creative industries urban model (CID-USST)

creative industries urban model (CID-USST) preview image

2 collaborators

Default-person HELIN LIU (Author)
Elisabete A. Silva (Advisor)


creative industries development 

"urban spatial structure transformation"

Tagged by HELIN LIU about 11 years ago

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It is a model to examine the dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban spatial structure.


For more details of the mechanism, please refer to Liu, H. and Silva, E. A. (2013) 'Simulating the Dynamics Between the Development of Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: An Agent-Based Model ' in Geertman, S., Toppen, F. and Stillwell, J., eds., Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


for more details, please refer to Liu, H. and Silva, E. A. (2013) 'Simulating the Dynamics Between the Development of Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: An Agent-Based Model ' in Geertman, S., Toppen, F. and Stillwell, J., eds., Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Liu,H. and Silva, E. A. (2014) creative industries urban model:structure and functioning, Urban Design and Planning,


This is a simplified version of the original one. Some functionalities are not available. If you want to have the full version, please contact the author for more help.


For more information, please refer to Liu, H. and Silva, E. A. (2013) 'Simulating the Dynamics Between the Development of Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: An Agent-Based Model ' in Geertman, S., Toppen, F. and Stillwell, J., eds., Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


The model is based on a case of Nanjing, China. It is also possible to apply it to other cases. However, to apply it to other cases, some adaption is needed. For more information, please refer to

Liu, H. (2013). Dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban spatial structure - A case study of Nanjing, China. (Ph. D), The University of Cambridge, Cambridge.


This section could point out any especially interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model makes use of, particularly in the Procedures tab. It might also point out places where workarounds were needed because of missing features.


A further developed model based on GIS map and its application in Jiading, Shanghai,China gives more details of its application to real policy making. Please refer to the website


To cite this model: Liu, H. and Silva, E. A. (2013) 'Simulating the Dynamics Between the Development of Creative Industries and Urban Spatial Structure: An Agent-Based Model ' in Geertman, S., Toppen, F. and Stillwell, J., eds., Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

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[patch-unit view-mode support-number f-targeted-plots w-targeted-firms w-targeted-housings 
  total-production total-demand employment-rate policy-sensor f-visibility w-visibility 

  f-quadrat w-quadrat
  Q-z-f-test Q-z-w-test 
  R-f N-z-stat-f
  R-w N-z-stat-w
  patches-1 patches-2 patches-3 patches-4 patches-5 patches-6 patches-7 patches-8 patches-9 patches-10
  patches-1-num patches-2-num  patches-3-num patches-4-num patches-5-num patches-6-num patches-7-num 
  patches-8-num patches-9-num patches-10-num  
 ;; keep tracking land area for CIs firms and CWs ;;total-demanding-CWs supplying-CWs 
;; f-quadrat w-quadrat, used to describe the cluster pattern
steps ; to record the ticks to help to calculate growth cycle
growth-cycle-count; to count the growth cycle
f-growth-variable;the growth power of the number of firms
w-growth-variable; the growth power of the number of workers
output-sold-rate;the rate that the production can be sold, the same to all the firms
plot-special;;to calculate individual agents









breed [CIs CI]
breed [CWs CW]
breed [UGs UG];;to define three new types of turtles
breed [river-creators river-creator];; to define rivers
breed [lake-creators lake-creator];; to define lakes
breed [hill-creators hill-creator];; to define hills

breed [ring-points ring-point];; to define ringway-outer
breed [ring1-points ring1-point];; to define ringway-inner1
breed [ring2-points ring2-point];; to define ringway-inner2
breed [ring3-points ring3-point];; to define ringway-inner3
breed [junct-creators junct-creator];; to define junctions for regional transportation
breed [sub-creator0s sub-creator0];; to define underground creators in the centre
breed [sub-creator1s sub-creator1];; to define underground creators moving at the end
breed [sub-stations sub-station];; to define underground stations linear
breed [sub-cstation1s sub-cstation1];; to define underground stations circle 1
breed [sub-cstation2s sub-cstation2];; to define underground stations circle 2
breed [green-parks green-park];; to define public parks
breed [universities university];; to define the location of university
breed [ind-parks ind-park];; to define industrial parks
breed [derelict-factories derelict-factory];; to define derelict factories
breed [old-illegal-housings old-illegal-housing];; to define old and illegal housing area
breed [subhouses subhouse] ;; to define suburban housing
breed [shoppingmalls shoppingmall];; to define shopping facilities
breed [cul-facilities cul-facility];; to define cultural faciliities

breed [helpers helper];; randomly used to create lines

patches-own [urban-area terrain  boundary land-type use-possible basic-mark transport-mark s-transport-mark rapidtrans-mark s-rapidtrans-mark 
  regionaltrans-mark s-regionaltrans-mark environment-mark s-environment-mark shopping-mark s-shopping-mark culture-mark s-culture-mark 
  milieu-mark s-milieu-mark talent-mark s-talent-mark proximity-mark s-proximity-mark land-rent s-land-rent land-rent-after-policy housing-rent s-housing-rent 
  building-quality policy-mark firm-utility worker-utility f-max-volume f-real-volume w-max-volume w-real-volume tax-reduction-rate
  patch-firm-number patch-firm-ok-number patch-worker-number patch-worker-ok-number patch-f-num-diference patch-w-num-difference 
  policy-package-num p-distance-to-centre]

;;use-possible idicate whether the patch is possible for creative industries or creative workers' housing (0 no 1 yes)
;; firms and CWs are both breeds of turtle
;; patch-firm-number patch-worker-number, used to calculate the turtle number in each patch
;; patch-f-num-diference patch-w-num-difference, used to calculate the (square (Xi minus X bar))
;; policy-package-num is used to store the UGs' num in a patch
;;land-rent-after-policy,describe the rent enjoyed by firms because of policy support

CIs-own [mark1 mark2 mark3 mark4 mark5 mark6 mark7 mark8 CI-utility got-land-or-not off-land-time expected-size real-size 
  wage output total-wagepaid ;output-sold-rate 
  land-expense-rate;;to see the percentage of expense in land of total sold value, so to decide whether the firm needs to move
  profit-rate profit tax-percent tax-paid capital nearest-distance]

CWs-own [grade1 grade2 grade3 grade4 grade5 CW-utility housing-area got-housing-or-not off-home-time inheritance?
  got-job-or-not off-job-time expected-income real-income capability company-id nearest-distance about-to-move] 
;;housing-area is the area each worker demands, calculated via normal distribution based on the statistics generated from fieldwork
;; capability is the productivity (in value) a worker can generate, calculated via expected income
;; about-to-move is used to mark the worker's intention to moving caused by high housing rent (0, not to moving, 1 to move)
UGs-own [policy-code cover-size tax-abate-rate land-rent-abate-rate milieu-promote-rate planned-time-in-service real-time-in-service]
;; urban government as advocator, regulator and controller
;;affect the behaviors of CIs via three approaches: land-rent-reduction, tax-reduction, and help in trade etc.
;; planned-time-in-service is based on average tenure controlled by the user interface

river-creators-own []
universities-own [place-id]
ind-parks-own [area-id]
derelict-factories-own [site-id]
old-illegal-housings-own [oldhousing-id]
subhouses-own [subhouse-id]
shoppingmalls-own [mall-id]
cul-facilities-own [culture-id]

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set patch-unit (max-pxcor / 200)
  ask patches 
  [set terrain "plain"
    set boundary "nnn"
    set policy-mark 1
    set building-quality 1
    set view-mode "none"
    ;set pcolor white
 set policy-sensor 0 ;;to look over the policy intervene
 set f-visibility 1
 set w-visibility 1
  set total-demand base-product-demand
  set growth-cycle-count 0
  set steps 0
  if (total-demand = 0) [set total-demand 1];; to avoid demand is set to zero
  ask CIs with [output > 0]
  [calculate-profit-rate calculate-capital]
  ifelse ((count CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1]) > 1 
    and (count CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1]) > 1 )


to define-urban-area
   ask patches 
    if ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) < ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (25 * 25)))     
    [;set pcolor 128;
      set urban-area "CBD"]   ;; to define area of CBD
    if ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) >= ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (25 * 25)))
    and ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) < ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (5 * 10)))
      [;set pcolor 125;
       set urban-area "inner-city-district"]   ;; to define area of inner city proper
    if ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) >= ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (5 * 10)))
    and ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) < ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (2.5 * 5)))
      [;set pcolor 123;
       set urban-area "outer-city-district"]   ;; to define area of outer city proper
    if ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) >= ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (2.5 * 5)))
    and ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) < ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (1 * 2.5)))
      [;set pcolor 121;
       set urban-area "inner-suburb"]   ;; to define area of inner suburb
    if ((pxcor * pxcor + pycor * pycor) >= ((max-pxcor * max-pxcor) / (1 * 2.5)))
      [;set pcolor 111;
       set urban-area "outer-suburb"] ;; to define outer suburb


to define-circle-belt
  ask patches 
   [set p-distance-to-centre (sqrt ((pxcor ^ 2) + (pycor ^ 2)))]
  set patches-1 (patches with [p-distance-to-centre <= 10])
  set patches-2 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 10) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 20)])
  set patches-3 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 20) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 30)])
  set patches-4 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 30) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 40)])
  set patches-5 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 40) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 50)])
  set patches-6 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 50) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 60)])
  set patches-7 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 60) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 70)])
  set patches-8 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 70) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 80)])
  set patches-9 (patches with [(p-distance-to-centre > 80) and (p-distance-to-centre <= 90)])
  set patches-10 (patches with [p-distance-to-centre > 90])
  set patches-1-num (count patches-1) 
  set patches-2-num (count patches-2) 
  set patches-3-num (count patches-3) 
  set patches-4-num (count patches-4) 
  set patches-5-num (count patches-5) 
  set patches-6-num (count patches-6) 
  set patches-7-num (count patches-7) 
  set patches-8-num (count patches-8) 
  set patches-9-num (count patches-9) 
  set patches-10-num (count patches-10) 


to create-rivers
  create-river-creators river-number  
  ask river-creators  
  [setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor)
    ask patch-here 
    [set pcolor 85
     set terrain "river"]
    if (xcor < (- max-pxcor / 2)) and ((abs ycor) < (max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 90
      [set heading (random 180)
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (xcor > (max-pxcor / 2)) and ((abs ycor) < (max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 270
      [set heading ((random 180) + 180)
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (ycor > (max-pycor / 2)) and ((abs xcor) < (max-pxcor / 2))
    [;set heading 180
      [set heading ((random 180) + 90)
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (ycor < (- max-pycor / 2)) and ((abs xcor) < (max-pxcor / 2))
    [;set heading 0
      [let nn (random 2)
        ifelse (nn = 1)
        [set heading (random 90)]
        [set heading ((random 90) + 270)]
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (xcor < (- max-pxcor / 2)) and (ycor < (- max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 45
      [let nn (random 3)
        ifelse (nn = 1)
        [set heading ((random 45) + 315)]
        [set heading (random 135)]
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (xcor < (- max-pxcor / 2)) and (ycor > (max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 135
      [set heading ((random 180) + 90) 
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (xcor > (max-pxcor / 2)) and (ycor < (- max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 315
      [let nn (random 3)
        ifelse (nn = 1)
        [set heading (random 45)]
        [set heading ((random 135) + 225)]
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
    if (xcor > (max-pxcor / 2)) and (ycor > (max-pycor / 2))
    [;set heading 225
      [set heading ((random 180) + 135) 
       forward 1
       ask patch-here 
       [set pcolor 85
        set terrain "river"]     
       if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))
;;;;; to deal with points in the center area   
    [set heading (random 180)
      forward 1
    ask patch-here 
     [set pcolor 85
      set terrain "river"]
     if ((xcor >= max-pxcor) 
       or (xcor <= (- max-pxcor))
       or (ycor >= max-pycor)
       or (ycor <= (- max-pycor)))


to create-lakes
 set-default-shape lake-creators "fish" 
 create-lake-creators lake-number 
 [ hide-turtle     
   setxy 0 0
   set heading random 360
   forward ((random (50 * patch-unit)) + (30 * patch-unit))
   ask patch-here 
   [set pcolor 95
    set terrain "lake"]
    ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) 
   [set pcolor 95
    set terrain "lake"]
   let nn 0
   [set heading (random 360)
     forward (5 * patch-unit)
     ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) 
      [set pcolor 95
       set terrain "lake"]
     set nn nn + 1  
     if (nn >= ((random (5 * patch-unit)) + (4 * patch-unit)))


to create-hills
  create-hill-creators hill-number 
  ask hill-creators
     move-to one-of patches with [((terrain != "lake") or (terrain != "hill")) 
       and (urban-area != "CBD") and (urban-area != "inner-city-district") 
       and (urban-area != "outer-city-district")]
   ask patch-here 
   [set pcolor 65
    set terrain "hill"]
   ask patches in-radius (10 * patch-unit) 
   [if ((pcolor != 95) and (urban-area != "CBD") and (urban-area != "inner-city-district"))
    [set pcolor 65
      set terrain "hill"]
   let nn 0
   [set heading (random 360)
     forward (6 * patch-unit)
     ask patches in-radius 8 
      [if ((pcolor != 95) and (urban-area != "CBD") and (urban-area != "inner-city-district"))
       [set pcolor 65
        set terrain "hill"]
     set nn nn + 1  
     if (nn >= ((random (6 * patch-unit)) + (8 * patch-unit)))
  ask patches with [terrain = "hill"]
  [set pcolor 65 ]

