Traffic Model on google map

Traffic Model on google map preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Victor Aguiar (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 2599 times • Downloaded 143 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

Create ASC map with R (Question)

I intend to use a map to model mobile phones trajectories on a map of choice. I would ask, how can I generate a street map, ASC format, as the one of this model? It is possible to have an example of how has been produced with Rgooglemap plugin? Kind regards

Posted almost 8 years ago

Please upload the R code

Into the Netlogo code the author comment that the R to generate the map is into the files folder of this model but is not, at least as a separate file. Please someone could upload the R code to generate the map Regards

Posted almost 8 years ago

Click to Run Model

;; Autor: V�ctor Aguiar
;; Preparado para Seminario de Investigaci�n.

;; Versi�n: 18

;;  Procedimientos.

;; Extensi�n. 
extensions [ gis ]

;; Declaraci�n de Variables.
globals [ mapa-dataset
  botadero  parkusfq ;; parqueaderos  botadero-cap-max
  park-cerrado ;; parqueadero cerrado
  roads wall river obst bosque my-neighbors 
  entrada1 entrada2 
  entradab1 entradab2
  limite1 limite2
  semaforo1 semaforo1b 
  semaforo2 semaforo3 ;; sem�foro 
  interseccion  interseccion2 interseccion3 ;; interseccion autos van a USFQ
  interseccionb1 interseccionb2 interseccionb3 
  ratio-vista angle-vista ;; variables para autos
  ] ;; counter

;; Espec�ficas
patches-own [mapa]

;; Razas

breed [guias guia]
breed [USFQ usfq1]
breed [cars car]   ;; Carros que van a USFQ
breed [cars2 car2] ;; Carros que van a Quito
breed [cars3 car3] ;; Carros que van a Quito
breed [salidas salida]
breed [semaforos semaforo]

;; objetivos
cars-own [direction  speed target parked?  ]
cars2-own [direction  speed target parked?  ]
semaforos-own [id]


;; NOTAR QUE SE CARGA UN ARCHIVO asc o raster de GIS, generado en R, 
;; El c�digo de R utiliza RgoogleMaps, est� adjunto en la carpeta.

to setup
  ; Note that setting the coordinate system here is optional, as
  ; long as all of your datasets use the same coordinate system.
  ; Load all of our datasets

  set mapa-dataset gis:load-dataset "pngmap_B1.asc"
  gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-union-of (gis:envelope-of mapa-dataset))  

;; Poner los par�metros principales.

to setparameters
set ratio-vista 12
;;set angle-vista 60
set angle-vista 70
set  speed-limit  .7  
set acceleration .009 
set park-cerrado []

;; Agentes fijos

to setfijos
  ask patches with [ pxcor = -13 and pycor = -21 ]
  [sprout-semaforos 1
  [set id 1
    set size 10
   set pcolor red]
  ;; Sem�foro 2: calle principal a USFQ
  ask patches with [ pxcor = -5 and pycor = 8 ]
  [sprout-semaforos 1
  [set id 2
    set size 10
   set pcolor red]
  ;; Sem�foro 3: calle hacia Quito o Gu�pulo.
   ask patches with [ pxcor = 77 and pycor = -4 ]
  [sprout-semaforos 1
  [set id 3
    set size 10
   set pcolor red]

;; Funci�n observer para mostrar el mapa.

to display-mapa
  gis:paint mapa-dataset 0

;; Mostrar el mapa como patches

to display-mapa-in-patches
  gis:apply-raster mapa-dataset mapa
  let min-mapa gis:minimum-of mapa-dataset
  let max-mapa gis:maximum-of mapa-dataset
  ask patches
  [ if (mapa <= 0) or (mapa >= 0)
  [set pcolor scale-color black mapa min-mapa max-mapa ]]

;; Muestrar el mapa con los pathes

to sample-mapa-with-patches
   let min-mapa gis:minimum-of mapa-dataset
  let max-mapa gis:maximum-of mapa-dataset
  ask patches
  [ set mapa gis:raster-sample mapa-dataset self
    if (mapa <= 0) or (mapa >= 0)
    [ set pcolor scale-color black mapa min-mapa max-mapa ] ]

;; Hacer que las celdas del mapa GIS coincidan con los patches.

to match-cells-to-patches
  gis:set-world-envelope gis:raster-world-envelope mapa-dataset 0 0

;;  Procesamiento de Patches: caminos, r�os, bosques, y sem�foros.

