Synchronization in musical ensamble
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globals [tempo_medio media_quadratica scarto_n varianza min-size max-size tempi a array] breed [bandisti bandista] breed [directors director] turtles-own[tempo sigma ] to setup clear-all ifelse director? [schieramento2][schieramento] ask patches [set pcolor 8] attacco reset-ticks set-current-plot "distribuzione-velocità" set min-size time - 2 set max-size time + 2 ;set-plot-x-range min-size max-size set-plot-x-range precision (min [tempo] of turtles) 1 precision (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) 1 set-plot-y-range 0 1;num_bandisti histogram [tempo] of turtles end to schieramento ; schiera la banda nel caso in cui NON ci sia il director set-default-shape turtles "person" create-bandisti num_bandisti [set color scale-color red tempo (min [tempo] of turtles) (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) ] let j 0 let i 0 let k 0 loop [ set j 0; while [j < column] [ ask turtle k [setxy (min-pxcor + j + 1) (max-pycor - i - 1) ] set j j + 1 set k k + 1 if k >= num_bandisti [stop] ] set i i + 1 ] end to schieramento2 ; schiera la banda nel caso in cui ci sia il director set-default-shape turtles "person" create-directors 1 [set color gray] create-bandisti num_bandisti [set color scale-color red tempo (min [tempo] of turtles) (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) ] let j 0 let i 0 let k 1 ask director 0 [setxy 0 max-pycor] loop [ set j 0; while [j < column] [ ask bandista k [setxy (min-pxcor + j + 1) (max-pycor - i - 1) ] ;show k set j j + 1 set k k + 1 if k > num_bandisti [stop] ] set i i + 1 ] end to attacco ask turtles [set tempo time ] ; sia il maestro che i bandisti sono sincronizzati end to playing wait 0.05 set tempo_medio mean [tempo] of turtles ; media ifelse (director?) [sincronizziamo2 fuori_tempo2] [sincronizziamo fuori_tempo] ;clear-drawing ifelse (analize_behaviour_from: = "initial_tempo") [colora_t_iniziale] [colora_t_locale] calcoli_statistici istogramma if (all? bandisti [color = green]) [stop] ; if ticks >= 500 [stop] tick end to sincronizziamo ;senza director let j 0 let media_classe 0 ask bandisti [ let lista-tempi [tempo] of bandisti in-radius raggio while[j < num_classi][ set media_classe mean [tempo] of bandisti with [ who < (j + 1) * ceiling ( num_bandisti / num_classi) and who > j * ceiling( num_bandisti / num_classi) ] set lista-tempi lput media_classe lista-tempi set j j + 1 ] set tempo mean lista-tempi ] set tempo_medio mean [tempo] of turtles ; media end to sincronizziamo2 ;con director let j 0 let media_classe 0 ask bandisti [ let lista-tempi [tempo] of bandisti in-radius raggio set lista-tempi lput ([tempo] of turtle 0) lista-tempi ; con lput aggiungo alla lista di tempi dei bandisti nel raggio il tempo del director while[j < num_classi][ set media_classe mean [tempo] of bandisti with [ who < (j + 1) * ceiling ( num_bandisti / num_classi) and who > j * ceiling( num_bandisti / num_classi) ] set lista-tempi lput media_classe lista-tempi set j j + 1 ] set tempo mean lista-tempi ] end to fuori_tempo ;out of time without director let k 0 calcola_sigma ask bandisti [ set tempo random-normal tempo sigma set label-color blue set label precision tempo 1] end to fuori_tempo2 ; out of time with director let k 0 calcola_sigma ask bandisti [ set tempo random-normal tempo sigma set label-color blue set label precision tempo 1] ask directors [ set tempo random-normal time sigma set label-color blue set label precision tempo 1] ;I admit director set always his tempo to original time end to calcola_sigma ask turtles [set sigma (errore * tempo / 100 ) ] end to colora_t_iniziale ;green color for bandisti whose tempo differ more then 10% from original time ask bandisti[ ifelse (abs(time - tempo) / time > 0.1) [ set color green ][set color scale-color red tempo (min [tempo] of turtles) (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) ]] end to colora_t_locale ;green color for bandisti whose tempo differ more then 10% from his neighbor ask bandisti [ ifelse ( abs(mean [tempo] of turtles in-radius raggio - tempo) / time > 0.1) [ set color green ][set color scale-color red tempo (min [tempo] of turtles) (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) ]] end to calcoli_statistici let somma_quadrati 0 let k 0 while [k < num_bandisti ] [ ask turtle k [ set somma_quadrati somma_quadrati + ( tempo ) ^ 2 ] set k k + 1 ] ;media quadratica set somma_quadrati sqrt( somma_quadrati / num_bandisti ) set media_quadratica somma_quadrati set varianza variance [tempo] of turtles ;varianza ;type "varianza * 100 / tempo_medio = " print varianza * 100 / tempo_medio set scarto_n 0 let j 0 while [j < num_bandisti ] [ ask turtle j [ set scarto_n scarto_n + ( tempo - tempo_medio ) ^ Ordine_momento_rispetto_media ] set j j + 1 ] ;media di ordine dato da Ordine_momento_rispetto_media set scarto_n ((sign scarto_n) ^ (Ordine_momento_rispetto_media)) * (( abs (scarto_n / num_bandisti )) ^ ( 1 / Ordine_momento_rispetto_media )) ;show scarto_n end to istogramma set-current-plot "distribuzione-velocità" if min-size > min [tempo] of turtles [set min-size round min [tempo] of turtles - 1] if max-size < max [tempo] of turtles [set max-size ceiling max [tempo] of turtles] ;set-plot-x-range min-size max-size set-plot-x-range precision (min [tempo] of turtles) 1 precision (max [tempo] of turtles + 1) 1 set-plot-y-range 0 1;num_bandisti histogram [tempo] of turtles end to-report sign [ number ] ; it return float -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ifelse number = 0 [ report ( number * 0 ) ] [ report ( number / (abs number ) ) ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
main.pdf | Presentazione del modello | over 10 years ago, by giuseppe torrisi | Download | |
Synchronization in musical ensamble .png | preview | Preview for 'Synchronization in musical ensamble ' | over 10 years ago, by giuseppe torrisi | Download |
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giuseppe torrisi
out of time of each musician
In that model each musician is out of time according to a normal distribution. Variance has been calculate as a percentage error of time of esecution. Propose how to improve this calculation
Posted over 10 years ago