Exploitation vs. Protection HubNet Model Blass Final Project
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globals [ shape-options social-gain ] turtles-own [ ;;; internal setting variables user-id my-shape social-currency ;;; turn variables take-action my-neighbors got-away? already-moved? action-selected? next-xcor next-ycor ;;; lifetime variables my-thefts my-placids my-protects how-many-times-I-got-away ;;; helper variables my-count ;; this is just a placeholder variable; not at all necessary for logic but is handy to avoid retyping code bloacks ] to startup hubnet-reset setup end to setup ca ask patches [ set pcolor grey ] set social-gain 10 ;; the one global; might want to make the increment greater or smaller reset-ticks end to play update-active-turtles display if (any? turtles) [ ;;; first code block resets internals, moves the turtles, and picks what to do ask turtles [ ;;; reset some information at each tick send-player-info set got-away? false set already-moved? false set action-selected? false set my-neighbors other turtles in-radius 10 ;; this is a smaller radius than the baseline netlogo model since we want to give turtles a chance to avoid thieves ] if any? turtles with [color = red] [ hubnet-broadcast-message "thieves who were caught stealing last turn (red turtles) move (10 seconds)" move-thieves ;;; thieves move first so that others can avoid them ask turtles with [color = red] [ setxy next-xcor next-ycor ] display ;; have to tick multiple times per round; in this function we also update user info ] hubnet-broadcast-message "everyone else moves (10 seconds)" move-others ;;; then everyone else ask turtles with [not (color = red)] [ setxy next-xcor next-ycor ] display hubnet-broadcast-message "Everyone: pick what you're going to do next. You have 10 seconds" get-actions ;;; after everyone has moved, they choose what to do resolve ;;; and they resolve the consequences of their actions, including color change tick ] end to resolve ;;; this is only its own function out of convenience; could be in-line with go ask turtles [ ifelse (take-action = "steal") [ steal if (random 100 < probability-of-getting-away) [ set got-away? true set how-many-times-I-got-away how-many-times-I-got-away + 1] set my-thefts my-thefts + 1] ;;; thieves have a chance of getting away with it [ ifelse (take-action = "protect") [ protect set my-protects my-protects + 1] [ do-nothing set my-placids my-placids + 1] ] ] end to steal ;;; note that steal actually handles MOST of what happens to turtles, i.e., both thieves and protectors ;;; in this implementation, a successful thief takes TOTAL social-gain divided amongst the victims. another possibility would be to have it take a social-gain from EACH victim ifelse (got-away? or not any? my-neighbors with [take-action = "protect"]) ;; if no one is watching out for thieves or you get away with it [ set my-count (count my-neighbors) if (my-count > 0) ;; provided you have neighbors [ set social-currency (social-currency + social-gain) ;; get social-gain from chumpy neighbors ask my-neighbors [set social-currency (social-currency - (social-gain / [my-count] of myself))] ];; each neighbor loses social-gain/count neighbors ;;; if you have no neighbors, don't sweat it, you do nothing. set color green ;;; it looks like you did nothing ] ;;; otherwise, someone is watching out for thieves AND you got caught [ set my-count (count my-neighbors with [take-action = "protect"]) set social-currency (social-currency - social-gain) ;; lose social-gain ask my-neighbors with [take-action = "protect"] [ set social-currency (social-currency + (social-gain / [my-count] of myself))] ;;; protectors don't each get social-gain, since the more protectors you have, the less each protection matters set color red ;;; labeled a thief ] end to protect set my-count (count my-neighbors with [take-action = "steal" and not got-away?]) if (my-count = 0) ;; if none of your neighbors tried to steal and did not get away with it, then you are being a busybody [ set social-currency (social-currency - social-gain) ;; lose social-gain ask my-neighbors [set social-currency (social-currency + (social-gain / [count my-neighbors] of myself))]] ;;; all your neighbors are smugly satisfied with themselves and each other set color blue ;;; protectors turn blue regardless of whether they are nosy or not end to do-nothing ;;; the only thing we need to do within this function is change the color a bit set color green end to update-active-turtles while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-member ] [ if hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-member ] ] ] end ;; Create a turtle, set its shape, color, and position ;; and tell the node what its turtle looks like and where it is to create-new-member crt 1 [ set user-id hubnet-message-source set social-currency 20 ;; they should start with something so they have something to lose. set my-shape one-of shapes set shape my-shape set size 3 set color black hubnet-send-message user-id (word "You are a: " my-shape) send-player-info ] end to move-thieves ask turtles with [(color = red)] [ ;;; just the people who stole last turn hubnet-send-message user-id "Click where you want to move next. You have 10 seconds." ] reset-timer while [timer < 10] [ while [hubnet-message-waiting?] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-member ] [ ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-member ] [ ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source and color = red and not already-moved?] [ ifelse hubnet-message-tag = "View" [ set next-xcor (item 0 hubnet-message) set next-ycor (item 1 hubnet-message) set already-moved? true] [hubnet-send-message user-id "Please click within the view screen."] ] ] ] ] ] end to move-others ask turtles with [ not (color = red)] [ ;;; just people who did not steal hubnet-send-message user-id "Click where you want to move next. You have 10 seconds." ] reset-timer while [timer < 10] [ while [hubnet-message-waiting?] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-member ] [ ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-member ] [ ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source and not (color = red) and not already-moved?] [ ifelse hubnet-message-tag = "View" [ set next-xcor (item 0 hubnet-message) set next-ycor (item 1 hubnet-message) set already-moved? true] [hubnet-send-message user-id "Please click within the view screen."] ] ] ] ] ] end to get-actions reset-timer while [timer < 15] [ while [hubnet-message-waiting?] [ hubnet-fetch-message ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [ create-new-member ] [ ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [ remove-member ] [ ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source and not action-selected?] ;; just to stop people from changing their actions a lot and slowing things down [ ifelse hubnet-message-tag = "View" [hubnet-send-message user-id "Please select an action using one of the buttons."] [ set take-action hubnet-message-tag set action-selected? true] ] ] ] ] ] end to remove-member ask turtles with [user-id = hubnet-message-source] [die] end to send-player-info ;; player procedure ;;; global info hubnet-send user-id "Percent Chance of getting away with stealing" probability-of-getting-away hubnet-send user-id "Your social currency" social-currency hubnet-send user-id "How many times you've stolen" my-thefts hubnet-send user-id "How many times you've protected" my-protects hubnet-send user-id "How many times you've done nothing" my-placids hubnet-send user-id "How many times you got away with stealing" how-many-times-I-got-away hubnet-send user-id "Richest Turtle" highest-score hubnet-send user-id "Poorest Turtle" lowest-score end to-report highest-score report max [social-currency] of turtles end to-report lowest-score report min [social-currency] of turtles end to-report proportion-turtles-who-just-stole ifelse (count turtles = 0) [report 0] [ report turtles-who-just-stole / count turtles] end to-report proportion-turtles-who-just-protected ifelse (count turtles = 0) [report 0] [ report turtles-who-just-protected / count turtles] end to-report proportion-turtles-who-just-did-nothing ifelse (count turtles = 0) [report 0] [ report turtles-who-just-did-nothing / count turtles] end to-report turtles-who-just-stole report count turtles with [take-action = "steal"] end to-report turtles-who-just-protected report count turtles with [take-action = "protect"] end to-report turtles-who-just-did-nothing report count turtles with [take-action = "do-nothing"] end to-report num-thefts ;; turtle reporter report my-thefts end to-report num-placidities report my-placids end to-report num-protections report my-protects end to-report times-gotten-away report how-many-times-I-got-away end
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