;; Caminos:

to setcaminos

 ask patches with [ pxcor >= 210 and pxcor <= 219 and pycor >= -19 and pycor <= -9 ] [set pcolor  9.411764705882353]  ;; correcci�n parte USFQ 
 set roads patches with [pcolor  >= 9.5 or pcolor = 6.627450980392156 or pcolor = 9.254901960784315 ]
 ;; or pcolor = 0.6666666666666666
 ;;set roads patches with [pcolor  != 9.490196078431373 ]
 ask roads [ set pcolor green ]
 set wall patches with [pcolor != green]
 set river patches with [ pcolor >= 6 and pcolor <= 8]
 ask river [set pcolor blue]
 ask river [cambiar2]
 set bosque patches with [ pcolor = 5.529411764705882]
 ask bosque [ set pcolor gray]
 set obst patches with [ pcolor != 9.490196078431373 and pcolor != green and pcolor != blue and pcolor != gray and pcolor != 9.411764705882353]
 ask obst [set pcolor yellow]
 ;;ask obst [cambiar1]

to cambiar1

 set my-neighbors patches in-radius 5
 if (count my-neighbors with [ pcolor = green] > 10)
 [ask self [set pcolor  green]]

to cambiar2

 set my-neighbors patches in-radius 7
 if (count my-neighbors with [ pcolor = 9.490196078431373 ] > 5)
 [ask self [set pcolor 9.490196078431373 ]]

;; Partes de caminos 

to clean-up
  ask patches with [pxcor <=  210 and pxcor >= 200 and pycor >= -18 and pycor <= -10] [
    set pcolor green ]
  ask patches with [pxcor <= -166 and pxcor >= -175 and pycor >= -43 and pycor <= -37 ]
  [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [ pxcor <= 194 and pxcor >= 191 and pycor <= -43 and pycor >= -46]
  [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [ pxcor <= 92 and pxcor >= 88 and pycor <= -26 and pycor >= -31]
  [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [ pxcor >= 150 and pxcor <= 164 and pycor <= -153 and pycor >= -194]
  [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [ pxcor >= -64 and pxcor <= -57 and pycor >= 32 and pycor <= 36]
  [set pcolor green] 
 ask patches with [ pxcor >= 159 and pxcor <= 161 and pycor >= -102 and pycor <= -98]
 [set pcolor green]
 ask patches with [ pxcor >= 172 and pxcor <= 179 and pycor <= -96 and pycor >= -106]
 [set pcolor green]
 ask patches with [  (pxcor >= 177 and pxcor <= 181 and pycor <= -81 and pycor >= -91)]
 [set pcolor green]
  set roads patches with [pcolor = green]

;; Parqueaderos.

to set-parqueaderos
  set botadero patches with [ pycor <= 42 and pycor >= 35  
    and pxcor >= 150 and  pxcor <= 160  ]
  ask botadero [ set pcolor blue ]
  ;;set parkusfq patches with [ pxcor >= 210 and pxcor <= 219
   ;; and pycor >= -19 and pycor <= -9 ]
  set parkusfq patches with [ pxcor >= 200 and pxcor <= 207 and pycor <= -28 and pycor >= -36 ]
  ask parkusfq [set pcolor blue]    

;; Entradas de los autos y l�mites d�nde la simulaci�n termina.

