomes the new x-minimum value and the plots are wiped clean and the x-axis is reset with same x range as before, but the new minimum and maximum values.
The command hubnet-send-override is used to change the appearance of agents in the client view, so that each client can customized what is displayed for that client. This allows clients to "gray out" species that aren't their own in their client view or turn on labels for the agents in their view only.
This model is a part of the BEAGLE curriculum (
If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:
- Stonedahl, F., Novak, M. and Wilensky, U. (2011). NetLogo Critter Designers model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2011 Uri Wilensky.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at
Comments and Questions
globals [ ;; variables used to assign colors and shape to clients shape-names ;; list that holds the names of the shapes a critter can have colors ;; list that holds the colors used for clients' critters color-names ;; list that holds the names of the colors used for clients' critters max-possible-codes ;; total number of possible unique shape/color combinations longevity-leader-info ;; holds user-id and if the species is not extinct, the shape and color name longevity-leader-age-and-status ;; holds age of the species and whether it is extinct or alive max-critter-lifespan ;; the max number of ticks a critter can live birth-cost ;; the amount of energy needed to give birth dt ;; a time scaling unit used in the simulation to adjust how quickly events are rendered. player-spam-countdown ;; the number of ticks a player must wait before placing a new species #-environment-changes ;; the number of times the environment has changed events ;; a string holding a description of all the automatic environment changes that occurred in grass growth and max-grass total-species-created ;; the total number of species created max-species-age ;; the maximum age of all species created ] breed [ clients client] ;; one for each client that logs in, for book-keeping breed [ species-logs species-log ] ;; one for each client, that logs in. It keeps track of all the species that have been created and tested by the client. breed [ critters critter ] ;; all the creatures in the ecosystem clients-own [ user-id ;; unique id, input by the client when they log in, to identify each client turtle ; we have to keep track of the values from the client interface, whenever they change ; although we do not pass them on to critters they have already created. gray-out-others? ;; if false, only this client's critters will be colored show-energy? ;; if true, display the energy level for each individual critter of this client's species placing-spam-countdown ;; the number of ticks this client must wait before placing a new species placements-made ;; the number of species this client has placed population-size ;; the number of critters this client has current-longevity ;; the age of this client's current species max-longevity ;; the age of the oldest species this client has created speed ;; how fast this client's critters move behavior-dna ;; the pattern of steps that this client's critters move in birthing-level ;; the energy level each individual must reach before reproducing as well as ;; how much energy is split between the parent and the offspring when this occurs carnivore? ;; if true, this client's species can eat other critters ] critters-own [ age ;; the number of ticks this critter has been alive for energy ;; this critter's energy level creator-id ;; number to identify the creator of this critter species-id ;; number to identify this species ;;these variables are similar to the variables in clients-own with the same name speed behavior-dna birthing-level carnivore? current-action ;; this critter's current action from their behavior-dna action-index ;; the list index of this critter's current action in their behavior-dna movement-counter ;; a counter that ticks down for a certain number of tics for each action in the ;; critters movement. This allows the participants to be able to see the critters turning ;; and sliding forward or backward fluidly. movement-delta ;; the distance the critter moves species-start-tick ;; the time (number of ticks) when this critter was made ] species-logs-own [ creator-id ;; number to identify the creator of this species species-id ;; number to identify this species age ;; the number of ticks this species has been alive for created-on ;; the time (number of ticks) when this species was made last-alive-on ;; the time (number of ticks) when this species was last alive extinct? ;; if true, this species is no longer alive ] patches-own [ sugar ;; the amount of nutrients available on a patch ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to startup hubnet-set-client-interface "COMPUTER" [] hubnet-reset setup-vars end to reset-client-stats