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extensions [mapreduce] breed [points point] breed [centroids centroid] globals [centers ] to test ask points [die] ask centroids [die] load-points "input/points4.txt" init kmeans end to load load-points word "input/" input end to load-points [#filename] file-open #filename while[not file-at-end?][ let line file-read-line ; show word "line " line if (length line) > 0 [ let split-pos position " " line let px (substring line 0 split-pos) let py substring line (split-pos + 1) (length line) create-points 1 [ setxy (read-from-string px) (read-from-string py) set shape "dot" set color white ] ] ] file-close end to-report point-list [] let #list [] ; let id 0 ask points [ ; show xcor ; set id (id + 1) let cords list xcor ycor set #list (lput (list who (list cords)) #list) ] report #list end to-report euclidean-distance [#p1x #p1y #p2x #p2y] report sqrt ((#p1x - #p2x)*(#p1x - #p2x) + (#p1y - #p2y)*(#p1y - #p2y)) end to-report vecsub [#p1 #p2] let p1x first #p1 let p1y first bf #p1 let p2x first #p2 let p2y first bf #p2 report list (p1x - (p1x - p2x) / 2) (p1y - (p1y - p2y) / 2) end to-report newMeans [#key #acc #value] let val read-from-string #value ifelse #acc = [] [ ; search for the point in the list of centers let cents centers let id (read-from-string #key) while [(not empty? cents) and (first first cents) != id][set cents bf cents] ifelse not empty? cents [ ;exract coordinates let centr first cents report vecsub (bf centr) val] ; there has been a mistake in the data. Keep accumulator [report #acc] ] [report vecsub #acc val] end to-report nearestCenter [#key #value] let nearest -1 let mindist 99999 foreach centers [ let id first ? let x first butfirst ? let y first butfirst butfirst ? let dist 0 set dist (euclidean-distance (first #value) (first butfirst #value) x y) if dist < mindist [ set mindist dist set nearest id ] ] report nearest end to mapper [#key #value] ; Parse input let val read-from-string #value ; determine nearest center let nearest (nearestCenter (read-from-string #key) val) ; output mapreduce:emit nearest #value end to centroids-to-centers set centers [] ask centroids [ set centers fput (list who pxcor pycor) centers ] end to init ask centroids [die] ; initially guess centroids ask n-of k points [hatch-centroids 1[ set shape "dot" set color 15 ]] end to kmeans repeat iterations [ ; create the list of centers centroids-to-centers let res mapreduce point-list ; adapt centroids foreach res [ let id first ? let x (first last ?) let y (last last ?) ask centroid id [ setxy x y ] ] show "recentering done" color-partitions ] end to color-partitions let cl [] ask centroids [set cl fput who cl] set cl sort cl foreach point-list [ ; show (first ?) ; show (first last ?) let nc nearestCenter (first ?) (first last ?) ; show "jjj" let cid nc let tcl cl let c 25 while [(first tcl) != cid] [set c (c + 10) set tcl bf tcl] ask point (first ?) [set color c] ] end to-report mapreduce [#input] reset-ticks let res mapreduce:mapreduce "mapper" "newMeans" [] #input while [mapreduce:running?] [ every 0.5 [ ; print mapreduce:map-progress ; print mapreduce:reduce-progress ; plot 1 tick ] ] tick print "done" report mapreduce:result res end
There is only one version of this model, created over 10 years ago by Martin Dobiasch.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
input.zip | data | Input data (sample) | over 10 years ago, by Martin Dobiasch | Download |
pointgen.py | data | Simple Script for generating Input-Data | over 10 years ago, by Martin Dobiasch | Download |
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