Cancelacion Inasistencia

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1 collaborator

Fredy_clavijo Fredy Clavijo (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 225 times • Downloaded 24 times • Run 0 times
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;===============Final de modelamiento==============================
; Jose Alezander Gonzalez Polo
; Diego Pinzon 
; Fredy Clavijo
;===============aca declaramos las variables globales ===================================================
globals [iter iter2 iter3]  ;variables globales

;patches-own [semaforo?]
turtles-own [inasistencias vision]
;=============== limpia toda la aplicacion ===================================================

to clear_all    ; 

;============== aca se inicia la aplicacion ====================================================

to setup
  clear-all  ; limpia el mundo
    ask patches [ ; ask es para el ciclo
       set pcolor green  
    ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor] 
       set pcolor one-of [black]              
    set iter min-pycor    
    set iter2 min-pycor

;===================== Crear estudiantes =============================================

to crear-estudiantes create-turtles students [
     set inasistencias 0
     set xcor iter
     set label 0
     set heading 0
   ;  set ycor round(random-ycor) ;no puede ser aleatorio porque los quiero distribuir uno en cada carril
     set ycor iter
     ;set vision random 7
     while [any? other turtles-here]
     [ fd 1 ]

;===================== Codigo go =============================================

to go
 ; cancelan
  if ticks = 64 [ stop ]

;===================== Codigo a ejecutar =============================================

to ejecutar
 ask patches with [pxcor = iter2 - 1 ] 
    [ ; ask es para el ciclo
       set pcolor one-of [10]              
 ask patches with [pxcor = ticks + 1 ]
      ; set pcolor one-of [blue]    
      set pcolor one-of [blue]          
    set iter iter + 1
    set iter2 iter2 + 1

;===================== % de estudiantes que cancelan por inacistencia despues de la 3 semana =======================

to cancelan
   ask turtles[
     set heading 90
     ifelse random-float 1 > 0.05
       fd 1
     set inasistencias inasistencias + 1
     set label label + 1
  ; if label > 7 [
  ;   die
  ;  ]
     if inasistencias > 7 [
     set shape "circle"


There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Fredy Clavijo.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Cancelacion Inasistencia.png preview Preview for 'Cancelacion Inasistencia' over 11 years ago, by Fredy Clavijo Download

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