set placements-made 0 set population-size 0 set current-longevity 0 set max-longevity 0 end to setup clear-patches clear-all-plots clear-output ask clients [ reset-client-stats ] ask critters [ die ] ask species-logs [die] reset-ticks setup-patches repeat minimum-random-species [ add-random-critter ] set longevity-leader-info "-----" set longevity-leader-age-and-status "-----" set max-critter-lifespan 1000 set birth-cost .15 set dt .5 set player-spam-countdown 25 set events [] set #-environment-changes 0 set total-species-created 0 set max-species-age 0 end to setup-patches ask patches [ set sugar random (max-grass / 5) recolor-patch ] end to add-random-critter create-critters 1 [ randomize-critter initialize-critter let shape-color-code unused-shape-color-code set-shape-and-color-by-code shape-color-code set creator-id first-unused-bot-name set energy birthing-level * 0.75 make-a-species-log ] end to make-a-species-log set total-species-created total-species-created + 1 set species-id total-species-created hatch 1 [ set breed species-logs set hidden? true set created-on ticks set last-alive-on ticks set extinct? false ] end ;; just for random bot critters to randomize-critter set speed (1 + random 10) / 10 set birthing-level (5 + random 46) set behavior-dna reduce [word ?1 ?2] n-values 30 [random-action-letter] set carnivore? (random 100 < 20) ; 20% chance of being a carnivore end ;; initialization actions that are common to bot & player-controlled critters to initialize-critter let empty-patches patches with [ not any? critters-here ] ifelse (any? empty-patches) [ move-to one-of empty-patches ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set heading one-of [ 0 90 180 270 ] set age 0 set species-start-tick ticks set movement-counter 0 set action-index -1 if (carnivore?) [ set size size * 1.4 ] end to-report first-unused-bot-name let bot-num 1 while [any? critters with [ creator-id = (word "bot" bot-num "*") ] ] [ set bot-num bot-num + 1 ] report (word "bot" bot-num "*") end to-report random-action-letter report one-of ["F" "F" "R" "L" "*"] end ;; initialize global variables to setup-vars set shape-names [ "box" "star" "wheel" "target" "cat" "dog" "butterfly" "leaf" "car" "airplane" "monster" "key" "cow skull" "ghost" "cactus" "moon" "heart"] set colors (list (white - 1) brown red (orange + 1) (violet + 1) (magenta) (sky + 1) yellow cyan 137) set color-names ["white" "brown" "red" "orange" "purple" "magenta" "blue" "yellow" "cyan" "pink"] set max-possible-codes (length colors * length shape-names) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Runtime Procedures ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go every 0.01 [ calc-leader-stats ; possibly add a random critter of a new species at every 20th tick if (ticks mod 20 = 0) and (random 50 < 1 or species-count < minimum-random-species) [ add-random-critter ] ;; move turtles ask clients [update-client-stats] ask critters [ set age age + dt if (movement-counter <= 0) [ set action-index (action-index + 1) mod (length behavior-dna) set current-action item action-index behavior-dna if (current-action = "f") [ set current-action "F" ] if (current-action = "r") [ set current-action "R" ] if (current-action = "l") [ set current-action "L" ] if (current-action = "*" or not member? current-action "FRL") [ set current-action one-of ["F" "R" "L"] ] ifelse (current-action = "F") [ ifelse (speed = 0) [ set movement-counter 1000000 ] [ set movement-counter round (1.0 / (speed * dt)) ] set movement-delta 1.0 / movement-counter ; make sure we're facing one of the four cardinal directions, before moving forward set heading (round (heading / 90)) * 90 ][ if (current-action = "R" or current-action = "L") [ ifelse (speed = 0) [ set movement-counter 1000000 ] [ set movement-counter round (90 / (90 * speed * dt)) ] set movement-delta 90 / movement-counter ]] ] set movement-counter movement-counter - 1 ifelse (current-action = "F") [ ;; move and expend energy ifelse (can-move? movement-delta) [ forward movement-delta ] [ set movement-counter 0 ; critter tried to go forward but can't, so instead of beating its head ; against the wall for a long time, it skips to its next action ] ifelse (carnivore?) [ set energy energy - (speed / 5 + 0.05) * dt ; speed is less energy-expensive for carnivores. ] [ set energy energy - (speed + 0.05) * dt ; lose energy based on speed, and -0.05 base metabolism ] ][ ifelse (current-action = "R") [ right movement-delta ] [ left movement-delta ] ; turning costs much less energy than movement, set energy energy - (speed / 5) * dt ; we only take away base metabolism for carnivores, b/c we don't want them to sit forever! if (carnivore?) [ set energy energy - 0.02 * dt ] ] ;; eat ifelse (carnivore?) [ ;; don't eat anything of same color let prey critters-here with [ color != [color] of myself ] if any? prey [ let victim one-of prey set energy