Final v.0
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globals [ minimum-separation max-separate-turn max-align-turn max-cohere-turn max-avoid-turn vision current-tolerance current-watch ] turtles-own [ surface-attitude embedded-attitude embedded-strength surface-similars nearest-surface-similar surface-differents nearest-surface-different embedded-similars nearest-embedded-similar embedded-differents nearest-embedded-different tolerance-ratio ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; setup ;; sets up all the parameters and turtles for the model. sets up the ;; variables that aren't currently in use, but may become active later. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca crt population [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor if display-type = "Surface" [ set size 3 ifelse possible-surface = 38 [ set shape one-of shapes ] [ set shape one-of sublist shapes 0 possible-surface ] set surface-attitude shape if possible-embedded < 14 [ set color one-of sublist base-colors 0 possible-embedded ] set embedded-attitude color set embedded-strength 1 / e ^ (15 / 4) + random-float e ^ (25 / 4) set tolerance-ratio 0 ] if display-type = "Embedded" [ set embedded-strength 1 / e ^ (15 / 4) + random-float e ^ (25 / 4) set size .4 * ln embedded-strength + 2.5 set shape "circle" if possible-embedded < 14 [ set color one-of sublist base-colors 0 possible-embedded ] set embedded-attitude color ifelse possible-surface = 38 [ set surface-attitude one-of shapes ] [ set surface-attitude one-of sublist shapes 0 possible-surface ] set tolerance-ratio 0 ] if display-type = "Both" [ set embedded-strength 1 / e ^ (15 / 4) + random-float e ^ (25 / 4) set size .4 * ln embedded-strength + 2.5 ifelse possible-surface = 38 [ set shape one-of shapes ] [ set shape one-of sublist shapes 0 possible-surface ] if possible-embedded < 14 [ set color one-of sublist base-colors 0 possible-embedded ] set embedded-attitude color set surface-attitude shape set tolerance-ratio 0 ] ] ;; flocking details set based on current tolerance level set current-tolerance tolerance set minimum-separation (current-tolerance / 20 + 3) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (current-tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set vision 10 set current-watch "" ;; turtle being watched (none at beginning) reset-ticks end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; go ;; default way to run the model. modifies the tolerance if there's a change, ;; gives orders to the turtles based on the current display state. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if current-tolerance != tolerance [ set current-tolerance tolerance set minimum-separation (current-tolerance / 20 + 6) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (current-tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) ] ask turtles [ if display-type = "Surface" [ surface-behavior surface-movement ] if display-type = "Embedded" [ embedded-behavior embedded-movement ] if display-type = "Both" [ embedded-behavior surface-behavior combined-movement ] ] repeat 5 [ ask turtles [ fd .1 ] display ] plot-ratio tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; avoid-minority ;; makes a list of all turtles based on color and singles out those in the ;; smallest gorup. tells the other turtles to behave normally towards each ;; other, but avoid the smallest group with 0% tolerance. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to avoid-minority let smallest first first sort-by [last ?1 < last ?2] filter [last ? > 0] n-values 140 [ (list ? count turtles with [ color = ? ] )] if current-tolerance != tolerance [ set current-tolerance tolerance set minimum-separation (current-tolerance / 20 + 6) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (current-tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) ] ask turtles [ if display-type = "Surface" [ surface-behavior surface-movement ] if display-type = "Embedded" [ embedded-behavior embedded-movement ] if display-type = "Both" [ embedded-behavior surface-behavior combined-movement ] ] ask turtles with [color != smallest] [ set current-tolerance 0 set minimum-separation (current-tolerance / 20 + 6) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (current-tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) if display-type = "Embedded" [ if any? embedded-differents [ set embedded-differents embedded-differents with [color = smallest] if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] ] ] if display-type = "Both" [ if any? embedded-differents [ set embedded-differents embedded-differents with [color = smallest] if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] ] ] ] repeat 5 [ ask turtles [ fd .1 ] display ] plot-ratio tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; avoid-majority ;; makes a list of all turtles based on color and singles out those in the ;; largest gorup. tells the other turtles to behave normally towards each ;; other, but avoid the largest group with 0% tolerance. