Simply A&E Flow Model

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accident and emergency 

Tagged by Christopher Chiswell over 11 years ago


Tagged by Christopher Chiswell over 11 years ago

health care 

Tagged by Christopher Chiswell over 11 years ago


Tagged by Christopher Chiswell over 11 years ago


Tagged by Christopher Chiswell over 11 years ago

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;; Types of Turtle
breed [patients patient]        ;; A breed of turtle to represent patients
breed [caregivers caregiver]    ;; A breed of turtle to represent caregivers
breed [minorgivers minorgiver]  ;; A breed of turtle that can only treat minors patients
breed [mylabels mylabel]        ;; A breed to allow us to add labels to the plot

;; Global Variables
  dist_patient_lv1_fq           ;; Distribution of frequency of creation of lv 1 patients
  dist_patient_lv2_fq           ;; Same for level 2
  dist_patient_lv3_fq           ;; Same for level 3
  dist_lv1_treatment_times      ;; Amount of treatment time required for lv 1 patient
  dist_lv2_treatment_times      ;; Same for level 2
  dist_lv3_treatment_times      ;; Same for level 3
  dist_lv1_arrival_type         ;; Defines the arrival location/type - ambulance or waiting room
  dist_lv2_arrival_type         ;; Same for level 2
  dist_lv3_arrival_type         ;; Same for level 3
  simticks                      ;; This is a variable I'm going to use to give track of time
  minor_size                    ;; Number of minor spaces
  major_size                    ;; Number of major spaces
  resus_size                    ;; Number of resus spaces
  waittime_ambulance_avg        ;; Variable to hold a calculation of waiting time average for ambulance
  waittime_ambulance_max        ;; Variable to hold a calculation of waiting time max for ambulance
  waittime_waitroom_avg         ;; Variable to hold a calculation of waiting time average for waiting room
  waittime_waitroom_max         ;; Variable to hold a calculation of waiting time max for waiting room

;; Turtle Variables
  pt_severity                ;; Current severity (could be dynamic)
  pt_severity_initial        ;; Arrival severity
  pt_creation_time           ;; Time created
  pt_treatment_time          ;; Treatment time remaining (dynamic)
  pt_treatment_time_initial  ;; Treatment time initial
  pt_location                ;; Location of patient
  pt_arrival_type            ;; How patient arrived
  pt_waitingtime             ;; How long is patient in department
  pt_allocated_caregiver     ;; Is patient currently allocated caregiver (binary)

  caregiver_available        ;; Is caregiver currently available


;; Where I know a variable will have lots of options, it's good to write them in. e.g.
;; Patient locations
;; 11 = Ambulance Bay     ;; 12 = Waiting Room
;; 21 = Minors            ;; 22 = Majors           ;; 23 = Resus
;; 31 = Admission Ward
;; 91 = Discharged

;; ===============
;; Setup procedure - Get the simulation ready
;; ===============

to setup
  clear-all                                              ;; Resets the environment
  reset-ticks                                            ;; Resets the built in clock
  set dist_patient_lv1_fq [0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5]          ;; A set of values this variable can take
  set dist_patient_lv2_fq [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3]          ;; as above. etc
  set dist_patient_lv3_fq [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2]
  set dist_lv1_treatment_times [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3]     ;; These distributions say that the options for
  set dist_lv2_treatment_times [3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 9]     ;; this value can be any of these numbers
  set dist_lv3_treatment_times [6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 12]    ;; This could be any distribution you wanted
  set dist_lv1_arrival_type [12]                         ;; At present, I've said this distribution can only be one value
  set dist_lv2_arrival_type [12 12 12 11 11]             ;; Potential arrival types for lvl 2 patients
  set dist_lv3_arrival_type [11]
  set-default-shape caregivers "circle"
  set-default-shape minorgivers "square"
  set-default-shape patients "person"
  create-caregivers caregivers_number  [set color blue setxy -5 12]                ;; Make 4 caregivers
  create-minorgivers minorgivers_number [set color violet setxy -5 11]
  set minor_size minor_size_slider    ;; Minors has this many cubicles
  set major_size major_size_slider    ;; Majors has this many cubicles
  set resus_size resus_size_slider    ;; Resus has this many cubicles

;; Setup patches

to setup-patches
ask patch -5 8 [set pcolor green]
ask patch -5 0 [set pcolor orange]
ask patch -5 -8 [set pcolor red]

create-mylabels 1 [setxy -5 9 set label "Minors Cubicles" set color black]
create-mylabels 1 [setxy -5 1 set label "Majors Cubicles" set color black]
create-mylabels 1 [setxy -5 -7 set label "Resus Cubicles" set color black]
;; ====================
;; Main simulation code - Runs on repetition with click of go button
;; ====================

to go

to animate-patients-1
  ask patients with [xcor < -4 AND pt_location = 23][setxy -4 -8]
  ask patients with [xcor < -4 AND pt_location = 22][setxy -4 0]
  ask patients with [xcor < -4 AND pt_location = 21][setxy -4 8]

to animate-patients-2
  ask patients with [xcor = -4][animate-movetofreespace]

to animate-movetofreespace
   set xcor xcor + 0.5
   if any? other patients-here [set xcor xcor + 1 animate-movetofreespace]

to move-caregivers
  ask links [transfer-xcor]

to transfer-xcor  
  let temp_xcor [xcor] of end2
  let temp_ycor [ycor] of end2
  ask end1 [setxy temp_xcor temp_ycor + 2]

