street robbery simulation

street robbery simulation preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Amrutha S (Author)


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globals[tmp num-of-rob num-of-gang-rob total-victims current-criminal 
  current-health nearby-person nearby-women nearest-criminal other-criminal 
  gang-crime-factor max-gang-wealth max-health max-wealth avg-reward avg-reward-crime 
  episode fail win helped]

breed[people person]
breed[criminals criminal]
breed[police officer]
breed[women woman]
breed[ATM Atms]

police-own[current-help current-lady current-police]
turtles-own[init-xcor init-ycor ]
people-own[avg-wealth-people age wealth to-walk? to-be-rob? reward qtable Q Qnew fight crime-table robbed]
women-own[avg-wealth-women wealth to-walk? to-be-rob? reward qtable Q Qnew crime-table work robbed]
criminals-own[avg-wealth-criminals crime-factor gang-mates nearby-criminal 
  nearest-neighbor wealth health reward qtable Q Qnew to-walk? to-be-rob?]

to setup
  show date-and-time
  set avg-reward 0
  set avg-reward-crime 0
  set episode 0
  ifelse choose-road = "Road 1"
  create-ATM 1
    set shape "building store"
    set size 5
     move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-on self ]
    setxy 4 8
  create-people num-of-person
    set Qnew 0
    set Q 0
    set shape "person business"
    set size 2
    set wealth random 5000
    set age random 50
    set to-walk? false
    set to-be-rob? false
    set reward 0
    set qtable [0]
    set crime-table []
    set robbed 0
    set avg-wealth-people mean [wealth] of people
    set init-xcor random-xcor
    set init-ycor random-ycor
    if age > 14
      set fight random 2
      show word "fight " fight
  create-women num-of-women
    set Qnew 0
    set Q 0
    set shape "women"
    set size 2
    set wealth random 5000
    set to-walk? false
    set to-be-rob? false
    set reward 0
    set qtable [0]
    set crime-table []
    set robbed 0
    set avg-wealth-women mean [wealth] of women
    set init-xcor random-xcor
    set init-ycor random-ycor
  create-criminals num-of-criminals
    set shape "criminal"
    set size 2
    set wealth 0
    set crime-factor random 6
    show word "crime factor " crime-factor
    set init-xcor random-xcor
    set init-ycor random-ycor
    set health random 6
    show word "Health " health
    set Qnew 0
    set Q 0
    set to-walk? false
    set to-be-rob? false
    set reward 0
    set qtable [0]
    set fail 0
    set win 0
  create-police num-of-police
    set shape "person police"
    set size 2
    set helped 0
    set current-help nobody
    set init-xcor random-xcor
    set init-ycor random-ycor
  set num-of-rob 0
  set num-of-gang-rob 0
  set total-victims num-of-women + num-of-person

to set-road
  ask patches
      set pcolor green
      if abs pxcor <= 1 or abs pycor <= 1
        [ set pcolor 9 ]
      if (abs pxcor <= 10 and abs pxcor > 7) or (abs pycor <= 10 and abs pycor > 7)
        [set pcolor 9 ]     

to set-path
  ask patches
    set pcolor green
    if (pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= -8) and (pycor < 17 and pycor > -17)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 17) and (pycor < 11 and pycor > 8)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -1 and pycor < 1) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < 17)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -9 and pycor < -7) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < 5)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -16 and pycor < -9) and (pxcor > 2 and pxcor < 5)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -9 and pycor < -7) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < 5)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -7 and pycor < -1) and (pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 3)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -12 and pycor < -10) and (pxcor >= 5 and pxcor <= 16)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= -16 and pycor < -1) and (pxcor > 9 and pxcor < 12)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 8) and (pxcor > -3 and pxcor < 0)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= 1 and pycor < 4) and (pxcor > 5 and pxcor < 8)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= 11 and pycor <= 16) and (pxcor > 1 and pxcor < 4)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor >= 11 and pycor <= 16) and (pxcor > 14 and pxcor < 17)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 3 and pycor < 6) and (pxcor > 5 and pxcor < 8)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 3 and pycor < 9) and (pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 10)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 6 and pycor < 9) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < -9)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 14 and pycor < 17) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < -9)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > -17 and pycor < -8) and (pxcor > -4 and pxcor < -1)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > -17 and pycor < -14) and (pxcor > -17 and pxcor < 3)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 3 and pycor < 6) and (pxcor > -8 and pxcor < 6)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > -7.5 and pycor < -5) and (pxcor > 11 and pxcor < 17)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 3 and pycor < 6) and (pxcor > 9 and pxcor < 15)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 0 and pycor < 4) and (pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 15)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 10 and pycor < 17) and (pxcor > 8 and pxcor < 11)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > -9 and pycor < -6) and (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 7)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > -7 and pycor < -4) and (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 10)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 13 and pycor < 15) and (pxcor > -8 and pxcor < -3)
    [set pcolor 9]
    if (pycor > 10 and pycor < 15) and (pxcor > -4 and pxcor < -1)
    [set pcolor 9]

