Demo Version 1

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Default-person Robert Patchin (Author)



Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago


Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago


Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago


Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago


Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago


Tagged by Robert Patchin over 9 years ago

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;;  Global Info  ;;
;; global variables are either declared here on in the interface (but not both)
;; if added to the interface, global variables are converted to comments
;; this maintains the description of the variable here 
globals [
;; control variables 
  clock                                           ;; tracks in minutes the simulation duration
  ;;sim-runs                                      ;; number of times to run scenario
  sim-run                                         ;; number of scenarios run
  ;;sim-type                                      ;; false for legacy scenario, true for FUWS scenario
  FieldSize                                       ;; used to control distances in the world
  ;;Minelines                                     ;; used in the layout/planning of legacy minefields
  ;;MineQty                                       ;; number of mines in a legacy scenario
  ;;MobileWeaponQty                               ;; number of weapons in a FUWS scenario
;; communicator parameters
  s-comms-range                                   ;; range of undersea comms between sensors
  w-comms-range                                   ;; range of undersea comms from sensors to weapons
;; threat parameters
  ;;t-number                                      ;; number of enemy vessels per scenario
  t-number-list                                   ;; list of the t-numbers
  t-count                                         ;; number of enemy vessels generated in a scenario
  t-goal                                          ;; the patch to which the enemy vessles are transisting
  t-yline                                         ;; the line used to transit the minefield
  ;;t-speed                                       ;; speed of enemy vessel
  ;;t-tactic                                      ;; used to select the enemy vessel tactic
;; measures of effectiveness
  fails                                           ;; Used to count weapon system failures (threat transit success)
  kills                                           ;; Used to count threat kills by transitor sequence
  ExpectedCasualties                              ;; This is used to track the mean number of casualties in a sim-run
  missed                                          ;; Counts weapons launched that failed to acquire a target
  Threat1                                         ;; This is used to calculate the simple initial threat point estimate
  Threat1SE                                       ;; This is used to calculate the standard error of the simple initial threat point estimate
  ThreatN                                         ;; This is used to calculate the threat number
  PkDegradation                                   ;; This may be used to calculate how the risk decays
  FieldConfigDegradation                          ;; This may be used to calculate how the minefield decays
  FieldConfigCost                                 ;; This may be used to report the cost of a COA

;;  Agents  ;;
;; this section describes the agent classes (breeds)
;; and the variables assigned to each member of the agent class
;; this maintains the description of the variable here 
;; comments are used to describe the purpose & use of each variable

;; FUWS architecture components
  breed [ sensors  sensor ]                       ;; FUWS sensors
  sensors-own [ s-detect s-line s-sensitivity]
    ;; s-detect is used to control the state of the sensor (1 = threat detected, 0 = no threat detected)
    ;; s-line is used to assign sensors to a mine-line (integer)
    ;; s-sensitivity is used to calculate probability of detection based on the reference target

  breed [ weapons  weapon ]                       ;; FUWS weapons
  weapons-own [ w-exploder w-line w-tnt w-patrolspeed w-interceptspeed w-priority w-energy]
    ;; w-exploder is used to control the state of the warhead (1 = detonation ordered, 0 no detonation ordered)
    ;; w-line is used to assign mines to a mine-line or to a UUV battery of weapons (integer)
    ;; w-tnt is used to assign the explosive power of warheads
    ;; w-patrolspeed sets the speed for a mobile platform  (UUV type weapon)
    ;; w-interceptspeed sets the speed for a torpedo launched at the enemy vessel
    ;; w-priority determines the firing order

  directed-link-breed [ commslinks  commslink ]   ;; FUWS comms nodes link sensors to weapons
  undirected-link-breed [ SensorNetworkLinks SensorNetworkLink ]  ;; FUWS comms nodes link sensors to sensors

;; Targets
  breed [ targetvessels targetvessel ]            ;; Enemy Vessels
  targetvessels-own [ t-damage ] 
    ;; t-damage is used to control the level of damage to the Enemy Vessel (%)
    ;; t-class is used to designate target classification
    ;; t-depth for submerged targets
    ;; t-vulnerability is used to describe the 
    ;; t-size is used to describe the 
    ;; t-signature is used to scale the target's signature to the reference target

;; Environment
  patches-own [ e-depth e-svp e-bottomtype e-ambientnoise]
    ;; environment parameters are not used in this demo
    ;; future development could extend to include this information
    ;; in calcualtion of the p(detection) and p(kill)

