
MorphologicalAnalysis_Tool preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Carlos Roca (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.1.0 • Viewed 241 times • Downloaded 19 times • Run 0 times
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It is a tool providing basic support for general morphological analysis, a method for structuring and investigating the total set of relationships contained in a multi-dimensional and nonquantifiable problem complex. Morphological Analysis is used in several disciplines, such as strategic analysis, scenario planning, disaster recovery, business continuity, and so on. For more information consult papers and books from T.Ritchey ( and M.Godet (

As for now, morphological spaces up to 9 categories X 12 cells each can be defined.


At the interface tab, left most controls let you work with the morphological space (MS) that is shown on the world's view. These controls were spread on four sections:

The Model section holds functions related to the MS edition, that is create, edit and delete categories and / or variables. The Restrictions section let you maintain and explore restrictions between cells. The Scenario section allows define "fixed" variables and solve the morphological space of all configurations valid for that combination (solution space).

Finally, as a "fourth section" below the world's view and at right, there are the controls that let you save or load the models.


Please hide the command center to see the save and load commands at bottom right.

To load an existing model

Type the file-name on the input control and press the load-model button. A few toy-models has been included with the distribution.

To create a new model

Press the Init button. To create a category, press the create-category button. As a message asking for the category name appears, write it and press OK. To create new cells below the categories, press the create-cell button and then click below the category where you want to add it. Enter the cell description and press OK. You will need to repeat this process for each cell to be created. You can delete an item (category or cell) using item-delete and clicking on it, or change its name using rename.

Once you have defined all categories and its cells, you can start to define restrictions (pairs excluded from any solution space).

On the restrictions section, press the mark button and click on the cell whose restrictions you are going to define; its color will change to pink. Now, you can define all restriction pairs for that cell; to do that, press the mark button and click a cell in other column as many times as needed (cells will turn dark orange). When finished, press apply to register the restrictions, or clear to discard them. If you prefer to mark 'permissions' instead of restrictions, mark them and then press invert before to apply

To see the restrictions defined for any cell, press show and click on the cell. Press deleteLinks to delete all restrictions ( a message asking for confirmation will appear). Pressing toggleLinks you can show or hide the restriction links. To see at once the quantity of restrictions defined for each cell, you can press densityMap. Type a new file-name and save the model when the model is finished.

To work with scenarios

At first, identify the cells defining the scenario pressing define and clicking the cells. Use define and click as many times as necessary, but only one cell by category is allowed and some categories should remain 'unmarked'.

When finished press solve. Green and pink cells will define the solution space, while orange cells are the restricted ones. Press stats to obtain a few numbers about the current state.

At this time you can freeze the scenario, reserving it for future use. At any time you can press recall to see the last frozen scenario (only one scenario is mantained).

To compare scenarios

Assuming you have a previously frozen scenario, act as before to define a second one, and press compare. The comparison is shown as follows: Pink cells : cells defining each scenario. Orange cells : cells pertaining to no solution space. Dark-green cells : cells pertaining to both solution spaces. Medium-green cells : cells pertaining only to the solution space of the last scenario. Light-green cells : cells pertaining only to the solution space of the 'frozen' scenario.

Please note the logical relations:

Frozen OR new scenario = all the green cells. Frozen AND new scenario = dark-green cells. Frozen XOR new scenario = medium- and light green cells. Frozen AND NOT (minus) new scenario = light-green cells. New AND NOT (minus) frozen scenario = medium-green cells.

You can not freeze a comparison of scenarios.

After working with scenarios or comparisons, use the clear button from the restrictions sections to clear the results.


Developped by Carlos Roca ( as part of MoNET (Modelizacion del Negocio, la Empresa y su Tecnologia) open source ressources.

About the NetLogo software

About Morphological Analysis


Copyright 2015 Carlos Roca. All rights reserved.

Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
a) this copyright notice is included.
b) the users understand and agree that the author does not assume any responsibility about that use.

Comments and Questions

Please start the discussion about this model! (You'll first need to log in.)