;;cut-off create-railway-station


;;to create ringways and define ringways boundary (outer ringway)

to create-ringways0
  create-ring-points 30
    set color gray
    set size (10 * patch-unit)]
  layout-circle sort   ring-points int (max-pxcor / 1.6)
  ask ring-points
  [forward (int ((random (max-pxcor / 10) - (max-pxcor / 20))) * patch-unit)
    while [([terrain] of patch-here) != "plain"] [forward 1] ;; to create random-like ringways
  ask ring-points 
  [move-to patch-here] 
 let bestart (min [who] of ring-points)
 let endest (max [who] of ring-points)
  ask ring-point endest
  [hatch-helpers 1
      set color gray
      set size (20 * patch-unit)
      ask patch-here 
      [set terrain "road"]]
    ask patches in-radius (2 * patch-unit)
      [set terrain "road"
        set boundary "yyyy"]
  let hh (bestart - 1)
  repeat 30
  [set hh hh + 1
   ask helpers
    face (ring-point hh)
     [repeat 3
       [forward 1
         if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
         ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yyyy"]
       forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
       ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yyyy"]
       if ((any? (ring-points in-radius 2))) [stop]
  ask helpers

;;to create ringways and define ringways boundary (inner1)

to create-ringways1
 create-ring1-points 30
    set color red
    set size 10]
  layout-circle sort   ring1-points int (max-pxcor / 2.5)
  ask ring1-points
  [forward int (((random (max-pxcor / 15) - (max-pxcor / 30))) * patch-unit) 
    ;; to create random-like ringways (inner1)
  ask ring1-points 
  [move-to patch-here] 
 let bestart1 (min [who] of ring1-points)
 let endest1 (max [who] of ring1-points)
  ask ring1-point endest1
  [hatch-helpers 1
      set color gray
      set size (50 * patch-unit)
      ask patch-here 
      [set terrain "road"]]
    ask patches in-radius 2
      [set terrain "road"
        set boundary "yyy"]
  let hh1 (bestart1 - 1)
  repeat 30
  [set hh1 hh1 + 1
   ask helpers
    face (ring1-point hh1)
     [repeat 3
       [forward 1
         if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
         ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yyy"]
       forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
       ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yyy"]
       if ((any? (ring1-points in-radius 2))) [stop]
  ask helpers

;;to create ringways and define ringways boundary (inner2)

to create-ringways2
  create-ring2-points 20
    set color red
    set size (10 * patch-unit)]
  layout-circle sort   ring2-points int (max-pxcor / 4)
  ask ring2-points
  [forward int (((random (max-pxcor / 20) - (max-pxcor / 40))) * patch-unit) 
    ;; to create random-like ringways (inner2)
  ask ring2-points 
  [move-to patch-here] 
 let bestart2 (min [who] of ring2-points)
 let endest2 (max [who] of ring2-points)
  ask ring2-point endest2
  [hatch-helpers 1
      set color gray
      set size 50
      ask patch-here 
      [set terrain "road"]]
    ask patches in-radius 2
      [set terrain "road"
        set boundary "yy"]
  let hh2 (bestart2 - 1)
  repeat 20
  [set hh2 hh2 + 1
   ask helpers
    face (ring2-point hh2)
     [repeat 3
       [forward 1
         if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
       ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yy"]]
       forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
       ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "yy"]
       if ((any? (ring2-points in-radius 2))) [stop]
  ask helpers

;;to create ringways and define ringways boundary (inner3)

to create-ringways3
  create-ring3-points 10
    set color red
    set size (10 * patch-unit)]
  layout-circle sort   ring3-points int (max-pxcor / 8)
  ask ring3-points
  [forward int (((random (max-pxcor / 25) - (max-pxcor / 50))) * patch-unit) 
    ; to create random-like ringways (inner2)
  ask ring3-points 
  [move-to patch-here] 
 let bestart3 (min [who] of ring3-points)
 let endest3 (max [who] of ring3-points)
  ask ring3-point endest3
  [hatch-helpers 1
      set color gray
      set size (50 * patch-unit)
      ask patch-here 
      [set terrain "road"]]
    ask patches in-radius 2
      [set terrain "road"
        set boundary "y"]
  let hh3 (bestart3 - 1)
  repeat 10
  [set hh3 hh3 + 1
   ask helpers
    face (ring3-point hh3)
     [repeat 3
       [forward 1
         if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
         ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "y"]
       forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]
       ask (patches in-radius 1) [set boundary "y"]
       if ((any? (ring3-points in-radius 2))) [stop]
  ask helpers


to create-cloverleaf
  let nn 0
  if cloverleaf-number = "high"
  [set nn (random 3) + 5]
  if cloverleaf-number = "medium"
  [set nn (random 3) + 3]
  if cloverleaf-number = "low"
  [set nn (random 3) + 1]
  let new0 (min [who] of ring-points)
  repeat nn
  [ask ring-point new0
    [hatch-junct-creators 1
        set shape "junct"
        set color gray
        set size (20 * patch-unit)]
    set new0 (new0 + int (30 / nn))
  let mim (min [who] of junct-creators)
  let mam (max [who] of junct-creators)
  [ask junct-creator mim
     hatch-junct-creators 1
         while [(abs ([pxcor] of patch-here) < max-pxcor) and (abs ([pycor] of patch-here) < max-pycor)]
         [if ((random 10) > 8)
           [left ((random 20) - 10)] 
           forward 1
           ask patch-here
           [if (terrain = "plain")[set terrain "road"]]
    set mim mim + 1
    if (mim > mam) 


to create-road
  let minr3 (min [who] of ring3-points)
  let maxr3 (max [who] of ring3-points)
  ;;;; starting point  vertical
  ask ring3-point minr3
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
     face ring3-point (minr3 + 5)
   ask helpers
   [repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
    [forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
     if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "y" [stop]
     ask helpers [die]
;;;; second point  vertical
  ask ring3-point (minr3 + 1)
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
     face ring3-point (minr3 + 4)
   ask helpers
   [repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
    [forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
     if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "y" [stop]
     ask helpers [die]
 ;;;; third point  vertical
  ask ring3-point (maxr3)
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
     face ring3-point (maxr3 - 3)
   ask helpers
   [repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
    [forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
     if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "y" [stop]
     ask helpers [die]
;;;; starting point  horizontal
  ask ring3-point (maxr3 - 1)
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
     face ring3-point (minr3 + 2)
   ask helpers
   [repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
    [forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
     if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "y" [stop]
     ask helpers [die]
;;;; second point  horizontal  
 ask ring3-point (maxr3 - 2)
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
     face ring3-point (minr3 + 3)
   ask helpers
   [repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
    [forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
     if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "y" [stop]
     ask helpers [die]
;;;; radiant road from ring3 
ask ring3-points
[ifelse (any? (patches with [(terrain = "hill") or (terrain = "lake")]) in-radius 5)
  [ ]
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
    repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]] 
    [if (random 10 > 3) [right (random 20) - 10]
      forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
      if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "yy" [stop]
 ask helpers 

;;;; radiant road from ring2 
let gap 0
  if road-density = "high"
  [set gap 1]
  if road-density = "medium"
  [set gap 2]
  if road-density = "low"
  [set gap 3]

  let minr2 (min [who] of ring2-points)
  let maxr2 (max [who] of ring2-points)
[ask ring2-point minr2
[ifelse (any? (patches with [(terrain = "hill") or (terrain = "lake")]) in-radius 5)
  [ ]
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
    repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]] 
    [if (random 10 > 3) [right (random 20) - 10]
      forward 1
      ask patch-here
      [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
      if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "yyy" [stop]
 ask helpers 
set minr2 (minr2 + gap)
if (minr2 >= maxr2) [stop]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; radiant road from ring1  

to create-road-1
  let gap 0
  if road-density = "high"
  [set gap 1]
  if road-density = "medium"
  [set gap 2]
  if road-density = "low"
  [set gap 3]
let minr1 (min [who] of ring1-points)
let maxr1 (max [who] of ring1-points) 

[ask ring1-point minr1
 [ifelse (any? (patches with [(terrain = "hill") or (terrain = "lake")]) in-radius 5)
  [ ]
  [hatch-helpers 1
    [set color gray
     set size (20 * patch-unit)
    repeat 5
     [forward 1
       if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]] 
    [if (random 10 > 5) [right (random 20) - 10]
      forward 1
      ask patch-here
       [if (terrain = "plain") [set terrain "road"]]
      if ([boundary] of patch-here) = "yyyy" [stop]
 ask helpers [die]
set minr1 (minr1 + gap + 1)
if (minr1 >= maxr1) [stop]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; underground

to create-underground
  create-sub-creator0s 1
    [ hide-turtle
      set color red
      set size (10 * patch-unit)
      set shape "sub-creator"
      hatch-sub-stations 1 [set shape "sub-station"
        set hidden? false]
  if subway-number = "none" 
   [ask sub-stations [die]]
  if subway-number = "low"
   [let step 0
     repeat 4
     [ask sub-creator0s
       [hatch-sub-creator1s 1
           set heading (90 * step)
           repeat ((random 2) + 5)
           [forward (max-pxcor / 10 )
             if ((terrain != "hill") and (terrain != "lake"))
             [hatch-sub-stations 1 [set hidden? false
                 set shape "sub-station"]
       set step (step + 1)]
  if subway-number = "medium"
   [let step 0
     repeat 8
     [ask sub-creator0s
       [hatch-sub-creator1s 1
           set heading (45 * step)
           repeat ((random 2) + 5)
           [forward (max-pxcor / 10 )
             if ((terrain != "hill") and (terrain != "lake"))
             [hatch-sub-stations 1 [set hidden? false
                 set shape "sub-station"]
       set step (step + 1)]
  if subway-number = "high";;;to create linear first then circles
   [let step 0
     repeat 8
     [ask sub-creator0s
       [hatch-sub-creator1s 1
           set heading (45 * step)
           repeat ((random 2) + 5)
           [forward (max-pxcor / 10 )
             if ((terrain != "hill") and (terrain != "lake"))
             [hatch-sub-stations 1 [set hidden? false
                 set shape "sub-station"]
       set step (step + 1)]
     ;;;;;;;; to create underground circle 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      ask sub-creator0s
        [hatch-sub-cstation1s 16
          [set hidden? false
            set shape "sub-station"
            layout-circle sort sub-cstation1s ((max-pxcor / 10) * 3)]
          let mincirn1 (min [who] of sub-cstation1s)
          let maxcirn1 (max [who] of sub-cstation1s) 
          ask sub-cstation1 mincirn1
          [create-link-with sub-cstation1 maxcirn1
            [set color red]]
          repeat 15
          [ask sub-cstation1 mincirn1
            [create-link-with sub-cstation1 (mincirn1 + 1)
              [set color red]
            set mincirn1 (mincirn1 + 1)
        ask sub-cstation1s
          [if ((terrain = "hill") or (terrain = "lake")) [set hidden? true]]
      ;;;;;;;;; to create underground circle 2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      ask sub-creator0s
        [hatch-sub-cstation2s 24
          [set hidden? false 
            set shape "sub-station"
            layout-circle sort sub-cstation2s ((max-pxcor / 10) * 5)]

