FinalModel Jean van Haperen
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breed [fundamentals fundamental] breed [feedbacks feedback] breed [opportunists opportunist] breed [randomnists randomnist] breed [learners learner] fundamentals-own [ ] feedbacks-own [ ] opportunists-own [ ] learners-own [ groupie ] turtles-own [ donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself pricepaid pricereceived profit valuation stock ;new in this model bidprice askprice bidyet askyet option traded? counttraded correctedforilliquidity? money valueself ] globals [ runtime pricet pricetmedian pricet-1 pricet-2 pricet-3 dividendpaid NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn tradesthisperiod tradeslastperiod numberofturnsnotrade fundamentalvalue dividendlist dividend dividendlastperiod sumdividends chanceofopportunism testvariablereducingopportunism LastTradesLessOpportunism sdevinpricespaid ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape fundamentals "house" set-default-shape feedbacks "person" set-default-shape opportunists "pentagon" set-default-shape randomnists "arrow" set-default-shape opportunists "x" create-ordered-fundamentals Numberoffundamentals [setxy random-ycor random-xcor set color white] create-ordered-randomnists Numberofrandomnists [setxy random-ycor random-xcor set color white] create-ordered-feedbacks Numberoffeedbacks [setxy random-ycor random-xcor set color white] create-ordered-opportunists Numberofopportunists [setxy random-ycor random-xcor set color white] create-ordered-learners Numberoflearners [setxy random-ycor random-xcor set color white] setup1 set runtime 0 set tradesthisperiod 1 set NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn 0 set NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn 0 ask turtles [set valuation 360 set stock noStocksperTrader] if record? = 1 [ let file user-new-file if is-string? file [ ;; If the file already exists, we begin by deleting it, otherwise ;; new data would be appended to the old contents. if file-exists? file [ file-delete file ] file-open file file-type trendvalue file-type "," file-type numberoffundamentals file-type "," file-type numberoffeedbacks file-type "," file-type numberofopportunists file-type "," file-type numberofrandomnists file-type "," file-type numberoflearners file-type "," file-type changeinfundamentalvalue file-type "," file-type dividendfunction file-type "," file-type bidspread file-type "," file-type noStockspertrader file-type "," file-type Dividendpayout file-type "," file-type timePeriods file-type "," file-print "-" file-print " " ;; record the initial turtle data ]] end to setup1 reset-ticks set sumdividends 0 set runtime runtime + 1 set pricet 360 ; changed in v10 set pricet-1 360; changed in v10 set pricet-2 360 set pricet-3 360 ask turtles [set donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself 0] ask learners [set donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself 1] set fundamentalvalue 360 set numberofturnsnotrade 0 ask turtles [set correctedforilliquidity? 0] ask turtles [set valuation 360 set stock noStocksperTrader set money 10000 set valueself money ] set dividendpaid 1 ask turtles [set profit 0 ] set dividendlist [36 4 -16 -24 ] if dividendpayout = 1 [set dividendpaid dividendpaid * -1] if dividendpayout = 2 [set dividendpaid 0] ifelse dividendpaid = 1 [set dividend one-of dividendlist] [set dividend 0] setup-plots ; changed in v10 update-plots ; changed in v10 end to go if ticks >= timePeriods and runtime >= 999 [stop] if ticks >= timePeriods [setup1] ask turtles [set correctedforilliquidity? 0 set pricepaid 0 ] ask learners [set groupie 0] set sdevinpricespaid 0 ifelse tradesthisperiod = 0 [set numberofturnsnotrade numberofturnsnotrade + 1][set numberofturnsnotrade 0] set tradesthisperiod 0 set tradeslastperiod tradesthisperiod set tradesthisperiod 0 ask turtles [set traded? 0 set counttraded 0] set NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn 0 set NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn 0 set dividendlastperiod dividend timedevelopprices if ticks > 0 [set sumdividends sumdividends + dividend] set fundamentalvalue fundamentalvalue + changeinfundamentalvalue ask fundamentals [valuatefundamental] ask feedbacks [valuatefeedback] ask randomnists [valuaterandomnists] ask opportunists [valuateopportunist] ask learners [valuatelearners] ask turtles[if tradeslastperiod = 0 [correctvaluationforliquidity]] ask turtles [recolor] if dividendpayout = 1 [set dividendpaid dividendpaid * -1] ifelse dividendpaid = 1 [set dividend one-of dividendlist] [set