Soccer Simulator

Soccer Simulator preview image

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Explanation of the model

Can you explain to me the model? How agents interact each other ?

Posted about 6 years ago

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;;; DEFINING VARIABLES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

globals [
  width         ;; width of the pitch
  height        ;; height of the pitch
  red-goal      ;; patches that belongs to the red goal
  blue-goal     ;; patches that belong to the blue goal
  the-ball      ;; the ball
  score-red     ;; amount of goals that the red team has scored since the setup
  score-blue    ;; amount of goals that the blue team has scored since the setup
  red-team      ;; players of the red team
  blue-team     ;; players of the blue team
  seed          ;; current seed number
  previous-seed ;; previous seed number
  pass-distance              ;; the maximum distance a player can pass
  move-ball-distance         ;; the distance the ball is moved forward when the player is moving
  trick-ball-distance        ;; the distance the ball is moved forward when the player is doing a trick
  shoot-distance-selfish     ;; the maximum distance a selfish player will shoot
  shoot-distance-teamplayer  ;; the maximum distance a teamplayer will shoot
  speed                      ;; the speed of a player without the ball
  speed-receiver             ;; the speed of the player receiving a pass
  speed-with-ball            ;; the speed of the player with the ball
  speed-ball-pass            ;; the speed of the ball when it is passed
  speed-ball-shot            ;; the speed of the ball when it is shot
  speed-keeper               ;; the movement speed of the keeper in vertical direction
  distance-ballpossession    ;; the distance of the player to the ball for a player to recognize he is in ball possession
  locate-ball-distance       ;; the distance from which a player locates the ball and recognize he is close to the ball
  locate-player-distance     ;; the distance from which a player locates another player and recognize he is close to that player
  defender-distance          ;; the maximum distance the defender wants to stand from the goal
  keeper-reach               ;; the reach of the keeper

breed [players player]   ;; soccer players
breed [keepers keeper]   ;; keeper
breed [balls ball]       ;; the ball
breed [referees referee] ;; referee


  ball?          ;; does the player have the ball?
  teamball?      ;; does the team of the player have the ball?
  nearbygoal?    ;; is the goal nearby?
  oppinfront?    ;; is there an opponent in front?
  oppnearby?     ;; is there an opponent nearby?
  nearbyteam?    ;; is there a free teammate nearby?
  team           ;; the team the player belongs to
  nearbyball?    ;; is the ball nearby?
  inbetween?     ;; is there an opponent between the player and the ball? (is the player standing free?)
  target         ;; the target of the player      
  mygoal         ;; the goal where the player has to score
  teamplayer?    ;; is the player a teamplayer?
  defensive?     ;; is the player a defensive player?
  defending?     ;; is the player currently in a defensive position?  

  team    ;; used when neither of the teams have the ball


  owner              ;; the owner of the ball
  target             ;; the target where the ball can be played to (either a player or a patch of the goal)
  closest-blue       ;; the closest player to the ball of the blue team
  closest-red        ;; the closest player to the ball of the red team
  closestfront-blue  ;; the closest player of the blue team in defending position (between the ball and the goal of the defenders)
  closestfront-red   ;; the closest player of the blue team in defending position (between the ball and the goal of the defenders)

;;; SETUP THE MODEL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to setup ;; setup the field en set values of the variables
  set width 25
  set height 18
  set score-red 0
  set score-blue 0
  set pass-distance 10             ;; default 10
  set shoot-distance-selfish 13    ;; default 10
  set shoot-distance-teamplayer 7.5  ;; default 5
  set speed 0.5                    ;; default 0.5
  set speed-with-ball 0.45         ;; default 0.45
  set move-ball-distance 0.75      ;; default 0.75
  set trick-ball-distance 1.2        ;; default 1
  set speed-ball-pass 1            ;; default 1
  set speed-ball-shot 2            ;; default 2
  set distance-ballpossession 0.8  ;; default 0.8
  set locate-ball-distance 10      ;; default 10
  set locate-player-distance 1.5   ;; default 1.5
  set defender-distance 15         ;; default 15
  set speed-keeper 0.1             ;; default 0.1
  set keeper-reach 1.5             ;; default 1.5
  set speed-receiver 0.1           ;; default 0.1
  set-default-shape keepers "keeper"
  set-default-shape players "player"
  set-default-shape balls "football"
  set-default-shape referees "keeper"

