Planned Economy

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1 collaborator

Default-person SangHee Kim (Author)


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Child of model Money Flow
Model group MAM-2015 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.0 • Viewed 382 times • Downloaded 39 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [
breed [workers worker]
breed [businessmen businessman]

patches-own [

globals [

to setup
  set houses (list)
  set factories (list)
  set businesses (list)
  ask patches [
    set pcolor green]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INITIAL BUILDING CREATION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;The three 'if' statements generate houses, factories, and businesses and create turtles with respective shapes.
;The number of these patches can be determined by the users with corresponding sliders.
;For factories and businesses, they are given initial revenues, and sets the income (how much the turtles earn) as
;1% of the revenue + the minimum wage of the model ($5)

    ask n-of initial-number-of-houses patches [
      set pcolor red
      set houses (fput self houses)
      sprout 1 [
        set shape "house"
        set color yellow
        set size 2]]

    ask n-of initial-number-of-factories patches with [pcolor != red][
      set pcolor blue
      set factory-revenue 2000
      set factory-income (factory-revenue * 0.01) + 5
      set factories (fput self factories)
      set employees (list)
      sprout 1 [
        set color violet
        set shape "Factory"
        set size 4.5]]

     ask n-of initial-number-of-businesses patches [
      set pcolor white
      set businesses (fput self businesses)
      set business-revenue 2000
      set business-income (business-revenue * 0.01) + 5
      set employees (list)
      set business-partner one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]
      sprout 1[
        set shape "building"
        set color white
        set size 4.5

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INITIAL TURTLE CREATION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;Creates two sets of turtles: Businessmen and Workers
;They are generated on top of the green patches so that they will not be generated on top of buildings

   ask n-of businessmen-count patches with [pcolor = green] 
  [sprout-businessmen 1 [
    set xcor random-xcor
    set ycor random-ycor
    set workplace one-of patches with [pcolor = white]
    ask workplace [
      set number-of-employees number-of-employees + 1     ;Makes the workplace count how many employees are currently working there
      set employees (fput myself employees)]              ;Puts self in the list of employees
    set house one-of patches with [pcolor = red]          ;Sets house as one of the red patches
    set color white
    set size 1.3
    set money 0                                           ;Starts the life with no money
    set shape "person"
    set goal workplace
    ask patches with [pcolor = white][
    if employees = [] [ 
      set pcolor green
      ask turtles-here [die]
      set business-revenue 2000
      set business-income 0]]
    ask n-of worker-count patches with [pcolor = green] 
  [sprout-workers 1 [
       set workplace one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]
       ask workplace [set number-of-employees number-of-employees + 1]
       set house one-of patches with [pcolor = red]
       set color blue
       set size 1.3
       set money 0                                        
       set shape "person"
       set goal workplace
       let house-xcor [pxcor] of house
       let house-ycor [pycor] of house
       let own-house patch house-xcor house-ycor             ;Sets one of the businesses that is closest to home
       set favorite-retail min-one-of patches with [pcolor = white] [distance own-house] ;Sets the retailer to shop at based on how close it is to the turtle's house      

to go                                                      
  if length businesses = 0 or length factories = 0 [stop]    ;Stops the model if there is no factories or businesses remaining because 
  move-workers                                               ;;otherwise the model will run into fatal error


;Determines the basic movement behavior of the businessmen

to move-businessmen
  ask businessmen with [color = white][
    ifelse patch-here = goal
      [ ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = white;                            ;When businessmen reach the workplace,
        [set goal house                                                   ;set house as the goal to move to,
         set money money + [business-income] of workplace                 ;and earns money from workplace as income
         ask workplace [                                                  ;and decreases the amount earned from the workplace's revenue
           set business-revenue business-revenue - business-income]
         if ticks mod 75 = 0 [
           set money money - [business-income] of workplace]]                           ;Businessmen goes to shopping
        [set goal workplace]]                                             

;Determines the basic movement behavior of the workers

to move-workers                                                                     
  ask workers with [color = blue][                                       
    ifelse patch-here = goal
      [ ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = blue                              ;When the workers reach the factory,  
        [set goal house                                                   ;set the house as the goal,
         set money money + factory-income                                 ;and earn money from the factory as income
         ask workplace [                                                  ;and decreases the amount earned from the factory's revenue
           set factory-revenue factory-revenue - factory-income]]
        [set goal workplace]]
      if ticks mod 75 = 0[                                                ;Checks if the workers have enough money every 50 ticks
        if money > (GDI / (worker-count + businessmen-count))[            ;by comparing the wealth with GDI divided by number of turtles
          set color violet                                                ;And if so, set color to violet, which sets the command for them to go to the retailers
   ask workers with [color = violet][                                     ;Asks the violet turtles
      ifelse patch-here = favorite-retail                                 ;checks if they are currently at the favorite retailer.
        [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = black                            ;If so, checks if the favorite retailer has closed down.
          [let house-xcor [pxcor] of house                                ;If it is closed down, get the xy coordinate of the house
           let house-ycor [pycor] of house                                ; and uses them to calculate distance of the retailer to the house
           let own-house patch house-xcor house-ycor                      ; and choose the retailer that is closest to home as the favorite one                     
           set favorite-retail min-one-of patches with 
                          [pcolor = white] [distance myself]]             
          [set goal house                                                 ;If the retailer has not closed down,
           set color blue                                                 ; return to the blue color to mark as not going to the retailer,
           set money money - [business-income] of patch-here              ; and subtract the worker's money to the 'price' of the retailer (business-income).
           let total-revenue [business-revenue] of patch-here             ;Afterwards, give the retailer the money from the workers
           let price ([business-income] of patch-here) + 5
           ask patch-here [set business-revenue total-revenue + price]

