Cascading Crises Replica
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globals [radius] turtles-own [ recession treshold ] to setup __clear-all-and-reset-ticks set-default-shape turtles "house" create-ordered-turtles 17 [ set radius max-pxcor - 2 fd radius set size 3 set color blue set size 3 set recession 0 set treshold random-normal meanTreshold 1 ] setup-network end to-report is-linkable? report (count link-neighbors < numberOfLinks) end to-report willing? report (count my-links < numberOfLinks) end to setup-network ask-concurrent turtles [ repeat numberOfLinks [let choices turtles with [self != myself and willing? and not link-neighbor? myself] if any? choices [let choice (min-one-of choices [distance myself]) if willing? [create-link-with choice]]]] ask turtles [create-links-with turtles with [self != myself and random-float 1.0 < linkageProbability]] end ;"random ;Generates a new random network of nb-nodes turtles in which each one has a connection probability (between 0 and 1) of being connected to each other turtles (this is specified through the connection-prob slider). The algorithm uses the Erdős–Rényi model." to go if ticks >= 136 [ stop ] ask-concurrent turtles [ifelse recession != 1 [ifelse count turtles with [recession = 1] > treshold [without-interruption [endogeneousRecession]] [without-interruption [exogeneousRecession]]] [without-interruption [recover]] ] ask turtles [ifelse recession = 1 [set color red] [set color blue]] tick display end to endogeneousRecession if count link-neighbors with [recession = 1] > treshold [set recession 1] end to exogeneousRecession if random-float 1 > (1 - probRecession) [ set recession 1 ] set color (blue - (recession * 34)) end to recover if random-float 1 > (1 - probRecovery) [ set recession 0] set color blue end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Jean van Haperen.
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