to prepare-patch ;; set the colors of the field
  ask patches [
    set pcolor green
    set available? 0
  let land define-lines
  ask land [
    set pcolor white
    set available? 2
  set blue-goal create-blue-goal
  ask blue-goal [
    set pcolor blue - 2
    set available? 1
  set red-goal create-red-goal
  ask red-goal [
    set pcolor red - 2
    set available? 1

to-report define-lines
  report patches with [(pxcor = width OR pxcor = -1 * width OR pycor = height OR pycor = -1 * height) AND pxcor <= width AND pxcor >= -1 * width AND pycor <= height AND pycor >= -1 * height]

to-report create-red-goal
  report patches with [((pxcor <= -1 * width AND pxcor >= -1 * width - 2)) and (pycor >= -3 and pycor <= 3)]

to-report create-blue-goal
  report patches with [((pxcor >= width AND pxcor <= width + 2)) and (pycor >= -3 and pycor <= 3)]

to prepare-teams
  set previous-seed seed
  if not fixed-seed? [
    set seed-number new-seed
  random-seed seed-number
  set seed seed-number

to prepare-team1 ;; prepare the first (blue) team
  create-players defense-team-blue [
    set color blue
    set teamplayer? true
    set defensive? true
  create-players defense-selfish-blue [
    set color blue
    set teamplayer? false
    set defensive? true
  create-players attack-team-blue [
    set color blue
    set teamplayer? true
    set defensive? false
  create-players attack-selfish-blue [
    set color blue
    set teamplayer? false
    set defensive? false
  ask players with [color = blue] [
    set team "blue"
    set mygoal blue-goal
    set inbetween? true
    set size 2
    setxy (-1 * random width) (random (2 * height - 1) - height + 1)
    set defending? true
  create-keepers 1 [
    setxy (1 - width) 0
    set size 2
    set heading 90
    set color blue
    set team "blue"
  set blue-team players with [color = blue]

to prepare-team2 ;; prepare the second (red) team
  create-players defense-team-red [
    set color red
    set teamplayer? true
    set defensive? true
  create-players defense-selfish-red [
    set color red
    set teamplayer? false
    set defensive? true
  create-players attack-team-red [
    set color red
    set teamplayer? true
    set defensive? false
  create-players attack-selfish-red [
    set color red
    set teamplayer? false
    set defensive? false
  ask players with [color = red] [
    set team "red"
    set mygoal red-goal
    set inbetween? true
    set size 2
    setxy ( random width) (random (2 * height - 1) - height + 1)
    set defending? true
  create-keepers 1 [
    setxy (width - 1) 0
    set size 2
    set heading 270
    set color red
    set team "red"
  set red-team players with [color = red]

to prepare-referee
  create-referees 1 [
    setxy 0 (height + 1)
    set color yellow
    set heading 180
    set size 2
    create-referees 1 [
    setxy 0 (0 - height - 1)
    set color yellow
    set heading 0
    set size 2

to prepare-ball
  create-balls 1 [
    setxy 0 0
    set owner one-of referees
    set the-ball self
    set closest-red (min-one-of (players with [color = red]) [distance myself] )
    set closest-blue (min-one-of (players with [color = blue]) [distance myself] )   

;;; GO PROCEDURE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go ;; observer procedure

