GIS extension demo
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extensions [ gis table ] globals [ projection countries-dataset patch-area-sqkm desired-people patches-to-go people-to-go ] breed [ persons person ] patches-own [ population country-name area population-density ] persons-own [ agent-country-name ] ; setup code -- modified from GIS General Examples by Uri Wilensky ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca set projection "WGS_84_Geographic" ; Note that setting the coordinate system here is optional gis:load-coordinate-system (word "data/" projection ".prj") ; Load the dataset set countries-dataset gis:load-dataset "data/countries.shp" ; Set the world envelope. DS = different x and y scales ; (fits to actual world dimensions -- world does not actually have a perfect 2:1 aspect ratio) gis:set-world-envelope-ds [-180 180 -90 90] ; Drawing country boundaries from a shapefile -- as per Uri Wilensky gis:set-drawing-color white gis:draw countries-dataset 1 ; New code set patch-area-sqkm (510000000 / count patches) setup-gis reset-ticks end ; Using gis:apply-coverage to copy values from the country dataset to the patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup-gis show "Loading patches..." gis:apply-coverage countries-dataset "POP_CNTRY" population gis:apply-coverage countries-dataset "SQKM" area gis:apply-coverage countries-dataset "CNTRY_NAME" country-name ask patches [ ifelse (area > 0 and population > 0) [ ; Colour patch according to population density set population-density (population / area) set pcolor (scale-color red population-density 400 0) ] [ ; Colour patch with no population blue set population-density 0 set pcolor blue ] ] end ; Create turtles based on patch population density ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to create-random ; Delete old population ask persons [ die ] ask patches [ if (population-density > 0) [ ; How many people to create? (N.B. this is an overestimate, since country does not occupy entire patch) let num-people (population-density * patch-area-sqkm / 10000000) ; Create whole numbers directly sprout-persons (floor num-people) [ agent-setup country-name ] ; Create fractions probabilistically let fractional-part (num-people - (floor num-people)) if (fractional-part > random-float 1) [ sprout-persons 1 [ agent-setup country-name ] ] ] ] show (word "Randomly created " (count persons) " people") tick end ; Alternate turtle creation using tables ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to create-deterministic ; Reset tables (1) set patches-to-go table:make set people-to-go table:make set desired-people 0 ; Delete old population (2) ask persons [ die ] ; Calculate number of people desired (3) ; N.B. Countries with no patches will be ignored, even if population > 0 foreach gis:feature-list-of countries-dataset [ let ctry gis:property-value ? "CNTRY_NAME" let pop gis:property-value ? "POP_CNTRY" let desired (round (pop / 10000000)) table:put people-to-go ctry desired ] ; Count patches for each country, efficiently, using a single loop (4) ask patches [ if (population-density > 0) [ ; Have we seen this country before? ifelse (table:has-key? patches-to-go country-name) [ ; YES -- record one extra patch for this country let n (table:get patches-to-go country-name) table:put patches-to-go country-name (n + 1) ] [ ; NO -- record first patch, and add population of country to desired total table:put patches-to-go country-name 1 let desired (table:get people-to-go country-name) set desired-people (desired-people + desired) ] ] ] ; Create desired number of people (5) ask patches [ if (population-density > 0) [ let n (table:get patches-to-go country-name) let people-needed (table:get people-to-go country-name) if (people-needed > 0) [ ; More people needed for this country table:put patches-to-go country-name (n - 1) let num-people (round (people-needed / n)) if (num-people > 0) [ ; People needed on this patch table:put people-to-go country-name (people-needed - num-people) sprout-persons num-people [ agent-setup country-name ] ] ] ] ] ; Report number of agents created (6) show (word "Created " (count persons) " people / desired " desired-people) tick end ; Agent setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;; to agent-setup [ ctry ] set shape "person" set size 3 set color black set agent-country-name ctry end
There are 2 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
CountryMedianAge.txt | data | Country median age file (for extending the model) | almost 11 years ago, by Anthony Dekker | Download |
GIS extension demo.png | preview | Preview for 'GIS extension demo' | almost 11 years ago, by Anthony Dekker | Download |
GISDemoInterface1.png | png | Preview before creating agents | almost 11 years ago, by Anthony Dekker | Download |
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Anthony Dekker
This model is associated with a tutorial at
Posted almost 11 years ago