to set-entradas
  ;;set entrada1 patches with  [pxcor =  -265 and pycor = 195] 
  ;;ask entrada1 [ set pcolor blue]
  set entrada1 patches with  [ (pxcor =  -60 and pycor = 25)  ;; entrada Puente.
    ;;or (pxcor =  -132 and pycor = 194) 
    or ( pxcor = -209 and pycor = -54) ;; entrada av. Conquistadores
  ask entrada1 [ set pcolor blue ]
  set entrada2  patches with  [pxcor =  -132 and pycor = 194] 
   ask entrada2 [ set pcolor blue]
 ;; Entradas autos v�a a Quito.
 set entradab1 patches with [(pxcor = 297 and pycor = 23)
   or (pxcor = 164 and pycor = -167) ]
 ask entradab1 [set pcolor magenta]

to set-limitesfijos
   set limite1 patches with [ (pxcor =  -267 and pycor >= 184 and pycor <= 195) 
     or (pxcor = 305 and pycor >= 14 and pycor <= 27)
     or (pxcor = -214 and pycor >= -55 and pycor <= -43 )
     or (pycor = -247 and pxcor >= 210 and pxcor <= 235 )
     or (pycor = -172 and pxcor >= 149 and pxcor <= 164)] 
  ask limite1 [ set pcolor magenta]  
;;Sem�foros V�a principal, Carros V�a USFQ.

to setsemaforos 
  set semaforo1 patches with [ pxcor <= -9 and pxcor >= -11  and pycor <= 9 and pycor >= -3]
  ask semaforo1 [ifelse (luces = TRUE) [set pcolor red  ask semaforos with [ id = 2 ] [set color red] ] [set pcolor green ask semaforos with [ id = 2 ] [set color green]] ] ;; Pone la luz del sem�foro 1 en verde

;; Sem�foro Conquistadores, Carros V�a USFQ. 
  set semaforo1b patches with [ pxcor = -22 and pycor <= -6 and pycor >= -16]
  ask semaforo1b [ifelse (luces = TRUE) [set pcolor green ask semaforos with [ id = 1 ] [set color green] ] [set pcolor red ask semaforos with [ id = 1 ] [set color red]] ]

;; Sem�foro V�a Principal V�a a Quito.
  set semaforo2 patches with [ pxcor = 82 and pycor <= -8 and pycor >= -13]
  ask semaforo2 [ifelse (luces = TRUE) [set pcolor green ask semaforos with [ id = 3 ] [set color green] ] [set pcolor violet ask semaforos with [ id = 3 ] [set color red]] ]

  ifelse (luces = TRUE)
  [ ask patches with [ (pxcor = -3 and pycor <= -5 and pycor >= -17)] [set pcolor green]
    let abertura patches with [ (pxcor = -3 and pycor <= -5 and pycor >= -17)]
  set interseccion patches with [member? self interseccion and not member? self abertura]
  set interseccion2 patches with [member? self interseccion2 and not member? self abertura]
  set interseccion3 patches with [member? self interseccion3 and not member? self abertura]


to setinterseccion
  set interseccion patches with [ (pxcor = -3 and pycor <= -5 and pycor >= -19) 
    or (pxcor >= 53 and pxcor <= 60 and pycor = -20 )
    or (pxcor >= 87 and pxcor <= 95 and pycor = -30 ) 
    or (pxcor >= 120 and pxcor <= 129 and pycor = -43 )
    or (pxcor >= 168 and pxcor <= 196 and pycor = -69 )
    or (pxcor = 196 and pycor >= -69 and pycor <= -49)
    or (pxcor <= -163 and pxcor >= -171 and pycor = -37)
    or (pxcor = -171 and pycor <= -37 and pycor >= -41)
    or (pycor = -41 and pxcor <= -171 and pxcor >= -175)
    or (pxcor = -175 and pycor <= -41 and pycor >= -44)
    or (pycor = -16 and pxcor >= -50 and pxcor <= -43)
    or (pycor = -19 and pxcor <= -4 and pxcor >= -11)
    or (pycor = -18 and pxcor <= -4 and pxcor >= -11)
    or (pxcor = 225 and pycor <= 23 and pycor >= 10) ;; interseccion v�a Botadero.
    or (pycor = 25 and pxcor >= 218 and pxcor <= 226)
    or (pycor = 37 and pxcor <= 199 and pxcor >= 192)
    or (pycor = 45 and pxcor >= 170 and pxcor <= 178)
    or (pycor = 58 and pxcor >= 141 and pxcor <= 148)
    or (pxcor = 137 and pycor >= 41 and pycor <= 49)
  ask interseccion [set pcolor blue]
  ;; Intersecci�n 2: Para los que van a Tumbaco.
   set interseccion2 patches with [ (pxcor = -3 and pycor <= -5 and pycor >= -19) 
    or (pxcor >= 53 and pxcor <= 60 and pycor = -20 )
    or (pxcor >= 87 and pxcor <= 95 and pycor = -30 ) 
    or (pxcor >= 120 and pxcor <= 129 and pycor = -43 )
    or (pxcor = 146 and pycor >= -191 and pycor <= -178 )
    or (pxcor = 161 and pycor >= -95 and pycor <= -89 )
    or (pxcor <= -163 and pxcor >= -171 and pycor = -37)
    or (pxcor = -171 and pycor <= -37 and pycor >= -41)
    or (pycor = -41 and pxcor <= -171 and pxcor >= -175)
    or (pxcor = -175 and pycor <= -41 and pycor >= -44)
    or (pycor = -16 and pxcor >= -50 and pxcor <= -43)
    or (pycor = -19 and pxcor <= -4 and pxcor >= -11)
    or (pycor = -18 and pxcor <= -4 and pxcor >= -11)]
  ask interseccion2 [set pcolor yellow]
  ;; Intersecci�n 3: 
  set interseccion3 patches with [
    (pxcor = -3 and pycor <= -5 and pycor >= -19)
    or (pxcor >= 53 and pxcor <= 60 and pycor = -20 )] 
  ask interseccion3 [ set pcolor magenta] 