;; Scenario Logic ;;
;; These procedures are used to initiate and control the action of the actors in the scenario

to go
;; this procedure initiates the scenario when directed by the user
;; and defines the scenario sequence
  ifelse (any? TargetVessels) [ tick (set clock (clock + .1) )]             ;; if a target exists, time advances in six second increments
     [ifelse  t-count < t-number [setup-nexttarget] [                       ;; if a target doesn't exist, either setup the next target
         ifelse sim-run = sim-runs [endsim stop] [nextsim] ]]                      ;; or set up the next scenario unless all runs are complete
  ifelse sim-type = "fuws" [ fuws-intercept ] [ explode-in-place ]          ;; selects targeting logic consitent with deployed system


to fuws-intercept
;; this procedure is one possible model of a fuws interaction
;; determines if a sensor detects the enemy vessel
  let i 1              ;; local variables used to aim the weapon 
  let j FieldSize / 2
  let k 0              ;; local variable to identify the initial detecting sensor
  let l [ who ] of targetvessels
  ask targetvessels [ ask sensors in-radius figure-of-merit [set s-detect 1 set color yellow ]]
  ;; sensors that detect an enemy vessel send a detection signal to sensors in the network
  ask sensors [ if ( s-detect = 1 ) [set i pxcor set j pycor set k who
      ask SensorNetworkLink-neighbors [if s-detect = 0 [set s-detect 0.5 set color green ]]]]
  ask sensors [ if ( s-detect = 0.5 ) [ask SensorNetworkLink-neighbors [if s-detect = 0 [set s-detect 0.5 set color lime ]]]]
  ask sensors [ if ( s-detect = 0.5 ) [ask SensorNetworkLink-neighbors [if s-detect = 0 [set s-detect 0.5 set color turquoise ]]]]
  ask sensors [ if ( s-detect = 0.5 ) [ask SensorNetworkLink-neighbors [if s-detect = 0 [set s-detect 0.5 set color sky ]]]]
  ;; sensors that detect an enemy vessel send a detection signal to sensors in the network
  ask sensors [ if ( s-detect > 0 ) [ask out-commslink-neighbors [ 
      ask weapons [face sensor k rt (heading - 270) / 4]                ;; aims the weapon assumes target course 090 speed 11kts
      ask weapons with-max [w-priority] [set w-exploder 0.5 set shape "torpedo"]] ]]
  ask weapons [ if (w-exploder = 0.5) [                         ;; warheads with w-exploder 0.5 attempt to intercept the target
      ask my-in-commslinks [die]
      if any? targetvessels in-cone .1 180 [set w-exploder 1]
      if any? targetvessels in-cone .2 90 [set w-exploder 1]
      if any? targetvessels in-cone  2 45 [face targetvessel first l show "homing"]
      fd (w-interceptspeed / 300 )
      set w-energy ( w-energy - 1 ) ]]                      ;; moves weapon forward by a distance equal to 6 sec

;; warheads damage enemy vessels within the blast radius
   ask weapons [ if (w-exploder = 1 ) [ask targetvessels in-radius blast-radius [set color pink set t-damage 1 ]]]
   ask weapons [ if (w-exploder = 1 ) [ show "boom" die ] ]
;; warheads are removed after they deplete available energy
   ask weapons [ if w-energy = 0 [ set missed missed + 1 show "weapon shut-down" die] ]
   ask sensors [set s-detect 0 set color cyan ]


to move-targets
;; this procedure determines how targets in the scenario move
    ifelse t-tactic = "direct path" [
      ask TargetVessels [ facexy (item 0 t-goal) (item 1 t-goal)]]   ;; this logic drives directly to the goal point
      [ ask TargetVessels [                                          ;; this logic drives to the selected t-yline to cross the minefield
             ifelse pxcor = item 0 t-goal [facexy (item 0 t-goal) (item 1 t-goal)]
                                          [ifelse pycor = t-yline [facexy (item 0 t-goal) t-yline ]
                                                                  [facexy (-4)  t-yline ] ] ] ]
   ask TargetVessels [ fd (t-speed / 300 ) ]                       ;; moves target forward by a distance equal to 6 sec


to explode-in-place
;; this procedure is used to model a legacy mine interaction
;; determines if a sensor detects the enemy vessel
ask targetvessels [ ask sensors in-radius figure-of-merit [set s-detect 1 set color pink ]]
;; sensors that detect an enemy vessel send a denonation signal to the warheads
ask sensors [ if ( s-detect = 1 ) [ask in-commslink-neighbors [ set w-exploder 1 set color pink ]]]
;; warheads send damage to enemy vessels within the blast radius
ask weapons [ if (w-exploder = 1 ) [ask targetvessels in-radius blast-radius [set color pink set t-damage 1 ]]]
;; warheads are removed after they explode
if any? weapons with [w-exploder = 1] [ show "boom!"]
ask weapons [ if (w-exploder = 1 ) [ die ] ]