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to avoid-majority let largest first first sort-by [last ?1 > last ?2] filter [last ? > 0] n-values 140 [ (list ? count turtles with [ color = ? ] )] if current-tolerance != tolerance [ set current-tolerance tolerance set minimum-separation (tolerance / 20 + 6) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set vision 10 ] ask turtles [ if display-type = "Surface" [ surface-behavior surface-movement ] if display-type = "Embedded" [ embedded-behavior embedded-movement ] if display-type = "Both" [ embedded-behavior surface-behavior combined-movement ] ] ask turtles with [color != largest] [ set current-tolerance 0 set minimum-separation (current-tolerance / 20 + 6) set max-align-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-separate-turn (current-tolerance / 5) set max-cohere-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) set max-avoid-turn ((100 - current-tolerance) / 5) if display-type = "Embedded" [ if any? embedded-differents [ set embedded-differents embedded-differents with [color = largest] if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] ] ] if display-type = "Both" [ if any? embedded-differents [ set embedded-differents embedded-differents with [color = largest] if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] ] ] ] repeat 5 [ ask turtles [ fd .1 ] display ] plot-ratio tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; surface-behavior ;; controls how the turtles behave in Surface mode. they only keep track of ;; their surface attitude, represented by shape. they have the chance to ;; randomly change on their own, or if they share a patch with a turtle of a ;; different shape, they have the chance to copy their surface attitude ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to surface-behavior let x random 100 ifelse count other turtles-here != 0 and [surface-attitude] of one-of other turtles-here != [surface-attitude] of self [ ifelse x < 10 [ set surface-attitude [surface-attitude] of one-of other turtles-here ] [ if x < 15 [ ifelse possible-surface = 38 [ set surface-attitude one-of shapes ] [ set surface-attitude one-of sublist shapes 0 possible-surface ] ] ] ] [ if x < 55 [ ifelse possible-surface = 38 [ set surface-attitude one-of shapes ] [ set surface-attitude one-of sublist shapes 0 possible-surface ] ] ] set shape surface-attitude if display-type = "Surface" [ set size 3 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; embedded-behavior ;; controls how the turtles behave in Embedded mode. they only keep track of ;; their embedded attitude, represented by size and color. they change based ;; on random interaction with other turtles. they grow, shrink, or change ;; color based on chance and the color and size of the turtle they're with. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to embedded-behavior if count other turtles-here != 0 [ let t one-of other turtles-here let x random 100 ifelse [embedded-attitude] of t = [embedded-attitude] of self [ ifelse [size] of t - [size] of self > 2 [ ifelse x < 5 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength - .2 ] [ if x < 10 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .1 ] ] ] [ if x < 5 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .1 ] ] ] [ ifelse abs ([embedded-attitude] of self - [embedded-attitude] of t) < current-tolerance / 10 [ ifelse x < 5 [ set embedded-attitude [embedded-attitude] of t set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .4 * -1 ^ random 1 ] [ if x < 25 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .2 * -1 ^ random 1 ] ] ] [ ifelse size < 2 [ ifelse x < 5 [ set embedded-attitude [embedded-attitude] of t set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .2 ] [ ifelse x < 20 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .1 ] [ if x < 42 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength - .2 ] ] ] ] [ ifelse x < 1 [ set embedded-attitude [embedded-attitude] of t set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .8 * -1 ^ random 1 ] [ ifelse x < 31 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength + .1 ] [ if x < 1 [ set embedded-strength embedded-strength - .4 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if is-agentset? embedded-similars and is-agentset? embedded-differents and count embedded-differents != 0 [ set tolerance-ratio count embedded-similars / count embedded-differents ] if embedded-strength < 1 / e ^ 4 [ set embedded-strength 1 / e ^ 4 ] if embedded-strength > e ^ 12 [ set embedded-strength e ^ 12 ] if display-type = "Embedded" [ set shape "circle" ] set size .4 * ln embedded-strength + 2.5 set color embedded-attitude end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; surface-movement ;; controls how the turtles move in Surface mode. normally they move in a ;; straight line, but as tolerance gets lower, the chance that they will ;; follow flocking rules increases ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to surface-movement if random 100 < 100 - current-tolerance [ find-surface-similars if any? surface-similars [ find-nearest-surface-similar ifelse distance nearest-surface-similar < minimum-separation [ separate-surface ] [ align-surface cohere-surface ] ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; embedded-movement ;; controls how the turtles move in Embedded mode. turtles are always ;; affected by tolerance, but the flocking rules become more relaxed as level ;; of tolerance increases. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to embedded-movement find-embedded-similars if any? embedded-similars [ find-nearest-embedded-similar ifelse distance nearest-embedded-similar < minimum-separation [ separate-embedded ] [ align-embedded cohere-embedded ] ] find-embedded-differents if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; combined-movement ;; controls how the turtles move in Both mode. surface and embedded behavior ;; are present, so rules for both modes are followed simultaneously. ;; surface rules are evaluated first because they are less important. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to combined-movement if random 100 < 100 - current-tolerance [ find-surface-similars if any? surface-similars [ find-nearest-surface-similar ifelse distance nearest-surface-similar < minimum-separation [ separate-surface ] [ align-surface cohere-surface ] ] ] find-embedded-similars if any? embedded-similars [ find-nearest-embedded-similar ifelse distance nearest-embedded-similar < minimum-separation [ separate-embedded ] [ align-embedded cohere-embedded ] ] find-embedded-differents if any? embedded-differents [ find-nearest-embedded-different if distance nearest-embedded-different < minimum-separation * 2 [ avoid-embedded ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; flocking rules ;; there are two compies of almost every method below, one for surface, one ;; for embedded. there are some differences, such as how turtles don't care ;; about finding turtles with different surface attitudes from themsevles, ;; because surface attitudes are more specific and diverse than embedded ;; attitudes. Most of these are similar to the functions in the focking ;; model in the models library, the biggest difference is finding differents ;; and avoiding those differents. These funcitons are similar to separating ;; from similars ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to find-surface-similars set surface-similars other turtles with [surface-attitude = [surface-attitude] of myself] in-radius vision end to find-embedded-similars set embedded-similars other turtles with [ color - current-tolerance / 10 < [color] of myself and color + current-tolerance / 10 > [color] of myself ] in-radius vision end to find-embedded-differents set embedded-differents other turtles with [ color - current-tolerance / 10 < [color] of myself and color + current-tolerance / 10 < [color] of myself ] in-radius vision end to find-nearest-surface-similar set nearest-surface-similar min-one-of surface-similars [distance myself] end to find-nearest-embedded-similar set nearest-embedded-similar min-one-of embedded-similars [distance myself] end to find-nearest-embedded-different set nearest-embedded-different min-one-of embedded-differents [distance myself] end to separate-surface turn-away ([heading] of nearest-surface-similar) max-separate-turn end to separate-embedded turn-away ([heading] of nearest-embedded-similar) max-separate-turn end to avoid-embedded turn-away ([heading] of nearest-embedded-different) max-avoid-turn end to align-surface turn-towards average-similar-surface-heading max-align-turn end to align-embedded turn-towards average-similar-embedded-heading max-align-turn end to-report average-similar-surface-heading let x-component sum [dx] of surface-similars let y-component sum [dy] of surface-similars ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0 [ report heading ] [ report atan x-component y-component ] end to-report average-similar-embedded-heading let x-component sum [dx] of embedded-similars let y-component sum [dy] of embedded-similars ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0 [ report heading ] [ report atan x-component y-component ] end to cohere-surface turn-towards average-heading-towards-surface-similars max-cohere-turn end to cohere-embedded turn-towards average-heading-towards-embedded-similars max-cohere-turn end to-report average-heading-towards-surface-similars let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of surface-similars let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of surface-similars ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0 [ report heading ] [ report atan x-component y-component ] end to-report average-heading-towards-embedded-similars let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of embedded-similars let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of embedded-similars ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0 [ report heading ] [ report atan x-component y-component ] end to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn] turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn end to turn-away [new-heading max-turn] turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn end to turn-at-most [turn max-turn] ifelse abs turn > max-turn [ ifelse turn > 0 [ rt max-turn ] [ lt max-turn ] ] [ rt turn ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; plot-ratio ;; plots the ratio of similars to differents the turtles observe when on ;; Embedded or Both mode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to plot-ratio set-current-plot "local area ratio" let x 0 ask turtles [ set x x + tolerance-ratio ] plot x / population end
There are 7 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Final v.0.png | preview | Preview image | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
NoahConley_Design_Proposal.pdf | word | Initial Design Proposal | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
NoahConley_Progress_Report_1.pdf | word | Progress Report 1 | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
NoahConley_Progress_Report_2.pdf | word | Progress Report 2 | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
NoahConley_Progress_Report_3.pdf | word | Progress Report 3 | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
NoahConley_Progress_Report_4.pdf | word | Progress Report 4 | almost 12 years ago, by Noah Conley | Download |
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