Simple PathFinder
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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.1
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globals [vision-distance debug_patch destination] breed [firefighters] breed [pees] patches-own [peanuts fire-intensity] to find-fire let patch-in-fire nobody if any? patches in-radius vision-distance with [pcolor = red] [set patch-in-fire one-of patches in-radius vision-distance with [pcolor = red]] end to set-patch-on-fire let _patch selected-patch if _patch != nobody [ ask _patch [ set pcolor (hsb 4 255 250) set fire-intensity 25 ] ] end to-report selected-patch if mouse-down? [report patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] report nobody end to make-road colorize-patch white end to colorize-patch [_color] let _patch nobody if mouse-down? [ set _patch patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor if [pcolor] of _patch = black [ask _patch [set pcolor _color]] ] end to create-ff create-firefighters 1 [init-ff] end to init-ff set shape "van top" set size 1 set color red set heading 0 goto-road end to goto-road let road-patch one-of patches with [pcolor = white] setxy [pxcor] of road-patch [pycor] of road-patch end to-report is-road? [_patch] report [pcolor] of _patch = white end to turn ifelse random 100 > 95 [left 90] [right 90] end to drive let _patch min-one-of (neighbors4 with [pcolor = white]) [peanuts] drop-peanut move-to _patch end to drive-time every 0.4 [ask firefighters [drive]] end to drop-peanut ask patch-here [ set peanuts (peanuts + 1) ifelse peanuts = 1 [sprout-pees 1 [set shape "circle" set color 5 set size 0.5]] [ask pees-here [set color (hsb (peanuts * 10) 255 255)]] ] end to clear ask patches [set peanuts 0] clear-turtles if destination != nobody [ ask destination [set pcolor white] set destination nobody ] end to go every 0.4 [ if destination-set? [ ask firefighters [advance-to-destination destination] ] ] end to set-off if fire-intensity > 0 [ set fire-intensity (fire-intensity - 1) set pcolor hsb 4 255 (fire-intensity * 10) ] end to-report destination-set? report destination != nobody end to select-destination let target selected-patch if target != nobody and [pcolor] of target = white [ set destination target ask destination [set pcolor yellow] ] end to advance-to-destination [_destination] if _destination != nobody [ ifelse patch-here != _destination [ ifelse member? _destination neighbors4 [face _destination fd 1] [ let next_patch min-one-of (neighbors4 with [pcolor = white] with-min [peanuts]) [distance _destination] drop-peanut face next_patch fd 1 ] ] [ remove-destination remove-path ] ] end to remove-destination ask destination [ set pcolor white set peanuts 0 ] set destination nobody end to remove-path ask patches with [peanuts > 0] [ set pcolor white ask pees-here [die] set peanuts 0 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 9 years ago by Yassine Chaouche.
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