Bacterial competition influenced by phage-encoded lysin

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3 collaborators

Default-person Cameron Crandall (Author)
Steve Krone (Author)
Anna Rodriguez (Author)


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A spatial model of competition between two bacterial species (green and red) in the presence of a phage (virus) that infects green cells. Infected green cells die after a specified time, releasing phage progeny and lysin (toxin) molecules. The lysin can kill red cells.

## Color Coding

Color Coding:

Phage: Blue- normal phage that can move and attach

Red- Phage that have attached to a cell and can no longer move

Lysins: Magenta- normal lysin that can move and attach

Pink- lysins that have attached to cell and can no longer move

Patches: Shades of Green and Red- normal bacterial cells, lighter shades represent more cells at a location,

Yellow- a patch that only contains nutrient agar can be consumed for energy

Brown- a dead bacterial cell, can be consumed for energy

Grey- a green bacterial cell that has been infected with phage

Black- an empty patch


Each patch begins with some allocation of nutrient and can be occupied by up to 3 cells. Reproduction occurs at a specified rate, which depends on cell type, as long as the cell has acquired sufficient energy by consuming nutrient. A unit of nutrient that is consumed confers a specified amount of energy. Each reproduction event costs the reproducing cell energy. A cell that does not have sufficient energy to reproduce will attempt to consume nutrient from its `nutrient neighborhood’ (patches that are within a Moore neighborhood with radius three). This is an efficient method for simulating the effects of nutrient diffusion without excessive computational cost. The offspring cell is placed at the patch of the parent or at one of the 8 neighboring patches, with pre-specified probabilities, as long as there is space available and the other species is not present at that patch. Reproduction is suppressed whenever all these local patches are at their carrying capacity. A red cell that is killed by toxin releases a specified amount of nutrient to that patch.


Phage are the small blue turtles. They diffuse and attach to green bacterial cells; they do not infect red cells. After a latent period they cause the cell to burst, releasing phage progeny and lysin molecules.


Lysin molecules are represented by magenta turtles. They diffuse and can attach to red bacterial cells. Lysins kill red cells when a sufficient number have attached. Lysin molecules degrade after a specified time; they do not attach to or kill green cells.

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globals [red-nearby green-nearby red-toxin-area green-toxin-area lysin-area setup-size target feeding-radius radius nearby]
breed [lysins lysin] ;; creates a breed of turtles called "lysins" pluaral and "lysin" singular
lysins-own [age] ;; lysin specific variable used to calculate how old the molecule is
patches-own [ cells energy dormant time nutrient] ; variables for the patches
turtles-own [phage-time] ; a variable for phage used to track age

; Color Coding:
;Phage: Blue- normal phage that can move and attach 
;       Red- Phage that have attached to a cell and can no longer move 
;Lysins: Magenta- normal lysin that can move and attach 
;       Pink- lysins that have attached to cell and can no longer move
;Patches: Shades of Green and Red- normal bacterial cells, lighter shades represent more cells at a location, 
;         Yellow- a patch that only contains nutrient agar can be consumed for energy
;         Brown- a dead bacterial cell, can be consumed for energy
;         Grey- a green bacterial cell that has been infected with phage
;         Black- an empty patch

to setup
  set red-nearby circle-neighborhood red-radius
  set green-nearby circle-neighborhood green-radius
  set red-toxin-area circle-neighborhood red-toxin-radius 
  set green-toxin-area circle-neighborhood green-toxin-radius 
  set setup-size circle-neighborhood initial-size
  set feeding-radius circle-neighborhood 3
  ; sets up the model using the different modes
  if mode = "1 colony" ; 1 colony mode sets up a single green colony in the middle
    ask patches [set pcolor 48] 
    ask patch (0) (0)
      ask patches at-points setup-size [
        set pcolor 57
        set energy 0
        set cells 3
  if mode = "random positions" ; this mode spreads a specified number of green and red cells randomly across the grid
    ask patches 
      set pcolor 48
      set cells 0
      set nutrient initial-nutrient
    while [count patches with [pcolor = 55] < number-of-green] [ask patch random-xcor random-ycor 
        if pcolor = 48  
          set pcolor 55
          set cells 1
          set nutrient initial-nutrient
    while [count patches with [pcolor = 15] < number-of-red] [ask patch random-xcor random-ycor [
      if pcolor = 48  
        set pcolor 15
        set cells 1
        set nutrient initial-nutrient]
  if mode = "even spacing"
    ask patches 
      set pcolor 48
      set cells 0
      set nutrient initial-nutrient
    while [count patches with [pcolor = 55] < number-of-green] [ask patch random-xcor random-ycor 
        if pcolor = 48  
          set pcolor 55
          set cells 1
          set nutrient initial-nutrient
    while [count patches with [pcolor = 15] < number-of-red] [ask patch random-xcor random-ycor [
      if pcolor = 48  
        set pcolor 15
        set cells 1
        set nutrient initial-nutrient]
  if mode = "2 colonies" ; this mode makes a green colony and a red colony a specified distance apart
    ;distance-apart is the distance between two colonies
    ask patches [set pcolor 48] 
    ask patch ((distance-apart / 2)) (0)
      ask patches at-points setup-size 
        set pcolor 57
        set energy 0
        set cells 3
    ask patch ((distance-apart / -2)) (0)
      ask patches at-points setup-size 
        set pcolor 17
        set energy 0
        set cells 3
  if mode = "central phage" ; a high density of green cells with phage in the center that has a delayed start
    ask patches 
      set pcolor one-of [48 57]
      if pcolor = 57
        set energy 1
        set cells 3 
        set time random 10
  if phage?