;;; GATHERING INFORMATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to information ;; gather information for all the players  
  ask players[
    ifelse (distance the-ball) < distance-ballpossession [ ;; do i have the ball?
      set ball? true ;; i have the ball
      ask one-of balls [set owner myself]
      set nearbyteam?(( other players in-radius pass-distance) with [team = [team] of myself] ) ;; how many team members are nearby? and free?   
      set oppnearby? count ((players in-radius locate-player-distance) with [team != [team] of myself]) ;; how many opponents are nearby?      
      ifelse any? patches in-radius shoot-distance-selfish with [pcolor = [color] of myself - 2] and not teamplayer? [ ;; is the goal nearby?
        set nearbygoal? true
      [ ifelse any? patches in-radius shoot-distance-teamplayer with [pcolor = [color] of myself - 2] and teamplayer? [ ;;
          set nearbygoal? true ]
        [ set nearbygoal? false ]
    [ set ball? false ;; i dont have the ball
      ifelse ([team] of ([owner] of the-ball) = [team] of self) and (self != ([target] of the-ball)) [ ;; does my team have the ball?
        set teamball? true
        ifelse distance (the-ball) < locate-ball-distance [ ;;am i close to the ball?
          set nearbyball? true
          set nearbyteam? count (( other players in-radius 2) with [team = [team] of myself]) ;; am i to close to someone else of my team?
          face the-ball
          ifelse (any? other players with [ball? = false] in-cone (distance the-ball) 20) or (any? other players with [ball? = false] in-radius locate-player-distance)  ;; are there opponents in between me and the ball?
          [ set inbetween? true ]
          [ set inbetween? false ]
        [ set nearbyball? false ]
      [ set teamball? false ;; my team does not have the ball
        ifelse team = "blue" 
        [ ifelse xcor < [xcor] of the-ball
          [ set defending? true ]
          [ set defending? false ]
        [ ifelse xcor > [xcor] of the-ball
          [ set defending? true ]
          [ set defending? false ]
        ifelse [closest-blue] of the-ball = self or [closest-red] of the-ball = self or [closestfront-blue] of the-ball = self or [closestfront-red] of the-ball = self ;; am i the closest to the ball?
        [ set nearbyball? true ]
        [ set nearbyball? false ]

;;; DECISION TIME ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to decision
  ask players [
    ifelse ball? [ ;; do you have the ball?
      ifelse teamplayer? [  ;; are you a teamplayer?
        ihavetheball-selfish ]
    [ ifelse teamball? [   ;; does your team have the ball?
        ifelse nearbyball? [nearby-teammate] ;; are you close by?
        [ ifelse defensive?  ;; are you defensive?
          [ far-teammate-defense]
          [ far-teammate-attack]
      [ ifelse nearbyball? [  ;; are you close by?
          nearby-opponent ]
        [ ifelse defensive?  ;; are you defensive?
          [ far-opponent-defense ]
          [ far-opponent-attack ]

to ihavetheball-selfish ;; player procedure - when the player is selfish and has the ball
  let target-goal mygoal 
  face one-of mygoal
  ifelse nearbygoal? [ ;; is the goal nearby?
    print "shoot"
    shoot ]
    ifelse oppinfront? > 0 or oppnearby? > 0 [ ;; is there an opponent in front?
      ifelse count nearbyteam? with [not inbetween?] > 2  [ ;; are there multiple teammates nearby and free?
        print "pass" 
        pass ]
      [ print "trick"
        trick ]
    [ print "move"
      i-move ]

to ihavetheball-teamplayer ;; player procedure
  let target-goal mygoal 
  face one-of mygoal
  ifelse nearbygoal? [ ;; is the goal nearby?
    print "shoot"
    shoot ]
    ifelse oppinfront? > 0 or oppnearby? > 0 [ ;; is there an opponent in front?
      ifelse count nearbyteam? with [not inbetween?] > 0  [ ;; are there multiple teammates nearby and free?
        print "pass" 
        pass ]
      [ print "trick"
        i-move ]
    [ print "move"
      i-move ]

;;; ACTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to nearby-opponent ;; player procedure
   let my-team team
   set target one-of balls
   face target

to far-opponent-defense ;; player procedure
  ifelse team = "blue" [
    ifelse (distance one-of red-goal < defender-distance)
    [ rt random 360 ]
    [ face one-of red-goal
      set heading heading - 90 + random 180 ]
  [ ifelse (distance one-of blue-goal > defender-distance )
    [ face one-of blue-goal
      set heading heading - 90 + random 180 ]
    [ rt random 360 ]

to far-opponent-attack ;; player procedure
  ifelse count players with [(color = [color] of myself) and (defending?)] > 2
  [ rt random 360]
  [ ifelse team = "blue" [
      ifelse (distance one-of red-goal < defender-distance)
      [ rt random 360]
      [ face one-of red-goal
        set heading heading - 90 + random 180 ]
    [ ifelse (distance one-of blue-goal > defender-distance )
      [ face one-of blue-goal
        set heading heading - 90 + random 180]
      [ rt random 360 ]

to far-teammate-attack ;; player procedure
  ifelse team = "blue" [
    ifelse xcor < ([xcor] of the-ball)
    [ face one-of mygoal ]
    [ rt random 360 ]
  [ ifelse xcor > ([xcor] of the-ball)
    [ face one-of mygoal ]
    [ rt random 360 ]