;; Intersecci�n 1b carros Quito
  set interseccionb1 patches with [ (pycor = 24 and pxcor <= 301 and pxcor >= 289)
    or (pycor = 25 and pxcor >= 218 and pxcor <= 226) ;; interseccion v�a Botadero.
    or (pycor = 37 and pxcor <= 199 and pxcor >= 192)
    or (pycor = 45 and pxcor >= 170 and pxcor <= 178)
    or (pycor = 58 and pxcor >= 141 and pxcor <= 148)
    or (pycor = 13 and pxcor >= 250 and pxcor <= 258)
    or (pycor = 9 and pxcor <= 75 and pxcor >= 68)
  ask interseccionb1 [set pcolor pink]

;; Intersecci�n 2b carros a USFQ desde TUMBACO
  set interseccionb2 patches with [ (pxcor = 176  and pycor <= -93 and pycor >= -107)
    or (pycor = -93 and pxcor >= 176 and pxcor <= 180)
    or (pxcor = 196 and pycor <= -49 and pycor >= -68)
    or (pycor = -44 and pxcor >= 188 and pxcor <= 195)
    or (pycor = 1 and pxcor >= 66 and pxcor <= 77)
  ask interseccionb2 [set pcolor lime] ;; interseccion v�a Botadero.

;; Intersecci�n 3b carros desde TUMBACO HACIA GU�PULO.
  set interseccionb3 patches with [ (pxcor = 176  and pycor <= -93 and pycor >= -107)
    or (pycor = -93 and pxcor >= 176 and pxcor <= 180)
    or (pxcor = 196 and pycor <= -49 and pycor >= -68)
    or (pycor = -44 and pxcor >= 188 and pxcor <= 195)
    ;;or (pycor = 1 and pxcor >= 66 and pxcor <= 77)
    or (pycor = -7 and pxcor >= -4 and pxcor <= 79)
  ask interseccionb3 [set pcolor sky] ;; interseccion v�a Botadero.

;; Formas de Agentes

to setshapes
  set-default-shape cars "car"
  set-default-shape cars2 "car2"
  set-default-shape semaforos "circle"

;;  Agentes: carros, gu�as y destinos.

;; Agentes

;; Carros llegan a la zona en cada tick 

to setcars
   ask entrada1    
     [sprout-cars 1 [ 
    set direction 1
    set size 10
    set parked? false
    set target random 4]
    ask entradab1    
     [sprout-cars2 1 [ 
    set direction 1
    set size 10
    set parked? false
    set target random 4]

;; Cambio de velocidad con visi�n de cono.

