Redwood Forest

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4 collaborators

Default-person Trevor Cickovski (Author)
Elisabeth Thompson (Author)
Dante Sclafani (Author)
Zachary Zielinski (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.1.0 • Viewed 279 times • Downloaded 13 times • Run 0 times
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globals [

patches-own [tree]
turtles-own [  ]

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor 35 ]
  ask patches with [(pxcor + pycor) mod 2 = 0] [set pcolor green set tree true]
  set-patch-size 4 

crt 1 
[ set size 3
 set heading 90
  setxy 15 165
  set color red
set shape "X"]

  let V (( high-price - low-price ) / 12 ) ^ 2
  let standarddev V ^ 2
set price-current random-normal average-price standarddev 
set price-1 random-normal average-price standarddev
set price-2 random-normal average-price standarddev
set price-3 random-normal average-price standarddev
set price-4 random-normal average-price standarddev
set price-5 random-normal average-price standarddev
set price-6 random-normal average-price standarddev

ifelse price-current > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks]
 [ifelse price-1 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 1] 
 [ifelse price-2 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 2] 
   [ifelse price-3 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 3]
     [ifelse price-4 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 4]
       [ifelse price-5 > price-per-tree [ set tickH ticks + 5]
         [ifelse price-6 > price-per-tree [ set tickH ticks + 6] [set tickH ticks + 7]]]]]]]
  ifelse price-current < price-per-tree and ticks > tickH [set tickM ticks]
[ifelse price-1 < price-per-tree and ticks + 1 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 1] 
 [ifelse price-2 < price-per-tree and ticks + 2 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 2] 
   [ifelse price-3 < price-per-tree and ticks + 3 > tickH[set tickM ticks + 3]
     [ifelse price-4 < price-per-tree and ticks + 4 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 4]
       [ifelse price-5 < price-per-tree and ticks + 5 > tickH [ set tickM ticks + 5]
         [ifelse price-6 < price-per-tree and ticks + 6 > tickH [ set tickM ticks + 6] [set tickM ticks + 7 ]]]]]]]

to go

 let V (( high-price - low-price ) / 12 ) ^ 2
  let standarddev V ^ 2

 if ticks = tickH [ask turtles [harvest]]
 if [xcor] of turtle 0 + 30 > max-pxcor and [ycor] of turtle 0 - 30 < 0 [stop]
 if ticks = tickM [ask turtles [move]]

 ifelse price-current > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks]
 [ifelse price-1 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 1] 
 [ifelse price-2 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 2] 
   [ifelse price-3 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 3]
     [ifelse price-4 > price-per-tree [set tickH ticks + 4]
       [ifelse price-5 > price-per-tree [ set tickH ticks + 5]
         [ifelse price-6 > price-per-tree [ set tickH ticks + 6] [set tickH ticks + 7]]]]]]]

 ifelse price-current < price-per-tree and ticks > tickH [set tickM ticks]
[ifelse price-1 < price-per-tree and ticks + 1 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 1] 
 [ifelse price-2 < price-per-tree and ticks + 2 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 2] 
   [ifelse price-3 < price-per-tree and ticks + 3 > tickH[set tickM ticks + 3]
     [ifelse price-4 < price-per-tree and ticks + 4 > tickH [set tickM ticks + 4]
       [ifelse price-5 < price-per-tree and ticks + 5 > tickH [ set tickM ticks + 5]
         [ifelse price-6 < price-per-tree and ticks + 6 > tickH [ set tickM ticks + 6] [set tickM ticks + 7 ]]]]]]]

set price-current price-1 
set price-1 price-2
set price-2 price-3
set price-3 price-4
set price-4 price-5
set price-5 price-6
set price-6 random-normal average-price standarddev
 plotxy ticks profit


to move
 if xcor + 30 > max-pxcor and pycor - 30 < 0 [stop]
ifelse xcor + 30 > max-pxcor [set xcor 15 set ycor ycor - 30] [ set xcor xcor + 30]

set profit profit - moving-cost

to harvest

  let harvest-rate (1 - ( retention)) 
  let turtlex xcor
  let turtley ycor             
  let harvestable-trees patches with 
  [ abs (turtlex - pxcor) <= 15 and abs (turtley - pycor) <= 15 and  tree = true ] 
    let num-harvestable-trees (count harvestable-trees)              
  let max-num-cut floor (harvest-rate * num-harvestable-trees)
  ask n-of max-num-cut harvestable-trees  [set pcolor brown]

  let V (( high-price - low-price ) / 12 ) ^ 2
  let standarddev V ^ 2
  set profit max-num-cut * (price-current - price-per-tree)

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Trevor Cickovski.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Redwood Forest.png preview Preview for 'Redwood Forest' almost 9 years ago, by Trevor Cickovski Download
Timber-ODD.docx word ODD Documentation For Redwood Forest almost 9 years ago, by Trevor Cickovski Download

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