Curb Parking Simulation Model
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This model is designed to examine the influence of Intelligent Parking Info System and Land Use Diversity on cruising for curb parking.
Activity centers (STOREs in the scenario), which are the driving force of trips or parking, are represented by red houses with green parking spots around. Number of stores and diversity of land use are set respectively via the slider bar. The locations of stores are set randomly. The number of green grids for each store represents the size of the parking area, which is also set randomly. Each green grid belongs to its nearest store. The number on each green grid represents the permitted parking time for that spot which is set randomly with a maximum controlled by Parking-Diversity slider. The darker the green color, the longer the parking time is.
Each blue car is set to move towards the nearest activity center (STORE). Once it enters the green parking area for that store, it randomly picks one of the empty parking spots and stays for the parking time assigned to that spot. After that, it will move to the next nearest target store, excluding the one it just parked and repeat the process. If the parking spots for its target store are full at the time the car touches the parking area, it will cruise until successfully parked at an available spot of a next target store. The average cruising time for all cars is recorded in the plot. Note that if the InfoSystem switch is turned on, an occupancy limit of 80 percent will be applied to stop any new parking in the parking area. All cars will be informed of the occupancy information, indicated by the number on each store, before they set their target store and start to move.
Press SETUP button to set up the initial scenario. Turn on or off the InfoSystem? switch (see below) to include or exclude the influence of Intelligent Parking Info System. Press GO button to start the simulation. Press GO button again to stop. Adjust the slider parameters (see below), or use the default settings.
Parameters (slider): NUMBER-OF-STORES: The number of stores in the scenario. NUMBER-OF-CARS: The number of cars in the scenario. Parking-Diversity: The diversity level of parking, represented by range of parking time assigned to parking spots.
Controller (switch): InfoSystem? Turn on: Cars will not park if the parking area of its target store has occupied by more than 80 percent. Turn off: The influence of Intelligent Parking Info System, i.e. the 80 percent occupancy limit, will not be considered. Cars will stop to park only if the parking spots are full.
When you turn on or off the InfoSystem switch, note the difference between the plots. Note that, the result will greatly depend on the initial setting, especially the locations of stores.
Also compare and summarize the difference of the plot when you adjust the Parking-Diversity parameter slider.
If you count the switch, here are actually four parameters to control the result. Try to control three and adjust only one to see the difference.
Considering the complexity of curb parking system, here are several ways to improve this model based on your study objective. For example, a better indicator or definition for cruising time to be plotted, adding the control of store locations, providing a street scenario setting or adding traffic influence.
Welcome for further improvements or suggestions.
Note the use of global variables: store and target. Note the use of breeds for two different kinds of turtles: cars and stores.
Note the use of ticks to make a car stay a specific period of time during the process.
(models in the NetLogo Models Library and elsewhere which are of related interest)
If you mention this model in a publication, please include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:
Yanan Xin (2013). Curb Parking Simulation Model.
Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2013 Yanan Xin. Contact Info:
Comments and Questions
globals[store target] breed[cars] breed[stores] cars-own[ satisfied waitingtime alive time1 time2 staytime ] stores-own[candidate occupancy ] patches-own[ptype ParkingTime ] to setup clear-all setup-store setup-parkingspots setup-cars reset-ticks end to go ifelse InfoSystem? [ ask stores with [occupancy < 0.8] [ set candidate 1] ] [ ask stores [set candidate 1] ] find-spots stayin-spots tick end to setup-store create-stores number-of-stores [ set shape "house" set color red set candidate 0 set occupancy 0 move-to one-of patches with [count turtles-here = 0] ] end to setup-parkingspots ask patches [ set ptype -1 set ParkingTime 0 ] ask stores [ ask patches with [count stores-here = 0] in-radius (random 5 + 1) [ set ptype 0 set ParkingTime (random Parking-Diversity + 1) set plabel ParkingTime set pcolor (60 - ParkingTime) ] ] ask patches with [ptype = 0] [ set ptype [who] of min-one-of stores [distance myself] ] end to setup-cars create-cars number-of-cars [ set shape "car" set color blue set waitingtime 0 set satisfied 1 set alive 1 set time1 0 set time2 0 move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black and count turtles-here = 0] ] end to count-occupancy ask stores [ let parkingspots patches with[ptype = [who] of myself] let totalspots count parkingspots let filledspots count parkingspots with [any? cars-here with[alive = 0]] set occupancy filledspots / totalspots set label occupancy ] end to find-spots ask cars with [alive = 1] [ set store one-of stores with [candidate = 1 and ([who] of stores != target)] face store fd 1 count-occupancy set target [who] of store if [ptype] of patch-here = target [ ifelse [occupancy] of store < 1 [ move-to one-of patches with [ptype = [who] of store and not any? cars-here with[alive = 0]] if satisfied = 0 [ set time2 ticks set waitingtime time2 - time1 set satisfied 1 ] set alive 0 set staytime [ParkingTime] of patch-here set time1 ticks ] [ set heading heading + 180 fd 1 set time1 ticks set satisfied 0 ] ] ] end to stayin-spots ask cars with[alive = 0] [ set time2 ticks if time2 - time1 = staytime [ set alive 1 set time1 0 set time2 0 ] ] end ; Copyright 2013 Yanan Xin. ; Contact Info:
There is only one version of this model, created about 10 years ago by Yanan Xin.
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.