;; para si hay alg�n auto en un ratio

to set-speed2 [ ratio anglei  ]  ;; turtle procedure
  ;; get the turtles on the patch in front of the turtle
  let cars-ahead cars in-cone  ratio anglei   with [ parked? = false]

  ;; if there are turtles in front of the turtle, slow down
  ;; otherwise, speed up
  ifelse count(cars-ahead) >= 2
    ifelse count(cars-ahead) >= 2
      set speed 0  
      set speed [speed] of one-of cars-ahead
  [ speed-up2 ]

;; decrease the speed of the turtle

to slow-down2  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse speed <= 0  ;;if speed < 0
  [ set speed 0 ]
  [ set speed speed - acceleration ]

to speed-up2  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse speed > speed-limit
  [ set speed speed-limit ]
  [ set speed speed + acceleration ]

;; Funci�n para que choquen los autos.

;; Para carros que van USFQ.

to collide
;; Si los autos est�n cerca en un ratio menor que 
if (count(cars) > 2)
if (parked? = false)
let distancia-vecino distance min-one-of other cars with [parked? = false] [distance myself] 
if (distancia-vecino < ratio-vista - (ratio-vista / 2))
[ask min-one-of other cars with [parked? = false] [distance myself] [die]
  ask self [die] ]

;; Para carros que van a Quito.

to collide2
;; Si los autos est�n cerca en un ratio menor que 
if (count(cars2) > 2)
if (parked? = false)
let distancia-vecino distance min-one-of other cars2 with [parked? = false] [distance myself] 
if (distancia-vecino < ratio-vista - (ratio-vista / 2))
[ask min-one-of other cars2 with [parked? = false] [distance myself] [die]
  ask self [die] ]

;;  Agentes: carros, gu�as y destinos.

;; Movimiento de los autos


;; Tomado de Ejercicios de inteligencia artificial.
;; Comportamiento de laberinto, mano en pared.

;; Funci�n, que reporta si hay una pared


;; Pared para cars que van a la USFQ.

to-report wall1? [angle dist] 
  ;; note that angle may be positive or negative.  if angle is
  ;; positive, the turtle looks right.  if angle is negative,
  ;; the turtle looks left.
  let patch-color patch-right-and-ahead angle dist
  if (target = 0 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero or  member? patch-color parkusfq) or member? patch-color interseccion ] 
  if (target = 1 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero or  member? patch-color parkusfq) or member? patch-color interseccion2 ] 
  if (target = 2 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero) or member? patch-color interseccion or member? patch-color parkusfq  ]  
  if (target = 3 )
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 ) or member? patch-color interseccion3]   

;; Pared para los autos que van a Quito.

;; Pared para cars que van a la USFQ.

to-report wall2? [angle dist] 
  ;; note that angle may be positive or negative.  if angle is
  ;; positive, the turtle looks right.  if angle is negative,
  ;; the turtle looks left.
  let patch-color patch-right-and-ahead angle dist
  if (target = 0 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero or  member? patch-color parkusfq) or member? patch-color interseccionb1 or member? patch-color interseccionb2 ] 
  if (target = 1 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero or  member? patch-color parkusfq) or member? patch-color interseccionb1] ;; or member? patch-color interseccionb2 ] 
  if (target = 2 )    
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 or  member? patch-color botadero) or member? patch-color interseccionb1 or member? patch-color parkusfq or member? patch-color interseccionb2  ]  
  if (target = 3 )
  [report  not ( member? patch-color roads or member? patch-color semaforo1 ) or member? patch-color interseccionb1 or member? patch-color interseccionb3]   

;; Behaviour Wall following 

to behaviour-wall-followingSP2
; classic 'hand-on-the-wall' behaviour
  set-speed2 ratio-vista angle-vista
  if not wall1? (90 * direction) 1 and wall1? (135 * direction) (sqrt 2) ;;(speed ^ 2 + speed ^ 2))
     [ rt 90 * direction ]   
  ;; wall straight ahead: turn left if necessary (sometimes more than once)
  set counter 0 
  while [wall1? 0 1] [ lt 90 * direction 
    set counter (counter + 1) 
    if (counter > 100) 
    [die] ]   
  fd speed    