to go
  ;;  asksthe bacteria to eat and grow when possible, and asks the phage and lysins to move.
  ;if growth is disabled the bacteria will not grow.
  if growth? [
    ask patches with [ (pcolor = 55) or (pcolor = 56) or (pcolor = 57)]  
      eat grow-green  
      set time time + 1
    ask patches with [(pcolor = 15) or (pcolor = 16) or (pcolor = 17)]  
       eat grow-red  
      set time time + 1
  ask turtles ;; asks the phage to run their commands
    move attach reproduce
    if mode = "2 colonies" ;; this command delays the phage from doing anything until after 200 ticks. This give the bacteria time to grow first
     if ticks = 200
       if color = orange
        set color blue 
  ask lysins ; asks the lysins to run their commands
   lysin-move lysin-attach grow-up
  ifelse hide-turtles? ;; hides all the phage if the switch is on
  [ ask turtles
   ask turtles
  if mouse-down?  ; clicking the mouse on the grid will create a phage at that location
    create-turtles 1 
      set color blue
      setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
  ifelse energy-label?  ;; will show how much energy each patch has, used only for trouble shooting
    ask patches
      set plabel energy
    ask patches
      set plabel ""
  ifelse show-lysin? ; this will show all the lysins if the switch is turned on
    ask lysins
   ask lysins

to grow-green
  ;; the grow command works by asking a patch if its energy is less than 1. If the cell's "time" variable is hgih enough and has enough energy it will reproduce. The add-to-parent site variable is the probability it will preferentially
  ;; add the new cell to its own location rather than an adjacent one. After succesfully reproducing it will reduce its own energy and reset its time.  
  ;; The cell will ask one-of neighbors with cells < 2 (if it can't find a cell with cells < 2 it will return "nobody" and stop the reproduction event) after finding a cell with cells < 2 that's the right color
  ;; it will add a new cell to that location and change cell number and color accordingly.
 if time > 10
  if energy >= 1
        ifelse cells < 3
          ifelse add-to-parent-site > random 100
            set cells cells + 1
            set energy energy - 1
            if cells = 2 
              set pcolor 56
            if cells = 3
              set pcolor 57
          [ set target one-of neighbors with [cells < 3]
            if target != nobody
              ask target
                if ( pcolor = 55) or ( pcolor = 56) or ( pcolor = 57) or ( pcolor = black) or ( pcolor = 48) or (pcolor = brown)
                  if cells = 0 
                    set energy 0
                    set cells 1
                    set pcolor green
                    set time 0
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                  if cells = 1
                    set cells cells + 1
                    set pcolor 56
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                  if cells = 2
                    set cells cells + 1
                    set pcolor 57
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
          set target one-of neighbors with [cells < 3]
          if target != nobody 
            ask target
              if (pcolor = 55) or (pcolor = 56) or (pcolor = 57) or (pcolor = black) or (pcolor = 48) or (pcolor = brown)
                if cells = 0 
                  set energy 0
                  set cells 1
                  set time 0
                  set pcolor green
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                if cells = 1
                  set cells cells + 1
                  set pcolor 56
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]]
                if cells = 2
                  set cells cells + 1
                  set pcolor 57
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
        set time 0

