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Default-person Yun Zhou (Author)


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breed [fishes fish]
breed [predators predator]
breed [boats boat]
breed [detritus detritu]

turtles-own [ age  flockmates  nearest-neighbor energy]
patches-own [plankton polution ]
globals [ timenum]

to draw-island              ;; draw island
  if mouse-down?     ;; reports true or false to indicate whether mouse button is down
      ;; mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor report the position of the mouse --
      ;; note that they report the precise position of the mouse,
      ;; so you might get a decimal number like 12.3, but "patch"
      ;; automatically rounds to the nearest patch
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor red ]

to draw-source        ;;draw the source of reproduce
  if mouse-down?     ;; reports true or false to indicate whether mouse button is down
      ;; mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor report the position of the mouse --
      ;; note that they report the precise position of the mouse,
      ;; so you might get a decimal number like 12.3, but "patch"
      ;; automatically rounds to the nearest patch
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor pink ]

to draw-polution      ;; draw the pollution area
  if mouse-down?     ;; reports true or false to indicate whether mouse button is down
      ;; mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor report the position of the mouse --
      ;; note that they report the precise position of the mouse,
      ;; so you might get a decimal number like 12.3, but "patch"
      ;; automatically rounds to the nearest patch
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor grey ]

to setup
  ask patches  [                 ;;set up the planktons
    set pcolor blue
    set plankton random sea-regrow-time
    set pcolor one-of [green blue]

to create
  create-fishes number-of-fish [           ;;create certain numbers of forage fishes
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set color red
    set shape "fish"  
    set age random 3
    set energy random random (2 * fish-gain-from-food)
    let x 0
    let y 0
    ask one-of patches with [pcolor != red]
      set x pxcor
      set y pycor
    setxy x y

  create-predators number-of-predator [          ;;create certain numbers of predators
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor 
    set color yellow
    set shape "shark"
    set age random 5
    set energy random  (2 * predator-gain-from-food)
    set size 1.5 ;; increase their size so they are a little easier to see
    let x 0
    let y 0
    ask one-of patches with [pcolor != red]
      set x pxcor
      set y pycor
    setxy x y
  if human-involoved?                       ;;if human being involved, create certain numbers of boats
  [ create-boats boats-number [  
    let x 0
    let y 0
    ask one-of patches with [pcolor != red]
      set x pxcor
      set y pycor
    setxy x y
    set color white
    set shape "boat"  
    set size 2

to go
  if not any? turtles [  
  ask fishes [
    ifelse flock? [                     ;; check if the forage fishes would go in the pattern as a flock
      avoid                          ;;forage fishes would escape if there is any predators around
     ; move
      ; fd 1
      ;   set age age + 1
      set energy energy - 1
    [ avoid
      ; set age age + 1
      set energy energy - 1
    eat-plankton         ;;eat food and gain energy
    check-fish-dead       ;;check if the forage is dead or not
    fish-reproduce        ;;fish reproduce 

  ask predators [                  ;; ask predators to eat forage fishes and gain energy
    set energy energy - 1
    set age age + 1
    predator-reproduce          ;;predator reproduce
  if human-involoved?
    ask boats [
      fishing           ;;human go fishing
  regrow-plankton        ;; regrow the plankton

to flock  ;; turtle procedure
  if any? flockmates
    [ find-nearest-neighbor
      ifelse distance nearest-neighbor < 0.75
        [ separate ]
        [ align
          cohere ] ]

to find-flockmates  ;; turtle procedure
  set flockmates other turtles in-radius 3

to find-nearest-neighbor ;; turtle procedure
  set nearest-neighbor min-one-of flockmates [distance myself]

to separate  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-away ([heading] of nearest-neighbor) 3.50

to align  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-towards average-flockmate-heading 5

to cohere  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-towards average-heading-towards-flockmates 5.75

to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn

to turn-away [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
      [ rt max-turn ]
      [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

to-report average-flockmate-heading  ;; turtle procedure
                                     ;; We can't just average the heading variables here.
                                     ;; For example, the average of 1 and 359 should be 0,
                                     ;; not 180.  So we have to use trigonometry.
  let x-component sum [dx] of flockmates
  let y-component sum [dy] of flockmates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to-report average-heading-towards-flockmates  ;; turtle procedure
                                              ;; "towards myself" gives us the heading from the other turtle
                                              ;; to me, but we want the heading from me to the other turtle,
                                              ;; so we add 180
  let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
  let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to avoid ;; android procedure
  let candidates patches in-radius 1 with [ not any? predators ]        ;;if there is any predators around
  ifelse any? candidates
    [ face one-of candidates ]
      let wall? false                              ;; check if there are walls ahead
      ask patch-ahead 1[
        if(pcolor = red)
          set wall? true
      ifelse (wall?)
        rt random 360                              ;;if there are walls between walls between predators and fishes, random move
      [ rt (random 3) * 90 
        ask patch-ahead 1[                 ;;else random pick a direction and escape
          if(pcolor = red)
            set wall? true
        ifelse (wall?)                       
        [forward 1  ]]]                  ;;if there are no predators around, move.

