Attitudes and Behaviours towards Pollution
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globals [carbon] ;; keeps track of how much pollution there is breed [polluters polluter] breed [nonpolluters nonpolluter] turtles-own [ old-attitude new-attitude ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "circle" ;; the way "set" commands work: the first argument is the object that will be turned into (or given the property of) whatever the second argument is ask patches [;; every patch will either have a polluter or a nonpolluter placed on them. The probability of one over the other is set by the ratio ifelse random-float 100 < polluter-to-nonpolluter-ratio [ sprout-polluters 1 [ ;; "sprout-" just means that an agent of type set color red - 2 set new-attitude (random init-pol-attitude + 1)] ;; the initial attitude is set to be between (inclusive) 1 and the ini-pol-attitude ] [ sprout-nonpolluters 1 [ ;; this works the same as above, except for nonpolluters now set color yellow - 2 set new-attitude (random init-npol-attitude + 1) ] ] ] ask turtles [ set old-attitude new-attitude ] ;; in order to do synchronous updating, we need to delay when agents update their attitudes, so we separate attitudes into new and old set carbon initial-pollution-level reset-ticks end to go if carbon > (delay-armageddon * armageddon) [ stop ] ;; sometimes we want to see whether carbon could have been pulled back after the armageddon value is reach. We can introduce this by delaying when the simulation stops. ask polluters [ if random-float 100 < prob-local-com [;;every polluter has some probablity of communicating with their local (8) neighbors let npol-list nonpolluters-on neighbors let pol-list polluters-on neighbors ifelse random-float 100 < (100 * ((carbon-sensitivity * carbon) / armageddon)) [ ;; the higher carbon is, the more likely polluters listen to nonpolluters if count turtle-set npol-list with [old-attitude > npol-behave-thresh] > pol-neighbor-stubbornness [ ;;number of nonpolluters behaving greater than polluter's stubbornness? set new-attitude new-attitude - 1 ] ][ if count turtle-set pol-list with [old-attitude > pol-behave-thresh] > pol-echochamber-thresh [ entrench-pol-attitude ;; the code for this command is towards the end. It basically entrenches an attitude as long as it hasn't reach the maximum allowed level ] ] ] ] ask nonpolluters [ ;; this code should be the same as above, but with relevant changes for nonpolluters. if random-float 100 < prob-local-com [ let pol-list polluters-on neighbors let npol-list nonpolluters-on neighbors ifelse random-float 100 < (100 * ((carbon-sensitivity * carbon) / armageddon))[ ;; the higher carbon is, the less likely nonpolluters listen to polluters if count turtle-set npol-list with [old-attitude > npol-behave-thresh] > npol-echochamber-thresh [ entrench-npol-attitude ] ][ if count turtle-set pol-list with [old-attitude > pol-behave-thresh] > npol-neighbor-stubbornness [;; number of polluters behaving greater than nonpolluter's stubbornnes? set new-attitude new-attitude - 1 ] ] ] ] ask turtles [ if random-float 100 < prob-non-local-com [;; every agent (or "turtle") has a probability of communicating non-locally let tlist [] while [count turtle-set tlist < 8] [;;after a turtle has been selected, a random set of 8 other turtles are picked set tlist fput one-of turtles tlist ;; pick a random turtle until you have a list containing n turtles ] let nlist turtle-set tlist ;; turns the list of turtles into an agent set (this tells netlogo to treat the objects in the list as agents) if is-polluter? self [;; if the "center" agent that's about to interact with the 8 non-local "neighbors" is a polluter, then ... ifelse random-float 100 < (100 * ((carbon-sensitivity * carbon) / armageddon))[ if count turtle-set nlist with [old-attitude > npol-behave-thresh and breed = nonpolluters] > pol-neighbor-stubbornness [ set new-attitude new-attitude - 1 ] ];;if the "center" agent isn't a polluter, then they have to be a nonpolluter, that's why the "ifelse" command was used [ if count turtle-set nlist with [old-attitude > pol-behave-thresh and breed = polluters] > pol-echochamber-thresh [ entrench-pol-attitude ] ] ] if is-nonpolluter? self [ ifelse random-float 100 < (100 * ( (carbon-sensitivity * carbon) / armageddon))[ if count turtle-set nlist with [old-attitude > npol-behave-thresh and breed = nonpolluters] > npol-echochamber-thresh [ entrench-npol-attitude ] ] [ if count turtle-set nlist with [old-attitude > pol-behave-thresh and breed = polluters] > npol-neighbor-stubbornness [ set new-attitude new-attitude - 1 ] ] ] ] ] ask polluters with [new-attitude <= 0] [ ;; this turns polluters with a new-attitude of 0 into a nonpolluter with an attitude of 1 set breed nonpolluters set color yellow - 2 set new-attitude 1 ] ask nonpolluters with [new-attitude <= 0] [ ;; this turns nonpolluters with a new-attitude of 0 into a polluter with an attitude of 1 set breed polluters set color red - 2 set new-attitude 1 ] ask turtles [ set old-attitude new-attitude ;; all the agents now synchronically update if is-polluter? self [ ;; for those polluters with an attitude at or above the behaviour threshold, they become "bright", else they are "dimmed" ifelse old-attitude >= pol-behave-thresh [ set color red] [set color red - 2] ] if is-nonpolluter? self [ ifelse old-attitude >= npol-behave-thresh [ set color yellow] [set color yellow - 2] ] ] calculate-carbon ;;the code for updating carbon is below tick ;; this keeps track of how much time has gone by. It adds a "tick" once we reach the code here. It effectively counts every synchronis update end to entrench-pol-attitude if new-attitude < pol-max-entrench [ set new-attitude new-attitude + 1 ] end to entrench-npol-attitude if new-attitude < npol-max-entrench [ set new-attitude new-attitude + 1 ] end to calculate-carbon ask turtles [ ;;carbon is updated by adding to past carbon the amount that each agent contributes to carbon. Note that some nonpolluters can still contribute carbon if the max-carbon-offset parameter is lower than max-carbon-contribution let x [new-attitude] of self if is-nonpolluter? self [ set x (0 - x) ] let y ((((max-carbon-contribution - max-carbon-offset) / (pol-max-entrench + npol-max-entrench)) * (x + npol-max-entrench)) + max-carbon-offset ) set carbon carbon + y ] if carbon <= 0 [ set carbon 0 ] endis created
There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Bert Baumgaertner.
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Attitudes and Behaviours towards Pollution.png | preview | Preview for 'Attitudes and Behaviours towards Pollution' | over 11 years ago, by Bert Baumgaertner | Download |
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