to put-on-empty-road  ;; turtle procedure
  move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-on self and pcolor = 9]

to go
  ask people 
    set to-walk? true 
    set to-be-rob? false
    ;show Q
    ; consume
    if any? ATM-on neighbors[go-to-work]
  ask women 
    set to-walk? true 
    set to-be-rob? false
    ;show Q
    if any? ATM-on neighbors[go-to-work]
  ask criminals with [crime-factor < 6]
    set to-walk? true 
    set to-be-rob? false
  ask criminals with [crime-factor >= 6]
    set to-walk? true 
    set to-be-rob? false
  ask police[move]
  if police-help?

to move
  if can-move? 1[
    ifelse  [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green 
    [ lt random-float 360 ]   
    [ fd speed]

to go-to-work 
  ;let count-down 201
  if wealth < 1000
    show "going to work"
    move-to one-of ATM
    show ticks
    set wealth wealth + 500
    show word " wealth after work " wealth

to consume
  if wealth >= 0
  [set wealth wealth / 2 ]

to make-gang
  if count gang-mates > 1
      ifelse [crime-factor] of nearest-neighbor > 8
        [ align

to find-gangmates
  set gang-mates other criminals in-radius vision with[crime-factor <= 5]

to find-nearest-neighbor ;; turtle procedure
  set nearest-neighbor min-one-of gang-mates [distance myself]

to separate  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-away ([heading] of nearest-neighbor) random-float 360
  print word nearest-neighbor "Got seperated from gang"
  print word "Because crime factor is "  [crime-factor]of nearest-neighbor

to align  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-towards average-gang-mate-heading 3

to cohere  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-towards average-heading-towards-gang-mates 3

to turn-away [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn

to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn

to-report average-gang-mate-heading  ;; turtle procedure
                                     ;; We can't just average the heading variables here.
                                     ;; For example, the average of 1 and 359 should be 0,
                                     ;; not 180.  So we have to use trigonometry.
  let x-component sum [dx] of gang-mates
  let y-component sum [dy] of gang-mates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to-report average-heading-towards-gang-mates  ;; turtle procedure
                                              ;; "towards myself" gives us the heading from the other turtle
                                              ;; to me, but we want the heading from me to the other turtle,
                                              ;; so we add 180
  let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of gang-mates
  let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of gang-mates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
      [ rt max-turn ]
      [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

to check-rob-gang
  set nearest-criminal one-of gang-mates with-max[crime-factor]
  set gang-crime-factor [crime-factor] of nearest-criminal
  set max-gang-wealth [wealth]of nearest-criminal
  set max-health [health]of nearest-criminal
  set max-wealth mean[wealth]of gang-mates
  ;show word "max wealth " max-wealth
  ;set other-criminal[0]
  set other-criminal gang-mates 
  ;show word "gang criminals are" other-criminal
  ask nearest-criminal
    if (nearest-criminal != nobody)
      set nearby-person people in-radius 1 ;of nearest-neighbor
      set nearby-women one-of women in-radius 1 ;of nearest-neighbor 
      let nearby-police one-of police-on neighbors; of nearest-neighbor
      ifelse( nearby-police = nobody )
          if(  nearby-women != nobody )
            ifelse (gang-crime-factor > 3 and max-wealth < 1000)
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false   
              set win win + 1
            ][set fail fail + 1]
        [set helped helped + 1]  
      ifelse( nearby-police = nobody  )
          if (nearby-person != nobody )
            ifelse (gang-crime-factor > 1 and max-wealth < 1000)
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false   
              set win win + 1
            ][ set fail fail + 1 ]  
        ]   [set helped helped + 1]  