Click to Run Model

 [ mouseX mouseY
   max-categories ; maximum of categories allowed
   max-cells-in-column ; maximum of cells per column
   num_categories ; current number of categories
   column-offset ; from left, start of first category
   columns-width ; just that
   cells-height  ; Idem
   header-offset ; 
   headers-line  ; header's ycor
   cells-base-color primary-cell-color secondary-cell-color solution-space-color
   and-color xor-color-this xor-color-frozen;; for compare solution spaces' function
   initial-cell-defined ; first cell defined whed edit field
   initial-cell-column  ; column of initial cell
   frozen-primary-cells ; list of frozen cells [ [  catN nCell ] ... ]

breed [cells cell]
cells-own [ catN nCell myLabel myDoc]

breed [categories category]
categories-own [ catN cellsHere myLabel ]

breed [banners banner]
banners-own [ catN ]  

undirected-link-breed [ rejected-links rejected-link ]
undirected-link-breed [ banner-links banner-link ]

to setup
  set-default-shape cells "rectangle"
  set-default-shape categories "category"
  ask patches [ set pcolor white]
  set max-categories 9
  set max-cells-in-column 12
  set num_categories 0
  set column-offset 5
  set header-offset 5
  set columns-width 9
  set cells-height 3
  set headers-line 39
  set cells-base-color 48  ; light yellow
  set primary-cell-color 19 ; light red
  set secondary-cell-color 26 ; orange + 1
  set solution-space-color 67 ; light green
  set and-color 64 ;; lime
  set xor-color-this 66 ;; lime + 3 (from last 'solve')
  set xor-color-frozen 68 ;; lime + 3 (from frozen)
  set initial-cell-defined false
  set toggle-links-flag true
  set frozen-primary-cells []
  set frozen-solution-cells []

to go
   ifelse toggle-links-flag = true
     [ ask rejected-links [ hide-link ] set toggle-links-flag false ]
     [ ask rejected-links [ show-link ] set toggle-links-flag true ]

to create-cell
    if mouse-down?
      let xmouse mouse-xcor 
      if xmouse < column-offset + columns-width * num_categories
      [ let cat int(xmouse / columns-width )
        let cells-in-category [cellsHere] of one-of categories with [ catN = cat + 1]
        if cells-in-category >= max-cells-in-column 
           [ user-message "max cells in column were  reached" stop ]
        let cell-text user-input "description ?" if cell-text = "" or length cell-text > 20 [ stop ]
        addCell cat cell-text

to addCell [ cat cell-text ]
        create-cells 1 [
          set catN cat + 1
          set myLabel cell-text
          ask categories with [ catN = cat + 1 ] [ set cellsHere cellsHere + 1 ]
          let myCellNumber [ cellsHere ] of one-of categories with [ catN = cat + 1 ] 
          set nCell myCellNumber
          setxy column-offset + cat * columns-width headers-line - myCellNumber * cells-height
          set size 9 set color cells-base-color
          attach-banner catN cell-text xcor ycor 

to attach-banner [catNber cell-text x y]  ;; circle procedure
  hatch-banners 1 [
    set size 0 set xcor x + 2 set ycor y
    set label cell-text
    set catN catNber
    set label-color black
    create-banner-link-with myself [

to create-category
    if num_categories = max-categories 
       [ user-message "max categories reached" stop ]
    let catName user-input "Category ?"
    if catName = "" [ stop ]
    addCategory num_categories catName

to addCategory [ catNumber catName ]
    set num_categories num_categories + 1
    create-categories 1 [
      setxy column-offset + (num_categories - 1) * columns-width headers-line
      set catN catNumber + 1
      set cellsHere 0
      set myLabel catName
      let x xcor let y ycor
      set heading 0
      set size 9 set color black
      hatch-banners 1 [
        set size 0 set xcor x + 2 set ycor y
        set label catName
        set catN catNumber + 1
        set label-color black
        create-banner-link-with myself [

to item-edit
  if mouse-down?
      let thisItem min-one-of turtles [ distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      if thisItem = nobody [ stop ]
      if is-cell? thisItem or is-category? thisItem
      let chgMessage word "Please type new description to replace " [ myLabel ] of thisItem
      let newLabel user-input chgMessage
      let oldLabel "" let my_label_position 0
      ask thisItem 
       [ set oldLabel myLabel
         set myLabel newLabel 
         set my_label_position xcor + 2]
      ask banners with [ (label = oldLabel) and (xcor = my_label_position) ]
         [ set label newLabel ]