to grow-red
  ;; same as green command but with colors switched
  if time > 10
    if energy >= 1
        ifelse cells < 3
          ifelse add-to-parent-site > random 100
            set cells cells + 1
            set energy energy - 1
            if cells = 2 
              set pcolor 16
            if cells = 3
              set pcolor 17
          [ set target one-of neighbors with [cells < 3]
            if target != nobody
              ask target
                if ( pcolor = 15) or ( pcolor = 16) or ( pcolor = 17) or ( pcolor = black) or ( pcolor = 48) or (pcolor = brown)
                  if cells = 0 
                    set energy 0
                    set cells 1
                    set pcolor red
                    set time 0
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                  if cells = 1
                    set cells cells + 1
                    set pcolor 16
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                  if cells = 2
                    set cells cells + 1
                    set pcolor 17
                    ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
          set target one-of neighbors with [cells < 3]
          if target != nobody 
            ask target
              if (pcolor = 15) or (pcolor = 16) or (pcolor = 17) or (pcolor = black) or (pcolor = 48) or (pcolor = brown)
                if cells = 0 
                  set energy 0
                  set cells 1
                  set time 0
                  set pcolor red
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
                if cells = 1
                  set cells cells + 1
                  set pcolor 16
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]]
                if cells = 2
                  set cells cells + 1
                  set pcolor 17
                  ask myself [set energy energy - 1]
        set time 0

;; this is the reporter used to take a radius number (n) and create a list of all the cells in the neighborhood of the radius n and can store the list as a variable (ex. "red-nearby")

to-report circle-neighborhood [n]
  let result [list pxcor pycor] of patches with [(abs pxcor) ^ 2 + (abs pycor) ^ 2 <= n ^ 2]
  report result 

to eat
  ;;a cell can eat a yellow patch for a set amount of energy or a dead brown patch for a set amount of energy.
  ;; this command works by looking for a patch to eat within its feeding radius.
    if energy < 1
      ask one-of patches at-points feeding-radius
        if nutrient > 0
          set nutrient nutrient - 1
          ask myself 
            set energy energy + 1 

to setup-phage  ;; different ways to start the phage
  ifelse mode = "central phage" ; this creates phage right on the origin of the grid
      create-turtles initial-number
      ask turtles [setxy 0 0]
      ask turtles [set color blue]
      ifelse mode = "2 colonies" ; starts phage in the center of the green colony
        create-turtles initial-number    
      ask turtles [ setxy (distance-apart / 2) 0 ]
      ask turtles [ set color orange ]
        ifelse mode = "even spacing"
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy -15 15]
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 15]
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy 15 15]
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy -15 -15]
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 -15]
           create-turtles 1 [ setxy 15 -15]
           ask turtles [set color blue]
          create-turtles initial-number    ; for all other modes the phage are given random starting locations
          ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
          ask turtles [ set color blue ]

to move ;; the phage moves if it is blue
  if color = blue [
    right random 360
    forward .25
  if color = red
    set phage-time phage-time + 1

to attach  ; blue phage can attach and turn red, and turn the patch grey. Red phage do not move.
  if color = blue
    [ if (pcolor = 55) or (pcolor = 56) or (pcolor = 57) or (pcolor = grey)
      [ if random 100 < attachment-chance
          set color red
          set pcolor grey
          set phage-time 0

to reproduce ; after being attached for the amount of time specified by phage-reproduction-time, the phage lyses the cell, produces offspring and reduces the cell count on a patch by 1, if the cell count equals zero the patch turns brown
  if color = red
    if phage-time = phage-reproduction-time
      hatch burst-size [ set color blue] 
      set color black
      ask patch-here
        set cells cells - 1
        set nutrient nutrient + corpse-energy
        if lysin?
        if cells = 0
          set pcolor brown
          ask turtles-here 
            if color = red
              set color black 

to lyse ;; a command for a patch to lyse and burst out lysin molecules
    sprout-lysins lysin-production
      set color magenta
      set size 1
      set age 0

to lysin-move  ; command to let the lysins move, only magenta lysins can move
  if color = magenta
    right random 360
    forward lysin-speed

to lysin-attach ; lysin can attach and turn pink, once the number of lysin attached is equal to the lethal-amount the cell dies and clears all attached lysin molecules
  if (pcolor = 15) or (pcolor = 16) or (pcolor = 17) 
    if random 100 < lysin-attachment-chance
      set color pink
      ask patch-here
          if count lysins-here with [color = pink] = lethal-amount
              set cells cells - 1
              set nutrient nutrient + corpse-energy
              if cells = 0
                set pcolor brown
              ask lysins-here
                if color = pink

to grow-up ; lysins grow older each tick once they reach degradation-time they die
  ifelse age = degradation-time
  set age age + 1

There is only one version of this model, created about 10 years ago by Cameron Crandall.

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