          let mincirn2 (min [who] of sub-cstation2s)
          let maxcirn2 (max [who] of sub-cstation2s) 
          ask sub-cstation2 mincirn2
          [create-link-with sub-cstation2 maxcirn2
            [set color red]]
          repeat 23
          [ask sub-cstation2 mincirn2
            [create-link-with sub-cstation2 (mincirn2 + 1)
              [set color red]
            set mincirn2 (mincirn2 + 1)
         ask sub-cstation2s
          [if ((terrain = "hill") or (terrain = "lake")) [set hidden? true]]


to create-public-greens
  let green-num 0
  if green-park-number = "high" [set green-num 100]
  if green-park-number = "medium" [set green-num 50]
  if green-park-number = "low" [set green-num 20]
  create-green-parks green-num
   [set hidden? true
     let seed (random 100)
    if seed < 5 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 56
                     set terrain "green-park"
    if (seed >= 5 and seed < 25) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 56
                     set terrain "green-park"]
    if (seed >= 25 and seed < 60) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 56
                     set terrain "green-park"]
    if (seed >= 60 and seed < 95) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 56   
                     set terrain "green-park"]
    if (seed >= 95 and seed <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 56
                     set terrain "green-park"]

to create-university-etc
  let univ-num 0
  if univ-etc-num = "high" [set univ-num 40]
  if univ-etc-num = "medium" [set univ-num 20]
  if univ-etc-num = "low" [set univ-num 10]
  create-universities univ-num
   [set hidden? true
     set shape "university"
     set size (10 * patch-unit)
     set color white
     let seed1 (random 100)
    if seed1 < 5 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set place-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 25
                     set terrain "university"
    if (seed1 >= 5 and seed1 < 25) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set place-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 25
                     set terrain "university"]
    if (seed1 >= 25 and seed1 < 60) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set place-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 25
                     set terrain "university"]
    if (seed1 >= 60 and seed1 < 98) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 ;set place-id "inner-suburb"
                 let univ (count universities with [place-id = "inner-suburb"])
                 ifelse (univ > 3)
                   [let dec (random 100)
                     if dec < 30 [set place-id "inner-suburb"  ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                                [if terrain = "plain" [set pcolor 25  set terrain "university"]]]
                     if dec >= 70 [set place-id "inner-suburb"  move-to one-of other universities with [place-id = "inner-suburb"]
                                    loop [forward (5 * patch-unit)  set heading (random 360) 
                                          if ((urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain") 
                                           and (any? (patches with [terrain = "university"] in-radius (20 * patch-unit))))
                                          [ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit) [if terrain = "plain" 
                                              [set pcolor 25  set terrain "university"]]
                   [ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit) [if terrain = "plain" [set pcolor 25  set terrain "university" ]]]
    if (seed1 >= 98 and seed1 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set place-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 25
                     set terrain "university"]

to create-industrial-park
  let indpark-num 0
  if ind-park-num = "high" [set indpark-num 20]
  if ind-park-num = "medium" [set indpark-num 10]
  if ind-park-num = "low" [set indpark-num 5]
  if ind-park-num = "none" [set indpark-num 0]
  create-ind-parks indpark-num
   [set hidden? true
     set shape "flag"
     set size (10 * patch-unit)
     set color 15
     let seed2 (random 100)
    if seed2 < 0 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set area-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 36
                     set terrain "ind-park"
    if (seed2 >= 0 and seed2 < 25) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set area-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 36
                     set terrain "ind-park"]
    if (seed2 >= 25 and seed2 < 75) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set area-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 36
                     set terrain "ind-park"]
    if (seed2 >= 75 and seed2 <= 99) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set area-id "inner-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((4 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 36
                     set terrain "ind-park"]
    if (seed2 > 99 and seed2 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set area-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 36
                     set terrain "ind-park"]


to create-old-factory
  let old-fact 0
  if old-factory-num = "high" [set old-fact 20]
  if old-factory-num = "medium" [set old-fact 10]
  if old-factory-num = "low" [set old-fact 5]
  if old-factory-num = "none" [set old-fact 0]
  create-derelict-factories old-fact
   [set hidden? true
     set shape "oldfactory"
     set size (10 * patch-unit)
     set color 26
     let seed3 (random 100)
    if seed3 < 0 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set site-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 6
                     set terrain "derelict-factory"
    if (seed3 >= 0 and seed3 < 25) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set site-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 6
                     set terrain "derelict-factory"]
    if (seed3 >= 25 and seed3 < 75) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set site-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 6
                     set terrain "derelict-factory"]
    if (seed3 >= 75 and seed3 <= 99) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set site-id "inner-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((4 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 6
                     set terrain "derelict-factory"]
    if (seed3 > 99 and seed3 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set site-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 6
                     set terrain "derelict-factory"]


to create-old-illegal-building
  let old-building 0
  if old-housing-num = "high" [set old-building 50]
  if old-housing-num = "medium" [set old-building 30]
  if old-housing-num = "low" [set old-building 10]
  if old-housing-num = "none" [set old-building 0]
  create-old-illegal-housings old-building
   [set hidden? true
     set shape "house"
     set size (10 * patch-unit)
     set color 46
     let seed4 (random 100)
    if seed4 < 5 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set oldhousing-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 46
                     set terrain "oldorillegal-housing"
    if (seed4 >= 5 and seed4 < 45) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set oldhousing-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 46
                     set terrain "oldorillegal-housing"]
    if (seed4 >= 45 and seed4 < 85) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set oldhousing-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius ((3 + random 3) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 46
                     set terrain "oldorillegal-housing"]
    if (seed4 >= 85 and seed4 <= 95) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set oldhousing-id "inner-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 46
                     set terrain "oldorillegal-housing"]
    if (seed4 > 95 and seed4 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set oldhousing-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius ((1 + random 2) * patch-unit)
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 46
                     set terrain "oldorillegal-housing"]


to create-dailyshopping
  let shopping-num 0
  if dailyshopping = "high" [set shopping-num 50]
  if dailyshopping = "medium" [set shopping-num 30]
  if dailyshopping = "low" [set shopping-num 20]
  if dailyshopping = "none" [set shopping-num 0]
  create-shoppingmalls shopping-num
  [;set hidden? true
     set shape "box"
     set size (5 * patch-unit)
     set color red
     let seed5 (random 100)
    if seed5 < 10 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set mall-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor red
                     set terrain "shoppingmall"
    if (seed5 >= 10 and seed5 < 35) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set mall-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor red
                     set terrain "shoppingmall"]
    if (seed5 >= 35 and seed5 < 75) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set mall-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor red
                     set terrain "shoppingmall"]
    if (seed5 >= 75 and seed5 <= 99) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set mall-id "inner-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor red
                     set terrain "shoppingmall"]
    if (seed5 > 99 and seed5 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set mall-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor red
                     set terrain "shoppingmall"]


to create-culture-facility
  let culture 0
  if culture-num = "high" [set culture 30]
  if culture-num = "medium" [set culture 20]
  if culture-num = "low" [set culture 10]
  if culture-num = "none" [set culture 0]
  create-cul-facilities culture
  [;set hidden? true
     set shape "leaf"
     set size (10 * patch-unit)
     set color 125 
     let seed6 (random 100)
    if seed6 < 10 [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
                  set culture-id "CBD"
                  ask patch-here
                 [;if terrain = "plain" 
                   set pcolor 125
                     set terrain "culture"
    if (seed6 >= 10 and seed6 < 50) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set culture-id "inner-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 125
                     set terrain "culture"]
    if (seed6 >= 50 and seed6 < 80) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set culture-id "outer-city-district"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 125
                     set terrain "culture"]
    if (seed6 >= 80 and seed6 <= 99) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set culture-id "inner-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 125
                     set terrain "culture"]
    if (seed6 > 99 and seed6 <= 100) [move-to one-of patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
                 set culture-id "outer-suburb"
                 ask patches in-radius 1
                 [if terrain = "plain" 
                   [set pcolor 125
                     set terrain "culture"]


to create-subhousing
  let subhouse-num 0
  if suburban-housing = "high" [set subhouse-num 30]
  if suburban-housing = "medium" [set subhouse-num 20]
  if suburban-housing = "low" [set subhouse-num 10]
  if suburban-housing = "none" [set subhouse-num 0]
  repeat subhouse-num
  [ask one-of patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb" or urban-area = "outer-suburb") and terrain = "road" ]
  [sprout-subhouses 1
    [set hidden? true
      set shape "house"      
      set size (10 * patch-unit)
      set color 46
      right ((random 180) - 90)
      forward ((10 + random 5) * patch-unit)
      ask patches in-radius ((2 + random 3) * patch-unit)
      [if terrain = "plain" 
       [set pcolor 44
        set terrain "subhousing"]


to define-farmland
  ask patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
  [set terrain "farmland" ;set pcolor 5


to define-constructedland
  ask patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
  [set terrain "constructedland" ;set pcolor 6
  ask patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (terrain = "plain")]
  [set terrain "constructedland" ;set pcolor 6
  ask patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (terrain = "plain")]
  [set terrain "constructedland"  ;set pcolor 6
  ask patches with [(urban-area = "CBD") and (terrain = "plain")]
  [set terrain "cbdland" ]


to setup-landuse-type
  ask patches 
  [if terrain = "hill" [set land-type "hill" set use-possible 0]
    if terrain = "lake" [set land-type "lake" set use-possible 0] 
    if terrain = "river" [set land-type "river" set use-possible 0]
    if terrain = "road" [set land-type "road" set use-possible 1]      
    if terrain = "rail-station" [set land-type "rail-station" set use-possible 0] 
    if terrain = "green-park" [set land-type "green-park" set use-possible 0] 
    if terrain = "ind-park" [set land-type "ind-park" set use-possible 1] 
    if terrain = "derelict-factory" [set land-type "derelict-factory" set use-possible 1] 
    if terrain = "oldorillegal-housing" [set land-type "oldorillegal-housing" set use-possible 1] 
    if terrain = "shoppingmall" [set land-type "shoppingmall" set use-possible 0]
    if terrain = "culture" [set land-type "culture" set use-possible 0]
    if terrain = "university" [set land-type "university" set use-possible 0]
    if terrain = "subhousing" [set land-type "subhousing" set use-possible 1]  
    if terrain = "cbdland" [set land-type "cbdland" set use-possible 1]
    if terrain = "constructedland" [set land-type "constructedland" set use-possible 1]
    if terrain = "farmland" [set land-type "farmland" set use-possible 0] 


to calculate-landfeaturesmark
  ask patches 
  [set basic-mark 1
    set transport-mark 1
    set rapidtrans-mark 1
    set regionaltrans-mark 1
    if urban-area = "CBD" [set environment-mark 1]
    if urban-area = "inner-city-district" [set environment-mark 1.01]
    if urban-area = "outer-city-district" [set environment-mark 1.02]
    if urban-area = "inner-suburb" [set environment-mark 1.03]
    if urban-area = "outer-suburb" [set environment-mark 1.04]
    set shopping-mark 1
    set culture-mark 1
    set talent-mark 1
    set housing-rent 1
    set proximity-mark 1
    set policy-mark 1
    set milieu-mark 1
    set land-rent 1
  ;;cut-off (calculate-regionaltrans-mark)
  calculate-rent ;;to calculate housing-rent and land-rent

to calculate-basic-mark
  ask patches
  [if urban-area = "CBD" [set basic-mark 1.1]
    if urban-area = "inner-city-district" [set basic-mark 1.08]
    if urban-area = "outer-city-district" [set basic-mark 1.06]
    if urban-area = "inner-suburb" [set basic-mark 1.04]
    if urban-area = "outer-suburb" [set basic-mark 1.02]

to calculate-transport-mark
  ask patches with [(land-type = "road") ] ;and (urban-area != "outer-suburb")
  [ ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set transport-mark (transport-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set transport-mark (transport-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (12 * patch-unit) [set transport-mark (transport-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (16 * patch-unit) [set transport-mark (transport-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (20 * patch-unit) [set transport-mark (transport-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]
  ask patches ;; to multiply an discount index to show bus service
  [if (urban-area = "outer-suburb") [set transport-mark transport-mark * 0.8]
   if (urban-area = "inner-suburb") [set transport-mark transport-mark * 0.9]
   if (urban-area = "outer-city-district") [set transport-mark transport-mark * 1.1]
    if (urban-area = "inner-city-district") [set transport-mark transport-mark * 1.2]

to calculate-rapidtrans-mark
  let undergroundstations (turtle-set  sub-stations sub-cstation1s sub-cstation2s)
  ask undergroundstations 
  [ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set rapidtrans-mark (rapidtrans-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set rapidtrans-mark (rapidtrans-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (12 * patch-unit) [set rapidtrans-mark (rapidtrans-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (16 * patch-unit) [set rapidtrans-mark (rapidtrans-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (20 * patch-unit) [set rapidtrans-mark (rapidtrans-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]