to item-delete
  if mouse-down?
    [ let isCategory false
      let thisItem min-one-of turtles [ distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ] ; nearest turtle from click
      if thisItem = nobody [ stop ]                                        ; ... if any
      ifelse is-cell? thisItem [ let isCell true ] [let isCell false ]
      let catToDelete [ catN ] of thisItem
      if is-banner? thisItem [ stop ]
      let confirmMessage word "Please confirm you want to delete " [ myLabel ] of thisItem
      let deleted_cell_number 0
      if user-yes-or-no? confirmMessage
        [ if is-category? thisItem      ; if category, all cells in column should be deleted
          [ set isCategory true
            set num_categories num_categories - 1 
            ask cells with [ catN = catToDelete ]
               [ let my_label_position xcor + 2
                 ask banners with [ (label = [myLabel] of myself) and ( xcor = my_label_position) ] [ die ]
          ask thisItem  ; and now the item itself can be deleted
            [ let my_label_position xcor + 2
              if not is-category? thisItem [ set deleted_cell_number nCell ] ; but when cell, reserve number to housekeeping
              ask banners with [ (label = [myLabel] of myself) and ( xcor = my_label_position) ] [ die ]
                                 die ]
        ifelse isCategory ; done, now reposition picture
          [ ask cells with [ catN > catToDelete ] ; on a category delete, all columns right should be shifted left
               [ set catN catN - 1
                 let my_label_position xcor + 2
                 set xcor xcor - columns-width
                 ask banners with [ (label = [myLabel] of myself) and ( xcor = my_label_position) ]
                      [ set xcor xcor - columns-width ]
            ask categories  with [ catN > catToDelete ]
               [ set catN catN - 1
                 let my_label_position xcor + 2
                 set xcor xcor - columns-width
                 ask banners with [ (label = [myLabel] of myself) and ( xcor = my_label_position) ]
                      [ set xcor xcor - columns-width ]
          [ ask cells with [ catN = catToDelete and nCell > deleted_cell_number ]
                [ let my_label_position xcor + 2
                  set ycor ycor + cells-height
                  set nCell nCell - 1
            ask categories with [ catN = catToDelete ] [ set cellsHere cellsHere - 1 ]

to save-model
  if file-exists? file-name
     [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
         [ file-delete file-name ]
         [ stop ] 
  ifelse num_categories <= 1 
     [ user-message "Nothing to be saved !" ]
       file-open file-name
       let thisCat 1 let catName "" let numCells 0
       let thisCell 0 let cellDescription ""
       while [ thisCat <= num_categories ]
            set catName [ myLabel ] of one-of categories with [ catN = thisCat ]
            file-write catName
            set numCells [ cellsHere ] of one-of categories with [ catN = thisCat ]
            file-write numCells
            set thisCell 1
            while [ thisCell <= numCells ]
                set cellDescription  [ myLabel ] of one-of cells with [ catN = thisCat and nCell = thisCell ]
                file-write cellDescription
                set thisCell thisCell + 1
              set thisCat thisCat + 1
          file-write "LINKS-LIST"
          ask rejected-links
             [ let cat1 [catN] of end1 let cellN1 [nCell] of end1
               let cat2 [catN] of end2 let cellN2 [nCell] of end2
               file-write cat1 file-write cellN1
               file-write cat2 file-write cellN2
          user-message "File has been saved"

to load-model
  ifelse file-exists? file-name
    [  ; set loading-flag true
       file-open file-name
       let eof false
       let first-field ""
       let processing-links false
       let currentCatNumber 1
       let currentCatName "" let cellsNumber 0
       let newCell 0 let cellName ""
       while [ not file-at-end? ]
           set currentCatName file-read
           if currentCatName = "LINKS-LIST" [ set processing-links true 
                                              ifelse file-at-end? [ set eof true] 
                                                  [set currentCatName file-read]]         
           if eof = false
           ifelse processing-links = false
              [             ; Read model
                set cellsNumber file-read
                addCategory currentCatNumber - 1 currentCatName
                set newCell 1
                while [ newCell <= cellsNumber ]
                  [ set cellName file-read
                    addCell currentCatNumber - 1 cellName
                    set newCell newcell + 1
                  set currentCatNumber currentCatNumber + 1 
              [             ; Links update
                set processing-links true
                let cat1 currentCatName let cell1 file-read
                let cat2 file-read let cell2 file-read
                ask cells with [ catN = cat1 and nCell = cell1]
                   [ create-rejected-links-with cells with [ catN = cat2 and nCell = Cell2 ] 
       file-close ;set loading-flag false
    [ user-message "File does not exists !" ]