energy + [ energy ] of victim ask victim [ die ] ] ] [ ; herbivore set energy energy + sugar ask patch-here [ set sugar 0 recolor-patch ] ] if (energy > birthing-level) [ hatch 1 [ set heading random 360 if (can-move? 0.3) [ fd 0.3 ] set heading one-of [0 90 180 270 ] set age 0 ; extra 0.25 penalty helps balance against critter-bomb low-birth-threshold tactics set energy (([energy] of myself) / 2) * (1.0 - birth-cost) - 0.25 set movement-counter 0 set action-index -1 ] set energy energy / 2 ] if (energy < 0 or age > max-critter-lifespan) [ add-sugar (2 + energy / 2) ; give back some nutrients to the world, as the organism decomposes if (carnivore?) [ add-sugar 3 ] ; more from a carnivore corpse recolor-patch die ] ] ask n-of ((grass-growth / 100) * dt * count patches ) patches [ add-sugar 0.1 recolor-patch ] update-species-logs ;; keep historical record of all species ; we do hubnet commands right before a tick, because the override lists get set here, ; and the display gets updated after a tick. listen-clients if (ticks mod 100 = 0) and random 10 = 0 and environment-changes? [change-environmental-conditions] tick ] end to add-sugar [ n ] ifelse sugar + n > max-grass [ set sugar max-grass ] [ set sugar sugar + n ] end to recolor-patch set pcolor scale-color green sugar 0 100 end to change-environmental-conditions let growth-rate-change random 100 - random 100 ;sets growth-rate-change to a number between -99 and 99 let max-grass-change random 80 - random 80 ;sets max-grass-change to a number between -79 and 79 let old-max-grass max-grass let old-grass-growth grass-growth set grass-growth grass-growth + growth-rate-change if grass-growth < 10 [set grass-growth 10] if grass-growth > 100 [set grass-growth 100] set max-grass max-grass + max-grass-change if max-grass > 100 [set max-grass 100] if max-grass < 10 [set max-grass 10] let this-event (word "time: " ticks ) set events lput ( word this-event " ggr: " grass-growth " mgpp: " max-grass) events set #-environment-changes #-environment-changes + 1 output-print (word "Environmental change (time:" ticks ", grass-growth:" grass-growth ", max-grass:" max-grass ) end to update-species-logs ask species-logs [ let this-creator-id creator-id let this-species-id species-id let this-extinct-status extinct? ifelse any? critters with [creator-id = this-creator-id and this-species-id = species-id] [set last-alive-on ticks ] [if not extinct? [set extinct? true]] set age (last-alive-on - created-on) ] if any? species-logs [ set max-species-age max [age] of species-logs ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; HubNet Procedures ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; determines which client sent a command, and what the command was to listen-clients while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-client ] [ ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-client ] [ ask clients with [ user-id = hubnet-message-source ] [ execute-command hubnet-message-tag ] ] ] ] ask clients [ send-info-to-client ] if any? clients [broadcast-info-to-clients] end to create-new-client create-clients 1 [ setup-client-vars send-info-to-client ] end ;; sets the turtle variables to appropriate initial values to setup-client-vars ;; turtle procedure hide-turtle set user-id hubnet-message-source change-shape-and-color setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading one-of [0 90 180 270] set speed 1.0 set behavior-dna "FFFFL" set birthing-level 25 set carnivore? false set gray-out-others? false set show-energy? false set placing-spam-countdown 0 reset-client-stats end to execute-command [command] if command = "speed" [ set speed hubnet-message stop ] if command = "behavior-dna" [ set behavior-dna hubnet-message stop ] if command = "birthing-level" [ set birthing-level hubnet-message stop ] if command = "carnivore?" [ set carnivore? hubnet-message stop ] if command = "gray-out-others?" [ set gray-out-others? hubnet-message if (gray-out-others? = false) [ hubnet-clear-override user-id critters "color" ] stop ] if command = "show-energy?" [ set show-energy? hubnet-message if (show-energy? = false) [ hubnet-clear-override user-id critters "label" ] stop ] if command = "Place New Species" [ if (placing-spam-countdown = 0) and (placements-made < #-placements-per-client) [ ; we make them wait a while before hitting PLACE again. set placing-spam-countdown player-spam-countdown set placements-made placements-made + 1 ask my-critters [ die ] hatch-critters 1 [ ; inherits variables: speed, behavior-dna, birthing-level, carnivore?, and color ; automatically from the client, via the hatch-critters statement set shape [shape] of myself ; shape not inherited via "hatch-critters" set creator-id user-id-to-creator-id ([user-id] of myself) set energy 30 initialize-critter show-turtle ; otherwise critter inherits invisibility from the client make-a-species-log ] ] stop ] if command = "Change Shape" [ change-shape-and-color stop ] if command = "follow-a-critter?" [ ifelse (hubnet-message) [ if any? my-critters [ hubnet-send-follow user-id (one-of my-critters) 10 ] ] [ hubnet-reset-perspective user-id ] stop ] end to remove-client ask clients with [user-id = hubnet-message-source] [ ask my-critters [ set creator-id (word creator-id "*") ] die ] end to set-shape-and-color-by-code [ code ] set shape item (code mod length shape-names) shape-names set color item (code / length shape-names) colors end to update-client-stats set population-size count-my-critters set current-longevity longevity-of-this-species set max-longevity max-longevity-of-all-my-species end ;; sends the appropriate monitor information back to the client to send-info-to-client if (placing-spam-countdown > 0) [ set placing-spam-countdown placing-spam-countdown - 1 ] hubnet-send user-id "Countdown until you can place again:" placing-spam-countdown hubnet-send user-id "# of species left you can introduce" (#-placements-per-client - placements-made) hubnet-send user-id "Your Current Species Size" population-size hubnet-send user-id "Your Current Species Longevity" current-longevity hubnet-send user-id "Your Max. Species Longevity" max-longevity if (gray-out-others?) [ hubnet-send-override user-id critters with [ creator-id != (user-id-to-creator-id [user-id] of myself)] "color" [gray - 2] ] if (show-energy?) [ hubnet-send-override user-id my-critters "label" [ (word round energy " ") ] ] end to broadcast-info-to-clients if any? clients [ hubnet-broadcast "# Alive Species" species-count hubnet-broadcast "# Extinct Species" count species-logs with [extinct?] hubnet-broadcast "Species Longevity Leader" longevity-leader-info hubnet-broadcast "Longevity Record" longevity-leader-age-and-status hubnet-broadcast "time" ticks ] end to calc-leader-stats if any? species-logs [ let leader-log max-one-of species-logs [age] ;; pull out a log let leader-species-extinct? [extinct?] of leader-log let leader-id [creator-id] of leader-log let leader-shape "" let leader-status "" ifelse leader-species-extinct? [set leader-shape "" set leader-status "extinct"] [set leader-shape [(word (color-string color) " " shape)] of one-of critters with [creator-id = leader-id] set leader-status "alive"] set longevity-leader-age-and-status (word [age] of leader-log " (" leader-status ")") set longevity-leader-info (word leader-id ": " leader-shape) ] end to change-shape-and-color set-shape-and-color-by-code unused-shape-color-code hubnet-send user-id "Your critter shape:" (word (color-string color) " " shape) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Reporters ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report longevity-of-this-species let p-user-id user-id let p-value-to-report 0 if any? species-logs with [creator-id = p-user-id and extinct? = false] [ set p-value-to-report [age] of species-logs with [creator-id = p-user-id and extinct? = false] set p-value-to-report item 0 p-value-to-report ] report p-value-to-report end to-report max-longevity-of-all-my-species let p-user-id user-id let p-value-to-report 0 if any? species-logs with [creator-id = p-user-id] [ set p-value-to-report max [age] of species-logs with [creator-id = p-user-id] ] report p-value-to-report end to-report my-critters report critters with [ creator-id = (user-id-to-creator-id [user-id] of myself )] end to-report count-my-critters report count my-critters end to-report age-of-my-critters ifelse any? critters with [ creator-id = (user-id-to-creator-id [user-id] of myself )] [report max [age] of critters with [ creator-id = (user-id-to-creator-id [user-id] of myself )]] [report 0] end ;; translates a client turtle's shape and color into a code to-report my-shape-color-code let shape-pos (position shape shape-names) let color-pos (position color colors) if (shape-pos = false or color-pos = false) [ report false ] report shape-pos + (length shape-names) * color-pos end to-report unused-shape-color-code let used-codes remove-duplicates ([my-shape-color-code] of turtles) let new-code random max-possible-codes while [ member? new-code used-codes ] [ set new-code random max-possible-codes ] report new-code end to-report user-id-to-creator-id [ uid ] report remove "*" uid end ;; report the string version of the turtle's color to-report color-string [color-value] report item (position color-value colors) color-names end to-report species-list report remove-duplicates [ creator-id ] of critters end to-report species-count report length species-list end ; Copyright 2011 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There are 4 versions of this model.
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Critter Designers.png | preview | Preview for 'Critter Designers' | almost 12 years ago, by Uri Wilensky | Download |
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