
cinematica preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Alexandre Ramos (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.5 • Viewed 241 times • Downloaded 20 times • Run 0 times
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breed [ corpo1 ] 
breed [ corpo2 ]

globals [pos veloc acel pos2 veloc2 acel2 tempo dist]

to setup
 ask patches [set pcolor white ]
 create-corpo1 1 [ setxy pos-ini 2 ]
 ask corpo1 [set shape "car"]
 ask corpo1 [set color blue ]
 ask corpo1 [set size 3 ]
 ask corpo1 [set pos pos-ini]
 ask corpo1 [set veloc veloc-ini]
 ask corpo1 [set acel acel-ini]
 create-corpo2 1 [ setxy pos-ini2 -2 ]
 ask corpo2 [set shape "car"]
 ask corpo2 [set color red ]
 ask corpo2 [set size 3 ]
 ask corpo2 [set pos2 pos-ini2]
 ask corpo2 [set veloc2 veloc-ini2]
 ask corpo2 [set acel2 acel-ini2]

to move-corpo1
 ask corpo1 [set pos pos-ini + (veloc-ini * (tempo) +(acel * (tempo) * (tempo) / 2))] 
 ask corpo1 [set veloc veloc-ini + (acel * (tempo))] 
 ask corpo1 [ set xcor pos ]

to move-corpo2
 ask corpo2 [set pos2 pos-ini2 + (veloc-ini2 * (tempo) +(acel2 * (tempo) * (tempo) / 2))] 
 ask corpo2 [set veloc2 veloc-ini2 + (acel2 * (tempo))] 
 ask corpo2 [set xcor pos2 ]
 ask corpo2 [ set dist (pos - pos2) ]
 ;if dist < 0 [set dist (dist * -1)]
 ask corpo2 [ if dist < 0 [set dist (dist * -1) ] ifelse encontro [ set dist (dist + 0.1) ] [ set dist (dist * -1) ] ]

to go
 set tempo (ticks / 10000) 
 if tempo >= time [ stop ]
 if dist < 0.0002
  [ user-message "Os corpos se encontraram na posição" 
  user-message pos 
  user-message "metros e no tempo"
  user-message tempo
  user-message "segundos"

There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Alexandre Ramos.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
cinematica.png preview Preview for 'cinematica' almost 11 years ago, by Alexandre Ramos Download

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