;;  Outputs  ;;
;; These procedures are used to track and report on MOE's/MOP's
;; Still working on this 

to check-kills
;; this procedure removes targets that are killed by the minefield
  ask targetvessels [ if ( t-damage >= 1 ) [ die ]]
  ifelse (any? TargetVessels) [ ]
         [ set kills replace-item (t-count - 1) kills (1 + item (t-count - 1) kills)


to check-failure
;; this procedure removes targets that the minefield "fails" to kill
  if any? targetvessels-on patch (FieldSize + 5) (FieldSize / 2) [
          set fails replace-item (t-count - 1) fails (1 + item (t-count - 1) fails)
  ask patch (FieldSize + 5) (FieldSize / 2) [ask targetvessels-here [die] ]


to output-moe
;; this proceedure updates each MOE when called
;; will call additional MOE calculations when developed


to Update-ThreatProfile
;; this proceedure updates the threat profile MOE
ifelse sim-run = 1  [set ThreatN map [(sim-run - ?) / sim-run] fails]
                    [set ThreatN (map [ precision (?1  / ( ?1 + ?2 )) 3 ] kills fails)]
;;  output-print ThreatN                       ;; prints the Threat Profile


to Update-SIT
;; this proceedure updates the SIT and associated standard error
  set Threat1 first ThreatN
  set Threat1SE (1 / sim-run) * SQRT ((1 / sim-run) * first kills * (sim-run - first kills))


to Update-EC
;; this proceedure updates the EC point estimate
let j 0
  foreach kills [set j (j + ?)]
  set ExpectedCasualties j / sim-run

;; Weapon System Setup  ;;
;; One of the following proceedures is used to set-up the inital weapon system deployment

to setup-weaponsystem
    if FixedField = True [random-seed 1941]          ;;the definition of a random seed will ensure the same minefield is generated each time
    ifelse sim-type = "fuws" [ setup-fuws ] [
    ifelse sim-type ="radial minefield" [ setup-minefield_radialminelines ] [
      ifelse sim-type ="vertical minefield" [ setup-minefield_verticalminelines] []]]
    ;; selects the weapon system setup for use **to to expand options**
    random-seed new-seed


to setup-fuws
;; this stub procedure would be used to set up a fuws scenario - it may need to call separate procedures to setup sensor and weapon fields
  create-sensors SensorQty
  ask sensors [set color cyan set s-detect 0
    setxy (1)  ( FieldSize / 2 )                                   ;; moves sensors to left edge of minefield
    set s-line (remainder who Lines)                               ;; assigns to sensor line
    set heading 90] 
  let i 0     ;; local variable used to iterate for each sensorline
  let j 0     ;; local variable used to determine sensor line axis
  let k 0     ;; local variable used to offset sensorline from edge
  repeat Lines [                                                              ;; lays each line of sensors
    set j (260 + random-float 20 ) 
    set k (Fieldsize * .6 * random-float (i + 1) / Lines)
    ask sensors [if (s-line = i) [ fd k rt j 
    fd (2 * (random-float (0.45 * FieldSize) ) - (0.45 * FieldSize)) ]]           
    set i ( i + 1 )]
  ask sensors [ create-SensorNetworkLinks-with other sensors in-radius s-comms-range ]
  ;;ask SensorNetworkLinks [ hide-link ]

  create-weapons MobileWeaponQty
  ask weapons [ set color cyan set w-exploder 0
    set w-tnt 1                                                                     ;; sets explosive power on scale of 0-1
    set w-patrolspeed 0                                                             ;; sets patrol speed in kts
    set w-interceptspeed 45                                                         ;; sets intercept speed in kts
    set w-energy 100                                                                ;; energy used at 1-unit per 6 sec at intercept speed
    set w-priority (remainder who MobileWeaponQty)
    setxy ( 3 * FieldSize / 4 ) ( FieldSize / 2 )                                   ;; moves mines to right of minefield
    set w-line (remainder who UUVQty)]
  set i 0    ;; local variable used to iterate for each UUV weapon bank
  repeat UUVQty [                                                                   ;; positions each UUV
    set j (350 + random-float 20 )
    set k (random-float (0.45 * FieldSize))
    ask weapons [ if (w-line = i) [ set heading j fd (2 * k - (0.45 * FieldSize)) ] ]           
    set i ( i + 1 )]