to check-rob
  ask criminals
    set nearby-criminal criminals in-radius 1
    set current-criminal one-of nearby-criminal
    set current-health [health]of current-criminal
    ;set current-wealth [wealth]of current-criminal
    if (current-criminal != nobody )
      let nearby-police [police-on neighbors] of current-criminal
      set nearby-person [people in-radius 1 ] of current-criminal
      set nearby-women [women in-radius 1] of current-criminal
      ifelse( count nearby-police = 0  )
        ifelse (count nearby-person = 1 )[
          ask current-criminal[
            if (crime-factor > 8 and wealth < 500)
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false
              set win win + 1 
            set crime-factor crime-factor
        ][set fail fail + 1 ]
      [ set helped helped + 1]
      ifelse( count nearby-police = 0 )
        ifelse(count nearby-women >= 1)[
          ask current-criminal[
            if (crime-factor >= 6 and wealth < 500)
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false
              set win win + 1
            set crime-factor crime-factor
        ][set fail fail + 1]
      [set helped helped + 1]
      ifelse( count nearby-police = 0  )
        ifelse(count nearby-person >= 1 )[
          ask current-criminal[
            if (crime-factor > 8 and wealth < 1000)
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false 
            set crime-factor crime-factor
        ][set win win + 1]
      [set helped helped + 1]
    set avg-wealth-criminals mean [wealth] of criminals

to do-high-rob
  ask nearby-person
      if (wealth > 0 and age > 14 and fight = 1)
          if current-health >= 8
            set tmp 0
            output-print "Found a person to rob"    
            output-print  nearby-person    
            set tmp wealth / 2
            set wealth wealth / 2
            output-print  word "High robbery on tick" ticks 
            output-print word " By " current-criminal
            set num-of-rob num-of-rob + 1
            set pcolor red 
            set to-be-rob? true
            set to-walk? false
            set robbed robbed + 1
            output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
            set crime-table lput current-criminal crime-table
            ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
          set avg-wealth-people mean [wealth] of people

to do-low-rob-women
  ask nearby-women
    if (wealth > 0)
        set tmp 0
        output-print "Found a woman to rob"  
        output-show  nearby-women        
        set tmp wealth; / 2
        set wealth 0; wealth / 2
        output-print  word "Low robbery on tick" ticks 
        output-print word "By " current-criminal
        set num-of-rob num-of-rob + 1
        set pcolor red 
        set to-be-rob? true
        set to-walk? false
        set robbed robbed + 1
        output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
        set crime-table lput current-criminal crime-table
        ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
    set avg-wealth-women mean [wealth] of women

to do-low-rob-kid
  ask nearby-person
      ifelse (wealth > 0 and age <= 14)
          set tmp 0
          output-print "Found a kid to rob"  
          output-show  nearby-person         
          set tmp wealth ;/ 2  
          set wealth 0; wealth / 2
          output-print  word "Low robbery on tick" ticks 
          output-print word "By " current-criminal
          set num-of-rob num-of-rob + 1
          set pcolor red 
          set to-be-rob? true
          set to-walk? false
          set robbed robbed + 1
          output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
          set crime-table lput current-criminal crime-table
          ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
          if ( fight = 0 and age > 14 and wealth  > 0)
            if (current-health <  4)
              set tmp 0
              output-print "Found a scared person to rob" 
              output-show  nearby-person          
              set tmp wealth; / 2  
              set wealth 0; wealth / 2
              output-print  word "Low robbery on tick" ticks 
              output-print word "By " current-criminal
              set num-of-rob num-of-rob + 1
              set pcolor red 
              set to-be-rob? true
              set to-walk? false
              set robbed robbed + 1
              output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
              set crime-table lput current-criminal crime-table
      set avg-wealth-people mean [wealth] of people

to add-wealth-to-criminal
  ask current-criminal
      output-print word " Crime factor of " current-criminal
      output-print word " is " crime-factor
      set crime-factor crime-factor + 1 
      output-print word "Crime factor updated to " crime-factor
      set wealth wealth + tmp   
      output-print word "Wealth updated to " wealth
      wait pause

to add-wealth-to-gangmates
  ask other-criminal
      set wealth wealth + tmp
      set crime-factor crime-factor + 1
      output-show word "WEALTH OF GANG MATES IS " wealth
      output-show word "CRIME FACTOR OF GANG MATES IS " crime-factor
      wait pause

to do-gang-low-rob-women
  ask nearby-women
    if (wealth > 0)
        set tmp 0
        output-print "Found a woman to rob by gang"   
        output-show   nearby-women     
        set tmp wealth / 2
        set wealth wealth / 2
        output-print  word "Gang low robbery on tick" ticks 
        set num-of-gang-rob num-of-gang-rob + 1
        set pcolor red 
        set to-be-rob? true
        set to-walk? false
        set robbed robbed + 1
        output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
        set crime-table lput nearest-criminal crime-table
        ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
    set avg-wealth-women mean [wealth] of women