;; ===========
;; World Clock - 1 tick is 10 minutes
;; ===========

to move-clock
  set simticks simticks + 1
  ask patients with [pt_location < 91] [set pt_waitingtime pt_waitingtime + 1]
  ask patients with [xcor < -5][set ycor ycor + 1]
  ask patients with [pt_location < 14][set label pt_waitingtime]
  ask patients with [pt_location > 20][set label pt_treatment_time]

;; ===============
;; Patient Creator - Make new patients
;; ===============

to make-newpatients
 create-patients one-of dist_patient_lv1_fq                   ;; Make n number of patients where n is one of the distribution for this patient severity
  [set pt_severity_initial 1                                  ;; Set variable initial severity to 1
   set pt_severity 1                                          ;; Set variable severity to 1
   set pt_treatment_time one-of dist_lv1_treatment_times      ;; Pick one of the treatment times and set this patient's treatment time variable to this value
   set pt_treatment_time_initial pt_treatment_time
   set pt_arrival_type one-of dist_lv1_arrival_type           ;; Set an arrival type
   set pt_location pt_arrival_type 
   set pt_creation_time simticks                              ;; Set when we created them
   set color green                                            ;; Set a color
   IF pt_arrival_type = 11 [set pt_waitingtime 6]
   set xcor -16 + random-float 1
   set ycor -16
 create-patients one-of dist_patient_lv2_fq
  [set pt_severity_initial 2
   set pt_severity 2
   set pt_treatment_time one-of dist_lv2_treatment_times
   set pt_treatment_time_initial pt_treatment_time
   set pt_arrival_type one-of dist_lv2_arrival_type
   set pt_location pt_arrival_type 
   set pt_creation_time simticks
   set color orange
   set label pt_creation_time
   IF pt_arrival_type = 11 [set pt_waitingtime 6 set color blue]
   set xcor -14 + random-float 1
   set ycor -16
 create-patients one-of dist_patient_lv3_fq
  [set pt_severity_initial 3
   set pt_severity 3
   set pt_treatment_time one-of dist_lv3_treatment_times
   set pt_treatment_time_initial pt_treatment_time
   set pt_arrival_type one-of dist_lv3_arrival_type
   set pt_location pt_arrival_type 
   set pt_creation_time simticks
   set label pt_creation_time
   set color red
   IF pt_arrival_type = 11 [set pt_waitingtime 6]
   set xcor -12 + random-float 1
   set ycor -16

;; ==========================
;; ==========================

to admit-lvl3patients-resus
let temp_resus_spaces resus_size - count patients with [pt_location = 23]
IF temp_resus_spaces < 1 [stop]
IF count patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))] < 1 [stop] 
ASK max-one-of patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))][pt_waitingtime]
    [set pt_location 23]

to move-lvl3patients-maj-resus
let temp_resus_spaces resus_size - count patients with [pt_location = 23]
IF temp_resus_spaces < 1 [stop]
IF count patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND pt_location = 22] < 1 [stop] 
ASK max-one-of patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND pt_location = 22][pt_waitingtime]
    [set pt_location 23] 

to admit-lvl3patients-major
let temp_major_spaces major_size - count patients with [pt_location = 22]
IF temp_major_spaces < 1 [stop]
IF count patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))] < 1 [stop] 
ASK max-one-of patients with [pt_severity = 3 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))][pt_waitingtime]
    [set pt_location 22]

to admit-lvl2patients-major
let temp_major_spaces major_size - count patients with [pt_location = 22]
IF temp_major_spaces < 1 [stop]
IF count patients with [pt_severity = 2 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))] < 1 [stop] 
ASK max-one-of patients with [pt_severity = 2 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))][pt_waitingtime]
    [set pt_location 22]

to admit-lvl1patients-minor
let temp_minor_spaces minor_size - count patients with [pt_location = 21]
IF temp_minor_spaces < 1 [stop]
IF count patients with [pt_severity = 1 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))] < 1 [stop] 
ASK max-one-of patients with [pt_severity = 1 AND ((pt_location = 11) OR (pt_location = 12))][pt_waitingtime]
    [set pt_location 21]