  ask sensors [ create-commslinks-to weapons in-radius w-comms-range ] 
  ;;ask commslinks [ hide-link ]


to setup-minefield_radialminelines
;; this procedure is used to setup a legacy minefield with minelines concentrating near the center of the minefield
  create-weapons MineQty                                 ;; generates
  ask weapons [ set color cyan
    setxy ( FieldSize / 2 ) ( FieldSize / 2 )            ;; moves mines to center of minefield
    hatch-sensors 1]                                     ;; creates a sensor atop each mine

  ask weapons [
    create-commslink-to sensor (who + MineQty) [ tie ]     ;; creates a tied link from sensor to mine
    set w-line (remainder who Lines)                       ;; assigns each mine to a mineline
    set heading (w-line * 360 / Lines)]                    ;; sets direction of offset for the mineline from the center of the minefield
    ask commslinks [ hide-link ]
  let i 0                      ;; local variable used to iterate for each mineline
  let j 0                      ;; local variable used to determine mineline axis
  let k 0                      ;; local variable used to offset mineline from center
  repeat Lines [               ;; lays each mineline - other logics for laying the initial minefield could be employed
    set j (120 + random-float 60 )                ;; radomizes heading of each mineline by adding 120 to 180 to the offset direction
    set k (random-float (Fieldsize * .1))         ;; randomizes the offset of each mineline from the center between 0 * 10% of the minefield size
    ask weapons [if (w-line = i) [ fd k rt j      ;; moves each mine in the mineline out
    fd (2 * (random-float (0.4 * FieldSize) ) - (0.4 * FieldSize)) ]]
    set i ( i + 1 )]  


to setup-minefield_verticalminelines
;; this procedure is used to setup a legacy minefield with minelines concentrating near the center of the minefield
  create-weapons MineQty                                 ;; generates
  ask weapons [ set color cyan
    setxy ( 2 ) ( FieldSize / 2 )                        ;; moves mines to left edge of minefield
    hatch-sensors 1                                      ;; creates a sensor atop each mine
    set heading 90
    set w-line (remainder who Lines)]
  ask weapons [create-commslink-to sensor (who + MineQty) [ tie ] ] ;; creates a tied link from sensor to mine
  ask commslinks [ hide-link ]
  let i 0                      ;; local variable used to iterate for each mineline
  let j 0                      ;; local variable used to determine mineline axis
  let k 0                      ;; local variable used to offset mineline from center

  repeat Lines [                                                             ;; lays each line of mines
    set j (260 + random-float 20 ) 
    set k (.85 * Fieldsize * random-float (i + 1) / Lines)
    ask weapons [if (w-line = i) [ fd k rt j 
    fd (2 * (random-float (0.48 * FieldSize) ) - (0.48 * FieldSize)) ]]           
    set i ( i + 1 )]

;; Calculations ;;
;; These procedures are used to calculate and return numbers 

to-report figure-of-merit
  ;;this procedure returns the range at which a target is detected
  ;;this may be a randomized number based on t-signal and s-sensitivity or a fixed number
  report random-normal 0.2 (0.2 / 8)


to-report blast-radius
  ;;this procedure returns the range at which a target damage from the warhead is a mission kill
  ;;this may be a randomized number based on t-vulnerability and w-power or a fixed number
  ;;we will want to update this logic to support calculating damage as a function of range
  report random-normal 0.2 (0.2 / 16)

;; Initialize ;;
;; These procedures are used to setup and establish the scenario components and geographic layout

to setup
  reset-simulationvariables             ;; these global variables are used to execute the simulation
  reset-scenariovariables               ;; these global variables are not (yet) controlled by the interface and describe the scenario
  setup-environment                     ;; establishes the environmet/patches initial conditions
  setup-nexttarget                      ;; generates the first target


to reset-scenariovariables
;; initial values for global variables not controlled by the interface are set here
;; simulation variables are used to execute the scenario
;; these values may change in the course of a scenario and can be reset by calling this procedure
  set FieldSize                  20                       ;; 20 = 10nm * 10nm area each patch is 1kyd
;; component measures of performance
  set s-comms-range                4                       ;; sets range in kyds betweens comms nodes
  set w-comms-range                10                      ;; sets range in kyds betweens comms nodes
;; threat parameters
  ;;set t-signal                 0.1                      ;; enemy vessel signal used to calculate sensor probability of detection
  ;;set t-vulnerability          1                        ;; enemy vessel vulnerability to damage factor
  set t-goal                     [ ]