dividend 0] ;new in this model ask turtles [set bidyet 0 set askyet 0] remove-links ask-concurrent turtles [if valuation > pricet-1 [without-interruption [bidp]]] ask-concurrent turtles [if valuation < pricet-1 and stock > 0 [without-interruption [askp]]] ; ask-concurrent turtles [if valuation = pricet-1 ; [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.5 [without-interruption[bidp]][if stock > 0 [without-interruption[askp]]]]] ;foreach sort-by [[valuation] of ?1 > [size] of ?2] turtles with [bidyet = 1] ; without-interruption [ask-concurrent turtles [ without-interruption [trade] ] ] ; giving the initiative to those who want to buy, with the highest valuation first if tradesthisperiod > 1 [set sdevinpricespaid standard-deviation [pricepaid] of turtles with [pricepaid != 0]] ask turtles [if ticks > 0 [set profit profit + dividend * stock]] remove-links setprice ask turtles [determinevalue] if record? = 1 [ record ] tick end to timedevelopprices set pricet-3 pricet-2 set pricet-2 pricet-1 set pricet-1 pricet end to valuateopportunist Chancify ifelse pricet-1 - pricet-2 > 0 and pricet-1 > fundamentalvalue [ifelse random-float 1 < ChanceOfOpportunism [set valuation pricet-1 + random-normal 50 20] [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV]] [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] if NoOpportunists? = 1 [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] end to valuaterandomnists set valuation pricet-1 + random-normal 0 2 * SDEV if NoRandomnists? = 1 [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] end to valuatelearners if [valueself] of max-one-of opportunists [valueself] = max [valueself] of turtles with [donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself = 0] [valuateopportunist set groupie 1 set shape "pentagon" ] if [valueself] of max-one-of randomnists [valueself] = max [valueself] of turtles with [donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself = 0] [valuaterandomnists set groupie 2 set shape "arrow" ] if [valueself] of max-one-of feedbacks [valueself] = max [valueself] of turtles with [donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself = 0] [valuatefeedback set groupie 3 set shape "person" ] if [valueself] of max-one-of fundamentals [valueself] = max [valueself] of turtles with [donottakeintoaccountinvaluationself = 0] [valuatefundamental set groupie 4 set shape "house"] if NoLearners? = 1 [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] end to Chancify if ticks > 10 [set testvariablereducingopportunism testvariablereducingopportunism + 1] set LastTradesLessOpportunism 1 - 0.25 * testvariablereducingopportunism let profitfromcapitalgains (pricet-1 - pricet-3) let profitfromdividends dividend + dividendlastperiod if profitfromdividends > profitfromcapitalgains [set ChanceOfOpportunism 0 * LastTradesLessOpportunism] ifelse profitfromdividends != 0 [if profitfromdividends <= profitfromcapitalgains [set ChanceOfOpportunism (profitfromcapitalgains / profitfromdividends - 1) * LastTradesLessOpportunism]] [set ChanceOfOpportunism 0] if ChanceOfOpportunism > 0.8 [set ChanceOfOpportunism 0.8 * LastTradesLessOpportunism] end to valuatefundamental set valuation fundamentalvalue + dividend * dividendfunction + random-normal 0 SDEV if NoFundamentals? = 1 [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] end to valuatefeedback set valuation trendvalue * (pricet-1 - pricet-2) + pricet-1 + random-normal 0 SDEV if NoFeedbacks? = 1 [set valuation fundamentalvalue + random-normal 0 SDEV] end to remove-links ask-concurrent links [die] end to bidp set bidprice bidspread * (valuation - pricet-1) + pricet-1 set bidyet 1 set pricepaid 0 end to askp set askprice bidspread * (valuation - pricet-1) + pricet-1 set askyet 1 set pricepaid 0 end to trade set option random 2 let valuationself valuation if option = 1 [if traded? = 0[ if any? turtles with [askyet = 1 and askprice < valuationself and stock > 0 and self != myself] [buyfromasker exchangewithasker determinepricewithasker removeask]] ] if option = 1 [ if traded? = 0 [ if any? turtles with [bidyet = 1 and bidprice > valuationself and stock > 0 and self != myself] [selltobidder exchangewithbidder determinepricewithbidder removebid]] ] if option = 0 [if traded? = 0 [ if any? turtles with [bidyet = 1 and bidprice > valuationself and stock > 0 and self != myself] [selltobidder exchangewithbidder determinepricewithbidder removebid]] ] if option = 0 [if traded? = 0 [if any? turtles with [askyet = 1 and askprice < valuationself and stock > 0 and self != myself] [buyfromasker exchangewithasker determinepricewithasker