;;(cut-off to calculate-regionaltrans-mark)

to calculate-environment-mark
  let environment-patches (patches with [land-type = "hill" or land-type = "lake" or land-type = "river" or land-type = "green-park"])
  ask environment-patches 
  [ ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set environment-mark (environment-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set environment-mark (environment-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (12 * patch-unit) [set environment-mark (environment-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (16 * patch-unit) [set environment-mark (environment-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (20 * patch-unit) [set environment-mark (environment-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]

to calculate-shopping-mark
  ask patches with [land-type = "shoppingmall"]
  [ ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (12 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (16 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (20 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]
    ask patches in-radius (24 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 6)))]
    ask patches in-radius (28 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 7)))]
    ask patches in-radius (32 * patch-unit) [set shopping-mark (shopping-mark * (1 + (1 / 8)))]

to calculate-culture-mark
  ask patches with [land-type = "culture" or land-type = "university"]
  [ ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (10 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (12 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]
    ask patches in-radius (14 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 6)))]
    ask patches in-radius (16 * patch-unit) [set culture-mark (culture-mark * (1 + (1 / 7)))]

to calculate-milieu-mark
  ask ind-parks
  [ ask patches in-radius (2 * patch-unit) [set milieu-mark (milieu-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set milieu-mark (milieu-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) [set milieu-mark (milieu-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set milieu-mark (milieu-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]

to calculate-talent-mark
  ask ind-parks
  [ ask patches in-radius (2 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (10 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]

  ask universities 
  [ ask patches in-radius (2 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + 1))]
    ask patches in-radius (4 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 2)))]
    ask patches in-radius (6 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 3)))]
    ask patches in-radius (8 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 4)))]
    ask patches in-radius (10 * patch-unit) [set talent-mark (talent-mark * (1 + (1 / 5)))]


to standardize-marks
 let biggest01 (max ([transport-mark] of (patches with [transport-mark > 1])))
  ask patches
   [if transport-mark > 1 [set s-transport-mark (1 + ((transport-mark - 1) / (biggest01 - 1)))]
     if transport-mark <= 1 [set s-transport-mark transport-mark]]
 let biggest02 (max ([rapidtrans-mark] of patches with [rapidtrans-mark > 1]))
   ask patches
   [if rapidtrans-mark > 1 [set s-rapidtrans-mark (1 + ((rapidtrans-mark - 1) / (biggest02 - 1)))]
     if rapidtrans-mark <= 1 [set s-rapidtrans-mark rapidtrans-mark]]
;;cut-off (standardize-marks for regional transport)
 let biggest04 (max ([environment-mark] of patches with [environment-mark > 1]))
    ask patches
    [if environment-mark > 1 [set s-environment-mark (1 + ((environment-mark - 1) / (biggest04 - 1)))] 
      if environment-mark <= 1 [set s-environment-mark environment-mark]]
  let biggest05 (max ([shopping-mark] of patches with [shopping-mark > 1]))
   ask patches
   [if shopping-mark > 1 [set s-shopping-mark (1 + ((shopping-mark - 1) / (biggest05 - 1)))]
     if shopping-mark <= 1 [set s-shopping-mark shopping-mark]]
  let biggest06 (max ([culture-mark] of (patches with [culture-mark > 1])))
   ask patches
   [if culture-mark > 1 [set s-culture-mark (1 + ((culture-mark - 1) / (biggest06 - 1)))]
     if culture-mark <= 1 [set s-culture-mark culture-mark]]
  let biggest07 (max ([milieu-mark] of patches with [milieu-mark > 1]))
   ask patches
   [if milieu-mark > 1 [set s-milieu-mark (1 + ((milieu-mark - 1) / (biggest07 - 1)))]
     if milieu-mark <= 1 [set s-milieu-mark milieu-mark]]
  let biggest08 (max ([talent-mark] of patches with [talent-mark > 1]))
   ask patches 
   [if talent-mark > 1 [set s-talent-mark (1 + ((talent-mark - 1) / (biggest08 - 1)))]
    if talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark talent-mark]]
  let biggest09 (max ([proximity-mark] of patches))
  ask patches 
  [if proximity-mark > 1 [set s-proximity-mark (1 + ((proximity-mark - 1) / (biggest09 - 1)))]
    if proximity-mark <= 1 [set s-proximity-mark proximity-mark]]    


to calculate-rent
   ask patches 
   [let calculate1 ((((s-transport-mark + s-rapidtrans-mark) / 2) * 4) + (s-shopping-mark * 3) 
       + (s-environment-mark * 2) + s-culture-mark + basic-mark) 
     set s-housing-rent (calculate1 / (4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1))
     set housing-rent (calculate1 * 2.5) 
        ;;roughly, the basic lowest price for 1 square metre per month is 40 yuan.
    let calculate2 ((s-transport-mark * 6) + (s-rapidtrans-mark * 5) + (s-milieu-mark * 4) + (s-proximity-mark * 3) 
       + (s-talent-mark * 2) + s-environment-mark  + basic-mark)
    set s-land-rent (calculate2 / (6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1));; roughly, basic rent per square metre per month for firms are 2 - 3 times the rent for workers' housing
    set land-rent (calculate2 * 3.5)
    set land-rent-after-policy land-rent


to setup-buildingquality;; it will be used to evaluate the possibility for government to renew an area or  
  ;to calculate the CIs and CWs utility function
  ask patches with [use-possible = 1]
  [if land-type = "road" [set building-quality 1]
    if land-type = "ind-park" [set building-quality 1]
    if land-type = "oldorillegal-housing" [set building-quality ((random 5) / 10)]
    if land-type = "derelict-factory" [set building-quality ((random 5) / 10)]
    if land-type = "subhousing" [set building-quality 1]
    if land-type = "cbdland" [set building-quality 1]
    if land-type = "constructedland" [set building-quality ((random 10) / 10)]
    if land-type = "farmland" [set building-quality 0]  
  ask patches with [use-possible = 0]
  [set building-quality 0] ;; for calculation reseason, to prevent using of these plots


to setup-policy
  ask patches [set tax-reduction-rate 0]
  if policy-support = "none" [set support-number 0]
  if policy-support = "low" [set support-number 10]
  if policy-support = "medium" [set support-number 20]
  if policy-support = "high" [set support-number 30]
  create-UGs support-number
  [ setup-policy-turtle-property
    set real-time-in-service 1;; policy has been in place for 1 turn


to setup-patch-volume-property
  ask patches with [use-possible = 0] 
  [set f-max-volume 0 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 0 set w-real-volume 0]
  ask patches with [use-possible = 1]
  [if land-type = "cbdland" 
    [set f-max-volume 20000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 15000 set w-real-volume 0]
   if urban-area = "inner-city-district"
   [ifelse land-type = "road"  
     [set f-max-volume 10000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 8000 set w-real-volume 0]
     [set f-max-volume 15000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 12000 set w-real-volume 0]
   if urban-area = "outer-city-district"
   [ifelse land-type = "road"  
     [set f-max-volume 7500 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 6000 set w-real-volume 0]
     [set f-max-volume 12500 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 10000 set w-real-volume 0]
   if urban-area = "inner-suburb"
   [ifelse land-type = "road"  
     [set f-max-volume 5000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 4000 set w-real-volume 0]
     [set f-max-volume 10000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 7500 set w-real-volume 0]
   if urban-area = "outer-suburb"
   [ifelse land-type = "road"  
     [set f-max-volume 2500 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 2000 set w-real-volume 0]
     [set f-max-volume 5000 set f-real-volume 0 set w-max-volume 5000 set w-real-volume 0]


to setup-firms
  set-default-shape CIs "dot"
  create-CIs initial-number-firm
  [set hidden? true
    set color white
    set size 3


to setup-workers
  set-default-shape CWs "person"
  create-CWs initial-number-CW
  [set hidden? true
   set color gray
   set size 1
   set about-to-move 0


to setup-firm-originalweight
    set mark1 1
    set mark2 1
    set mark3 1
    set mark4 1
    set mark5 1
    set mark6 1
    set mark7 1
    set mark8 1  


to setup-worker-originalweight
    set grade1 1
    set grade2 1
    set grade3 1
    set grade4 1
    set grade5 1  


to setup-firm-property
  set got-land-or-not 0
  set off-land-time 0
  set expected-size (int (random-normal 93 176))
    if expected-size <= 5 [set expected-size 5] ;;minium size is 5
    if expected-size >= 1200 [set expected-size 1200];; maximum size is 1200
  set real-size 0
  set wage (int (random-normal 6879 10266))
    if ((expected-size < 10) and (wage > 10000)) [set wage 10000]
    if ((expected-size > 300) and (wage < 1000)) [set wage 1000]
    if (wage > 40000) [set wage 40000]
    if (wage < 1000) [set wage 1000]
  set capital (expected-size * 15 * 75 * 12)
  ;; we assume the base price per square meter per month is 75 yuan. each worker needs 15 m2
  ;; we assume a company's original capital can pay the land-rent for a year if it cannot make any profit.
  set tax-percent b-tax-rate
  set CI-utility 0
  set output 0
  set total-wagepaid 0

to setup-worker-property
  set got-job-or-not 0
  set off-job-time 0
  set got-housing-or-not 0
  set off-home-time 0
  set housing-area (int (random-normal 26 15))
    if housing-area < 10 [set housing-area 10]
    if housing-area > 60 [set housing-area 60]
  set CW-utility 0
  set expected-income (int (random-normal 6879 10266))
    if (expected-income > 40000) [set expected-income 40000]
    if (expected-income < 1000) [set expected-income 1000]
  set real-income 0
  set capability (expected-income * (1 + (random 11) / 10 ));; we suppose average individual productivity (in value) is 1 -2 the expected-income.
  set company-id "none"