to define-restrictions
  if mouse-down?
      let thisItem min-one-of cells [ distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      if is-cell? thisItem  and [catN] of thisItem != initial-cell-column
         let thisItem-color [color] of thisItem
         ifelse initial-cell-defined = true
            [ ifelse thisItem-color = cells-base-color
                 [ ask thisItem [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
                 if thisItem-color = secondary-cell-color
                    [ ask thisItem 
                      [ set color cells-base-color
                        ask my-rejected-links [ die ]
            [ if thisItem-color = cells-base-color
                 [ ask thisItem [ set color primary-cell-color
                     set initial-cell-column catN
                     ask rejected-link-neighbors [ set color secondary-cell-color] ]
                   set initial-cell-defined true 

to invert
  ;; provided that only primary, secondary and base cells are on the world,
  ;;       turn secondaries on base and viceversa
  let noWay false
  ask cells
     [ if color != primary-cell-color and color != secondary-cell-color and color != cells-base-color
         [  set noWay true ] ]
  if noWay = true [ user-message "Only restrictions sets can be inverted" stop ]
  let catOfSelected [catN] of one-of cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ]
  let catNumber 1
  while [ catNumber <= num_categories ]
    [ if count cells with [ color = secondary-cell-color and catN = catNumber ] > 0
       ask cells with [ catN != catOfSelected and catN = catNumber ]
        [ ifelse color = secondary-cell-color 
             [ set color cells-base-color ]
             [ if color = cells-base-color
                  [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
      set catNumber catNumber + 1

to Apply-restrictions
  ask cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ] 
      [ create-rejected-links-with cells with [ color = secondary-cell-color ]]
  user-message "Selected restrictions has been applied"
  ask cells [ set color cells-base-color ]
  set initial-cell-defined false
  set initial-cell-column 0

to show-restrictions
  if mouse-down?
      let thisItem min-one-of cells [ distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      if is-cell? thisItem
         [ ask thisItem 
           [ set color primary-cell-color
             ask rejected-link-neighbors [ set color secondary-cell-color ]

to clear-all-restrictions
     ask cells [ set color cells-base-color ]
     set initial-cell-defined false set initial-cell-column 0

to define-scenario
  if mouse-down?
      let thisItem min-one-of cells [ distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      if is-cell? thisItem
            [ let thisItem-color [color] of thisItem
              ifelse thisItem-color = cells-base-color
                 [ ask thisItem [ set color primary-cell-color ]
                 [ ask thisItem [ set color cells-base-color ]

to solve-scenario
  ;;;;            Only one selected cell by column is allowed
  let noChange true
  repeat num_categories - 1
  ;; if any pair of selected cells is rejected => no solution 
   let noSolution false
   ask cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ] ;; ask all selected cells
         if any? rejected-link-neighbors with [ color = primary-cell-color ] and noSolution = false ;; if they have some neighbor also selected 
         [ user-message "No solution for the selected cells" set noSolution true stop ] ;; in such a case, there's no solution.
   if noSolution = true [ stop ] ;; to continue has no sense
   ;; at first, reject all non-selected cells of a column with selected ones
   ask cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ]
       [ let thisCat catN
         ask cells with [ catN = thisCat and color != primary-cell-color ] [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
         ;; also reject cells linked by rejection-links
         ask rejected-link-neighbors [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
   ;; remaining cells are marked as candidates to solution
   ask cells with [color = cells-base-color] [ set color solution-space-color]
   ;; now, validate they are really solutions
   ask cells with [ color = solution-space-color ]
   [ let myCat catN
     let catNumber 1
     while [catNumber <= num_categories]
        [ let mark-out false
        if catNumber != myCat
          let available-cells count cells with [ color = solution-space-color and [catN] of self = catNumber]
          let inhibited-cells count cells 
              with [ [catN] of self = catNumber and color = solution-space-color 
                     and ( rejected-link-neighbor? myself or any? rejected-link-neighbors with [ color = primary-cell-color])
          if available-cells = inhibited-cells and available-cells != 0 [ set mark-out true ]
        if mark-out = true
           [ set color secondary-cell-color set noChange false]
        set catNumber catNumber + 1
   ;; Assure that at least one solution is available
   let catNumber 1
   while [catNumber <= num_categories] ;; It remains at least one solution-cell by column?
        let solution-cells count cells with [ color = solution-space-color and catN = catNumber]
        let primary-cells count cells with [ color = primary-cell-color and catN = catNumber]
        if solution-cells + primary-cells = 0 [ user-message word "No solution because of " [ myLabel ] of one-of categories with [ catN = catNumber ]
                                                set noChange true
        set catNumber catNumber + 1
  if noChange = true [ stop ]