to check-if-defunct                                                        ;Checks if the turtles' workplace is being torn down
  ask businessmen[                                                         ;Asks both businessmen and workers if their workplaces are colored black, move to different place
    if workplace != nobody and [pcolor] of workplace = black [             ;and set it as the new house/workplace
      set workplace one-of patches with [pcolor = white]

  ask workers [
    if workplace != nobody and [pcolor] of workplace = black [
      set workplace one-of patches with [pcolor = blue]]]

to walk-towards-goal           ;Makes the turtles move towards their goals
  if goal != nobody[
  face goal
  fd 1]


to check-business-income                                       ;Checks and updates the revenue of the business
  ask patches with [pcolor = white][                           ;so that the data will be accurately represented in the GDI charts.
    if ticks mod 5 = 0 [                                       ;Also checks to see if the businesses' or factories' revenues are less than $1, 
    set business-income business-revenue * 0.01 + 5]           ;in which case it will go bankrupt and turn black                       
    if business-revenue < 1 [                                                      
      set pcolor black
      ask turtles-here with [size = 4.5] [die]]] 
  ask patches with [pcolor = blue][
    if ticks mod 5 = 0 [
      set factory-income factory-revenue * 0.01 + 5]
    if factory-revenue < 1 [
      set pcolor black
      ask turtles-here with [size = 4.5] [die]]]                                               

to run-business
  if ticks mod 50 = 0 [
  ask patches with [pcolor = white] [                                                  ;Asks the businesses to choose one of its employers to
    if number-of-employees != 0 and business-partner != nobody[                        ;conduct business with its business partner.
      if business-revenue > (GDI)                                                      ;It only does this once every 50 ticks, and if the revenue is greater than GDI
      [ let good-man one-of employees                                                  ; to make sure that it has enough money.
        if [color] of good-man = white [                                               ;Once this action is chosen, business will spend 10% of its revenue as investment.
          ask good-man [
           set color gray
           set goal [business-partner] of myself
           set business-revenue business-revenue - (business-revenue * 0.1)]]]]]]

to conduct-business
  ask turtles with [color = gray] [                                                    ;Asks the employer that was chosen to conduct business
    ifelse patch-here = goal                                                           ; to go to the factory that is set as the business partner.
    [ if [pcolor] of patch-here = blue                                                 ;Once the employer is there, add to the revenue of the factory the 10%
        [ set money money + [business-income] of workplace                             ; of the business' revenue.
          let factory-money [factory-income] of goal                                   ;Afterwards, set the goal back to the workplace again.
          let price [business-revenue] of workplace
          let income [business-income] of workplace
          ask workplace [set business-revenue business-revenue + factory-money - business-income]
          ask goal [set factory-revenue factory-revenue + (price * 0.1) - income]
          set color white
          set goal workplace]]

to go-to-retail
  if favorite-retail != nobody [            ;The turtle goes to its favorite retailer
     face favorite-retail                                                                
     fd 1]                                                         

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DATA ANALYSIS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to update-data
  ;With each tick, the following data are updated:
  ;Total wealth of all workers
  ;Total wealth of all businessmen
  ;Average revenue of factories
  ;Average revenue of businesses
  set GDI sum [factory-income] of patches + sum [business-income] of patches
  set worker-income (sum [money] of workers) / worker-count
  set businessmen-income (sum [money] of businessmen) / businessmen-count
  set average-factory-revenue (sum [factory-revenue] of patches) / initial-number-of-factories
  set average-business-revenue (sum [business-revenue] of patches) / initial-number-of-businesses

to wealth-distribution-view
  ;Changes the shades of the patches to reflect the wealth distribution based on GDI.
  ;Lighter the shade of green, the wealthier, and vice versa
  ;Ranges are > 99%, 90-99%, 75-90%, 50-75%, 25-50%, 10-25%, and < 10% of GDI.
  ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue and pcolor != black and pcolor != red][
    if wealth-distribution? [
      set area-wealth (sum [business-income] of neighbors + sum [factory-income] of neighbors + sum [area-wealth] of neighbors) / 8
      let average-GDI (GDI / (initial-number-of-factories + initial-number-of-businesses))
      if area-wealth > (average-GDI * 0.99) [set pcolor green + 3]
      if area-wealth > (average-GDI * 0.90) and area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.99) [set pcolor green + 2] 
      if area-wealth >= (average-GDI * 0.75) and area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.9)  [set pcolor green + 1]
      if area-wealth >= (average-GDI * 0.5) and area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.75)  [set pcolor green]
      if area-wealth >= (average-GDI * 0.25) and area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.5)  [set pcolor green - 1]
      if area-wealth >= (average-GDI * 0.1) and area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.25)  [set pcolor green - 2]
      if area-wealth < (average-GDI * 0.1) [set pcolor green - 3]]]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by SangHee Kim.

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Parent: Money Flow

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