to calculate-f-weight
  let f-decider1 (random 100)
       if f-decider1 >= 0 and f-decider1 < 36 [set mark1 mark1 * 1.5 ]
       if (f-decider1 >= 36 and f-decider1 < 42) [set mark1 mark1 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider1 >= 42 and f-decider1 < 49) [set mark1 mark1 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider1 >= 49 and f-decider1 < 55) [set mark1 mark1 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider1 >= 55 and f-decider1 < 62) [set mark1 mark1 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider1 >= 62 and f-decider1 < 100) [set mark1 mark1 * 1.0]
   let f-decider2 (random 100)
       if f-decider2 >= 0 and f-decider2 < 21 [set mark2 mark2 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider2 >= 21 and f-decider2 < 30) [set mark2 mark2 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider2 >= 30 and f-decider2  < 39) [set mark2 mark2 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider2 >= 39 and f-decider2  < 42) [set mark2 mark2 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider2 >= 42 and f-decider2  < 55) [set mark2 mark2 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider2 >= 55 and f-decider2  < 100) [set mark2 mark2 * 1.0]
    let f-decider3 (random 100)
       if f-decider3 >= 0 and f-decider3 < 5 [set mark3 mark3 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider3 >= 5 and f-decider3 < 20) [set mark3 mark3 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider3 >= 20 and f-decider3 < 30) [set mark3 mark3 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider3 >= 30 and f-decider3 < 40) [set mark3 mark3 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider3 >= 40 and f-decider3 < 50) [set mark3 mark3 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider3 >= 50 and f-decider3 < 100) [set mark3 mark3 * 1.0]
    let f-decider4 (random 100)
       if f-decider4 >= 0 and f-decider4 < 10 [set mark4 mark4 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider4 >= 10 and f-decider4 < 20) [set mark4 mark4 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider4 >= 20 and f-decider4 < 29) [set mark4 mark4 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider4 >= 29 and f-decider4 < 38) [set mark4 mark4 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider4 >= 38 and f-decider4 < 42) [set mark4 mark4 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider4 >= 42 and f-decider4 < 100) [set mark4 mark4 * 1.0]
    let f-decider5 (random 100)
       if f-decider5 >= 0 and f-decider5 < 8 [set mark5 mark5 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider5 >= 8 and f-decider5 < 23) [set mark5 mark5 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider5 >= 23 and f-decider5 < 30) [set mark5 mark5 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider5 >= 30 and f-decider5 < 34) [set mark5 mark5 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider5 >= 34 and f-decider5 < 37) [set mark5 mark5 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider4 >= 37 and f-decider4 < 100) [set mark5 mark5 * 1.0]
    let f-decider6 (random 100)
       if f-decider6 >= 0 and f-decider6 < 3 [set mark6 mark6 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider6 >= 3 and f-decider6 < 17) [set mark6 mark6 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider6 >= 17 and f-decider6 < 29) [set mark6 mark6 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider6 >= 29 and f-decider6 < 33) [set mark6 mark6 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider6 >= 33 and f-decider6 < 37) [set mark6 mark6 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider4 >= 37 and f-decider4 < 100) [set mark6 mark6 * 1.0]
    let f-decider7 (random 100)
       if f-decider7 >= 0 and f-decider7 < 8 [set mark7 mark7 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider7 >= 8 and f-decider7 < 11) [set mark7 mark7 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider7 >= 11 and f-decider7 < 20) [set mark7 mark7 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider7 >= 20 and f-decider7 < 36) [set mark7 mark7 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider7 >= 36 and f-decider7 < 40) [set mark7 mark7 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider4 >= 40 and f-decider4 < 100) [set mark7 mark7 * 1.0]
    let f-decider8 (random 100)
       if f-decider8 >= 0 and f-decider8 < 2 [set mark8 mark8 * 1.5]
       if (f-decider8 >= 2 and f-decider8 < 11) [set mark8 mark8 * 1.4]
       if (f-decider8 >= 11 and f-decider8 < 23) [set mark8 mark8 * 1.3]
       if (f-decider8 >= 23 and f-decider8 < 36) [set mark8 mark8 * 1.2]
       if (f-decider8 >= 36 and f-decider8 < 39) [set mark8 mark8 * 1.1]
       if (f-decider4 >= 39 and f-decider4 < 100) [set mark8 mark8 * 1.0]
    set mark1 (mark1 * (1 + (42 / 68))) 
    set mark2 (mark2 * (1 + (37 / 68))) 
    set mark3 (mark3 * (1 + (34 / 68))) 
    set mark4 (mark4 * (1 + (28 / 68))) 
    set mark5 (mark5 * (1 + (25 / 68))) 
    set mark6 (mark6 * (1 + (25 / 68))) 
    set mark7 (mark7 * (1 + (27 / 68))) 
    set mark8 (mark8 * (1 + (26 / 68)))     


to calculate-w-weight
  let w-decider1 (random 100)
   if (w-decider1 >= 0 and w-decider1 < 59) [set grade1 grade1 * 1.1]
   if (w-decider1 >= 59 and w-decider1 < 100) [set grade1 grade1 * 1.0]
   let w-decider2 (random 100)
   if (w-decider2 >= 0 and w-decider2 < 42) [set grade2 grade2 * 1.1]
   if (w-decider2 >= 42 and w-decider2 < 100) [set grade2 grade2 * 1.0]
   let w-decider3 (random 100)
   if (w-decider3 >= 0 and w-decider3 < 41) [set grade3 grade3 * 1.1]
   if (w-decider3 >= 41 and w-decider3 < 100) [set grade3 grade3 * 1.0]
   let w-decider4 (random 100)
   if (w-decider4 >= 0 and w-decider4 < 32) [set grade4 grade4 * 1.1]
   if (w-decider4 >= 32 and w-decider4 < 100) [set grade4 grade4 * 1.0]
   let w-decider5 (random 100)
   if (w-decider5 >= 0 and w-decider5 < 13) [set grade5 grade5 * 1.1]
   if (w-decider5 >= 13 and w-decider5 < 100) [set grade5 grade5 * 1.0]
   set grade1 (grade1 * (1 + (183 / 310))) 
   set grade2 (grade2 * (1 + (130 / 310))) 
   set grade3 (grade3 * (1 + (126 / 310))) 
   set grade4 (grade4 * (1 + (98 / 310))) 
   set grade5 (grade5 * (1 + (41 / 310)))   


to find-office
  ifelse (real-size != 0)
  [let f-sizebehalf (expected-size * 15);; we assume office area per worker is 15 square metres
    let wage-decider wage
    let f-possible-plots (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and ((any? CWs-here) = false) and 
      ((f-real-volume + f-sizebehalf) < f-max-volume) and (wage-decider > land-rent) and land-type != "subhousing"])
    let f-decider (count f-possible-plots)
    ifelse (f-decider <= 0 ) 
     [set hidden? false set got-land-or-not 1  set off-land-time 0]
     [ifelse (f-decider < maxtimes-officesearching ) 
       [set f-targeted-plots f-possible-plots]
       [set f-targeted-plots n-of maxtimes-officesearching f-possible-plots]
       let f-mark1 mark1
       let f-mark2 mark2
       let f-mark3 mark3
       let f-mark4 mark4
       let f-mark5 mark5
       let f-mark6 mark6
       let f-mark7 mark7
       let f-mark8 mark8
       ask f-targeted-plots
       [let f-utility1 (f-mark1 * policy-mark)
        let f-utility2 (f-mark2 * s-transport-mark)
        let f-utility3 (f-mark3 * s-rapidtrans-mark)
        let f-utility4 (f-mark4 * s-milieu-mark)
        let f-utility5 (f-mark5 * s-proximity-mark)
        let f-utility6 (f-mark6 * s-land-rent)
        let f-utility7 (f-mark7 * s-talent-mark)
        let f-utility8 (f-mark8 * s-environment-mark)
        set firm-utility ((f-utility1 + f-utility2 + f-utility3 + f-utility4 + f-utility5 + f-utility7 + f-utility8) -  f-utility6 ) * building-quality;
        if (firm-utility < 0) [set firm-utility 0]
       let f-best-plot max-one-of f-targeted-plots [firm-utility]
       ifelse (([firm-utility] of f-best-plot) > CI-utility)
       ;; if the candidate is not better, then remain where it is
       [ f-decrease-building-quality
         set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15));; 15 square metre per worker
         if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0] 
          ;; to change the properties of the  original land plot           
         move-to f-best-plot
          set hidden? false;; to control the visibility of CIs
          set CI-utility firm-utility
          set f-real-volume (f-real-volume + (expected-size * 15))  
          set got-land-or-not 1  
          set off-land-time 0
       [set hidden? false set got-land-or-not 1  set off-land-time 0]
  [let f-sizebehalf (expected-size * 15);; we assume office area per worker is 15 square metres
  let wage-decider wage
  let f-possible-plots (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and ((any? CWs-here) = false) and 
      ((f-real-volume + f-sizebehalf) < f-max-volume) and (wage-decider > land-rent) and land-type != "subhousing"])
  let f-decider (count f-possible-plots)
    ifelse (f-decider <= 0 ) 
      [set hidden? true set got-land-or-not 0  set off-land-time (off-land-time + 1)]
      [ifelse (f-decider < maxtimes-officesearching ) 
        [set f-targeted-plots f-possible-plots]
        [set f-targeted-plots n-of maxtimes-officesearching f-possible-plots]
       let f-mark1 mark1
       let f-mark2 mark2
       let f-mark3 mark3
       let f-mark4 mark4
       let f-mark5 mark5
       let f-mark6 mark6
       let f-mark7 mark7
       let f-mark8 mark8
       ask f-targeted-plots
       [let f-utility1 (f-mark1 * policy-mark)
        let f-utility2 (f-mark2 * s-transport-mark)
        let f-utility3 (f-mark3 * s-rapidtrans-mark)
        let f-utility4 (f-mark4 * s-milieu-mark)
        let f-utility5 (f-mark5 * s-proximity-mark)
        let f-utility6 (f-mark6 * s-land-rent)
        let f-utility7 (f-mark7 * s-talent-mark)
        let f-utility8 (f-mark8 * s-environment-mark)
        set firm-utility ((f-utility1 + f-utility2 + f-utility3 + f-utility4 + f-utility5 + f-utility7 + f-utility8) -  f-utility6 ) * building-quality;
        if (firm-utility < 0) [set firm-utility 0]
      let f-best-plot max-one-of f-targeted-plots [firm-utility]
      if (([firm-utility] of f-best-plot) > CI-utility )
        [move-to f-best-plot
          if (f-visibility = 1) [set hidden? false];; to control the visibility of CIs
          set CI-utility firm-utility
          set f-real-volume (f-real-volume + (expected-size * 15))  
          set got-land-or-not 1  
          set off-land-time 0


