Child of AirTrafficControl_m
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Jim's Air Traffic Control Game
Test your skill as an Air Traffic Controller.
Adjust aircraft headings so they cross the fix (the triangle symbol) in an orderly line and then head for the upper right corner of the screen.
If halos touch, the aircraft are too close to each other and turn black -- try to avoid that.
Maneuver the aicraft so that they cross the fix closely spaced, but with no black aircraft.
- Press Initialize (if you don't see a halo around each aircraft, press initialize again).
- Press Go/Stop to start the simulation.
- Turn an aircraft by moving its heading slider.
- Press Go/Stop to pause the simulation.
If you want to keep score, try to get all aircraft across the fix with minimum distance flown or minimum time, as shown in the two status boxes.
Cross the fix in order -- 1,2,3,..
Change things up by specifying a different order, for example, 2,1,3
Select the aircraft population ( 2 - 5 ). Speed up aircraft with the max-step-size slider. Setting Instant_Turn OFF makes aircraft execute more realistic smooth turns. Setting Crossing_Traffic ON adds a crossing aircraft to be avoided
This is a very simple simulation. Real air traffic controllers also issue instructions to change aircraft speed and altitude for spacing and traffic avoidance.
If you want to suggest things to add or change email me at
Jim Reierson 1/30/2014 and 11/26/2014 copyright 2014 James Reierson
This version includes 11/26/2014 mods to allow compilation with Tortoise to produce a JavaScript-based HTML5 file that runs in a browser. and
I took the online course "Introduction to Complexity"
The course uses NetLogo for examples and problems.
NetLogo can be downloaded from
The download contains documation and a library of models and code examples, all very well done and easy to use.
Comments and Questions
; air traffic controller game Jim Reierson 1/30/2014 ; this version _s controls aircraft with heading sliders ; includes 11/26/2014 mods to allow compilation with tortoise breed [airplanes airplane] breed [halos halo] globals [dist dist-flown prev_timer temp-dif] to setup clear-all reset-ticks reset-timer set prev_timer timer ; use timer intervals rather than ticks so aircraft movement not a function of cpu speed set-default-shape halos "circle" ; "circle 2" grow-background ; draw a fix crt 1 [ set color red set pen-size 3 setxy 8 12 pendown set heading 90 fd 1 left 120 fd 1 left 120 fd 1 ;; die ; keeps default triangle in place when compiled with tortoise ] create-airplanes population [ set shape "airplane" ; shape size relative to patch size shapes: airplane, circle 2, target set size 2 make-halo ;; set color who + 2 changed for compilation with tortoise set color who * 10 + 45 set label who set label-color black set heading 20 ; set dest to be x= 8, y= 12, all turtles initially equidistant and heading to fix setxy (8 - 27 * sin (70 - who * 10 )) (12 - 27 * cos (70 - who * 10 )) set heading (70 - who * 10 ) ; set heading atan (sin (70 - who * 10 )) (cos (70 - who * 10 )) set Heading_1 60 set Heading_2 50 if population > 2 [ set Heading_3 40 ] if population > 3 [ set Heading_4 30 ] if population > 4 [ set Heading_5 20 ] ] ; create crossing traffic if Crossing_Traffic [ create-airplanes 1 [ set shape "airplane" ; shape size relative to patch size shapes: airplane, circle 2, target set size 2 make-halo set color brown set label who set heading 270 setxy 18 6 ]] ;; grow-background reset-timer end to go ;; move-with-mouse ;; used for testing set dist max-step-size / 50 tick if (timer - prev_timer) > .1 [ask airplanes [ ; if (( [heading] of airplane 1 ) = Heading_1 ) [ask airplane 1 [set heading Heading_1]] ;; errors ; if not Instant_Turn [ask airplane 1 [set heading heading + ((Heading_1 - heading) / 100 )]] ; needs work ifelse Instant_Turn [ ask airplane 1 [set heading Heading_1] ask airplane 2 [set heading Heading_2] if population > 2 [ask airplane 3 [set heading Heading_3]] if population > 3 [ask airplane 4 [set heading Heading_4]] if population > 4 [ask airplane 5 [set heading Heading_5]] ] [ set temp-dif (subtract-headings Heading_1 [heading] of airplane 1 ) ; simplify in future with procedure if ( abs temp-dif > 1 ) [ask airplane 1 [set heading (heading + (0.1 * max-step-size) * (temp-dif / (abs (temp-dif))))]] set temp-dif (subtract-headings Heading_2 [heading] of airplane 2 ) if ( abs temp-dif > 1 ) [ask airplane 2 [set heading (heading + (0.1 * max-step-size) * (temp-dif / (abs (temp-dif))))]] if population > 2 [set temp-dif (subtract-headings Heading_3 [heading] of airplane 3 ) if ( abs temp-dif > 1 ) [ask airplane 3 [set heading (heading + (0.1 * max-step-size) * (temp-dif / (abs (temp-dif))))]]] if population > 3 [set temp-dif (subtract-headings Heading_4 [heading] of airplane 4 ) if ( abs temp-dif > 1 ) [ask airplane 4 [set heading (heading + (0.1 * max-step-size) * (temp-dif / (abs (temp-dif))))]]] if population > 4 [set temp-dif (subtract-headings Heading_5 [heading] of airplane 5 ) if ( abs temp-dif > 1 ) [ask airplane 5 [set heading (heading + (0.1 * max-step-size) * (temp-dif / (abs (temp-dif))))]]] ] pen-down forward dist set dist-flown dist-flown + dist ask other airplanes in-radius 3 [ set color black ] ] set prev_timer timer ] end to-report coin-flip? ; returns true or false at random --- not used presently report random 2 = 0 end to grow-background ask patches [set pcolor 59] end to make-halo ;; turtle procedure ;; when you use HATCH, the new turtle inherits the ;; characteristics of the parent. so the halo will ;; be the same color as the turtle it encircles (unless ;; you add code to change it hatch-halos 1 [ set size 3 ;; Use an RGB color to make halo three fourths transparent ;; set color lput 90 extract-rgb color removed for compilation with tortoise set color lput 50 [100 0 0] ;; set thickness of halo to half a patch ; __set-line-thickness 0.1 ;; We create an invisible directed link from the runner ;; to the halo. Using tie means that whenever the ;; runner moves, the halo moves with it. create-link-from myself [ tie hide-link ] ] end ;;to move-with-mouse ; used for testing ;; if mouse-down? [ ;; let candidate min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] ;; if [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1 [ ;; The WATCH primitive puts a "halo" around the watched turtle. ;; watch candidate ;; while [mouse-down?] [ ;; If we don't force the view to update, the user won't ;; be able to see the turtle moving around. ;; display ;; ;; The SUBJECT primitive reports the turtle being watched. ;; ask subject [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ] ;; ] ;; ;; Undoes the effects of WATCH. Can be abbreviated RP. ;; reset-perspective ;; ] ;; ] ;;end
There are 2 versions of this model.
Attached files
No files
Jim Reierson
Control aircraft headings with sliders
This is the same simulation as the parent AirTrafficControl_m, except for the method of controlling aircraft.
Posted about 11 years ago