;; ===============================
;; Allocate caregivers to patients
;; ===============================

to allocate-caregivers
Ask caregivers [if count out-link-neighbors > 0 [set caregiver_available 0]]   ;; If you have a link to a neighbour, mark yourself unavailable
Ask caregivers [if count out-link-neighbors = 0 [set caregiver_available 1]]   ;; If you don't have any links, mark yourself available
Ask patients [if count in-link-neighbors > 0 [set pt_allocated_caregiver 1]]  ;; If you do have a linked caregiver, mark yourself allocated
Ask patients [if count in-link-neighbors = 0 [set pt_allocated_caregiver 0]]  ;; If you don't have any links to a caregiver, mark youself unallocated
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0] = 0 [stop]  ;; Stop if there are no patients reporting no caregiver
IF count caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1] = 0 [stop]   ;; Stop if there are no caregivers reporting themselves available

;; Beginning in resus, if there is an unallocated patient, we ask a caregiver to join with longest wait.
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0 AND pt_location = 23] > 0 
     [ ask one-of caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1]
                [create-link-to max-one-of patients with [pt_location = 23 AND pt_allocated_caregiver = 0][pt_waitingtime] set color red
     allocate-caregivers     ]]
;; Repeat for major and minors  
IF count caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1] = 0 [stop]      
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0 AND pt_location = 22] > 0 
     [ ask one-of caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1]
         [create-link-to max-one-of patients with [pt_location = 22 AND pt_allocated_caregiver = 0][pt_waitingtime] set color orange
       allocate-caregivers ]]
IF count caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1] = 0 [stop]     
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0 AND pt_location = 21] > 0 
     [ask one-of caregivers with [caregiver_available = 1]
         [create-link-to max-one-of patients with [pt_location = 21 AND pt_allocated_caregiver = 0][pt_waitingtime] set color green
       allocate-caregivers ]]
;; Note the nesting of the same function within each IF statement. This means process iterates until all caregivers are allocated or no patients are waiting, thus ensuring all caregivers are allocated

;; Allocate Minor Caregivers

to allocate-minorgivers
Ask minorgivers [if count out-link-neighbors > 0 [set minorgiver_available 0]]   ;; If you have a link to a neighbour, mark yourself unavailable
Ask minorgivers [if count out-link-neighbors = 0 [set minorgiver_available 1]]   ;; If you don't have any links, mark yourself available
Ask patients [if count in-link-neighbors > 0 [set pt_allocated_caregiver 1]]  ;; If you do have a linked caregiver, mark yourself allocated
Ask patients [if count in-link-neighbors = 0 [set pt_allocated_caregiver 0]]  ;; If you don't have any links to a caregiver, mark youself unallocated
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0] = 0 [stop]  ;; Stop if there are no patients reporting no caregiver
IF count minorgivers with [minorgiver_available = 1] = 0 [stop]   ;; Stop if there are no caregivers reporting themselves available
IF count patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 0 AND pt_location = 21] > 0 
     [ask one-of minorgivers with [minorgiver_available = 1]
         [create-link-to max-one-of patients with [pt_location = 21 AND pt_allocated_caregiver = 0][pt_waitingtime] set color green
       allocate-minorgivers ]]

;; ==============
;; Treat Patients
;; ==============

to treat-patients
ask patients [if count in-link-neighbors > 0 [set pt_allocated_caregiver 1]]
ask patients with [pt_allocated_caregiver = 1][set pt_treatment_time pt_treatment_time - 1]

;; ==================
;; Discharge Patients
;; ==================

to discharge-patients
ask patients with [pt_treatment_time < 1 AND ((PT_LOCATION = 21) OR (PT_LOCATION = 22) OR (PT_LOCATION = 23))]
      [set pt_location 91
       ask my-in-links [ask end1 [setxy -5 12 set color blue]
         ask end2 [setxy 16 16 hide-turtle]
;; Moves patients who have completed treatment to discharged and deletes their link to a caregiver      

to calculate-variables
IFELSE count patients with [pt_location = 11] = 0 [set waittime_ambulance_avg 0 set waittime_ambulance_max 0]
                                                  [set waittime_ambulance_avg (sum [pt_waitingtime] of patients with [pt_location = 11] / count patients with [pt_location = 11])
                                                   set waittime_ambulance_max (max [pt_waitingtime] of patients with [pt_location = 11])
                                                   set waittime_ambulance_avg waittime_ambulance_avg - 6
                                                   set waittime_ambulance_max waittime_ambulance_max - 6]
IFELSE count patients with [pt_location = 12] = 0 [set waittime_waitroom_avg 0 set waittime_waitroom_avg 0]
                                                  [set waittime_waitroom_avg (sum [pt_waitingtime] of patients with [pt_location = 12] / count patients with [pt_location = 12])
                                                   set waittime_waitroom_max (sum [pt_waitingtime] of patients with [pt_location = 12])]

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Christopher Chiswell.

Attached files

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Simply A&E Flow Model .png preview Preview for 'Simply A&E Flow Model ' over 11 years ago, by Christopher Chiswell Download

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