to find-housing
 ifelse (about-to-move = 1);; deal with those who think the housing-rent is too high.
 [ifelse (inheritance? = 1)
   ;; 1 means yes, 0 means no
   [set got-housing-or-not 1 
     set off-home-time 0
     set hidden? false
     set about-to-move 0
      ]         ;;if it is inheritance, let the worker stay where he is
  [let w-housingsizebehalf housing-area
    let max-income-for-housing (real-income / 2)
    let w-possible-plots (patch-set (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and ((any? CIs-here) = false) and (land-type != "farmland") 
      and ((w-real-volume + w-housingsizebehalf) < w-max-volume) and (policy-mark = 1) and (land-type != "ind-park") 
      and (land-type != "derelict-factory") and (urban-area != "outer-suburb") 
      and (housing-rent * w-housingsizebehalf) < max-income-for-housing])
      patches with [urban-area = "outer-suburb" and land-type = "subhousing" 
        and (housing-rent * w-housingsizebehalf) < max-income-for-housing]) 
      let w-housing-decider (count w-possible-plots)
       ifelse (w-housing-decider <= 0) 
       [set got-housing-or-not 1 
        set off-home-time 0
        set hidden? false
        set about-to-move 0]
       [set w-real-volume (w-real-volume - housing-area);; influence the w-real-volume
         ;; before moving, influence the properties of the plot the worker is on
         ifelse (w-housing-decider < maxtimes-housingfinding) 
         [set w-targeted-housings w-possible-plots]
         [set w-targeted-housings n-of maxtimes-housingfinding w-possible-plots]
        ;; to define  the candidate plots for the worker
          let w-grade1 grade1
          let w-grade2 grade2
          let w-grade3 grade3
          let w-grade4 grade4
          let w-grade5 grade5
        ask w-targeted-housings
          [let w-utility1 (w-grade1 * ((s-transport-mark + s-rapidtrans-mark) / 2))
           let w-utility2 (w-grade2 * s-shopping-mark)
           let w-utility3 (w-grade3 * s-housing-rent)
           let w-utility4 (w-grade4 * s-environment-mark)
           let w-utility5 (w-grade5 * s-culture-mark)
           set worker-utility (( w-utility1 + w-utility2 + w-utility4 + w-utility5) -  w-utility3 )* building-quality 
           if (worker-utility < 0) [set worker-utility 0] 
          let w-best-plot max-one-of w-targeted-housings [worker-utility]
          move-to w-best-plot
          set w-real-volume (w-real-volume + housing-area)
          set got-housing-or-not 1  
          set off-home-time 0
          set inheritance? 0
          set hidden? false;; to control the visibility of CWs
          set CW-utility worker-utility
 [let w-housingsizebehalf housing-area
   let max-income-for-housing (expected-income / 2)
   ;; we assume approximately half of the income at most can be used for renting.
   let inheritance (random 100)
   ifelse (inheritance  < 15);; deal with inheritance probability 15% based on questionnaire. 
    [let w-possible-plots (patch-set (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and ((any? CIs-here) = false) and (land-type != "farmland") 
      and ((w-real-volume + w-housingsizebehalf) < w-max-volume) and (policy-mark = 1) and (land-type != "ind-park") 
      and (land-type != "derelict-factory") and (urban-area != "outer-suburb")])    
      patches with [urban-area = "outer-suburb" and land-type = "subhousing"])      ;; define the suitable set of patches
      let w-housing-decider (count w-possible-plots)
      ifelse ( w-housing-decider <= 0)
      [set got-housing-or-not 0  
          set off-home-time 1
          set inheritance? 1
          set hidden? true
      [move-to one-of (w-possible-plots with [urban-area != "outer-suburb"]) 
       calculate-worker-utility set CW-utility worker-utility
        set w-real-volume (w-real-volume + housing-area)
       set got-housing-or-not 1 set off-home-time 0 set inheritance? 1  
       set hidden? false;; to control the visibility of CWs
         ;;we assume those flats/houses inherited are possibly not in outersuburb.
    [let w-possible-plots (patch-set (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and ((any? CIs-here) = false) and (land-type != "farmland") 
      and ((w-real-volume + w-housingsizebehalf) < w-max-volume) and (policy-mark = 1) and (land-type != "ind-park") 
      and (land-type != "derelict-factory") and (urban-area != "outer-suburb") 
      and (housing-rent * w-housingsizebehalf) < max-income-for-housing]);; define the maximum housing rent     
      patches with [urban-area = "outer-suburb" and land-type = "subhousing" 
        and (housing-rent * w-housingsizebehalf) < max-income-for-housing])      ;; define the suitable set of patches
      let w-housing-decider (count w-possible-plots)
     ifelse (w-housing-decider <= 0) 
      [set got-housing-or-not 0  set off-home-time (off-home-time + 1) set inheritance? 0   set hidden? true]
      [ifelse (w-housing-decider < maxtimes-housingfinding) 
        [set w-targeted-housings w-possible-plots]
        [set w-targeted-housings n-of maxtimes-housingfinding w-possible-plots]
          let w-grade1 grade1
          let w-grade2 grade2
          let w-grade3 grade3
          let w-grade4 grade4
          let w-grade5 grade5
        ask w-targeted-housings
          [let w-utility1 (w-grade1 * ((s-transport-mark + s-rapidtrans-mark) / 2));(w-grade1 * (s-rapidtrans-mark) )
           let w-utility2 (w-grade2 * s-shopping-mark)
           let w-utility3 (w-grade3 * s-housing-rent)
           let w-utility4 (w-grade4 * s-environment-mark)
           let w-utility5 (w-grade5 * s-culture-mark)
           set worker-utility (( w-utility1 + w-utility2 + w-utility4 + w-utility5) -  w-utility3 )* building-quality 
           if (worker-utility < 0) [set worker-utility 0] 
          let w-best-plot max-one-of w-targeted-housings [worker-utility]
          move-to w-best-plot
          set w-real-volume (w-real-volume + housing-area)
          set got-housing-or-not 1  
          set off-home-time 0
          set inheritance? 0
          set hidden? false;; to control the visibility of CWs
          set CW-utility worker-utility


to find-job
  let income-decider expected-income
  let w-possible-firms  (CIs with [(wage > income-decider) and (wage < (income-decider * 2)) and
       (expected-size - real-size >= 1) and (got-land-or-not = 1)]) 
  ;; consistent with the supposed individual productivity, and to avoid "very high pay but quite low productivity" conflicts 
  let w-decider (count w-possible-firms)
  ifelse (w-decider = 0) 
  [set got-job-or-not 0  set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1)]
  [if (w-decider > 0 and w-decider < maxtimes-jobhunting ) [set w-targeted-firms w-possible-firms]
    if (w-decider > maxtimes-jobhunting) [set w-targeted-firms n-of maxtimes-jobhunting w-possible-firms]
    let w-best-firm   max-one-of w-possible-firms [wage]
    let wage-decider ([wage] of w-best-firm)
    set real-income (wage-decider * (1 + (((random 5) - 2) / 10))) ;;;suppose small fluctuation
    create-link-with w-best-firm [set hidden? true]
    set company-id [who] of w-best-firm
    set got-job-or-not 1 
    set off-job-time 0
    let worker-created capability
    let wage-actually-paid real-income
    ask w-best-firm ;; to change the output of a firm and capital of a firm
    [set real-size (real-size + 1)
      set output (output + worker-created)
      set total-wagepaid (total-wagepaid + wage-actually-paid)      


to calculate-firm-utility
  let f-utility1 (mark1 * policy-mark)
  let f-utility2 (mark2 * s-transport-mark)
  let f-utility3 (mark3 * s-rapidtrans-mark)
  let f-utility4 (mark4 * s-milieu-mark)
  let f-utility5 (mark5 * s-proximity-mark)
  let f-utility6 (mark6 * s-land-rent)
  let f-utility7 (mark7 * s-talent-mark)
  let f-utility8 (mark8 * s-environment-mark)
  set firm-utility (f-utility1 + f-utility2 + f-utility3 + f-utility4 + f-utility5 - f-utility6 + f-utility7 + f-utility8) * building-quality
  if (firm-utility < 0) [set firm-utility 0]


to calculate-worker-utility
 let w-utility1 (grade1 * ((s-transport-mark + s-rapidtrans-mark) / 2))
  let w-utility2 (grade2 * s-shopping-mark)
  let w-utility3 (grade3 * s-housing-rent)
  let w-utility4 (grade4 * s-environment-mark)
  let w-utility5 (grade5 * s-culture-mark)
  set worker-utility (w-utility1 + w-utility2 - w-utility3 + w-utility4 + w-utility5) * building-quality   ;; 
  if (worker-utility < 0) [set worker-utility 0]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; f-building quality 

to f-increase-building-quality;;quality range (0, 1]
  ask patch-here 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.01) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.01) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.01) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]  

to f-decrease-building-quality
  ask patch-here 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.01) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.01) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.01) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]  


to increase-land-rent
  ask patch-here 
    [set land-rent (land-rent * 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent * 1.01)]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [set land-rent (land-rent * 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent * 1.01)]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [set land-rent (land-rent * 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent * 1.01)]  


to decrease-land-rent
  ask patch-here 
    [set land-rent (land-rent / 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent / 1.01)]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [set land-rent (land-rent / 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent / 1.01)]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [set land-rent (land-rent / 1.01) set s-land-rent (s-land-rent / 1.01)]  


to increase-housing-rent
  ask patch-here 
    [set housing-rent (housing-rent * 1.002)  set s-housing-rent (s-housing-rent * 1.002)]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [set housing-rent (housing-rent * 1.002) set s-housing-rent (s-housing-rent * 1.002)]     


to decrease-housing-rent
  ask patch-here 
    [set housing-rent (housing-rent / 1.002)  set s-housing-rent (s-housing-rent / 1.002)]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [set housing-rent (housing-rent / 1.002) set s-housing-rent (s-housing-rent / 1.002)] 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; w-building-quality

to w-increase-building-quality
  ask patch-here 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.002) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.002) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality < 1))
      [set building-quality (building-quality * 1.002) 
        if (building-quality > 1) [set building-quality 1]]]  

to w-decrease-building-quality
  ask patch-here 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.002) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.002) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
    [if ((land-type != "cbdland") and (building-quality > 0))
      [set building-quality (building-quality / 1.002) 
        if (building-quality < 0) [set building-quality 0]]]  

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; building-quality 

to building-quality-decreasing
  ask patches with [use-possible = 1]
  [if land-type = "cbdland" []
    if land-type = "road" [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]
    if land-type = "ind-park" [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]
    if land-type = "derelict-factory" [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]
    if land-type = "oldorillegal-housing" [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]
    if land-type = "subhousing" [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]
    if land-type = "farmland" []
    if land-type = "constructedland" [if ((random 100) < 30) [set building-quality (building-quality * 0.99)]]
     ;; assume that 70% of constructed land plots are updated or sustained by other urban activities


to increase-proximity-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if(s-proximity-mark < 2) 
  [set proximity-mark (proximity-mark * 1.01) 
    set s-proximity-mark (s-proximity-mark * 1.01)
      if (s-proximity-mark >= 2) [set s-proximity-mark 2]];; make sure the value is within [1, 2]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
  [if (s-proximity-mark < 2) 
    [set proximity-mark proximity-mark * 1.01  
      set s-proximity-mark s-proximity-mark * 1.01
      if (s-proximity-mark >= 2) [set s-proximity-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
  [if (s-proximity-mark < 2) 
    [set proximity-mark proximity-mark * 1.01  
      set s-proximity-mark s-proximity-mark * 1.01
      if(s-proximity-mark >= 2) [set s-proximity-mark 2]]


to decrease-proximity-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if (s-proximity-mark > 1) 
    [set proximity-mark proximity-mark / 1.01  
      set s-proximity-mark s-proximity-mark / 1.01
      if s-proximity-mark <= 1 [set s-proximity-mark 1]];; make sure the value is within [1, 2]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
  [if (s-proximity-mark > 1) 
    [set proximity-mark proximity-mark / 1.01  
      set s-proximity-mark s-proximity-mark / 1.01
      if s-proximity-mark <= 1 [set s-proximity-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
  [if (s-proximity-mark > 1) 
    [set proximity-mark proximity-mark / 1.01  
      set s-proximity-mark s-proximity-mark / 1.01
      if s-proximity-mark <= 1 [set s-proximity-mark 1]]


to increase-milieu-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if (s-milieu-mark < 2) 
    [set milieu-mark milieu-mark * 1.01  
      set s-milieu-mark s-milieu-mark * 1.01
      if s-milieu-mark >= 2 [set s-milieu-mark 2]];; make sure the value is within [1, 2]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
  [if (s-milieu-mark < 2) 
    [set milieu-mark milieu-mark * 1.01  
      set s-milieu-mark s-milieu-mark * 1.01
      if s-milieu-mark >= 2 [set s-milieu-mark 2]]


to decrease-milieu-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if (s-milieu-mark > 1) 
    [set milieu-mark milieu-mark / 1.01  
      set s-milieu-mark s-milieu-mark / 1.01
      if s-milieu-mark <= 1 [set s-milieu-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 1 
  [if (s-milieu-mark > 1) 
    [set milieu-mark milieu-mark / 1.01  
      set s-milieu-mark s-milieu-mark / 1.01
      if s-milieu-mark <= 1 [set s-milieu-mark 1]]

to increase-talent-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if (s-talent-mark < 2) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark * 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark * 1.001
      if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
  [if (s-talent-mark < 2) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark * 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark * 1.001
      if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 4 
  [if (s-talent-mark < 2) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark * 1.01  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark * 1.01
      if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 6 
  [if (s-talent-mark < 2) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark * 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark * 1.001
      if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 8 
  [if (s-talent-mark < 2) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark * 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark * 1.001
      if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]

to decrease-talent-mark
  ask patch-here 
  [if (s-talent-mark > 1) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark / 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark / 1.001
      if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 2 
  [if (s-talent-mark > 1) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark / 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark / 1.001
      if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 4 
  [if (s-talent-mark > 1) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark / 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark / 1.001
      if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 6 
  [if (s-talent-mark > 1) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark / 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark / 1.001
      if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 3]]
  ask patches in-radius 8 
  [if (s-talent-mark > 1) 
    [set talent-mark talent-mark / 1.001  
      set s-talent-mark s-talent-mark / 1.001
      if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]


to increase-transport-mark ;assume that people agglomeration can bring foward new bus lines gradually
  ask patch-here 
    [if (s-transport-mark < 2)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark * 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark * 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 4 
    [if (s-transport-mark < 2)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark * 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark * 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]
  ask patches in-radius 8 
    [if (s-transport-mark < 2)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark * 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark * 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark >= 2 [set s-talent-mark 2]]