to reset-simulationvariables
;; initial values for global variables not controlled by the interface are set here
;; simulation variables are used to execute the scenario
;; these values may change in the course of a scenario and can be reset by calling this procedure
;; component measures of performance
;; control variables
  set clock                    0                        ;; tracks time in min
  set sim-run                  1                        ;; counts simulation runs 
  set t-count                  0                        ;; counts enemy vessels generated
  set t-yline                  FieldSize / 2 
;; default shapes
  set-default-shape weapons "x"                         ;; mines appear as x's
  set-default-shape sensors "circle 2"                  ;; sensors will appears as circles
  set-default-shape TargetVessels "surf_hostile"
;; measures of effectiveness
  set fails n-values t-number   [ 0 ]                   ;; records the success=0 or failure=1 of the minefield in each trial
  set kills n-values t-number   [ 0 ]                   ;; records the success=0 or failure=1 of the minefield in each trial
  set missed                    0
  set ExpectedCasualties        0                       ;; This is used to track the mean number of casualties in a sim-run
  set Threat1                   0                       ;; calculates the threat to the single initial transister (SIT)
  set Threat1SE                 0.5
  set ThreatN n-values t-number [ 0 ]                   ;; creates a list of the threat presented to the nth transiter
  set PkDegradation             0                       ;; available metric
  set FieldConfigDegradation    0                       ;; available metric
  set FieldConfigCost           0                       ;; would support CAIV analysis
  set t-number-list             [ ]                     ;; creates a list of the transiter number for plotting against the threat  
  let i 1 repeat t-number [set t-number-list lput i t-number-list set i (i + 1)]


to setup-environment
;; sets minefield size - note each patch is 1kyd*1kyd
  resize-world -5 ( FieldSize + 5 ) -5  (FieldSize + 5 )
  ;; to provide for maneuver outside the minefield, sets the size of the world 5kys beyond the minefield in all directions
  ;; the origin is moved to the south-west corner of the minefield area
  ask patches [ set pcolor black set e-depth 200 ]
  ;; this section would be extended to support file based inputs to describe real environments
;; draws minefield boundry
  crt 1 [set color cyan set pen-mode "down" ]
  ask turtle 0 [setxy 0 FieldSize setxy FieldSize FieldSize setxy FieldSize 0 setxy 0 0 ]
;; places land at top and bottom of screen to visually simulate chokepoint
  ask patches [
    if ( pxcor >= 0 and pxcor < FieldSize and (pycor = -5 or pycor = ( FieldSize + 5 )))
      [set pcolor orange set e-depth 0]
    if ( pxcor >= 2 and pxcor < (FieldSize - 2) and (pycor = -4 or pycor = ( FieldSize + 4 ) ))
      [set pcolor orange set e-depth 0]
    if ( pxcor >= 4 and pxcor < (FieldSize - 4) and (pycor = -3 or pycor = ( FieldSize + 3 ) ))
      [set pcolor orange set e-depth 0]  ]
;; sets and marks the target objective
   set t-goal lput (FieldSize + 5) t-goal 
   set t-goal lput (FieldSize / 2) t-goal 
   ask patch (FieldSize + 5) (FieldSize / 2) [set pcolor 5]


to setup-nexttarget
;; this procedure is used to create a new enemy vessel
   create-TargetVessels 1                              ;; creates initial enemy target, future targets will spawn as specified by the scenario
   ask TargetVessels [ set color red set size 2
     setxy -4 random-ycor pd]                          ;; sets enemy vessel on west edge of minefield
   set t-count (t-count + 1 )                          ;; incriments target vessles
;; sets the path the target will take through the minefield
;; if edge line is used all targets in a simulation will take the same 1ky wide corridor thru
;; however, the location of the path is randomized between simulations
   if t-tactic = "center line" [ set t-yline FieldSize / 2 ]
   if t-tactic = "edge line" [ ask TargetVessels [
      ifelse t-count = 1 [set t-yline round (1 + random-float (FieldSize / 4)) ][set t-yline t-yline]]]


to nextsim
  if (sim-run < sim-runs) [
    set sim-run (sim-run + 1)
    set t-count 0


to endsim
  file-open "MFSA_prototype_output.csv"
  file-write ExpectedCasualties
  file-write ThreatN

There are 8 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Added output to cvs file to support monte carlo data collection and analysis Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Corrected file uploaded Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Minor updates Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Functional FUWS Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago added options for minefield letdown Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago better comments - still working FUWS extension Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Added enemy tactics and MOE output graph Download this version
Robert Patchin over 9 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
1.2.2_OV-1_V0.9_05302015.png png OV-1 over 9 years ago, by Robert Patchin Download

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