to nearby-teammate ;; player procedure
  let my-team team
  ifelse nearbyteam? > 0
  [ face one-of ((other players in-radius 2.5) with [team = my-team])
    set heading heading + 180
  [ ifelse team = "blue" [
      face one-of blue-goal
      ifelse ([ycor] of the-ball) < ycor
      [ set heading heading - 30 ]
      [ set heading heading + 30 ]
    [ face one-of red-goal
      ifelse ([ycor] of the-ball) < ycor
      [ set heading heading + 30 ]
      [ set heading heading - 30 ]

to far-teammate-defense
  rt random 360

to i-move ;; player procedure  
  ask the-ball [
    set heading ([heading] of owner)
    setxy ([xcor] of myself) ([ycor] of myself)
    fd move-ball-distance
    set target 0

to trick
  ask the-ball[
    set heading ([heading] of owner)
    setxy ([xcor] of myself) ([ycor] of myself)
    fd trick-ball-distance
    set target 0
    set owner one-of referees

to shoot ;; player procedure
  let target-goal one-of mygoal
  ask the-ball [
    set target target-goal
    face target

to pass ;; player procedure
  let my-team team
  let new-target one-of ((other players in-radius pass-distance) with [team = my-team and not inbetween?])
  if new-target != nobody [
    ask the-ball [
      set target new-target
      face target
      ask target [ set teamball? false ]
      print target
;;; MOVE THE PLAYERS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to set-motion ;; observer procedure     let the players walk
  ask players [
    ifelse ball? [
      ifelse ([available?] of patch-ahead 2) < 1 [
        fd speed-with-ball ]
      [ set heading heading + 180
        fd speed-with-ball ]
    [ ifelse self != [target] of the-ball [
        ifelse ([available?] of patch-ahead 1) < 1 [
          fd speed ]
        [ set heading heading + 180
          fd speed ]
      [ fd speed-receiver ]
  ask keepers[
    ifelse [ycor] of the-ball > ycor [
      if [pycor] of (one-of blue-goal)  > ycor[
        setxy xcor (ycor + speed-keeper) ]
    [ if [pycor] of (one-of blue-goal) < ycor[
        setxy xcor (ycor - speed-keeper) ]

;;; MOVE THE BALL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to move-ball ;; movement of the ball
  ask the-ball[
    set closestfront-red (min-one-of (players with [color = red and xcor > [xcor] of the-ball]) [distance myself] )
    set closestfront-blue (min-one-of (players with [color = blue and xcor < [xcor] of the-ball]) [distance myself] )
    set closest-red (min-one-of (players with [color = red]) [distance myself])
    set closest-blue (min-one-of (players with [color = blue]) [distance myself])
    if (([available?] of patch-ahead 1.2) < 2) and (([available?] of patch-ahead 0.6) < 2) [
      if target != 0 [
        if (distance target > shoot-distance-selfish + 1) and (distance target > shoot-distance-teamplayer + 1) and (distance target > pass-distance + 1) [  
          set target 0
          set owner one-of referees ]
        ifelse is-patch? target [
          if distance one-of keepers < keeper-reach [set heading heading + 90 + random 180] 
          fd speed-ball-shot ]
        [ fd speed-ball-pass ]

;;; CHECK GOAL OR OUT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to check-goal ;; check whether a goal is scored
   if [pcolor] of (patch ([xcor] of the-ball) ([ycor] of the-ball) ) = red - 2 [
     set score-red score-red + 1
     goal ]
   if [pcolor] of (patch ([xcor] of the-ball) ([ycor] of the-ball) ) = blue - 2 [
     set score-blue score-blue + 1
     goal ]   

to goal

to check-out ;; check whether the ball is outside the field
  if [pcolor] of (patch ([xcor] of the-ball) ([ycor] of the-ball) ) = green [
    if ([xcor] of the-ball > width + 1) or ([xcor] of the-ball < (-1 * (width + 1)))[
      out ]
  if [pcolor] of (patch ([xcor] of the-ball) ([ycor] of the-ball) ) = white [
    out ]

to out
  ask the-ball [
    set xcor 0
    set ycor 0
    set target 0

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Sander van Egmond over 9 years ago Info tab test Download this version
Sander van Egmond over 9 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Soccer Simulator.png preview Preview for 'Soccer Simulator' over 9 years ago, by Sander van Egmond Download

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