to decrease-transport-mark ;assume that people leaving can bring away new bus lines gradually
ask patch-here 
    [if (s-transport-mark > 1)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark / 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark / 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 4 
    [if (s-transport-mark > 1)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark / 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark / 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]
  ask patches in-radius 8 
    [if (s-transport-mark > 1)
      [set transport-mark (transport-mark / 1.002)  
        set s-transport-mark (s-transport-mark / 1.002)
        if s-talent-mark <= 1 [set s-talent-mark 1]]


to view-marks


to go
 ifelse (f-visibility = 1);;to set whether to see firms or not
   [ask CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = true) [set hidden? false]]]
   [ask CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = false) [set hidden? true]]]
 ifelse (w-visibility = 1);; to set whether to see workers or not
   [ask CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1]
      [if (hidden? = true) [set hidden? false]]]
   [ask CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = false) [set hidden? true]]]
 if (total-demand = 0) [set total-demand 1];; to avoid demand is set to zero
 ask CIs     
 ;; assume company will die if capital is dried out or being with no office longer than maxtime (set by control interface).
  [ calculate-profit-rate
    ifelse (got-land-or-not = 1) ;; only calculate those who has found office
     [ifelse (capital >= 0)
          [if (land-expense-rate > f-moving-critical-land-expense-rate)
            [set got-land-or-not 0
             set hidden? true
             set off-land-time 1              
            if (profit-rate >= f-size-expansion-critical-profit-rate) [firm-size-expansion];;size expansion
            if (profit-rate <= (f-size-decline-critical-negprofit-rate)) [firm-size-wage-decline]
              ];;size shrink if profit rate < f-size-decline-critical-negprofit-rate
           [let id who
             ask CWs with [company-id = id]
             [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]          
               set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15));; 15 square metres per worker
               if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0] ;;change the property of the plot 
     [ifelse (capital >= 0)
       [if (off-land-time > maxtime-failure-finding-office)
        [let id who
         ask CWs with [company-id = id]
          [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]          
           set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15));; 15 square metre per worker
           if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0]  

ask CWs
  ;;assume workers will no longer hunting for jobs in software and cartoon, 
  ;;and then turn to be other sectors' employees or leave the city, if they cannot find jobs in software or cartoon 
  ;;longer than maxtime-failure-finding-jobs or cannot not find suitable housing longer than maxtime-suffering-housing-rent
    [ifelse (got-housing-or-not = 1)
     [ifelse (got-job-or-not = 1)
      [if ((housing-rent * housing-area) > (real-income / 2))
        [ set got-housing-or-not 0
          set off-home-time 1
          set hidden? true
          set about-to-move 1] 
        ];;;to set the worker invisible temporarily waiting for finding another place
       [ if (off-job-time > maxtime-failure-finding-jobs)
         [set w-real-volume (w-real-volume - housing-area);; influence the w-real-volume
          ];;; the influence upon locational feature it caused
         ];;  have housing but no job, check if it is too long having no job
    [ifelse (got-job-or-not = 1);;got-housing-or-not=0
      [if (off-home-time > maxtime-suffer-housingrent) 
        [let x1 company-id
          let x2 capability 
          let x3 real-income
          ask CIs with [who = x1]
           [set real-size (real-size - 1)
            set output (output - x2)
            set total-wagepaid (total-wagepaid - x3) 
      [if ((off-job-time > maxtime-failure-finding-jobs) or (off-home-time > maxtime-suffer-housingrent))
 ask UGs 
 [ifelse (real-time-in-service >= planned-time-in-service)
       set real-time-in-service 0]
     [set real-time-in-service (real-time-in-service + 1)]

if (policy-sensor = 1)
  [create-UGs add-or-abolish-number
    [ setup-policy-turtle-property
      setup-policy-package;; define the planned-time-in-service simultaneously
      set real-time-in-service 0
    set policy-sensor 0 ;; make it to be the original status: no change

if (policy-sensor = -1)
  [let total-support (count UGs)
    ifelse (total-support >= add-or-abolish-number)
      [ask max-n-of add-or-abolish-number UGs [real-time-in-service]
         [setup-policy-stop-influence die] ]
      [ask UGs [setup-policy-stop-influence  die] ]
    set policy-sensor 0 ;; make it to be the original status: no change

 ifelse (growth-rate-cycle = 0)
 [set total-demand (total-demand * (1 + demand-monthly-growth-rate))]
 [set growth-cycle-count int ((steps / growth-rate-cycle))
   let  cycle-number-define (remainder growth-cycle-count 2)
    ifelse (cycle-number-define = 0 )
    [set total-demand (total-demand * (1 + demand-monthly-growth-rate + ((random 10) / 100)))]
    [set total-demand (total-demand * (1 + (demand-monthly-growth-rate - ((random 10) / 100))))]
;;demand-monthly-growth-rate,0.1 means 10%
 ifelse (total-production <= 0);; to avoid the situation that the denominator is zero
 [if ((total-demand / total-production) > f-num-increase-critical-D/S-rate) [firm-number-increase] ] ;; firm number increase
 if (employment-rate > w-num-increase-critical-employ-rate) [worker-number-increase];; new workers emerged

 let CIs-no-office (CIs with [got-land-or-not = 0])   
 ask CIs-no-office [find-office]

 let CWs-no-job (CWs with [got-job-or-not = 0])     
 ask CWs-no-job [find-job]
 let CWs-no-housing (CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 0])
 ask CWs-no-housing [find-housing]     

 ifelse (((count CIs) >= 2) and ((count CWs ) >= 2)) 
 [write "there are less than two creative firms or two workers, unable to do plots"
 set steps (steps + 1);;to count the cycle of growth rate


to calculate-total-production
  ;; we assume total production is equal to total supply, do not consider product (service) stored for next month (year)
  let total-production-1 (sum [output] of CIs)
  set total-production (total-production-1 / 1000000);; manipulate value unit into million yuan


to calcualte-output-sold-rate
  ;; we assume total production is equal to total supply, do not consider product (service) stored for next month (year)
  ifelse (total-production <= 0)
  [set output-sold-rate 1]
  [ifelse (total-production <= total-demand)
    [set output-sold-rate 1];; assume that all firms will sold all the product that they produce
    [set output-sold-rate (total-demand / total-production)];; do not consider the different competency of different sizes 


to calculate-profit-rate
  ifelse (output = 0)
  [set profit-rate 0 set land-expense-rate 0];; to let the firm to stay where it is
  [let sold-value (output * output-sold-rate)
   let land-expense (land-rent-after-policy * expected-size)
   let total-cost (land-expense + total-wagepaid)
   set profit (sold-value - total-cost)
   set land-expense-rate (land-expense / sold-value);; to calculate the expense in land for this firm
    ifelse (total-cost = 0);;if total-cost = 0, it means the firm has found office and enjoy free land but got no workers
      [set profit-rate 0]
      [set profit-rate (profit / total-cost)]
     ];; tax are not substracted from the profit,it is gross profit

to calculate-capital
  set tax-percent ((b-tax-rate / 100) * (1 - tax-reduction-rate))
  ifelse (profit < 0)
  [set tax-paid 0]
  [set tax-paid (profit * tax-percent)]
  set capital (capital + profit - tax-paid)  ;; tax is levied only if company can make profit

to firm-size-expansion
  let growth-percent (0.01 + (random 50) / 1000)
  ;this rate is according to the questionnaire result 10-50% per year, so the rate per month is about 0.01-0.06
  let demanding-space ((expected-size * growth-percent) * 15) ;;15 square metres per worker
  set expected-size (int (expected-size * (1 + growth-percent)))
  if ((demanding-space + f-real-volume) > f-max-volume) 
     set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15 - demanding-space));; 15 square metre per worker
     if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0]
     if (got-land-or-not = 0)
     [let id who 
       ask CWs with [company-id = id]
        [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]
         die;;it means if the company in operation can not find office immediately, it will move to other city, say die 
         ;;out from this dynamic system.
   ;; assume if the firm has many workers and want to expand

to firm-size-wage-decline
  ;; we assume total production is equal to total supply, do not consider product (service) stored for next month (year)
let abs-profit-rate (abs (profit-rate))
let decline-rate abs (abs-profit-rate - (((random 20) - 10 ) / 100))
;; decline basically according to the negative-profit-rate, but randomly change a bit
  if (decline-rate >= 1) ;;if the profit-rate is almost -1, then the company closes down
   [let id who
      ask CWs with [company-id = id]
      [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]          
        set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15));; 15 square metre per worker
        if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0]  
  if (decline-rate <= 0) 
    [  ]
  if ((decline-rate < 1) and (decline-rate > 0)) 
  [let potential-size (int ((expected-size * (1 - decline-rate))))
    ifelse (potential-size < 5);; minium firm size is 5,
    [let id who
        ask CWs with [company-id = id]
        [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]          
        set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - (expected-size * 15));; 15 square metre per worker
        if f-real-volume < 0 [set f-real-volume 0]  
    [ifelse (real-size <= potential-size) 
      ;; check whether the potential size is larger or smaller than the real-size, so as to decide to fire employees or not
      [let fire-num (real-size - potential-size)
        let id who
        let fired-workers min-n-of fire-num (CWs with [company-id = id]) [capability]
        let output-firing-decline sum ([capability] of fired-workers)
        set output (output - output-firing-decline) 
        if (output < 0) [set output 0]
          ask fired-workers 
          [set got-job-or-not 0 set off-job-time (off-job-time + 1) set real-income 0 set company-id "none"]
          set real-size potential-size          
      set f-real-volume (f-real-volume - ((expected-size - potential-size) * 15))
        if (f-real-volume < 0 ) [set f-real-volume 0]
      set expected-size potential-size


to firm-number-increase
  ;;we assume it is proportional to the percentage of ((demand - supply) / demand)
  ;;but we assume the highest percent is 200%, by referring to the data of the firms' directory

  set f-growth-variable ((total-demand - total-production) / total-demand) 
  if (f-growth-variable < 0) [set f-growth-variable 0]
    let CIs-number (count CIs)
    let new-CIs-number (1 + int (CIs-number * ((2 ^ f-growth-variable) - 1)));;;;;;;;;(growth formula of number of new firms)
    create-CIs new-CIs-number
    [set color white
      set hidden? true
      set size 3


to calculate-employment-rate
  let CWs-number (count CWs)
  let employed-CWs-number (count (CWs with [got-job-or-not = 1]))
  set employment-rate (employed-CWs-number / CWs-number)   


to worker-number-increase
  ;; we assume that if the employment rate is high in CIs, 
  ;then the probability citizens turn into CWs is high correspondingly.
  set w-growth-variable ((employment-rate - w-num-increase-critical-employ-rate) / employment-rate) 
  if (w-growth-variable < 0) [set w-growth-variable 0]
  let CWs-number (count CWs) 
  let new-CWs-number (1 + int (CWs-number * 10 * ((2 ^ w-growth-variable) - 1))) ;;;;;;;;growth formula of number of new workers
  create-CWs new-CWs-number
  [set color gray
   set hidden? true
   set size 1
   set about-to-move 0


to setup-policy-turtle-property
  set hidden? true
  set shape "circle 2"
  set color red
  set size 5  


to setup-policy-package
  let probability (random 3)
  if (probability = 0) 
   [set policy-code 1.5
     let probability1 (random 3)
      if (probability1 = 0) 
       [set milieu-promote-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10));; maximum is two times
         set tax-abate-rate 0
         set land-rent-abate-rate 0
      if (probability1 = 1) 
       [set milieu-promote-rate 0
         set tax-abate-rate 0
         set land-rent-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 9) / 10)) ;;extreme situtation is that the land is  free
         ; using  random 9 to avoid the price turns to be 0,causing problem in the final view mode of land-price   
      if (probability1 = 2) 
       [set milieu-promote-rate 0
         set tax-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10));; extreme situation is that tax will not be charged
         set land-rent-abate-rate 0
  if (probability = 1) 
   [set policy-code 2.0
     let probability2 (random 3)
      if (probability2 = 0) 
       [set milieu-promote-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
        set tax-abate-rate 0
        set land-rent-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 9) / 10))
      if (probability2 = 1)
       [set milieu-promote-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
        set tax-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
        set land-rent-abate-rate 0
      if (probability2 = 2) 
       [set milieu-promote-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
        set tax-abate-rate 0
        set land-rent-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 9) / 10))
  if (probability = 2) ;; three supportive policies are offered
   [set policy-code 2.5
     set milieu-promote-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
     set tax-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 10) / 10))
     set land-rent-abate-rate (0.1 + ((random 9) / 10))
  set cover-size (2 + random 5);; maximum  width is 6 *100 m
  set planned-time-in-service (mean-tenure + ((random 24) - 12))
  ;; mean-tenure + or - several months, extreme is -12 months (a year) or +12 months (a year)