to chase                    ;;let predators chase after forage fishes for food
  ifelse any? fishes in-radius 2
    [ let candidates one-of fishes in-radius 2
      let wall? false                 ;;if there are forage fishes nearby
      ask patch-ahead 1[
        if(pcolor = red)
          set wall? true                ;;check if there are walls between them
      ifelse (wall?)
        rt random 360       ;;if there are walls, random move
        face candidates           ;;if there are no walls, face the forage fish and move
        set energy energy - 1
        fd 1
    [ if random 100 < predator-fight-percent          ;;if there are no forage fishes around, they might fight for their space
      [fight ] ]

to polution-on
;  ifelse ticks != nobody
 ; [set timenum ticks]
  ;[set timenum 0]
  set timenum ticks
  let polution-factor random 10
  ask patches with [pcolor = grey]
  [ set polution polution-factor

to self-restore                         ;;self restore the pollution emitted into the ocean

to clean                             ;;check if it has passed enough time to let ocean clean the pollution
  let now ticks
  if now = timenum + 3000
    ask patches with [pcolor = grey]
    [set pcolor blue]]

to fight                                  ;; predators fight each other when there are not enough food around for their place
  ifelse any? predators in-radius 1
  [let candidates one-of predators in-radius 1  
    set energy energy - 4
    face candidates
    let walls patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = red]
    ifelse any? walls                  
    [forward 1  ]
    ask candidates [ die ]                  ;;one of the predators would die in this fight and the other one would loose a lot of energy also
  [ move
    set energy energy - 2]

to eat-plankton                         ;;forage fishes eat plankton
  if ( pcolor = green) [
    set pcolor blue         
    set energy energy + fish-gain-from-food

to eat-fish                           ;;predators eat forage fishes
  ifelse any? fishes in-radius 1 [ 
    ask fishes in-radius 1 [     
    set energy energy + predator-gain-from-food
    if chase?                    ;;if there are no food around, look further and chase

to fishing                       ;;human go fishing
  if random 100 < 70
      ifelse prefer-big? [             ;;if human are prefer fishing the predators, they would catch one predator rather than all the nearby fishes
        ifelse any? predators-here [
          let target one-of predators
          ask target [
        [ ask fishes in-radius 3 [
      [ ask fishes in-radius 2 [

to fish-reproduce
  ifelse produce-source?                  ;;let fish reproduce. If there required a reproduce source, make the forage fishes can only reproduce at certain place
    let location false                  ;;so every time fish want to reproduce, they have to move towards those sources
    ask patch-here[
      if  pcolor = pink                 ;;and hatch their childeren out side the walls
      [ set location true
    ifelse location != false
        if random 100 < fish-reproduce-percent [
          set energy (energy / 2)
          hatch fish-hatch-number [
            hatch 1  [ 
              rt random-float 360 
              let wall? false
              ask patch-ahead 1[
                if(pcolor = red)
                  set wall? true
              ifelse (wall?)
                rt random 360
              [ fd 1]]]
        trace-back ]]            ;;the moving towards sources procedure
  [  if random 100 < fish-reproduce-percent [        ;;otherwise, just normal reproduce. Can happen at any place
    set energy (energy / 2)
    hatch fish-hatch-number [
      hatch 1  [ 
        rt random-float 360 
        let wall? false
        ask patch-ahead 1[
          if(pcolor = red)
            set wall? true
        ifelse (wall?)
          rt random 360
        [forward 1  ] ] ]

to trace-back
  let x 0                   ;;find the way back to the sources and reproduce
  let y 0
  let candidates one-of patches with [pcolor = pink]
  if candidates != nobody
    [ ask one-of patches with [pcolor = pink]
        set x pxcor
        set y pycor
    facexy x y
    let wall? false
    ask patch-ahead 1[
      if(pcolor = red)
          set wall? true
    ifelse (wall?)
        rt random 360          ;;if there are walls on them way, they would try to find another path
      [ fd 1]]

to predator-reproduce              ;;predators' reproduce, the same with the normal forage fishes' reproduce
  if random 100 < predator-reproduce-percent and energy > 60[
    set energy (energy / 2)
    hatch 1  [ 
      rt random-float 360 
      let wall? false
      ask patch-ahead 1[
        if(pcolor = red)
          set wall? true
      ifelse (wall?)
        rt random 360
      [forward 1  ] ] 

to check-if-dead          ;;check whether the predators are dead
  if energy < 5 and age > 10[
    if random 100 < 62
      ;ask detritus [hatch 2]

to check-fish-dead     ;; check whether the forage fishes are dead
  if energy < 1 [

to regrow-plankton      ;;regrow the planktons after certain amount of time and possibilities
  ask patches with [ pcolor = blue][
    if  random 100 < sea-regrow-time
      [ set pcolor green
        set plankton sea-regrow-time]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = green]   [set plankton plankton - 1]

to my-update-plots
  set-current-plot-pen "fish"
  plot count fishes
  set-current-plot-pen "shark"
  plot count predators  ;; scaling factor so plot looks nice
  set-current-plot-pen "plankton"
  plot sum [plankton] of patches / 30 ;; scaling factor so plot looks nice end

to boat-move        ;;let boats moving around without hitting the walls
  rt random 360
  let wall? false
  ask patch-ahead 1[
    if(pcolor = red)
      set wall? true
  ifelse (wall?)
    rt random 360
  [forward 1  ]

to move            ;;let turtles moving without hitting the walls
  rt random 360
  let wall? false
  ask patch-ahead 1[
    if(pcolor = red)
      set wall? true
  ifelse (wall?)
    rt random 360
  [forward 1  ]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 12 years ago by Yun Zhou.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Additional model.nlogo extension addition model almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
EECS 472 Final Project Progress Report.pdf pdf process report1 almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
EECS 472 Final Project Progress Report2.pdf pdf process report2 almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
EECS 472 Final Project Progress Report3.pdf pdf process report3 almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
EECS 472 Final Project Progress Report4.pdf pdf process report4 almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
Final Paper.pdf pdf final paper almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
Final.png preview Preview for 'Final' almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
HubNet.nlogo extension hubnet almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
present.pptx powerpoint present slides almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download
User Guide.pdf pdf user guide almost 12 years ago, by Yun Zhou Download

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