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breed [people person] globals [ mouse-was-down? ;;tracks the previous state of the mouse terror-event? ;;tracks whether a terror event has occurred recently, true after a terror event until community intervention occurs help-timer ;;keeps track of time until community intervention occurs average-fear average-fear-before average-fear-after once? ] turtles-own [ fear-level ;;level of fear of each turtle group ;;which group each turtle is in last-patch-residual ;;keeps track of the last patch's residual fear level so fear does not constantly increase while in area ] patches-own [residual-fear] ;;residual fear from after terror events ;Setup Procedure ;Clears everything and then initializes the variables. Initial FEAR-LEVEL is randommly assigned and ;the group is based on each turtle's WHO and how many groups there should be. ;The ask people call is necessary after the create-people command block because not all the ;people have been assigned to a group yet and so there would be no links created for the first ;few turtles. Initialize the global variables and patch variables as well. to setup clear-all set-default-shape people "person" create-people population [ set size 1.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set fear-level random 100 + 1 set group who mod groups update-color ] ask people [ if network? [ let network n-of links-with-others other people with [group = [group] of myself] create-links-with network] ] ask patches [ set residual-fear 0 if show-residual-fear? = true [set plabel residual-fear] ] set mouse-was-down? false set terror-event? false set help-timer 0 set average-fear 0 set once? false reset-ticks end ;Go Procedure ;The go procedure checks if a terror event has occurred. Then it asks the people ;to adjust their FEAR-LEVEL based on the person they physically encounter and if ;this is a network, adjust their FEAR-LEVEL based on the network. ;Then adjust the FEAR-LEVEL based on whether there is any RESIDUAL-FEAR left on the ;patch. Update the color and the LAST-PATCH-RESIDUAL to the RESIDUAL-FEAR of the current ;patch. Then move. Then check the patches to see if they should be showing the residual fear ;and then decay any RESIDUAL-FEAR by the RESIDUAL-DECAY-RATE. Then finally check if ;there is a community intervention on this turn. to go ask people [ let other-person-here one-of other people-here if other-person-here != nobody [ adjust-fear-levels other-person-here ] if network? = true and ticks mod network-communication-frequency = 0 ;adjust FEAR-LEVEL based on every link neighboor [ foreach [self] of link-neighbors [ adjust-fear-levels ? ] ] residual-fear-effect update-color set last-patch-residual [residual-fear] of patch-here move ] ask patches [ ifelse show-residual-fear? = true [ set plabel residual-fear ] [ set plabel "" ] if residual-fear > 0 [ set residual-fear (residual-fear - residual-decay-rate) ] ] ifelse help-timer > 0 [ set help-timer help-timer - 1 ] [ if terror-event? = true [ set terror-event? false ask n-of number-of-interventions people [ set fear-level round ((1 - level-of-intervention) * fear-level) ] ] ] if ticks mod 1500 = 1 [ifelse mean [fear-level] of people = average-fear [ifelse once? = false [ set average-fear-before average-fear terror-event set once? true] [set average-fear-after average-fear show average-fear-after stop]] [set average-fear mean [fear-level] of people]] tick end ;terror-event procedure ;Checks to see if the mouse is currently not down and was previously down. This is done ;so that the only a single click is registered, instead of registering the entire time that the mouse ;is down. If a click is detected, everyone within the radius is increase their FEAR-LEVEL ;by the TERROR-SEVERITY. Set the residual fear for the surrounding patches and then start HELP-TIMER ;whcih keeps track of when community intervention occurs. TERROR-EVENT? is then updated ;as is the current status of the mouse. to terror-event ask patch 0 0 [ ask people in-radius terror-radius [ let boundary fear-level + terror-severity < 100 ifelse boundary [ set fear-level (fear-level + terror-severity) ] [ set fear-level 100 ] set last-patch-residual fear-level ] ask patches in-radius terror-radius [ set residual-fear round (terror-severity * initial-residual-fear / 100) ] ] if terror-event? = false [set help-timer intervention-delay] set terror-event? true end ;adjust-fear-levels, a turtle procedure ;The FEAR-LEVELs of the people are adjusted based on what the the FEAR-LEVEL of the ;other-turtle argument. To do this, it takes 5% of the difference in FEAR-LEVELs ;(whether positive or negative) and adds it to its own FEAR-LEVEL. to adjust-fear-levels [other-turtle] if other-turtle != nobody [ let difference round ([fear-level] of other-turtle - fear-level) / 20 let fear-change round (fear-level + difference) ifelse terror-event? = false [ ifelse fear-change < 0 [ set fear-level 0 ] [ ifelse fear-change > 100 [ set fear-level 100 ] [ set fear-level fear-change ] ] ] [ if difference > 0 [ ifelse fear-change > 100 [ set fear-level 100 ] [ set fear-level fear-change ] ] ] ] end ;residual-fear-effect, a turtle procedure ;Increases the FEAR-LEVEL by the current RESIDUAL-FEAR of the patch the turtle is on to residual-fear-effect if [residual-fear] of patch-here != 0 and last-patch-residual = 0 [ let pdifference fear-level + [residual-fear] of patch-here ifelse pdifference > 100 [ set fear-level 100 ] [ set fear-level pdifference ] ] end ;move, a turtle procedure ;If there is a person ahead and a random number is less than the fear-level, ;then go towards them, otherwise turn randomly and then advance forward. to move let person-ahead one-of people in-cone 2 120 ifelse person-ahead != nobody and (random 100 + 1) < fear-level [ face person-ahead ] [ rt random 121 - 60 ] fd 1 end ;update-color, a turtle procedure ;updates COLOR of turtle, lower FEAR-LEVEL is more blue and higher FEAR-LEVEL ;is more red. to update-color ifelse fear-level = 50 [ set color white ] [ ifelse fear-level > 50 [ set color 18 - ((fear-level - 50) / 10) ] [ set color 108 - ((50 - fear-level) / 10) ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 10 years ago by Kevin Jin.
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