to setup-policy-distribution

 if (prior-area = "inner-city-district") 
    [ifelse ((random 100) < 50)
      [let possible-patches1 (patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park")  and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
         ifelse (any? possible-patches1)
           [move-to one-of possible-patches1  setup-policy-influence-plot]
           [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area = "inner-city-district") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
            move-to one-of possible-patches setup-policy-influence-plot]
       [let possible-patches11 (patches with [(urban-area != "inner-city-district") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
          ifelse (any? possible-patches11)
           [move-to one-of possible-patches11 setup-policy-influence-plot]
           [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area != "inner-city-district") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
            move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]
 if (prior-area = "outer-city-district")
    [ifelse ((random 100) < 50)
       [let possible-patches2 (patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
           ifelse (any? possible-patches2)
             [move-to one-of possible-patches2  setup-policy-influence-plot]
             [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area = "outer-city-district") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
              move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]
        [let possible-patches22 (patches with [(urban-area != "outer-city-district") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
          ifelse (any? possible-patches22)
             [move-to one-of possible-patches22  setup-policy-influence-plot]
             [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area != "outer-city-district") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
              move-to one-of possible-patches  setup-policy-influence-plot]
 if (prior-area = "inner-suburb") 
    [ifelse ((random 100) < 50)
      [let possible-patches3 (patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
         ifelse (any? possible-patches3) 
          [move-to one-of possible-patches3  setup-policy-influence-plot]
          [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area = "inner-suburb") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
            move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]
      [let possible-patches33 (patches with [(urban-area != "inner-suburb") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
        ifelse (any? possible-patches33) 
          [move-to one-of possible-patches33  setup-policy-influence-plot]
          [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area != "inner-suburb") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
            move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]

 if (prior-area = "outer-suburb") 
    [ifelse ((random 100) < 50)
      [let possible-patches4 (patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)
         and (land-type = "ind-park")]) ;(building-quality < 0.4 ) or 
         ifelse (any? possible-patches4) 
          [move-to one-of possible-patches4  setup-policy-influence-plot]
          [move-to one-of patches with [urban-area = "outer-suburb" and (policy-mark = 1) 
              and (any? ((patches in-radius 10) with [(land-type = "road")]))]          
          ;;it indicate that the government might use the farmland to develop creative industries (the influence of urban government)
      [let possible-patches44 (patches with [(urban-area != "outer-suburb") and 
            ((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
        ifelse (any? possible-patches44) 
          [move-to one-of possible-patches44  setup-policy-influence-plot]
          [let possible-patches (patches with [(urban-area != "outer-suburb") and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
           move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]
 if (prior-area = "randomly") 
    [let possible-patches5 (patches with [((building-quality < 0.5 ) or land-type = "ind-park") 
          and (policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
         ifelse (any? possible-patches5) 
          [move-to one-of possible-patches5  setup-policy-influence-plot]
          [let possible-patches (patches with [(policy-mark = 1) and (use-possible = 1)])
           move-to one-of possible-patches   setup-policy-influence-plot]


to setup-policy-influence-plot
  let m1 policy-code
  let m2 tax-abate-rate
  let m3 milieu-promote-rate
  let m4 land-rent-abate-rate

  ask patches in-radius cover-size ;;ask the covered plots to change policy enjoyed
    [if (building-quality < 1) [set building-quality 1] ;; to renew the quality as if it is new
        if (policy-mark = 1) 
           [set policy-mark m1
             set tax-reduction-rate m2
             set milieu-mark (milieu-mark * (1 + m3)) 
             set s-milieu-mark (s-milieu-mark * (1 + m3))
             set land-rent-after-policy (land-rent * (1 - m4));;the land-rent for the firms changed, but the price itself does not change


to setup-policy-stop-influence
  let m1 policy-code
  let m2 tax-abate-rate
  let m3 milieu-promote-rate
  let m4 land-rent-abate-rate
  ask patches in-radius cover-size 
    [if (policy-mark != 1) 
        [set policy-mark 1
          set tax-reduction-rate 0
          set milieu-mark (milieu-mark / (1 + m3)) 
          set s-milieu-mark (s-milieu-mark / (1 + m3))
          set land-rent-after-policy land-rent


to urban-regeneration
  let possible-plots (patches with [(use-possible = 1) and (building-quality < 0.5)])
  let number (count possible-plots)
  ifelse (number = 0)
   [ifelse (number < 5)
     [ask max-n-of number possible-plots [building-quality] 
       [ask patches in-radius 3 
         [if (land-type = "constructedland") [set building-quality 1]] ] ]
     [ask max-n-of 5 possible-plots [building-quality]  
       [ask patches in-radius 3 
         [if (land-type = "constructedland") [set building-quality 1]] ] ]
     ;;we assume to renew 5 plot-projects with the lowest building-quality per month


to develop-sub-housing
  let possible-plots (patches with [(urban-area = "outer-suburb" or urban-area = "inner-suburb") 
      and (land-type = "farmland" or land-type = "constructedland") 
      and (any? ((patches in-radius 10) with [terrain = "road"]))])
  let number (count possible-plots)
  ifelse (number = 0)
  [ifelse (number < 5) ;; assume develop five new real-estate project per month
    [ask n-of number possible-plots
      [sprout-subhouses 1
        [set hidden? true set shape "house" set size (10 * patch-unit) set color 46
          ask patches in-radius ((4 + random 3) * patch-unit)
          [if (land-type = "farmland" or land-type = "constructedland")
            [set building-quality 1 set terrain "subhousing" set pcolor 44
              set land-type "subhousing" set use-possible 1]]
     [ask n-of 5 possible-plots ;; assume develop five new real-estate project per month
      [sprout-subhouses 1
        [set hidden? true set shape "house" set size (10 * patch-unit) set color 46
          ask patches in-radius ((4 + random 3) * patch-unit)
          [if (land-type = "farmland" or land-type = "constructedland")
            [set building-quality 1 set terrain "subhousing"  set pcolor 44
              set land-type "subhousing" set use-possible 1]]

to hide-show-turtles
ifelse (f-visibility = 1);;to set whether to see firms or not
   [ask CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = true) [set hidden? false]]]
   [ask CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = false) [set hidden? true]]]
 ifelse (w-visibility = 1);; to set whether to see workers or not
   [ask CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1]
      [if (hidden? = true) [set hidden? false]]]
   [ask CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1]
     [if (hidden? = false) [set hidden? true]]]


to do-plots
  set-current-plot "demand-supply"
  set-current-plot-pen "demand"
  plot total-demand  
  set-current-plot-pen "supply"
  plot total-production
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;calculate basic data;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
  set CIs-num (count CIs)
  set CWs-num (count CWs)
  set UGs-num (count UGs)
  let got-land-CIs (CIs with [got-land-or-not = 1])
  let noland-CIs (CIs with [got-land-or-not = 0])
  let got-job-CWs (CWs with [got-job-or-not = 1])
  let got-house-CWs (CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 1])
  let nojob-CWs (CWs with [got-job-or-not = 0])
  let nohome-CWs (CWs with [got-housing-or-not = 0])
ask patches
   [ifelse (any? CIs-here) 
     [set patch-firm-number (count CIs-here)
       ifelse (any? (CIs-here with [got-land-or-not = 1]))
        [set patch-firm-ok-number (count (CIs-here with [got-land-or-not = 1]))]
        [set patch-firm-ok-number 0]
     [set patch-firm-number 0  set patch-firm-ok-number 0]
    ifelse (any? CWs-here) 
     [set patch-worker-number (count CWs-here)
       ifelse (any? (CWs-here with [got-housing-or-not = 1]))
        [set patch-worker-ok-number (count (CWs-here with [got-housing-or-not = 1]))]
        [set patch-worker-ok-number 0]
     [set patch-worker-number 0  set patch-worker-ok-number 0]
 ;;;;;;;;;;;;; calculate CIs CWs number, rate etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;   
 set noland-CIs-num (count noland-CIs)
  set nojob-CWs-num (count nojob-CWs)
  set nohome-CWs-num (count nohome-CWs)
  set noland-CIs-rate (noland-CIs-num / CIs-num)
  set nojob-CWs-rate (nojob-CWs-num / CWs-num)
  set nohome-CWs-rate (nohome-CWs-num / CWs-num)
  set-current-plot "firm-worker-number"
  set-current-plot-pen "firm"
  plot (CIs-num * 10)
  set-current-plot-pen "worker"
  plot (CWs-num / 10) ;;divide so as to see the plot more comfortable
  set-current-plot-pen "policy"
  plot (UGs-num * 10) ;; multiply so as to see the value
  set-current-plot "in-problem-agents"
  set-current-plot-pen "noland"
  plot noland-CIs-num
  set-current-plot-pen "nojob"  
  plot (nojob-CWs-num / 10) ;; divide 10 so as to make the plot more readable
  set-current-plot-pen "nohome"  
  plot noland-CIs-num
  set-current-plot "in-problem-rate"
  set-current-plot-pen "noland"
  plot noland-CIs-rate
  set-current-plot-pen "nojob"  
  plot nojob-CWs-rate
  set-current-plot-pen "nohome"  
  plot noland-CIs-rate
;;;;;;;;;;;;; calculate cluster via Quadrat;;;;;;;;;;;;;


;;;;;;;;;;;;; calculate cluster via nearest-distance;;;;;;;;;;;;;  

;;;;;;;;;;;to see the spatial distribution of firms' number;;;;;;;;;;


;;;;;;;;;;;to see firms' spatial density distribution through time ;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see the spatial distribution of workers' number;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see worker' spatial density distribution through time ;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see policy' spatial number distribution through time ;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see policy' spatial density distribution through time ;;;;;;;;;;;

;; times 1000 in order to see the result more clelarly
;;;;;;;;;;;to see land price  change over time;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see land price  change over time;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;to see firms' size ;;;;;;;;;;;
let counted-CIs CIs with [(got-land-or-not = 1) and (real-size > 0)]
set firm-real-size-mean mean ([real-size] of counted-CIs)
set firm-real-size-max max ([real-size] of counted-CIs)
set firm-real-size-min min ([real-size] of counted-CIs)
set firm-real-size-median median ([real-size] of counted-CIs)
set-current-plot "firm-size"
set-current-plot-pen "max"     plot firm-real-size-max
set-current-plot-pen "median"   plot firm-real-size-median
set-current-plot-pen "min"      plot firm-real-size-min
set-current-plot-pen "s-dev"    
ifelse ((count got-land-CIs) >= 2)
[plot standard-deviation ([real-size] of counted-CIs)] 
[write "only one firm got land? unable to do plot of standard deviation of firms' real size"]
set-current-plot-pen "mean"     plot firm-real-size-mean

;;;;;;;;;;;to see worker' income ;;;;;;;;;;;
set-current-plot "worker-income"
set worker-income-max max ([real-income] of got-job-CWs)
set worker-income-median median ([real-income] of got-job-CWs)
set worker-income-min min ([real-income] of got-job-CWs)
set worker-income-mean mean ([real-income] of got-job-CWs)

set-current-plot-pen "max"     plot worker-income-max
set-current-plot-pen "median"   plot worker-income-median
set-current-plot-pen "min"      plot worker-income-min
set-current-plot-pen "s-dev"    
ifelse ((count got-job-CWs) >= 2)
[plot standard-deviation ([real-income] of got-job-CWs)]
[write "only one worker got job, unable to do plot of standard deviation of workers' income"]
set-current-plot-pen "mean"     plot worker-income-mean

There is only one version of this model, created about 11 years ago by HELIN LIU.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
creative industries urban model (CID-USST).png preview Preview for 'creative industries urban model (CID-USST)' about 11 years ago, by HELIN LIU Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.