;; Comportamiento pared para carros que van Quito.

to behaviour-wall-followingSP2Q
  set-speed2 ratio-vista angle-vista
  if not wall2? (90 * direction) 1 and wall2? (135 * direction) (sqrt 2) ;;(speed ^ 2 + speed ^ 2))
     [ rt 90 * direction ]   
  set counter 0 
  while [wall2? 0 1] [ lt 90 * direction 
    set counter (counter + 1) 
    if (counter > 100) 
    [die] ]   
  fd speed    

;; Implementa la velocidad. 

to salencarros
;;ask one-of cars-on botadero [move-to one-of neighbors roads ] ;; DEBO PONER CU�LES DE LOS VECINOS

;; Simulaci�n de carros 

to gocarsSP 
  ;;if (ticks mod 79) = 0
   if (ticks mod 61) = 0
  ask cars [
  ;;set direction 1
  ;;Movimiento principal  
    ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 = red  or  member? patch-here botadero or member? patch-here parkusfq )
    [set speed 0]
  ;; Colisi�n
  ;; Salir del mapa
    if (member? patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 limite1 )
  ;; Carros que van a Quito.
  ask cars2 [
    ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 = violet  or  member? patch-here botadero or member? patch-here parkusfq )
    [set speed 0]
  ;; Colisi�n
  ;; Salir del mapa
    if (member? patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 limite1 )
  ask cars with [ member? patch-here parkusfq or member? patch-here botadero ] [ set parked? true ]
  ask cars2 with [ member? patch-here parkusfq or member? patch-here botadero ] [ set parked? true ]

;; AUTOM�TICA Simulaci�n de carros 

to gocarsSPAUTO 
  ;;if (ticks mod 79) = 0
   if (ticks mod 61) = 0
  if (ticks mod 179) = 0
    ifelse (LUCES = true) 
    [set LUCES false]
    [set LUCES true]
  ask cars [
  ;;set direction 1
  ;;Movimiento principal  
    ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 = red  or  member? patch-here botadero or member? patch-here parkusfq )
    [set speed 0]
  ;; Colisi�n
  ;; Salir del mapa
    if (member? patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 limite1 )
  ;; Carros que van a Quito.
  ask cars2 [
    ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 = violet  or  member? patch-here botadero or member? patch-here parkusfq )
    [set speed 0]
  ;; Colisi�n
  ;; Salir del mapa
    if (member? patch-right-and-ahead 0 1 limite1 )
  ask cars with [ member? patch-here parkusfq or member? patch-here botadero ] [ set parked? true ]
  ask cars2 with [ member? patch-here parkusfq or member? patch-here botadero ] [ set parked? true ]

;;  Parqueaderos.

to close-parking
ifelse (count turtles-on botadero >= botadero-cap-max)
[set park-cerrado patches with [member? self botadero or member? self park-cerrado]
    set park-cerrado patches with [member? self park-cerrado and not member? self botadero]

;;  Funciones del Observador.

;; Prepara el mapa raster Escala 14000 para el procesamiento y utilizaci�n.

to start-up

to setcamino

to start-agentes

to update-plot1-tipos
  set-current-plot "Velocidad Promedio"
  set-current-plot-pen "avspeed"
  let target1num mean [speed] of cars with [ parked? = false] 
  plot target1num
  ;; Parados
  set-current-plot "Parados"
  set-current-plot-pen "stopped"
  let stoppedvar count cars with  [speed = 0 ]  
  plot stoppedvar / count (cars)
  ;; Estacionados
  set-current-plot "Parqueados"
  set-current-plot-pen "parkusfqn"
  let parq1 count cars with  [member? patch-here parkusfq  ]  
  plot parq1

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Victor Aguiar.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
pngmap_B1.asc background map over 11 years ago, by Victor Aguiar Download
screenshot_traffic_beta.jpg jpeg map screen over 11 years ago, by Victor Aguiar Download
Traffic Model on google map.png preview Preview for 'Traffic Model on google map' over 11 years ago, by Victor Aguiar Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.