removeask]] ] ; create-links ;if not notlinked? [exchange-stocks] ;if notlinked? [set pricepaid 0] ;remove-links end to buyfromasker let valuationself valuation create-link-with one-of turtles with [askyet = 1 and askprice < valuationself and stock > 0 and self != myself] end to selltobidder let valuationself valuation create-link-with one-of turtles with [bidyet = 1 and bidprice > valuationself and self != myself] end to create-links without-interruption [ask turtles with [bidyet = 1 and notlinked?] [if any? turtles with [askyet = 1 and notlinked?] [create-link-with one-of turtles with [askyet = 1 and notlinked?]]]] end to exchangewithasker set stock stock + 1 set tradesthisperiod tradesthisperiod + 1 ask link-neighbors [set stock stock - 1 set counttraded 1] set traded? 1 set counttraded 1 set NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn + 2 set NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn + 1 end to exchangewithbidder set stock stock - 1 set tradesthisperiod tradesthisperiod + 1 ask link-neighbors [set stock stock + 1 set counttraded 1] set traded? 1 set counttraded 1 set NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn + 2 set NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn + 1 end to determinepricewithasker let pricedeterminant [askprice] of one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself];one-of link-neighbors set pricepaid pricedeterminant set money money - pricepaid ask one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself] [set money money + askprice] calculate-profits end to determinepricewithbidder let pricedeterminant [bidprice] of one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself];one-of link-neighbors set pricepaid pricedeterminant set money money + pricepaid ask one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself] [set money money - bidprice] calculate-profits end to removeask ask one-of link-neighbors [set askyet 0] ask one-of links [die] end to removebid ask one-of link-neighbors [set bidyet 0] ask one-of links [die] end to calculate-profits set profit profit + 360 - pricepaid ask one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself] [set profit profit + [pricepaid] of one-of link-neighbors with [self != myself] - 360] end to-report notlinked? report (count link-neighbors < 1) end to setprice ifelse tradesthisperiod != 0 [set pricet mean [pricepaid] of turtles with [traded? = 1]][set pricet mean [valuation] of turtles with [stock > 0]] ; check this ifelse command! ifelse tradesthisperiod != 0 [set pricetmedian median [pricepaid] of turtles with [traded? = 1]][set pricetmedian median [valuation] of turtles with [stock > 0]] end to correctvaluationforliquidity if stock > 0 [set valuation 0.2 * numberofturnsnotrade * fundamentalvalue + (1 - (numberofturnsnotrade * 0.2)) * valuation set correctedforilliquidity? 1] end to determinevalue if ticks > 0 [set money money + stock * dividend] set valueself money + pricet * stock end to recolor if valuation > pricet-1 [set color blue] if valuation < pricet-1 [set color red] if valuation = pricet-1 [set color white] end to record file-type ticks file-type "," file-type pricet file-type "," file-type mean [valuation] of fundamentals file-type "," file-type mean [valuation] of feedbacks file-type "," file-type mean [valuation] of opportunists file-type "," file-type mean [valuation] of learners file-type "," file-type mean [valuation] of randomnists file-type "," file-type dividend file-type "," file-type numberofturnsnotrade file-type "," file-type NumberOfTradersWhoTradedThisTurn file-type "," file-type NumberOfStocksTradedThisTurn file-type "," file-type sum [valueself] of fundamentals file-type "," file-type sum [valueself] of feedbacks file-type "," file-type sum [valueself] of opportunists file-type "," file-type sum [valueself] of learners file-type "," file-type sum [valueself] of randomnists file-type "," file-type mean [groupie] of learners file-type "," file-type count turtles with [counttraded = 1] file-type "," file-type count turtles with [bidyet = 1] file-type "," file-type count turtles with [askyet = 1] file-type "," file-type fundamentalvalue file-type "," file-type sdevinpricespaid file-type "," file-type pricetmedian file-type "," file-print SDEV end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Jean van Haperen.
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FinalModel Jean van Haperen.png | preview | Preview for 'FinalModel Jean van Haperen' | almost 11 years ago, by Jean van Haperen | Download |
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