BML simple

BML simple preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Victor Aguiar (Author)


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;;;          BML Traffic Model            ;;;

;; V. 0.1

;; There are two cars species: northbounds and eastbounds.

globals[ phase ]

breed[northbounds northbound]
breed [eastbounds eastboud]

;; These two species populate a two dimmensional square lattice, with boundary conditions.
;; Each lattice site can have three states i) empty ii) has a northbound car iii) has an east bound car.
patches-own[ is-empty? has-north? has-east?]

;;Speed Turtles
turtles-own[ speed]

;; Shapes of agents.

to setshapes
  set-default-shape northbounds "car"
  set-default-shape eastbounds "car"

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  ask patches
  [ set pcolor green
    set is-empty?  TRUE ]

let total-patches count patches
;;let spatial-density .1
ask n-of (spatial-density * total-patches) patches 
  sprout-northbounds 1 
    set color brown 
  ;; set state to has north 
  set has-north? TRUE
  set is-empty? FALSE 
ask n-of (spatial-density * total-patches) patches with [ is-empty? = TRUE] 
  sprout-eastbounds 1 
    set color black 
  ;; set state to has nort 
  set has-east? TRUE 
  set is-empty? FALSE 

;; Simulation. 

to go
ifelse (ticks mod 2) = 0 ;; even steps
  ask eastbounds 
  ifelse ( [is-empty?] of patch-at 1 0 = TRUE )   
  [ ask patch-here [ set is-empty? TRUE ]
    move-to patch-at 1 0
    set speed 1 
   ask  patch-here [ set is-empty? FALSE ]
   ] ;; head east]
  [ set speed 0 
  ask  patch-here [ set is-empty? FALSE ]

 ask northbounds 
  ifelse ( [is-empty?] of patch-at 0 1 = TRUE ) 
  [ ask patch-here [ set is-empty? TRUE ]
     move-to patch-at 0 1 
     set speed 1
      ask  patch-here [ set is-empty? FALSE ]
      ] ;; head north
 [ set speed 0 
  ask  patch-here [ set is-empty? FALSE ]


;; Reports 

to update-plot1-tipos
  set-current-plot "Velocidad Promedio"
  set-current-plot-pen "todos"
  let target1num mean [speed] of turtles ;; with [ parked? = false] 
  plot target1num

;; El tiempo 

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Victor Aguiar.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
BML simple.png preview Preview for 'BML simple' over 11 years ago, by Victor Aguiar Download

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