to reset-all-links  ; delete all rejected-links
  if user-yes-or-no? "Please confirm deletion of all restrictions !"
     [ ask rejected-links [ die ]

to freeze
  ifelse any? cells with [ color = solution-space-color ]
  set frozen-primary-cells [ ]
  ask cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ]
    let thisCell [ ]
    set thisCell lput catN thisCell
    set thisCell lput nCell thisCell
    set frozen-primary-cells lput thisCell frozen-primary-cells
  set frozen-solution-cells [ ]
  ask cells with [ color = solution-space-color ]
    let thisCell [ ]
    set thisCell lput catN thisCell
    set thisCell lput nCell thisCell
    set frozen-solution-cells lput thisCell frozen-solution-cells
    user-message "Solution space frozen."
  [ user-message "No solution space to freeze." ]

to compare
  ifelse any? categories and any? cells and length frozen-primary-cells > 0
  [ foreach frozen-primary-cells ;; set primary cells from frozen
       [ let nCat item 0 ? let cellN item 1 ?
         ask one-of cells with [ catN = nCat and nCell = cellN ] [ set color primary-cell-color ] ]
    ask cells with [ color = primary-cell-color ] ;; mark as rejected cells not selected on columns with primaries
       [ let thisCat catN
         ; remaining cells on selected cells' columns are rejected
         ask cells with [ catN = thisCat and color != primary-cell-color ] [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
    ask cells with [ color = solution-space-color ]
       [ let listElement list catN nCell
         ifelse member? listElement frozen-solution-cells
            [ set color and-color ] [ set color xor-color-this ]
    ask cells with [ color = secondary-cell-color ]
       [ let listElement list catN nCell
         if member? listElement frozen-solution-cells
            [ set color xor-color-frozen ]
  [ user-message "Nothing to compare with." ]

to recall
  ask cells [ set color secondary-cell-color ]
  foreach frozen-primary-cells
    [ ask cells with [ catN = item 0 ? and nCell = item 1 ? ] [ set color primary-cell-color] ]
  foreach frozen-solution-cells
    [ ask cells with [ catN = item 0 ? and nCell = item 1 ? ] [ set color solution-space-color] ]

to stats
  ifelse any? categories and any? cells
  [ let totCells count cells
    let L1 (word "\nCategories : " num_categories "\nCells : " totCells)
    let totScen reduce * [cellsHere] of categories
    set L1 (word L1 "\nTotal configurations : " totScen) 
    let catList remove-duplicates [catN] of categories
    let cellList map [ count cells with [ catN = ? and ( color != secondary-cell-color) ] ] catList 
    let solSpaceSize reduce * cellList 
    let L2 word "\nSelected configurations : " solSpaceSize
    set L1 word L1 L2
    let redFactor precision ( 100 * ( totScen - solSpaceSize ) / totScen) 2
    set L1 ( word L1 "\nReduction factor : " redFactor " %.\n--------------------" )
    let colorCells count cells with [ color = primary-cell-color]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nSelected Cells : " colorCells) ]
    set colorCells count cells with [ color = secondary-cell-color]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nInhibited Cells : " colorCells) ]
    set colorCells count cells with [ color = solution-space-color]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nSolution Space Cells : " colorCells) ]
    set colorCells count cells with [ color = and-color]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nAND Cells : " colorCells) ]
    set colorCells count cells with [ color = xor-color-this]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nXOR Cells from last : " colorCells) ]
    set colorCells count cells with [ color = xor-color-frozen]
    if colorCells > 0 [ set L1 ( word L1 "\nXOR Cells from frozen : " colorCells) ]
    user-message L1
  [ user-message "No model has been defined."

to show-density
  ask cells [ let myLinksQty count rejected-link-neighbors
              set color scale-color red myLinksQty 30 0 ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Carlos Roca.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated data Sample file #0 over 8 years ago, by Carlos Roca Download data Sample file #2 over 8 years ago, by Carlos Roca Download
MorphologicalAnalysis_Tool.png preview Preview for 'MorphologicalAnalysis_Tool' over 8 years ago, by Carlos Roca Download data Sample file #1 over 8 years ago, by Carlos Roca Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

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