to do-gang-low-rob-kid
  ask nearby-person
      ifelse (wealth > 0 and age <= 14)
          output-print nearest-criminal
          set tmp 0
          output-print "Found a kid to rob by gang" 
          output-show nearby-person     
          set tmp wealth / 2
          set wealth wealth / 2
          output-print  word "Low robbery on tick" ticks 
          set num-of-gang-rob num-of-gang-rob + 1
          set pcolor red 
          set to-be-rob? true
          set to-walk? false
          set robbed robbed + 1
          output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
          set crime-table lput nearest-criminal crime-table
          ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
          if (wealth > 0 and age > 14 and  fight = 0)
              if max-health < 3
                output-print nearest-criminal
                set tmp 0
                output-print "Found a scared person to rob by gang"     
                output-show nearby-person       
                set tmp wealth / 2
                set wealth wealth / 2
                output-print  word "Low robbery on tick" ticks 
                set num-of-gang-rob num-of-gang-rob + 1
                set pcolor red 
                set to-be-rob? true
                set to-walk? false
                set robbed robbed + 1
                output-show word "no: of repeated robbery " robbed
                set crime-table lput nearest-criminal crime-table
                ;show word "crime-table " crime-table
      set avg-wealth-people mean [wealth] of people

to police-help
  ask police
    set current-help one-of people-on neighbors ;with [wealth > 0 or robbed > 0]
    set current-lady one-of women-on neighbors ;with [wealth > 0 or robbed > 0]
    ;set current-police one-of police-on neighbors
    ifelse (current-help != nobody); and current-police = nobody)
     ; fd speed + 0.05
      move-to current-help
    if (current-lady != nobody); and current-police = nobody)
   ;  fd speed + 0.05
      move-to current-lady

to learn  
  if  to-walk? = true
    set reward reward + 1
    set episode episode + 1
  ; show word "reward is " reward
  if to-be-rob? = true
    set reward reward - 100
    set episode episode + 1
  let dir  min qtable
  let dirp position  dir qtable
  set Qnew Qnew + learning-rate * (reward + Q - Qnew) ;--perform Q-Learning 
  set qtable lput Qnew qtable
  set Q max qtable
  ;show word "Q is "Q
  ;show qtable
  let lng length qtable
  set avg-reward (avg-reward + reward) / lng
  ;show avg-reward
  if Q > 10000

to learn-crime  
  if  to-walk? = true
    set reward reward - 0.01
    set episode episode + 1 
  ; show word "reward is " reward
  if to-be-rob? = true
    set reward reward + 1
    set episode episode + 1
  let dir  min qtable
  let dirp position  dir qtable
  set Qnew Qnew + learning-rate * (reward + Q - Qnew) ;--perform Q-Learning
                                                      ;set qtable replace-item dirp  qtable Qnew
                                                      ;if Qnew > Q
                                                      ;[ ]
  set qtable lput Qnew qtable
  set Q max qtable
  let lng length qtable
  set avg-reward-crime (avg-reward-crime + reward) / lng

to rest-of-people
  let rest people with [wealth > 0]
  ask  rest[
    output-show word "rest of people are " count rest
    output-show word "wealth " wealth
    output-show word "age " age
    output-show word "fight " fight

to avoid
  let nearone one-of criminals-on neighbors
  let nearhelp one-of people-on neighbors
  let ok? false
  if member? nearone crime-table
      if nearhelp != nobody
      [ask nearhelp [if fight = 1[ set ok? true]]]
      ifelse ok? = true
          move-to nearhelp
          show word "moving to " nearhelp
          ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green
          [ lt random-float 360 ]   
          [back speed]
      ;show crime-table
      ;print Q
      show word "avoiding" nearone

to make-movie
  ;; prompt user for movie location
  user-message "First, save your new movie file (choose a name ending with .mov)"
  let path user-new-file
  if not is-string? path [ stop ]  ;; stop if user canceled
                                   ;; run the model
  movie-start path
  repeat 1000
  ;; export the movie
  user-message (word "Exported movie to " path)

to watch-women
  let lady one-of women
  follow lady
  ask lady
    set label who 
    set label-color black 
    show lady
    show word "wealth "wealth

to watch-kids
  let kid one-of people with [age <= 14]
  follow kid
  ask kid
    set label who
    set label-color black 
    show kid
    show word "wealth "wealth
    show word "age "age

to watch-men
  let man one-of people with [age > 14]
  follow man
  ask man
    set label who
    set label-color black 
    show man
    show word "wealth "wealth
    show word "age "age
    show word "fight "fight

to watch-robbers
  let robber one-of criminals
  follow robber
  ask robber
    set label who
    set label-color black 
    show robber
    show word "wealth "wealth

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Amrutha S.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
street robbery simulation.png preview Preview for 'street robbery simulation' about 11 years ago, by Amrutha S Download

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