AI Assignment 1

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1 collaborator

Default-person Jind Lee (Author)


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globals [turn-path-cost step-path-cost]
turtles-own [direction]  ;;  1 follows right-hand wall,
                         ;; -1 follows left-hand wall
breed [dogs dog]
breed [houses house]
breed [clinics clinic]

; Hamton Court Maze Demo
; Draws a schematic map of the Hampton Court Maze

; setup maze at (0,0)

to setup-row [row colour segments]
  foreach segments
      if pycor = row * maze-height and
        (pxcor >= maze-width * (item 0 ?)) and (pxcor <= maze-width * (item 1 ?))
          [set pcolor colour]

to setup-col [col colour segments]
  foreach segments
      if pxcor = col * maze-width and
        (pycor >= maze-height * (item 0 ?)) and (pycor <= maze-height * (item 1 ?))
          [set pcolor colour]

to create-dog
  create-turtles 1 
     ; move the turtle slowly to the entrance
      setxy (maze-width / 2) (- maze-height * 7)
      set size 1              ;; bigger turtles are easier to see
      set pen-size 2          ;; thicker lines are easier to see
      set color green
      ;;set shape "dog"
      set turn-path-cost 0
      set step-path-cost 0

      set heading 0 ; head north
      repeat maze-height + 1 [forward 1 wait 0.2 set turn-path-cost turn-path-cost + 1]
      ifelse random 2 = 0
        [ set heading 90
          set direction 1 set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]   ;; follow right hand wall
        [ set heading 270
          set direction -1 set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]   ;; follow left hand wall
      forward 2  
      set turn-path-cost turn-path-cost + 2
      output-write turn-path-cost

to setup-hampton-maze
ca;; clear everything
  ask patches
    if (pxcor >= min-pxcor and pxcor <= max-pxcor and
        pycor >= min-pycor and pycor <= max-pycor)
        [set pcolor white] ;; make background full of white patches
    setup-row 5 grey[[-9 10]]
    setup-row 4 grey[[-8 -5] [-3 -1] [0 3] [5 9]]
    setup-row 3 grey[[-7 -4] [-2 2] [4 8]]
    setup-row 2 grey[[-6 -1] [1 4] [5 7]]
    setup-row 1 grey[[-3 3] [8 9]]
    setup-row 0 grey[[-8 -7] [9 10]]
    setup-row -1 grey[[-9 -8]]
    setup-row -2 grey[[-8 -7] [-3 0] [1 3]]
    setup-row -3 grey[[-4 -1] [2 4] [6 8]]
    setup-row -4 grey[[-7 -1] [1 9]]
    setup-row -5 grey[[-8  10]]
    setup-row -6 grey[[-9 0] [1 10]]
    setup-col 10 grey[[-6 5]]
    setup-col 9 grey[[-4 -1] [1 4]]
    setup-col 8 grey[[-3 1] [2 3]]
    setup-col 7 grey[[-2 2]]
    setup-col 6 grey[[-4 1]]
    setup-col 5 grey[[-3 2]]
    setup-col 4 grey[[-3 2] [3 5]]
    setup-col 3 grey[[-2 1] [2 4]]
    setup-col 1 grey[[-4 -2]]
    setup-col 0 grey[[-5 -2] [1 3]]
    setup-col -1 grey[[-4 -3] [4 5]]
    setup-col -3 grey[[-2 1] [2 4]]
    setup-col -4 grey[[-3 2] [3 5]]
    setup-col -5 grey[[-4 1]]
    setup-col -6 grey[[-3 2]]
    setup-col -7 grey[[-4 -3] [-2 0] [1 3]]
    setup-col -8 grey[[-5 -2] [0 4]]
    setup-col -9 grey[[-6 5]]  
   create-turtles 1 
     ; move the turtle slowly to the entrance
      setxy (maze-width / 2) (- maze-height * 7)
      set size 2              ;; bigger turtles are easier to see
      set pen-size 2          ;; thicker lines are easier to see
      set color green
      set shape "dog"
      set turn-path-cost 0
      set step-path-cost 0

      set heading 0 ; head north
      repeat maze-height + 1 [forward 1 wait 0.2 set turn-path-cost turn-path-cost + 1]
      ifelse random 2 = 0
        [ set heading 90
          set direction 1 set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]   ;; follow right hand wall
        [ set heading 270
          set direction -1 set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]   ;; follow left hand wall
      forward 2 
      set turn-path-cost turn-path-cost + 2
      output-write turn-path-cost

to create-house  
    create-turtles 2
     set color red 
     set shape "house"
     set size 5
     setxy 6 50

to create-clinic
   create-clinics 1
    set color blue 
    set shape "clinic"
    set size 8 
    setxy -1 -1 

to go
  ask turtles [ walk ]

to walk  ;; turtle procedure
  if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = grey] = 4
     [ user-message "Trapped!"
       stop ]
  if ycor > ( - 2 * maze-height) and ycor <= maze-height and
     xcor >= 0 and xcor <= maze-width
     [ user-message "Made it to the centre of the maze!"
       stop ]
  ;; turn right if necessary
  if not wall? (90 * direction) 1 and wall? (135 * direction) (sqrt 2)
     [ rt 90 * direction set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]
  ;; wall straight ahead: turn left if necessary (sometimes more than once)
  while [wall? 0 1] [ lt 90 * direction set step-path-cost step-path-cost + 1]
  ;; move forward
  fd 1
   set turn-path-cost turn-path-cost + 1
  output-print (word "turn direction path cost :" turn-path-cost " ")
  output-print (word "step path cost :" step-path-cost " ") 

to-report wall? [angle dist]
  ;; note that angle may be positive or negative.  if angle is
  ;; positive, the turtle looks right.  if angle is negative,
  ;; the turtle looks left.
  report grey = [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead angle dist

There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Jind Lee.

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