Monte Carlo Pi Model

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1 collaborator

Default-person Firat Soylu (Author)


monte carlo simulation 

Tagged by Firat Soylu almost 12 years ago


Tagged by Firat Soylu almost 12 years ago

Parent of 1 model: Child of Monte Carlo Pi Model
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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.2 • Viewed 772 times • Downloaded 51 times • Run 0 times
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globals [estimated-pi error-rate real-pi avg-pi circle-radius]

to setup 
  ;set real-pi 3.1415926535897
  set real-pi 4 * (count patches with [pcolor = yellow] / count patches)
  set circle-radius 200
  ask patches [
    if abs(pxcor) < circle-radius and abs(pycor) < circle-radius [set pcolor red]
    if distance patch 0 0 < circle-radius [set pcolor yellow]
  set sand-number 100
  set real-pi 4 * (count patches with [pcolor = yellow] / count patches)

to incremental-go
  ifelse sand-number < max-sand-number [set sand-number sand-number + increment-by][stop]
  let i  0
  set avg-pi 0
  let accumulated-values 0
  while [i < sample-size] [
    ask turtles [die]
    set accumulated-values accumulated-values + estimated-pi 
    set i (i + 1)
  set avg-pi  accumulated-values / sample-size
  show avg-pi

to-report random-one ;reports 1 or -1
  report ifelse-value (random 2 = 0) [-1][1]

to throw-sand
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  ifelse full-circle? = True 
    ifelse grains-pile? = True
      [ create-turtles sand-number [set color black set size grain-size move-to one-of patches]]
      [create-turtles sand-number [set color black set size grain-size move-to one-of patches with [count turtles-here < 1]]]
    ifelse grains-pile? = True
      [ create-turtles sand-number [set color black set size grain-size move-to one-of patches with [pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0]]]
      [create-turtles sand-number [set color black set size grain-size move-to one-of patches with [pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0 and count turtles-here < 1]]]

to calculate-pi
  let circle-turtles  turtle-set turtles with [[pcolor] of patch-here = yellow ]
  set estimated-pi 4 * count circle-turtles / count turtles
  set error-rate 100 * abs(estimated-pi - real-pi) / real-pi

There is only one version of this model, created about 12 years ago by Firat Soylu.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Monte Carlo Pi Model.png preview Preview for 'Monte Carlo Pi Model' almost 12 years ago, by Firat Soylu Download

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